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University of Phoenix 1

Week 5: Walt Disney Motivational Profile

Walt Disney World Corporation
Mr. Gene Edwards
Week 5
Frederick R. Paige III
Erick Cover
Nekisha Crochrell

University of Phoenix 2
Walter Elias Disney, the founder of Walt Disney World Corporation was born on
December 5, 1901 and is recognized for his role as a producer, director, entrepreneur, entertainer
and philanthropist. Walter Disney had a vision for opening up a place for children to come and
see their favorite cartoon characters and have a good time; Walt Disney World. Walt Disney
World is the United States single-site largest employer with over 50,000 employees, 500 HR
Professionals, 1,500 current job descriptions and 32 unions. Disney can attribute its success and
wealth to the professionals they hire and the retention that they have by the employees. The
employee benefits, retention, rewards and incentives are just part of the Disney culture that
inspires people to work there. Disney values job enrichment, job satisfaction and employee
motivation to uphold the standards which it has set within the leading the United States within
the world.
Learning and Development
One way in which Disney empowers its employees is through the college and tuition
reimbursement program. Disney takes higher education seriously and wants employees to feel
empowered by accomplishments of furthering their education and goals. Advancing a career at
Disney is one way in which shows commitment and employees can achieve this by enrolling at
Disney University; which offers more than 225 classes on topics ranging from basic computer
skills to career management. Another program that Disney offers is the tuition reimbursement
program to assist qualifying employees in higher education. Qualifying employees can enroll in
any furthering education program that Disney favorably accepts that will enhance an employees
contribution to the company.
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Walt Disney handbook states. The Walt Disney Company offers an array of tools for
learning and development, including more than 10,000 online reference materials and resources,
instructor-led classes, performance support systems, and education reimbursement for job-related
degree programs. Our world-class training programs are customizable to each employee and
their goals. This incentive of motivating employees through education is a valuable tool in
todays economy. Many employers do not offer job incentives like this therefore; having this
option available to employees is an intrinsic and extrinsic benefit.
Wellness Benefits
Of course, Disneys marketing savvy, theme parks, movies, television networks, retail
stores and beloved cartoon characters help instill its organizational culture in future employees
even before they are old enough to wok. But despite its prominent place in the American
subconscious, Disney leaves nothing to chance when educating job applicants about who might
be satisfied as a case member. (Rubis, 2009) Disney does not just hire anyone who applies for
a job or career with the company. An extensive strategy is set in place by the Disney
organization to fulfill over 20,000 jobs annually. Thus, effective practices in hiring, training and
retention are key elements in having one of the most successful entertainment industry jobs.
Another inspiring benefit that Disney offers its employees are the health and wellness
programs. This program is not only for the employee but extends to spouse, children and even
same-sex domestic partners. Disney is committed to the total well being of its cast members
physically, emotionally and financially. The wellness program is offered to all case members
after the extensive employment process is completed. Because Disney does not want employees
to come to work with an illness, they offer incentive programs that earn cast members up to $300
or double that if their spouse participates. This incentive helps to offset their healthcare costs
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even further. Within the scope of wellness there is also a Personal Life Resource program that
imparts cast members with further services for themselves and their families. Some of these
services include childcare, parenting needs, adult care, aging services, financial concerns and
education. There is a toll free number or a 24-hour online resource that cast members can use to
get in touch with a specialist regarding almost any life-changing event.
Disneys approach to its cast members is unparalleled to any other entertainment industry
companies. The inspire cast members to have an intrinsic motivation about working for this
dynamic organization. Through the employee wellness incentive programs and college
reimbursement program, Disney instills worth and value into its cast members. The financial
rewards of the wellness program combined the tuition program helps cast members financially
further their education and stay healthy at the same time. Cast members recognize the value of
these important benefits and it shows through the reoccurring guests that frequent Disney parks.
Over 600 million guests have been to Walt Disney World since it opened in 1971 and Disney is
still one of the largest growing entertainment companies in the world.
Compensation Benefits
When thinking of Disney World, you think of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy,
Cinderella, and Snow White and the seven dwarfs too name a few. We also think of the theme
parks in Florida and California and what magical places they are. We also think of planning
vacations to these theme parks to create magical memories for our children. But one must ask
them self, exactly what is it like to work for Walt Disney World the company?
Not only is Walt Disney World one of the greatest places to work for in the world, their
employees love the benefits that Disney offers. The company offers and attractive benefits
package for its salaried and hourly employees and cast members. There are several benefits
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including in that package such as tuition reimbursement, onsite daycare, Disney scholarship
program, complimentary theme park tickets, free admission to film screenings, 401k plans, and
free admission to the theme park for three other guests.
Walt Disney is creating the magic for their cast members through their tuition
reimbursement program which offers financial benefits for qualified courses that are educational
and are closely related to the employees job duties. Employees may qualify for up to $700 per
credit unit, in addition $100 per course for the cost of materials. Disney has adapted an approach
that most companies place a cap on, educational costs. Disney wants to create a win-win
situation for themselves and their employees. They will pay for the employees educational costs
as long as the employee is willing to go to school.
Complimentary themes park tickets are offered to all employees. Full time hourly cast
members get main entrance blue passes which allows them access the theme park and also gives
them tickets for up to three guests 12 times per year. Salaried cast members receive silver passes,
which allows them to access the park 24 hours per day, 365 days out of the year. This pass also
allows this cast member to invite three guests to the park on an unlimited basis. They also
receive two more free passes for a guest in the summer, and two additional passes for a guest in
the winter.
Upon a cast members 15
year anniversary of working with the company, they are them
eligible for a silver pass instead of the blue pass given to all employees. As in the case of the
salaried cast member, this hourly employees service and dedication to the company has not only
given them an all access pass privilege to travel the park, it has also given them the ability to
pass those benefits down to three friends or family members of their choice.
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Disney also offers the Disney Scholarship program. This program allows children of
eligible employees and cast members to apply for a scholarship from the Walt Disney Company
Foundation. This allows a cast members child to tap into those same educational benefits that
Disney offers its employees. In addition, it gives the worker a sense of loyalty to a company that
is willing to put their child through school.
The YMCA offers on-site childcare for employees. Disney offers a subsidy to employees
who earn less than $11.00 per hour. In addition, this allows the employee to be timely in their
attendance, also they do not have to worry about picking their child up from another facility and
in case of an emergency, their child is onsite. These subsidies take the burden off low income
families who are having a hard time affording their normal cost of living expenses as well a child
care. Disney opened three new onsite childcare facilities to meet the growing demand of
employees who use this service.
Disneys mission is to provide quality entertainment for people around the world. For
many adults who have grown up watching Walt Disney movies such as Lady and the Tramp,
Dumbo, Bambi, Pinocchio, Peter Pan and Wendy, Mary Poppins and Sleeping Beauty to name a
few, have an opportunity to create memorable moments for children by acting out these
characters in costume when children visit the park. It also gives them the opportunity to find out
what goes on behind the scenes of the company.
Disney is also a part of the Local Teamsters 385 union. This is great benefit for new
employees who are eligible to sign up. Joining a union secures job protection, benefits and
wages. It also guarantees the employee an automatic 4% increase every October under the Union
contract. It also will guarantee that employees are treated fairly and are not terminated without
just cause. The union also ensures that there is an agreement between them and Disney to lock in
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benefits for each employee working Disney that is part of the union. A new hire does not have to
join the union, however most employees will advise that it is advantageous to do so.
Cultural Representative Program
Employees are made privy to the opportunity of moving to various positions, including:
attractions, food and beverage, guest relations, and merchandising. This allow for diversity in the
work place. Interestingly enough, due to the size of the company and the operating participants,
employees can cross train. This cross training is not only in positions but with different
companies and how they operate. This opportunity does have its disadvantages. The employee
will not have the same health benefits or main gate pass and holiday discounts.
Employees interested in participating in the Cultural Representative Program can perform
their roles in all locations in Disneys vast world showcase. The exact location for non-guest
relations positions varies according to the country, which the participant will represent.
Participants on the International College Program may apply for several positions, including, but
not limited to: attractions, characters, food and beverage, housekeeping, and lifeguarding.
("Disney Work Places", (YYYY)).
International College Program
The International College Program is designed for students who are currently enrolled in an
accredited college or university and are pursuing a three or four-year degree. Enrolled
individuals must be between academic years and as such, the program will run during the
participant's summer vacation. Participants on the International College Program are often
assigned to roles based on seasonal need. Participants are often rotated based on peak-time
operational need and may be cross-trained as such from position to position and park to park.
("Disney Work Places", (YYYY)).
University of Phoenix 8
Health and Productivity Management Programs
The concept was designed to provide an additional savings benefit to the contracted
employers of many Walt Disney Co. cast members. Known as the Right Fit occupational health
and safety program, this concept has proven to be a beneficial and cost effective program.
Through specific function-based testing, guidelines and procedures have been implemented to
reduce musculoskeletal injury. This program reduced claims for covered positions by 8%,
decreasing lost work days by 23%. The benefit to the employee is the rights to best in industry
healthcare coverage (Bruce Shutan. Employee Benefit News, May 2009, pp. 46-48).
By reducing the incident or the probability of occurrence rate have reduced the cost of rising
health insurance. Disney employees generally take home more of their earned income to furnish
a happier life style outside of the work place.
Prestige and Pride
Having the bragging rights to say you work or have worked for Disney is one of the best
advantages. Similar to having military training or experience I a specific field, Disney on your
resume is an advantage. If and when a cast member decides to move on to another career path,
corporations like Marriot, Ritz Carlton, and Hilton to name a few are eager to hire these well
trained individual. Disneys proven successful business model, internal practices and relationship
with consumers is practiced though out the hospitality industry, previous Disney employees first
opportunity to enter management development programs("Disney Employee Review", YYYY)..

University of Phoenix 9
Over 600 million guests have been to Walt Disney World since it opened in 1971. Disneys
mission is to provide quality entertainment for people around the world, to create memorable
moments for children. Disney has remained one of the largest growing entertainment companies
in history. As one of the largest employers in the world with over 50,000 employees, 500 HR
Professionals, 32 unions and 1,500 various current job titles to offer an employee.
Boosting attractive benefits package, complimentary themes park tickets are offered to all
employees. Weather they are a salaried or hourly cast members, Disney values job enrichment,
job satisfaction and employee motivation to uphold the standards. Cast members benefit from
Disneys business model which promotes the opportunity of moving to various positions. Cross
training not only in positions within Disney, but with different companies supporting the supply
chain. Advancing a career at Disney is one way in which shows commitment.
Employees achieve this by enrolling at Disney University; which offers more than 225
classes, tuition reimbursement learning and development customizable to each employee and
their goals. This incentive of motivating employees through education having this option
available to employees is an intrinsic and extrinsic benefit. We have shown how The Personal
Life Resource program imparts cast members with further services for themselves and their
families like on-site child care provided by the YMCA. Having explained how the Right Fit
occupational health and safety program reduced the cost of rising health insurance. These
programs are designed for the families of employees who are having a hard time affording their
normal living costs.

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Disney on your resume is a benefit and advantage. Opportunities after employment with
Disney are waiting. Thanks to Disneys proven successful business model, the opportunity enter
management development programs just about anywhere this industry is offered. Competing
companies in the hospitality and entertainment industry are eager to hire these well trained

University of Phoenix 11
Rubis, L. (1998, April). Show and Tell. HR Magazine, 45(5), 110.
Disney Work Places. ((YYYY)). Retrieved from
Bruce Shutan. Employee Benefit News. (May 2009). Health and Productivity Management
Programs . Retrieved from Bruce Shutan. Employee Benefit News, #0156458 website.
Disney Employee Review. (YYYY). Retrieved from

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