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oilier return arches, wh'u'ti may bear a floor above with a siippoit, uijon
wliich a passage
round the building may be made, and this may be concealed by an attic order outside
14C1. In the second case, the base of a pier must l)e foimd capable of resisting the effort
of the great middle vault of the nave, by taking as the height of its pier tiie distance from
its springing from the up])er side of the side vaults No. 2., and laying the half of this height
fniui B to H on the plan No. 3. Tlien having divided IH into twelve equal part-, make
I A equal to cne ot tliem and AF equal to two. The rectangle made upon the diagonal
FI shows the area of the interior pier, to which are to be added, to the right and left, pro-
jections to receive the aiches of the sides. The length FD is to be divided into six equal
jiarts, whereof two are for tlie projection of the pilaster or interior half column, upon which
the entablature is profiled, three for the thickness of the wall, and one for the pilaster on
the side aisles, whose prolongation will form a coimterfort above the lower sides.
14G'2. For the external pier B, as before, one half the height to the springing must be
transferred from EG, and -j'^ of BG from B to L ; lastly,
from B to K : the rectangle
formed upon the diagonal KL is equal to the area of tiie pier. We must add, as for thai
in front, the projections to receive the arclies or windows, as shown in No. 2.
1-163. As long as the intervals between the piers are filled in with a wall, if that be
placed flush with the outside, the piers will form pilasters inwards (see
Jig. 585.),
as ihef,
whose projection c/ is equal to one half of the face lie; this wall ought to have a thickness
equal to he; but if it is brought to the inner line of the face of the piers they need be
only two thirds of the thickness; so that the piers will form counterforts on the exterior.
In conclusion, knowing the etfort of the thrust, the calculations will not be attended witii
tlifficidty in providing against it by adequate means of resistance.
1464. The model
587. Nos. 1. and 2.) is
square on the plan, each of its sides is 9 inches in-
fernal measure, enclosed by a wall 10 inches high ;o
the springing of the vault. The vault is semicircidar
in form, the voussoirs throughout 9 lines thick, and
it is composed of seventeen parts above the line of
greatest effbrt (see 1391.),
as shown in Nos. 1. and
2. in the plan and section. On one of the sides of the
tir-t is supposed to be traced the mean circuinference
TKG, the tangents FT, FG, the secant FO, the
horizontal line IKL, and the verticals B/ and INIK.
We may now therefore consider this vault as four
triangular pieces of cylindrical arches, each resting
throughout the length of their base on one of the
ualls which forms the sides of the square. As the
|iortions of arches or vaults are equal, it is only
necessary to take one of them for an example.
1465. In the last example, cubes are taken in-
stead of the surfaces, and surfaces instead of lines.
Thus expressing the length of the wall by/, its height
by a, and its thickness by x ; the arm of the lever
being always-, its resistance is expressed by
INIaking the thrust
, . . .
= KL=^KV
. . - -
- -
- -
The sum of the vertical efforts of the upper part
U'hat of the lower parts
- . - .
The part IK of the horizontal Tnu' .
- -
=half the thickness of the arch -
- -
Thii arm of the lever will he
- - - -
The equation is pn + j)d=
_ -V
(m + v)x ne + mc
and making in +
a + a
+ hx
= pi +
pn + lie

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