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A different Application
the precedinn Example.
1122. The model {jfif). 580.) is an arch snnilar to that of the jire-
ceding example, having a story above it formed by two walls,
whose height is 100, and the whole covered by a timber roof.
Tile object of the investigation is to ascertain what change may
be made in the thickness of the piers which are strengthened in
their resistance by the additional weight upon them.
1423. The simplest method of proceeding is to consider the upper
walls as prolongations of the yjicrs.
1424. In the model the walls were made of plaster, and their
weight was thus reduced to
of what they would have been if of
the stone used for the models hitherto described. The roof weighed
12 ounces. We shall therefore have that 100, which in stone would
have represented the weight of the walls, from the dilFerence in
weight of the jjlaster, reduced to 75. In respect of the roof, which
weighed 12 ounces, having found by experiment that it was equal
to an area of 576 lines of the stone, both being reduced to equal
thicknesses, we have 12 ounces, equal to an area of l;3-82 whose half
6 91 must be added to that of the vertical efforts represented by b in
and -rr. Changing these terms into
and -^6, the formula becomes
The height of the piers or a in the formiila= 18:3 + 75
= 258.
/( does not change its value, therefore 2jo (as in the preceding
example) = 265
d, the difference between the height of the pier and the arm of the
lever, wi 11 = 7:
9pd _5nx85x75
/(, becomes 750-69 + 691
= 1441-69.
Substituting these values in the formula, we shall have
x= a/265-86-77-28 +31 -22-5-58 = 9 15.
In the model a thickness of 1 1 lines was found sufficient to resist the thrust, and taking
the root of double the thrust the result is 1 3 lines.
1425. By the geometrical method, given in the last, taking from the result 17^ lines,
there found, the value of
tliat is, 5 -58, the remainder 1
lines is the thickness sought.
1426. It maybe here observed, that in carrying up the
walls above, if they are set back from the vertical B F
in fif, the model required their thickness to be only 6
lines, because this species of false bearing, if indeed it
can be so called, increases the resistance of the piers.
This was a practice constantly resorted to in Gothic
architecture, as well as that of springing pointed arches
from cori)els, for the purpose of avoiding extra thickness
in the walls or piers.
Anoi ")'
of the Piincip'es to a differently
cunstnwted Arch.
1427. The model (^i;. 581.) represents an arrh of 1
voussoirs whereof 10 are with crossettes or elbows, whinh
give them a bearing on the adjoining horizontal courss's
tlie eleventh being the keystone. The opening is 9 inches
or 108 lines, as in the preceding examjjles.
1428. Having drawn the lines BF, FC, the secant FO,
and the horizontal line IKL, independent of the five
courses above the line FC of the extrados, we have

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