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ri_ /'-P
imt-^inelmc b'^ b
W hc.ncc v=^^j^ -^
14C6. If, however, we sujipose the effort to take place at the point B, a supposition
.'litherto matle in tlie formula;, we have e = f), and the value of x becomes
I 4fi7. Tlie horizontal effort of the upper part, represented by the line KL, will be expressed
by the triangle eErf of the plan
; that of the lower part i'K in the section will be expressed
by tlie trapezium eBCd on the plan.
1468. The plan of the vault being square, the base ed will be double E^ = KL of the
and the area of the triangle eE'/ ecjual to the square of KL=
41-^ x 41^
1469. Ea of the plan being equal to the square of 54 less the square of 41 *-,,
is, 12062, the superior effort being 1710| their difference is 504, which being multiplied b-"'
the thickness of the vault, or 9, is 4536 for the expression of the thrust represented by v in
the formula, and for that of
2jo =9072 and 7=84,
rZ, which represents TI, being 41
2/)?/= 3751 92.
1470. To obtain the vertical effort of the upper part of the arch represented bv !, its
cube must be multiplied by KM, and the product divided by the arc KG.
1471. The cube of this part is equal to the curved surface passing through the middle of
its thickness multiplied by the thickness. The mean area is equal to the product of the
length Jiq taken on the plan multiplied by KRI.
iiq being 117, and KM
the product expressing such mean area is 2005S, which
multiplied by 9 makes the cube 18051|. This cube again multiplied by KM= 17i, and
divided by the length of arc KG =
46, gives 6727 for the value of m, and for 2m 13454;
f being 12^^, 2wc = 1 701C^0|.
h. representing the vertical efibrt of the half vault, will be expressed by the cube multiplied
by Bf=5i^h, and divided by the mean circumference TKG = 92.
1472. To obtain the cube, the mean superficies, that is, 7iq x B/ or 117 x
is to be
multiplied by the thickness AB = 9, which gives 68441 y 9 =61600i.
This cube multiplied by
B/=58i and divided by the mean circumference
r--.92, that is,
x ^y2' = 39169-88, for the value of b, and for that of
and =9-12. Substituting these values in the formula,
Hence x= y84 + r5-82+
9-12-3-02 = 7-41
that is, a little less than 71 lines for the thickness of the walls, which is less than that of the
vault; and shows that by giving the walls the same thickness as the vault, all the requisite
solidity will be obtained. This is proved by experiments, for in the model the vault was
borne etjually well on walls of 9 lines in thickness divided into 8 parts, as upon 1 2 Doric
columns whose diameter was 9 lines, four being placed at the angles and eight others under
the lower part of the vault.
1473. To find the thickness of these walls by the geometrical method: Take the
difference between the area of the triangle BEC and that of the triangle E/, which
divide by the length BC.
Thus, the area of the greater triangle being "2-^ =2916; that of the smaller one,
" = 1710-4
their difference, 1205-6 divided by 108 =11-16, which transfer to the
profile from B to h, and make Bn eejual to the thickness of the vault. Upon /, as a
diameter, describe a semicircle, which at its intersection with the horizontal line BE will
di'termine the thickness of the vault, and be foimd to be 10 lines.
1474. The small thrust of this species of vaulting occurs on account of the upper part,
which causes it, diminlsiiing in volume in proportion as the horizontal effort becomes more
considerable, and because the triangular form of its parts and their position the
advantage of having tne larger sides for bases ; whilst, in groined vaulting, the triangular
parts resting only on an angle, the weight increases as tht horizontal eflbrts.
1 475. Moreover, as the return sides mutually sustain each other, a half vault, or even a
juarter vault, on a s(juarc base, would stand if the walls were 10 lines thick, proving that

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