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Human Resource Management Office for LGUs approved

The House of Representatives on August 26 approved on second reading HB 4852 which

provides for the mandatory creation of a Human Resource Management ffice in the !oca!
government units"
#This wou!d ena$!e !oca! government units to ta%e charge of recruitment& career
deve!opment& rewards and incentives& performance management& discip!ine& emp!oyee re!ations
and the who!e gamut of Human Resource Management&' the authors stressed"
Rep" Andres (" )a!vacion& *r" +,
(istrict& -eyte. and Rep" Me! )enen )armiento +/
(istrict& )amar. are the principa! authors of HB 4852 which amends for the purpose )ections
44,& 454 and 46, of Repu$!ic Act 0/61 or the -oca! 2overnment 3ode of /44/"
-oca! 2overnment 3ommittee 3hairman 5edro B" Acharon& *r" +/
(istrict& )outh
3ota$ato.& together with the main authors& !ed the p!enary defense of the measure unti! its second
reading passage !ast Tuesday"
#6e must promote efficient and effective service to the pu$!ic through the hiring of
credi$!e emp!oyees and officia!s du!y screened $y the Human Resource Management ffice&' the
authors said"
However& the provision for the mandatory creation of the position of a Human Resource
Management fficer in 5rovincia!& 3ity and Municipa! governments $ut sha!! $e optiona! in
fourth to si7th c!ass municipa!ities"
8nder the House9approved measure& the 3ivi! )ervice 3ommission is empowered to
appoint the Human Resource Management fficer from a !ist of at !east three +,. ran%ing&
e!igi$!e persons recommended $y the governor or mayor& as the case may$e& su$:ect to the civi!
service !aw& ru!es and regu!ations" His or her appointment sha!! not $e su$:ect to concurrence $y
the )anggunian"
-i%ewise& the measure provides that the $udget for such office $e appropriated $y the !oca!
sanggunian on the year fo!!owing its enactment into !aw"
The Human Resource Management fficer +HRM. sha!! $e under the administrative
supervision of the governor or mayor& as the case may$e" He sha!! report on matters pertaining to
personne! management processes& which inc!ude recruitment and se!ection of personne!& career
deve!opment& performance management& we!fare& rewards and incentives for service e7ce!!ence&
ru!es and regu!ations on appointments and !eave $enefits"
Among other duties& the HRM is tas%ed to ensure that the 3ivi! )ervice -aw& and its
imp!ementing ru!es and regu!ations on personne! matters are proper!y e7ecuted& and esta$!ish
!in%ages;partnership with human resource organi<ation and other -28s" +,1. dpt
NR # 3582B
SEPT. 7, 2014

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