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Book 11.
Takiin^ the square root of double the thrust, we sliould have for the larger pier 23-44
aiul for the smaller one 19 lines. In the geonietrieal operation, for tlie larger pier make
]5 eijiial to /(K and B e(]nal to '2AR
then upon un as a diameter deseribe a semicircle
cutting the iiorizontal line 15 A produced in
BE will be the thickness of the pier, and
will be found to be
lines. For the smaller pier make B'u' equal to q't and H'n equal
to 2A'B. Then the semicircumference described upon un as a diameter will give 19 lines
for the thickness.
By the experiments on the model 22 lines was found to be the thickness necessary
for the larger pier, and 18 lines for the smaller oi.e.
Arcli with a level Extiddos.
1417. The model of arch /?</ 5 7 9. is of the same opening as the last,
hut with a level extrados, serving as the floor of an iqijier story, 'i he
thickness of the keystone is 9 lines. To find the place of fracture or
of the greatest effort; having raised from the point B the vertical BF
till it meets the line of the extrados, draw the secant FO cutting
the interior circumference at the point K, and through this [loiiit
draw the horizontal IKL and the vertical II KM
The part CDKF will be that which causes the thrust, and its effort
is represented by
KL, which will be found
- - - = 35 '14
= IK, which is c i)i the formula, will l)e - = 18-8C
The arch or circumference KD of
- = 38-28
The arch KB
- - -
- = 46-57
The arch DKB
- - - - = 84-85
KH, represented by rf,
- - - = 2
The vertical UKM -
- - - = 63
The height of the pier, represented by a in the formula, = 183
Fir. 579.
The area of the upper voussoir FKCD = 667-44
but as the load of the haunches is borne
by the inferior voussoir, we must subtract the triangle FKH = -p--
=207-46. The
remainder 459*98 multiplied by KL and divided by the arc KD, that is.
422-24, represents the effort of the upper part
which becomes
263-67. The difference of the two efforts
formula, and we have

31 7
1419. The piers being supposed to be continued up to the line EC of the extrados will be
greater than the arm of the lever of the thrust which acts at the point K. Thus the ex-
pression of the arm of the lever, instead of being a + </, as in the preceding examples, will be
a t/, and the sign of

must be changed. In numbers, '-T-r?-^

therefore, in the
formula, + '^ becomes
1420. In the preceding xam])les, 27nc, which represented double the vertical effort of the
superior voussoir multiplied by the arm of its lever, becomes nothing, because it is comprised
in the addition made to the lower voussoir ; so ihat the formula now is
. /n
+ --.
a u- a
b, then, which always expresses the vertical effort of the half arch, is therefore
xIK . G51-07 xls-85
! '
46.57 '
will express the thrust or
of the
1111-05x63, \ c

= 824-94; and for- we have -,0., =4-5, and

Substituting these values in the last formula, we shall have
x= A./319-14
20-25-4-5 = 12-88
Experiment gives 1 4 lines as the least thickness that can be relied on.
To find the thickness by the geometrical method, make Km equal to IK and B/( equal to
wiL, Bk to double CD, and upon n/i as a diameter describe the semicircumference cutting
the horizontal line OB produced in A : then BA =
17^ lines is the thickness sought.
1421. Rondelet proves the preceding results by using the centres of gravity, and makes
the result of the operation 12-74 instead of 12-J^O, as first foimd. But the clifhcnlty
of finding the centres of gravity of the different parts is troublesome; and with such a
concurrence of results we do not think it necessary to enter into the detail of the opeia-

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