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A semicircular arch whose extradjs is equally distant tlirouglioiit
from, or, in other words, concentric with, tlie intrados, when divided into
four etjual parts, will only stand when its (le])th is less than the eigh-
teenth part of its diameter, even supposing the abutments immoveable.
21. Whenever, in an arch of voussoirs of e(pial depth, a right line can
he drawn from its outer fulcrum to the centre of the extrados of the
572.), fracture does nt)t occur in the middle of the
haunches if the piers are of the same thickness as the lower part of the arch.
22. Arches whose thickness or depth diminishes as they rise to the
vertex have less thrust than those whose thickness is equal throughout.
23. Semicircular and segmental arclies whose extrados is an hori-
zontal line have less thrust than others.
24. As long as the piers in the models were too weak to resist the
thrust, it was jjossible to keep them in their jilaces by a weight equal to
double the difference between the thrust and resistance of one pier,
acting by a string susjiended passing through the joints in the middle of
the haunches, or by a weight equal to that difference placed above each
middle joint of the arches, as in
From tliese experiments and many others, a formula has been
deduced to determine the thickness of piers of cylindrical arches of
all species whose voussoirs are of equal dejjth, whatever their forms
and to this we shall now introduce the reader.
1391. Having described the mean circumference GaT
fiom the points
G and T draw the tangents to the curve ineeting in
the point F. From this point draw the secaHv FO
cutting it in the point K- This point is the place
of the greatest ettort, and of the consequent failure,
if the tliickness of the piers is too weak to resist the
1392. Tlirough the point K, between the parallels
TF and GO, draw the horizontal line IKL, which
will represent the sum of the horizontal forces as
will the vertical TF express the vertical forces
the mean circumference GKT will express the com-
pound forces.
J 393. The arches having an equal thickness
throughout, the part I K of the horizontal line
multiplied by the thickness of the arch will ex-
press the horizontal effect of the lower part of either
arch, and KL multiplied by the same thickness will
express that of the upper part. These two forces
acting in opposite directions will partly destroy each
other; thus transferring IK from K to m, the difference mL multiplied by the thickness
of the vault will be the expression of the thrust. This force acting at the point K in the
horizontal direction KH, the arm of the lever is determined by the perpendicular PH raised
from the fulcrum P of the lever to the direction of the thrust, so that its effort will be ex-
pressed by iL X AB X PH.
This will be resisted

1. By its weight represented by the surfiice EP x PR multiplied by the arm of the lever
PS, determined by a vertical let fall from the centre of gravity
which gives for the
resistance of the pier the expression EP x PR x PS.
2. By the sum ofthe vertical efforts ofthe upper part of each arch, represented by INIK x AB
acting at the point K, the arm of their lever in resjiect of tiie fulcrum P of the pier being K H.
3. By the sum ofthe vertical efforts of the lower part represented by IT multiplied by
AB acting on the point T has for the arm of its lever TE. Hence, if e(iuilibrium exist.
(See l:)'J^^, et seq.)
PE X PR X PS4- MK x AB x KH +
IT ;
But as in this equation neither PR
BE) nor PS nor KH noi TE is known, we must
res(jrt to an algel)raic equation for greater convenience, in which
The effect ofthe thrust in the expression mL x AB =;3
Tlic height of the pier Pf^
. . -
. . . . =d
- - - - - - =.,itd

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