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This table shows that, in practice, for surmounted arclies, the limit
.?= \^^lp, or the thick-
ness obtained for the construction by graiibical means is more than sufficient, since it gives
results greater than tliose that the experiments require, excepting only in the cassinoid
even in the case of tliat curve the graphical construction comes nearer to experiment than
the result of the first formula.
1 405. It '3 moreover to be observed, that the pointed is the most advantageous form for
surmounted arclies composed of arcs of circles. We have liad occasion to speak, in our First
15ook, of the boldness and elegance exhibited in this species of arches by the architects of
the twelfth and thirteenth centuries; we shall merely add in this place that where roofs arc
recjuired to be fire-proof, tliere is no form so advantageously capable of adoption as the
pointed arch, nor one in which solidity and economy are so mueli united.
1 406. Next to the pointed arch for such pur])ose comes the catenary (the graphical
method of describing which will be found under its head, in the Glossary at the end of the
work), and this is more especially useful when we consider that the voussoirs may all be of
equal thickness.
the Method to surhased Arclies, or those whose Rise is less than the 11
1407. For the purpose of arriving at just conclusions relative to surbased arches, three
models were made of the same thicknesses and diameters, witli a rise of 35 lines, and in
form elliiitical, cassinoidal, and cycloidal. We however do not think
it necessary, from the similarity of application of the rules, to, give
more than one examjile, which is that of a semi-ellipse
{Jig. 577.),
in which, as before, the formula is
.= ^/
2j) +
2/7rf- 2mc i^ I)
The lines described in the foregoing examples being drawn, we have
IT, represented by d in the formula,
MK -
nilj X AB representing the thrust (37 x
the value of/)
. . - .
TI, represented by d, being
24-84, we have '2pd
7H, v.'hich is KM x AB, will be 14-66 x 9,
which gives
c, representing iK, being 8-5, 2mc
I), which expresses the sum of the vertical efforts m + i(39-5 x
o, being always 120,
- z=
T *i
Substituting these values in the formula, we have
.r= \/666
g -76 -
2-96 = 25 -22
lines, or a little less than
1 408. In the model it was found that a thickness of 26 lines was necessary for the pier,
and the lower voussoirs were connected with it by a cementing medium. Without which
precaution the thickness of a pier required was little more than one tenth of the o])ening.
Taking the square root of double the thrust, that is, of 666, we have 25-81, about the same
dimension that the graphical construction gives. The experiments, as well as the applica-
tion of the rules, require the following remarks for the use of the practical architect.
1409. I. The cassinoid, of the three curves just mentioned, is that which includes the
greatest area, but it causes the greatest thrust. When the distance between the intrados
and tlie cxtrados is equal in all parts, it will only stand, supjiosing the piers immoveable, as
long as its thickness is less than one ninth part of the opening
1410. II. The cycloid, wliich includes the smallest area, exerts the least thrust, but it
can be usefully employed only when the proportion of the width to the height is as 22 to
7 in surbased arches, and in surmounted arches as 14 to 11. The smallest thickness with
which these arches can be executed, so as to be capable of standing of themselves, is a little
more than one eighteenth of the opening, as in the case of semicircular arches.
141 1. III. The ellipsis, whose curvature is a mean between the first and second, serves
equally well for all conditions of height, though it exerts more thrust than the last-men-
tioned and less than the cassinoid.
1412. It is here necessary to remark, that too thin an arch, whose voussoirs are cqtial in
depth, may fall, even supposing the abutments immoveable, and especially when surbased;

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