Theory: of Architecture

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Rary to sustain the lialf-kcystone and the two voussoirs N, O. Tlie two halves of the arches
united bore a wei^lit of 5 lbs. 2 oz. before the first voussoh-s gave way.
1380. To find tlie effect of each of these voussoirs when the arch is raised upon its piers,
let fall from the centres of gravity N, O, S of these voussoirs tlie perpendiculars N, Oo, Ss,
in order to obtain the arms of the levers of the powers P,
R, which keep them in their
places, tending at the same time to overturn upon the fulcrum T tlie pier which carries
the half arch, and we have their eflbrt

P X N + Q. X Oo + R X Ss.
The height of the pier being 195 lines, we have
Oo = 256-26
and Ss
= 260-50, whence we have
The effort P x Nre= 83-4
x 244-94, which gives 20427-996
Q,x Oy
= 273-3 x 256-26 70035-858
R x Ss
X 260-50 73434-950
Total effort in respect of the fulcrum, 163898-804
1381. The pier resists this effort, 1st, by its weight or area multiplied by the arm of the
lever determined by the distance Tm from the fulcrum T to the perpendicular let fall from
the centre of gravity G upon the base of the pier. 2d. By the weight of the half arch
multiplied by the arm of its lever VY detennined by the vertical LY let fall from tiie
centre of gravity L, and which becomes in respect of the common fulcrum T= T/or
V15 BY, in order to distinguish BY, which indicates the distance of tiie centre of gravity
of the half aicli (and wliich is supjjosed known because it may be found by tlie rules given
in 1275. et seq. ) from the width VB that the \nev ought to have to resist the effort. of
the half arch sought. In order to find it, let P, the eflbrt of the arch above found, be
Let the height of the pier a
The width souglit =.f
The weight of the half arch =b
The part BY of its arm of lever =c
1382. The area of the pier which represents its weight multiplied by the arm of thn
lever will be ax x
That of the half arch multiplied by its arm of lever will be
shown by VB + BY, where .r + c will be bx + hc, whence the equation P
-^ ji-Ix + lc,
ivliich we have to solve.
Now first we have
+ hx =

Multiplying all the terms by
1 o ,
2'<j: ip-ibc i
. , .
+ , an expression in whicli .r is raised to
to eliminate .r", we have
the second power; but as x* +
is not a perfect square, that is to say, it wants the
square of half the known quantity
- which multiplies the second term
by adding this
souare, which is
to each side of the equation, we have x^ -i-
= JLl
--{-^,, The
a a^ a a-
first member by this means having become a perfect square whose root is a + -, we shall
have X
+ k/
+ -, which becomes, by transferring - to the other side of the
a V a

eduation, x= ^/
, in which x being only in the first member of the e(ina-
tion, its value is determined from the known quantities on the other side. Substituting,
then, the values of the known quantities, we have
I6389S-804x2-2128x2xJ2J , 2m 2128_2I28
liin 195'
which gives j:=28j lines instead of 2 inches and 5 lines, which was assigned to the piers that
they might a little exceed equilibrium in their stability.
the above Method by another Method
estimating Friction,
1383. A proof of the truth of the hypothesis in the preceding
section is to be found in the method proposed by Bossut in his
Treatise on Mechanics.
Let the
voussoir N (/</. 568.) standing on an inclined
i WmIiBI'J,:
^ '/;..
: ,','K.
plane be
sustained by a power
acting horizontally. Froi.u the

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