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that takes |)Iace at the haunches, like a hoop loaded when its ends are fixed. The most
advantajreous position for a chain to oppose the effort of an arch is to let it pass through the
point K wht^re the efforts meet. PC is the tangent before failure, and O the centre; R
being the inner point of the pier.

No ;

No. i n
OF cor.irou.ND vaulting.
i 443. M. Frez;ier, in speaking of the thrust of this sort of arches, proposes, in order to find
tlie thickness of the piers which will su|)port them, to find by the ordinary manner the
thickness suitable to each part of the cylin-
drical arch BN, BK (No. S.
584.) by
which the groin is formed, making BE the
thickness suitable to tlie arch BN, and BF
that which the arch BK requires
the pier
B EH F would thus be able to resist the
thrust of the quarter arch OKBN. Ac-
cording to this method we should find the
bay ofa groined arch 9 inches opening would
not require piers more than 21 lines square
and 1 20 lines high
but experience proves
that a similar arch will scarcely stand with
piers 44 lines square, the area of whose bases
are four times greater than that proposed by
M. Frezier.
groined Vaulting.
1444. The model in this case see the
last figure) is 9 inches in the opening, vous-
soirs etjually thick, being 9 lines, standing
upon four piers 10 inches or 120 lines
1445. The groin is formed by two cy-
Fi^. 5S4.
lindrical arelies of the same diameter crossing
at right angles, as represented in No. 3. of the
figure. The four portions of the vault being similar, the calculation for one pier will
be sufficient.
1446. On the profile No. 1. of the figure describe the mean circumference TKG, draw the
tangents FT and FG, and the secant FOand the horizontal line IKL. Draw the vertical
B(, and NG and KI on the plan (No. 3.) equal to KL
1447. In the foregoing examples for arches and cylindrical vaulting there has been no
necessity to consider more than the surface of the profiles, which are constantly the same
tliroughout their length
but the species of vault of which we are now treating being
composed of triangular gores whose profile changes at every point, we shall be obliged to
use the cubes instead of the areas of square.s, and to substitute surfaces for lines. Thus in
viewing the triangular i)art KBO, the sum of the horizontal efforts of the upper part of
this portion of the vault, represented in the profile by KL, will be represented in plan by
the trapezium KILO.
1448. The sum of those of the lower part /K in tlie profile is represented in plan by
BIL. The thrust is expressed by the difference of the area of the trapezium and of the
triangle multiplied by the thickness of the vault; thus, KB and KO of the jilan being 54,
the superficies of the triang-lt BK O will be 54 x 27
the part BK of the plan being
ecjual to IL, and Bt to iK. of the profile =12^, the area of the triangle BIL, indicating the
sum of the horizontal efforts of the upper part, will be 12-'^ x 6-pj
1449. We obtain the area of the trapezium KILO by subtracting that of the small
triangle BIL from the greater triangle BKO, that is,
from 1458
the remainder
1 378-j'^
gives the horizontal effort of the upper part
lastly, subtracting
the remainder 129H-^ will be the ex])ression of the thrust whose value is found by multi-
plying 1298-^ by 9
= 116833, which is tUe
of the formula.
/T Ipd-iiiic W b
Letting a always stand for the height, and d for TI of the profile, the arm of tlie lever of
the thrust will, as before, be a + d, and its algebraic ex])ression hi pa + pd.
1 450. The pier resists this effort by its cube multiplied by the arm of its lever. If the lines
K 15 and OB of the triangle BKO, (which represents the prrjcction ofthat ])art of the vault for
which we are calculating) be produced, it will be seen that the base of the i)ier to resist the
thrust will be represented by the opposite triangle BII F,
which is rectangular and isosceles
tfierefore, letting x represent its side B F, the area of the triangle will be expressed b^

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