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seeing that BD= \/ AB^+ AD'; knowing the
value of BD, we have that of c.-\ hy the pro-
ponion BD : AD::B6 : cA =
First Example.
1544. Supposing tlie widtli AD= 24ft.,and
the heiglit A 15 = 32, we shiiU have
^/AB'+ AD = ^24 X24 + 32 x 32 ; whence
BD= a/576 + 10'.J4=A/1600 = 40ft.
Bl), which is the twelfth part of A B, or of
32 ft. = 2 ft. 8 in. ;
the thickness of the wall
expressed by


, will be
= 13 ft., or
1 ft. 7 in. 2 lines, for the thickness sought.
1545. If the walls supporting the roi)f were
stiffened hy extra means, such as lower roofs at
an intermediate height, as in churches with a
nave and side aisles, we may make Be in the
diagonal B 1)
605.) equal to one twelfth
of the iieiglit above the springing of the side
roofs, and efa
twenty-fourth i)art of thnt height
below it, and draw througli the point
a line
parallel to AB, which will determine tlie thickness A/' sought; or, which amounts to the
same thing, add together the total height AB of the interior, and that of E B above the
point of support, E, whereof take the twenty-fourth part, which will be equal to Be +
Second Example.
1546. Fig. 605. is a section of St. Paolo fnori le mura, near Rome, as it was in 1816.
I : ____d
The interior height to the under side of the tie-beams is 93 ft. 10 in. (French), whereof
26 ft. 2 in. is the exterior height above the roofs of the side aisles. These two dimensions
together make 120 ft., whose twenty-fourth part is 5 ft., to which, on the diagonal BD
make B/' equal; then from the point
letting fall a vertical line, the horizontal line Be
will determine the thickness, which will be 3 ft., the width of the nave being 73 ft. 6 in.
In figures, as follows :

BD= V93ft. loin, x 93 ft. 10 in. +73 ft. 6 in. x 73 ft. 6 in. =
-y/l 4207 = 1 1 9 ft. 2 in.
1547. For the thickness, eB, as before, BD : AD::B/: A/'; whence, A/' = ^'^^"-'
=3 ft. 1 in., instead of 2 ft. 11 in. 9 lines, the actual thickness of the walls.
119 ft. 2 in.
1,54 S. The same calculation being applied to the walls of the nave of Santa Sablna
D D 2

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