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Teacher Candidate _____________________ Date__________________________

School _______________________________ Grade/Subject __________________
Lesson Topic __________________________ Software and Scenario______________________
o Students will draw from informational text about Neil Armstron to answer !uestions"
o Students will #now facts about Neil Armstron and his life"
o Students will show comprehension of a text"
o SS!"!#!C1!$ % $xplore the impact historical fiures ha%e had upon our societ&"
o NSS'(S)"*'+"+ T)$ ),ST-./ -0 1$-1L$S -0 2AN/ C(LT(.$S A.-(ND T)$ 3-.LD ' See more
at4 http4//www"educationworld"com/standards/national/soc_sci/us_histor&/#_+"shtml5sthash"hN67s8u9"dpuf
-%erall Time ' :; minute lesson
Time 0rame < =; min introduction
9; min bod&/formati%e assessment
>; min closure/summati%e assessment
Dianostic assessment of Neil Armstron? ,ntroduction? 1ower1oint? readin acti%it&? roup formati%e assessment?
summati%e assessment"
@isual learners will benefit from the Neil Armstron 1ower1oint" Auditor& learners will also benefit b& listenin to the
instructor lecture about the life of Neil Armstron" Students with readin difficulties will reatl& benefit from the roup
readin acti%it&" ,f one student strules with readin? other students will also be readin aloud and the& can listen and
learn what the article has to sa&" *inesthetic learners will benefit from the bioraph& box because it is hands on and the&
will pic# their own + facts to put in the box"
I't()d*+t,)'/ Le)' Set
o Durin the introduction? as# students if the& ha%e e%er heard of Neil Armstron or astronauts oin up to the
moon" Let this ser%e as a dianostic assessment"
o Ta#e note of what the children sa& and let the class ta#e part and o with their own open discussion" -nce a
student starts discussin correct facts about Armstron? inter%ene and start discussion of Neil Armstron"
o ,f students arenAt ettin close to who Neil Armstron is or what he did? ta#e note as part of the dianostic
assessment and mo%e onto the
B)d- . T(a',t,)'
o Start the Neil Armstron 1ower1oint and present it to the classroom"
o 2a#e sure to ta#e extra time while oin throuh the 1ower1oint? elaboratin on different facts about Armstron
and his fliht to the moon"
o ,f students are confused? o throuh 1ower1oint a second time as needed"
o Next? split the students up into two roups of 6 and two roups of : for formati%e assessment"
o $%er&one ets a Neil Armstron wor#sheet and paper" The roup will wor# toether and read the informati%e
paper of Neil Armstron and then toether as a roup the& will all fill out their comprehension wor#sheet"
o Collect all wor#sheets and allow them to #eep the Neil Armstron ,nformati%e paper"
o Tell students to return bac# to their seats and clear their des# of e%er&thin besides a pencil and the informati%e
paper of Neil Armstron the& just wor#ed with"
$D( 9;;';= Sprin >;=9
o $xplain to students that the& are oin to ma#e a bioraph& box"
o 1ass out blan# piece of paper and Neil Armstron photo"
o Gi%e instructions to the students of how to fold computer paper into a perfect s!uare" Do the steps with the
students one at a time so that the& donAt et confused"
o Show students a completed %ersion of the bioeoraph& box and explain to them that the& will list four facts
about Neil Armstron inside of the box" Students can refer bac# to the informational paper if the& need" After the
students finish their + facts? the students can color the outside of their box with stars and thins that represent
o 0or dianostic assessment? , will start out b& as#in students if the& ha%e e%er heard of Neil Armstron or
an&one oin into space and to the moon" Allow the students to answer one at a time? but let them con%erse
amon one another? buildin on each otherAs comments" -pen the floor to and open discussion about the topic"
Ta#e note of what the students #now about Neil Armstron and how much the& can tell &ou" Let these
obser%ations ser%e as a startin point of how to introduce Neil Armstron"
o 0ormati%e assessment will ta#e place after the 1ower1oint of Neil Armstron" Students will be split up into two
roups of 6 and two roups of :" Students will be i%en two sheets of paper? an informati%e readin about Neil
Armstron and his life and a comprehension wor#sheet that oes alon with it" )a%e students read in a roup
toether the informational text" Then as a roup the& can answer the !uestions and then turn them into me" $ach
student will et both sheets of paper"
o 0or m& summati%e assessment? students will o bac# to their seats and clear their des#s of e%er&thin except a
pencil and the informational wor#sheet of Neil Armstron" Students will be ma#in a bioraph& box made out of
computer paper" After all material is passed out? , will teach the students step b& step how to cut the computer
paper into the riht dimensions for the s!uare" After the& cut out the s!uare? , will explain to the students to fold
each corner into the center of the s!uare" After the students ha%e the box made? , will explain that the picture of
Neil Armstron oes in the center of the s!uare and under each flap? students will write one fact about Neil
Armstron under each of the flaps Bthere will be + facts all toetherC" After students are done writin down their
facts? students ma& color the outside of the box in an astronaut and outer space theme"
o SmartDoard
o Neil Armstron 1ower1oint
o Neil Armstron informational sheet
o Neil Armstron comprehension wor#sheet
o Computer paper
o 1icture of Neil Armstron"
o Computer
o Thumb dri%e
o Scissors
o Glue
o 1rint outs of the boo# E3ho 3as Neil ArmstronFG
o Doo# E3ho was Neil ArmstronFG
I5 St*de't F,',6e Ea(/-
o ,f student finishes earl&? the& ma& color the bac# of their bioraph& boxes" ,f students finish earl& with that"
Students ma& read printouts with a partner"
I5 Le)' F,',6e Ea(/-
$D( 9;;';= Sprin >;=9
o ,f lesson finishes earl&? students ma& share their different facts with the whole classroom" 3e will ma#e a chart
on the board of which facts were written down the most out of all of the bioraph& boxes" ,f there is enouh time
after that? , will read excerpts from the boo# E3ho 3as Neil ArmstronFG"
I5 Te+6')/)0- Fa,//N)t A++e,7/e
o ,f technolo& fails? , will ha%e a print out of the 1ower1oint and will ha%e a discussion with students about who
Neil Armstron was without the technolo&"
o , thin# the students reall& enjo&ed doin the bioraph& box" This a%e them the freedom to recall an&thin
information the& remembered me spea#in about Neil Armstron" ,f , could do this lesson differentl&? , would
ha%e read aloud a picture boo# about Neil Armstron so that students could see the pictures of the stor&" , would
ha%e also went o%er the comprehension !uestions after the students did the wor#sheet so that the students #new
what the riht answer to the !uestions were if the& missed one"
Data Baed De+,,)' Ma9,'0 (I5 Needed)
o 3hile i%in m& summati%e assessment b& ha%in the students create a bioraph& box about Neil Armstron? ,
found that most students understood the concept , was teachin to them" Accordin to m& rubric? most students
scored a + on their bioraph& box" -ther students who were losin points recei%ed onl& a 9" Accordin to m&
radin and m& rubrics? m& students cauht on well to the assinment , tauht" The few students that recei%ed
9As on their wor# either didnAt finish or a%e me two of the same answers" -ne wa& , could impro%e m&
assessments is to i%e students more time" -ne student struled with e%en understandin the concept of writin
down facts" 0or him , would ta#e him aside and orall& assess him or , would wor# with him one on one with the
$D( 9;;';= Sprin >;=9
Neil Armstrong was born on August 5th, 1930 in Ohio. Armstrong
developed an interest in flying at an early age. is love of airplanes
grew when he went for his first plane ride in a !ord "ri#$otor, a %"in
&oose,% at the age of '. !rom then on, he was fas(inated by aviation.
)n 19*+, Armstrong entered ,urdue -niversity. e began studies in
aeronauti(al engineering. .ut in 19*9, the -nited /tates Navy (alled
him to a(tive duty. Armstrong be(ame a Navy pilot and was sent to
0orea in 1950, near the start of the 0orean 1ar. )n 0orea, he flew +2
(ombat missions in Navy ,anther 3ets. )n 1954, Armstrong returned to
,urdue. e earned a ba(helor5s degree in aeronauti(al engineering
there in 1955.

Armstrong was a (ivilian test pilot assigned to test the 6#15 ro(7et
airplane before be(oming an astronaut in 19'4. e made his first spa(e
flight in 19'' on &emini 2 with 8avid 9. /(ott. On :uly 40, 19'9
Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. Along with .u;;
Aldrin, he landed the Apollo 11 lunar module Eagle on the moon. -pon
ta7ing his first steps he said, <"hat=s one small step for a man, one giant
leap for man7ind.> Armstrong is most famous for being the first person
to wal7 on the moon.

Neil Ar mstr ong
Armstrong resigned from the -nited /tates
astronaut program in 19+0. After his (areer as an
astronaut, he be(ame a professor of aerospa(e
engineering at the -niversity of ?in(innati and
served as (hairman of the board of ?omputing
"e(hnologies for Aviation, a (ompany that
develops software for flight s(heduling.
Armstrong died on August 45, 4014.
$D( 9;;';= Sprin >;=9
$D( 9;;';= Sprin >;=9

Making A Poster : Biography Box
Teacher Name4 Me0a' S+6))/+(a5t
Student Name4 ________________________________________
CAT$G-./ + 9 > =
Structure Student attempts to list
+ facts the& can recall
about Neil Armstron"
Student attempts to list
9 facts the& can recall
about Neil Armstron"
Student attempts to list
> facts the& can recall
about Neil Armstron"
Student attempts to list
= or ; facts the& can
recall about Neil
Comprehension Student accuratel& lists
+ facts about Neil
Student accuratel& lists
9 facts about Neil
Student accuratel& lists
> facts about Neil
Student accuratel& lists
= or ; facts about Neil
$D( 9;;';= Sprin >;=9

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