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2012 9 PMP 200

1 A manufacturing ptoject has a schedule performance index (SPI) of 0.89 and a cost
performance index (PI) of 0.91!enerall"#hat is the $%S& explanation for #h" this
A) &he scope #as changed
$) A supplier #ent out of (usiness and a ne# one needed to (e found
) Additional e)uipment needed to (e purchased
*) A critical path acti+it" too, longer and needed more la(or hours to complete
(SPI) 0.89 (PI) 0.91!"#$
A) -./0
$) 123456789
) :;<=67>?
-*uring the completion of #or, pac,agesthe sponsor as,s the project manager to report on
ho# the project is goingIn order to prepare the reportthe project manager as,s all the team
mem(ers #hat percent complete their #or, is&here is one team mem(er #ho has (een hard
to manage from the (eginningIn response to (eing as,ed #hat percent complete he isthe
team mem(er as,s.Percent complete of #hat'/$eing tired of such commentsthe project
manager reports to the team mem(er0s (oss that the team mem(er is not cooperating1hich
of the follo#ing is li,el" to (e the real pro(lem'
A) &he project manager did not get (u"Oin from the manager for the resources on the project
$) &he project manager did not create an ade)uate re#ard s"stem for team mem(ers to impro+e
their cooperation
) &he project manager should ha+e had a meeting #ith the team mem(er0s (oss the first time
the team mem(er caused trou(le
*) &he project manager does not ha+e #or, pac,ages
A) XYbkUqY]U
$) XYbMcdeR
) XY2cdelPcdeK
21hich is not a goal in (oth project management and )ualit" management'
A) Pre+ention o+er inspection $) ustomer satisfaction
) 3anagement responsi(ilit" *) &riple constraint
A) $) - ) qY *)
41hich of the follo#ing $%S& descri(es the +erif" scope process'
A) It pro+ides assurances that the deli+era(le meets the specificationsis an input to the project
management planand is an output of perform )ualit" control
$) It ensures that the deli+era(le is completed on time and gets customer acceptanceand sho#s
that the deli+era(le meets specifications
) It ensures customer acceptance sho#s that the deli+era(le meets specifications and
pro+ides a chance for differences of opinion to come to light
*) It is an output of perform )ualit" controloccurs (efore define scopeand ensures customer
A) 1qY(
$) KNtg7W
) 7W1K)Ps
*) (P-.()
5A project has the follo#ing earned +alue data assessed vA 6470007000 8 6O
5007000SPIl.1-$A 69795070001hat is the earned +alue of the project'
A) 6270007000 $) 6275007000) 6474807000 *) 6579507000
)vA470007000 8O5007000 SPI1.1-$A
979507000 %8
A) 270007000 $) 275007000 ) 474807000 *) 579507000
9At the (eginning of project execution"ou notice different opinions (et#een team mem(ers
relating to project #or, and deli+era(les and to the le+el of o+erall complexit" 1hat should
"ou do right no#'
A) !i+e "our team mem(ers some time to de+elop a common understanding of the project scope
and product scope:pcoming interface pro(lems ma" (e resol+ed later
$) :se the ris, management processes to identif" and assess ris,s caused (" misunderstandings
and de+elop a plan #ith measures in order to respond to them
) ;rgani<e meetings to identif" and resol+e mlsunderstandings (et#een team mem(ers in
order to earl" a+oid interface pro(lemsdisintegration and costl" re#or,
*) :se inter+ie#s in pri+ate #ith each indi+idual team mem(er to inform them of "our
expectations and "our re)uirements in an atmosphere of confidence
A) cdeKL#-.-.Y()s

$) qYMM2
) McdeLsQ
*) cdeP.`uT7W
=$eing the project manager in a soft#are project #hich is currentl" initiated "ou #ant to
assess high le+el ris,s1hat should "ou do'
A) *e+elop a preliminar" scope statement and document initiall" identified ris,s in this
$) Identif" and anal"<e ris, e+ents using )ualitati+e and )uantitati+e techni)ues
) *e+elop contingenc" plans and fall(ac, plans in case the original plan pro+es #rong
*) *iscuss the ris,s documented in "our ris, register #ith the project ,e" sta,eholders
A) %-.fg&'(M*
$) )*+i,-"
) 2.=/M()0
*) 172V#3'4567
81hat is not a reason for companies to organi<e lessons learned'
A) >essons learned data(ases are an essential element of the organi<ational process assets
$) >essons learned should focus on identif"ing those accounta(le for errors and failures
) >essons learned sessions should (ring a(out recommendations to impro+e future performance
on projects
*) Phase end lessons learned sessions pro+ide a good team (uilding exercise for project staff
A) X9:;<U=7>
$) X9:;?@A50BC
) X9:;2($DM
*) EFX9:;]e1^o+cd<GH
9?o# should change management (e planned for'
A) hanges are generall" not predicta(letherefore planning for change management cannot (e
$) Planning for change management should (e done #hile the +arious change control processes
are (eing applied
) hange management can (e planned in a set of management plans or a specific change
management plan
*) hanges are a sign of (ad planning ;ne should a+oid changes during a project thus
eliminating the need to manage them
A) /0JKLyM/0qYgN
$) rb/0O2K?@7/0qY
) /0qYPQqY!RST
*) /0R+U2P5/0RnVW^qY6
101hich of the follo#ing documents is not used as input for product acceptance'
A) &he project scope statementit descri(es the acceptance criteria
$) &he project scope management planit descri(es the acceptance process
) &he #or, (rea,do#n structure (1$S) it descri(es the deli+era(les for acceptance
*) &he @AI matrixit descri(es accounta(llities in case of product rejection
A) -.fg&^_
$) -.qY^
) QRi;Z^
*) @AI [\^]^K
111hen should lessons learned (e organi<ed'
A) *uring the project life c"cle and at the end
$) At the end of the project during closing
) After the end of the project at a project postOmortem meeting
*) >essons learned can (e organi<ed #hen there is time a+aila(le
A) P`aTb*$) Pcd*) P;:;e *) rb
1-:nderstanding of characteristics of people is not part of understanding the cultural and
social en+ironment
A) economic $) indi+idual ) educational *) ethnic and religious
YV fgYXhijkli
A) Xm $) V ) no *) %pqn
12&he concept of the states that changes related to one re)uirementO scopetime or costO
#ill at least influence one other element
A) three point estimation $) triple constraint ) three #ise men *) three needs theor"
A) gx $) ) ygV *) 67Y7
141hat is the purpose of a project charter'
A) &o address and document the characteristics and houndarjes of the project and its associated
products and ser+ices
$) &o formall" authori<e the project and pro+ide thproject manager #ith the authorit" to appl"
organi<ational resources
) &o lin, thproject#hictl is going to (e plannedexecutedand monitoredAcontrolled to
the ongoing #or, of the organi<ation
*) &o (rea, do#n the scope of the project into smailer (etter managea(ie components for
further planning and estimating
A) '({|fg@}~
$) ]XY1MU
) 7tQRe
*) -.i00qYliMx
15At the end of the closing process group
A) it is +erified that the defined processes are completed #ithin all the process groups to close
the project phase
$) it is determined that the product of the project is completed satisfactoril"
) project management plan is #ritten off (" the project sponsor
*) ne# change re)uests are initiated as re)uired
A) 2abNM;EF
$) 2O-N
*) 9/0WOE
19 Bou ha+e recentl" appointed a project manager to handle a critical prolect in "our
organi<ationBou #ant to pro+ide the project manager #ith authorit" to appl" organi<ational
resources to project acti+ities1hich document should "ou use'
A) @esouree authori<ation document $) 1or, (rea,do#n structure
) project charter *) Project scope statement
A) UXY $) QRi;Z ) z *) -.fg&
1=Bou are the project manager of a ne# project #hich #ill construct a (ridge on the @i+er
Cile in %g"pt$efore initiating the project"ou should
A) create a scope management plan to document ho# the project scope #ill (e
defined+erified and controlled
$) de+elop a project management plan
) determine specific acti+ities that need to (e performed to produce the +arious project
*) facilitate the formal authori<ation to start a ne# project
A) -.qYM'(-.IO
$) lqY
) DEM`
*) EE9
18 As a project manager project plan de+elopment is an important element of managing
projects 1hich phase of the project management >ife c"cle does project plan de+elopment
(elong to'
A) Initiation process $) Planning process ) %xecution process *) ontrolling
A) E $) ) *)
19A customer informed "ou that it is prefera(le to change a certain aspect of the project 1hat
should "ou do first'
A) &al, #ith team mem(ers to understand implications of the change
$) ommunicate the change to the management to get their inputs
) ;pen up a change control
*) *o si<ing for the change and communicate to the customer
A) cdeY$/0vw
$) n$/0qYJtu
) lm/0
*) i,/0
-0 In "our project "ou #ant to monitor and control project processes associated #ith
initiatingplanningexecuting and closing&his #ill help "ou ta,e correcti+e or pre+enti+e
action to control project performanceIn this context#hat should "ou do first'
A) @e+ie# all project forecasts
$) *etail all the acti+ities of project team mem(ers in+ol+ed in executing administrati+e closure
for the project
) @e+ie# the project management plan and #or, performance information for "our project
*) 3anage project ris,s
A) -abL
$) PqYcdKabcdDE
) -qYQR
*) qY
-1 Bou recentl" joined as the project manager of A$ ompan" &he outgoing project
manager mentioned that of late she had (een facing se+eral issues #ith ne# change
re)uests&he customers #ere located in the same office and the" interacted directl" #ith the
project team andat timesinformall" as,ed for some changes in the project0s productIf the
changes #ere smallthe project team mem(ers usuall" agreed to do the changes&he project
manager found it difficult to prioriti<e acti+ities and ensure that tas,s are done as per
schedule &he project had 50 team mem(ers and there #as some discontent amongst them
a(out the #or, the" #ere supposed to do1hat should (e "our first priorit" in this project'
A) reate a detailed project scope statement
$) Align the project o(jecti+es #ith the organi<ational goals
) %nsure proper project scope control
*) all a meeting of all the project sta,eholders to determine and resol+e an" outstanding
*tA$ XYXYt*^9/0
DE~ON$b50 cdeb#
A) -.fg&
) -.
*) lab2VM*gs
--In a recent jo( inter+ie#"ou #ere as,ed to define the most important characteristic of a
project manager1hich of the follo#ing #ill (e "our (est ans#er'
A) Su(ject matter expert $) Integrator ) reati+e person *) @is, minimi<er
A) 5 $) ) *)
-21hich of the follo#ing is not a project management ,no#ledge area'
A) Project integration management $) Project procurement management
) Project configuration management *) Project communications management
A) qY $) >?qY ) qY *) JqY
-41hen deciding #hich project to select
A) select the project #ith higher life c"cle cost $) select the project #ith lo#er life c"cle cost
) select the project #ith higher sun, cost *) select the project #ith lo#er sun, cost
A) $`aT $) `aT
) b$ *) b
-51hile doing )ualit" inspectionfe# defects #ere identified in the productAfter rectif"ing
the defectsthe repaired items #ere reinspected and acceptedSu(se)uentl"a notification
#as issued#hich can also (e referred to as
A) +alidated defect repair $) product acceptance ) )ualit" audit *) appro+ed change
A) BC $) ) *) _/0W
-9 Project integration management includes the proeesses and acti+ities needed to
identif" define com(ine unif" and coordinate the +arious processes and project
management acti+itiesEor successful project integration management "ou should definitel"
ha+e (select the (est option)
A) a strong matrix organi<ational structure in "our compan"
$) a good communication management *lan
) good project selection techni)ues
*) positi+e sta,eholders #ho support the project
]^NqY2= (*+)
A) [\;Z $) +JqY ) +*+ *)
-=Bou ha+e (een gi+en a high priorit" tas, that needs to (e completed #ithin a short time
frameSince "ou ,no# #hat has to (e done"ou assign tas,s to the different team mem(ers
and tell them #hen and ho# the tas,s should (e done &he management st"le that "ou are
follo#ing is
A) directing $) laisse< faire ) delegating *) tas,Foriented
A) $) ) *) ~~
-8As a project manager "ou ad+ocate acti+e participation of "our teaill mem(ers O this is
(ecause "ou (elie+e in
A) theor" B (3c!regor model) $) theor" G (3c!regor model)
) 3aslo#0s hierarch" of needs *) referent po#er
A) BY7 () $) G Y7 () ) 6Wf *)
-9ost *erformance measurement is $%S& done through #hich of the follo#ing'
A) As,ing for a percent complete from each team mem(er and reporting that in the monthl"
progress report
$) alculating earned +alue and using the indexes and other calculations to report past
performance and forecast future performance
) :sing the 50A50 rule and ma,ing sure the life c"cle cost is less than the project cost
*) Eocusing on the amount expended last month and #hat #ill (e expended the follo#ing
A) seNhijP[`5[`
$) x%8tux;M[`#DML
) 50A50 `aT
*) A5PeHe
20 &he 1$S estimates for each #or, pac,age and the net#or, diagram are
completed1hich of the follo#ing #ould (e the C%G& thing for the project manager to do'
A) Se)uence the acti+ities
$) 8erif" that the" ha+e the correct scope
) reate a preliminar" schedule and get the team0s appro+al
*) omplete ris, management
A) DE $) -.
) %cde *) NqY
21 A project management plan should (e realistic in order to (e used to manage the
project1hich of the follo#ing is the $%S& method to achie+e a realistic project management
A) Sponsor creates the project management plan (ased on input from the projcot manager
$) Eunctional manager creates the project management plan (ased on input from the project
) Project manager creates the project management plan (ased on input from senior
*) Project manager creates the project management plan (ased on input from the team
*) XYcdqY
2-*uring project executionthe customer authori<es and funds a scope change #hich
re)uires a major change in the schedule&he (aseline schedule
A) no# (ecomes the ne# schedule including the changes and the original (aseline is
$) is still the original (aseline (ut annotated to refleet that a change has ta,en place
) is amended to reflect the scope change(ut the original (aseline is still maintained for postO
project re+ie#
*) is meaningless since e+er" schedule update changes the (aseline
A) /]9S^/0/_
$) /_7(,X`/0
) 67-./0/_2=
*) bIy]09/_
22All technical #or, is completed on the project1hich of the follo#ing remains to (e done'
A) 8erif" scope $) @is, response plan ) Staffing management plan *) >essons
A) -. $) 2# ) eqY *) X9:;
24 3ajor difficulties arise #hen multiple projects need to (e managed in the functional
organi<ational structure (ecause of
A) the le+el of authorit" of the project manager
$) conflicts o+er the relati+e priorities of different projects in competition for limited resources
) project team mem(ers #ho are focused on their functional specialt" rather than on the project
*) the need for the project manager to >lSe interpersonal s,ills to resol+e conflicts informall"
A) XYb
$) PbU5`
) e0@lQR!b@QR
*) 67XYVJ
251hich of the follo#ing is included in a project charter'
A) Identification of ris,s $) 1or, pac,age estimates
) *etailed fesource estimates *) &he (usiness need for the project
A) $) QRSx ) Ux *) 356W
29Bou ha+e (een #or,ing on a +er" large soft#are de+elopment project that has made use of
o+er -20 peopleEinall"all the scope of #or, is completedit #ould (e $%S& to
A) thro# a part" for the team mem(ers $) ma,e sure the project is integrated #ith other
) (egin to focus on "our other projects *) anal"<e project S:%SS or failure
^K!"l-20 V*QR-.5a
A) ]el# $) O$tuAP
) lm@tu *) i,
2=&he project is not completed until
A) the project scope is completedadministrati+e closure is completed and pa"ment is recei+ed
$) formal acceptance is recei+edand an" other re)uirenlents for project closure as stated in the
contract are met
) the customer is satisfied and final pa"ment is recei+ed
*) lessons learned are completed
A) -.NqYcdRNct
$) O5tucd6WXO-
) -*Xct
*) X9:;ON
28A1l of the follo#ing #ould occur during the closure of the project %G%P&
A) creating lessons learned $) formal acceptance
) reducing resource spending *) performing (enefit cost anal"sis
A) X9:; $) ) U *) ci,
29An output of close project is the creation of
A) project archi+es $) a prolect charter ) a project management plan *) a ris, anal"sis
A) Y $) z ) qY *) i,
40A project manager has just (een assigned to a ne# project and has (een gi+en the project
charter&he EI@S& thing the project manager must do is
A) create a project scope statement
$) confirm that all the sta,eholders ha+e had input into the scope
) anal"<e project ris,
*) (egin #or, on a project management plan
A) -.fg& $) ab2V1t-.
) i, *) lmqY
41A project manager is managing a fixed price (EP) contractShe thin,s that a large customerF
re)uested change might impact the schedule of the project1hat should she do EI@S&'
A) 3eet #ith the sta,eholders
$) 3eet #ith the team
) @enegotiate the remainder of the contract
*) Eollo# the change control s"stem
A) 2V $) cde ) n0919 *) /0
4-&he client demands changes to the product specification that #ill add onl" t#o #ee,s to the
critical path1hich of the follo#ing is the (est thing for the project manager to do'
A) ompress the schedule to reco+er the t#o #ee,s
$) ut scope to reco+er the t#o #ee,s
) 0nsuIt #ith the sponsor (efore ta,ing an" action
*) Ad+ise the client of the impact of the change
A) #$- "
$) %-.M- "
*) `$/0vw
42A project manager learns that correcti+e action #as implemented (" a team mem(er(ut not
documented1hat should the project manager do C%G&'
A) @eport the +iolation to the functional manager
$) larif" the reasoning (ehind the team mem(er0s action
) Add the implemented correcti+e action to the historical record
*) Eind out #ho caused the pro(lem
A) [`$&&'XY
$) '(cde>$E)/y
) *Et+,'(e
*) (-$s
44Bou are assigned as the project manager in the middle of the project &he project is #ithin
the (aselines(ut the custoiner is not happ" #ith the performance of the project 1hat is the
EI@S& thing "ou should do'
A) *iscuss it #ith the project team $) @ecalculate (aselines
) @enegotiate the contract *) 3eet #ith the customer
A) cde67M- $) 19x_
) 19 *)
45 &he pre+ious proiect manager for "our project managed it #ithout much project
organi<ation &here is a lac, of management control and no clearl" defined project
deli+era(les1hich of the follo#ing #ould (e the $%S& choice for getting "our project (etter
A) Adopt a life c"cle approach to the project $) *e+elop lessons learned for each
) *e+elop specific #or, plans for each #or, pac,age *) *e+elop a description of the
product ol the projectH
A) ]`aT $) ]EF_=X9:;
) ]QRS_=fQR *) ]
49 ompan" procedures re)uire the creation of a lessons learned document 1hich of the
follo#ing is the $%S& use of lessons learned'
A) fiistorical records for future projects
$) Planning record for the current project
) Informing the team a(out #hat the project manager has done
*) Informing the team a(out the project management plan
A) R]+,'(DM
$) R])P'(
) e1fgXYwx^
*) e1fgqY
4=&he project manager has just recei+ed a change from the customer that does not affect the
projeet schedule and is eas" to complete1hat should the project manager do EI@S&'
A) 3a,e the change happen as soon as posst(ie
$) ontact the projeet sponsor for permissionH
) !o to the change control (oard
*) %+aluate the other components of the1triple constraint2
A) 56/0` $) 7V8
) /0e *) ./tuy>
48A project manager recentl" re#arded an indi+idual #ith a promotion that carried #ith it a
+er" small salar" increase (ut su(stantiall" more responsi(ilit"&he project manager appears
to (e appealing to the emplo"ee0s need
A) monetar" $) ph"siological ) csteem *) self actuali<ation
0HXYe@A-;e 67
A) B $) `Y ) C1 *) D)
49 All of the follo#ing are parts of direct and manage project execution except
A) identif"ing changes $) using a #or, (rea,do#n structure
) implementing correcti+e actions *) setting up a project control s"stem
A) /0 $) 1$S ) *) <
50&he project charter for a project #as appro+ed for planning and "ou ha+e just (een assigned
as project manager @eali<ing that project planning is an ongoing effort throughout the
project#hich processes are "ou 3;S& li,el" to com(ine'
A) reate 1$S and acti+it" definition
$) Acti+it" duration estimating and schedule de+elopment
) ?uman resource planning and cost estimating
*) ost estimating and cost (udgeting
A) 1$S DE $) DE+Kx
) VJUx *) xx
51Bou are ta,ing o+er a project and determine the follo#ingvActi+it" $ has an earl" finish
(%E) of da" 2a late finish (>E) of da" 9and an earl" start (%S) of da" -Actl+it+ > is
(eing done (" a hardOtoOget resource&he cost performance index (PI) is 1.1 and the
schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.8$ased on this information#hat #ould "ou (e more
concerned a(out'
A) E10at $) @esources ) ost *) Schedule
PtvDE$ *;HT2 I*J;HT9
I*lmHT- IDE>KptUPI 1.1
SPI 0.8e67#0H@'
A) KK $) U ) *)
5-If PI is 1.02 and A is 97000ho# much is %8'
A) =7000 $) 97180 ) =7-00 *) -00
A) =000 $) 9180 ) =-00 *) -00
521hat does cost performance index (PI) less than 1.0 indicate'
A) ost o+errun of the estimates $) ost according to the estimatesH
) ost underrun of the estimates *) %arl" progress
(PI) 1 LQwx'
A) $) x ) M *) PT
541hich of the follo#ing is not an example of constraints that can limit flexi(ilit" in the human
resource planning process'
A) ;rgani<ational structure $) ollecti+e (argaining agreements
) %conomic conditions *) Acti+it" resource re)uirements
A) ;Z $) IUQ ) XmR" *) DEU6W
551hich of the follo#ing esta(lishes )ualit" metrics'
A) Iualit" assuranceSIualit" control $) Iualit" planning
) Iualit" (aseline *) Iualit" chec,list
A) $) ) _ *) S
591h" is it important to ha+e a project charter'
A) It is the collection of all su(sidiar" project documents
$) &he project charter is the necessar" (asis for all #or, pac,ages to (e performed
) It formall" authori<es the proiect
*) It trac,s the progress of the project
A) y]cA^abT=XY $) zab7QRS?7U
) y]^ *) y]VW
5=1hich of the follo#ing are the most commonl" used performance measures of e+aluating
#hether or not #or, is (eing accomplished as planned at an" gi+en point of time'
A) P8SA $) A%+JP+ ) 8 SS8 *) SPI%8SA
A) P8A $) A%8P8 ) 8S8 *) SPI%8A
58If S8O800P8=7000ho# much is %8'
A) 87000 $) 97-00 ) 97000 *) 97000
A) 8000 $) 9-00 ) 9000 *) 9000
59As per P3$;K+arious executing processes fall into spedfic ,no#ledge areas.*e+elop
project team00is a part of #hich of the follo#ing ,no#ledge areas'
A) Project management integration $) Project procurement management
) Project human resource management *) Project communications management
A) qY $) >?qY ) VJUqY *) JqY
901hat does estimate at complete mean'
A) %ach anticipated cost for project $) %stimated a+erage cost at project completion
) Anticipated total cost at project completion *) Anticipated expenses at project
A) T $) NQKx[\
) NQKT: *) NQKTl
911hich of the follo#ing indicates the accepta(le range of +ariation of a process as represented
on the control chart'
A) 3ean $) Specification limit ) @ule of se+en *) :pper and lo#er control
A) [\ $) ) ]g *) e
9- 1hich of the follo#ing is the most common non (eha+ioral reason for projects (eing
completed (ehind schedule and going o+er (udget'
A) Selecting a #rong person as the project manager $) Selecting a #rong person as the
) Accepting a high ris, project *) Inade)uatel" defined re)uirements
A) ^0VrXY $) ^0VrV
) ^$ *) r6W
92Bou are in the close project processBou are engaged in the acti+it" to settle and close some
contract agreements esta(lished for the project1hich of the follo#ing acti+ities are "ou into'
A) Administrati+e closure $) ontract closure ) Project executing *) Planning
A) qYcd $) cd ) *)
94In an o(ject diagramthe name of an o(ject is
A) in (old $) in italics ) underlined *) none of these
A) b $) ca ) de *) e#
95As per P3$;Kall are parts of the executing process group except
A) ac)uire project team $) de+elop project team ) information distri(ution *) identif"
A) cd $) <cd ) *) 2V
99&he close project process is a part of #hich of the follo#ing project management ,no#ledge
A) project scope management $) project integration management
) project time management *) project communication management
A) -.qY $) qY ) KLqY *) JqY
9=1hile e+aluating the !antt chartthe project manager determines that the project is (ehind
schedule1hat should she do'
A) ;(tain appro+al from the customer to slip the project $) @eport findings to
) %+aluate the alternati+es #ith the team *) %+aluate the alternati+es #ith the
A) _g $) ~qY[`)
) cde *)
981hich of the follo#ing is not used in the )ualit" control process'
A) !antt charts $) ontrol charts ) Pareto charts *) Statistical sampling
A) ff $) ) hij *) k
991hich of the follo#ing $%S& descri(es a project management plan'
A) A print ;ut from project management soft#are
$) A (ar chart
) @is, managementstaffingprocess impro+ement and other management plans
*) &he project scope
A) qY!"lm( $) n
) qYetuqY *) -.fg&
=0Bou are a ne# project manager #ho has ne+er managed a project (efore Bou ha+e (een
as,ed to plan a ne# projectIt #ould (e $%S& in this situation to rel" on during planning in
order to impro+e "our chance of success
A) "our intuition and training $) sta,eholder anal"sis
) historical information *) configuration management
+op M$rq
A) rst $) 2Vi, ) +, *) qY
=1A particular sta,eholder has a reputation for ma,ing man" changes on projects 1hat is the
$%S& approach a project manager can ta,e at the (eginning of the project to manage this
A) the sta,eholder a fe# times to dissuade him from su(mitting more changes
$) !et the sta,eholder in+ol+ed in the project as earl" as possi(le
) &al, &o the sta,eholder0s (oss to find #a"s to direct the sta,eholder0s acti+ities to another
*) As, that the sta,eholder not (e included in the sta,eholder listing
A) ~$2Vfuvu(0H/0
$) 62Vt5
) 82V8(62Vtu
*) W2Vk2V(S5wW
=-@e)uirements documentation is an input to
A) scope control and scope +erification
$) direct and manage project execution and integrated change control
) de+elop project management plan and de+elop project charter
*) de+elop project management plan and schedule de+elopment
A) -.-. $) qY/0
) xqYRz *) xqY
=2Integration is done (" the
A) project manager $) team ) sponsor *) sta,eholders
A) XY $) cd ) (UV *) 2V
=4A #or, authori<ation s"stem can (e used to
A) manage #ho does each acti+it"
$) manage #hat time and in #hat se)uence #or, is done
) manage #hen each acti+it" is done H
*) manage #ho does each acti+it" and #hen it is done
A) qY-QR $) qYwxKLXywxzNQR
) qYDEwxKL *) qY-QRPwxKL
=5All of the follo#ing are parts of an effecti+e change control s"stem %G%P&
A) procedures $) standards for reports ) meetings0 *) lessons learned
A) $) [`_ ) *) X9:;
=91hich of the follo#ing descri(es the $%S& use of historical records from pre+ious projects'
A) %stimatinglife c"cle costing and project planning
$) @is, managementestimating and creating lessons learned
) Project management planningestimating and creating a status report
*) %stimatingris, nlanagement and project planning
A) x`aT
$) qYxX9:;
) qYx{|[`
*) xqY
==*uring a team meetinga team mem(er as,s a(out the measurements that #ill (e used on
the project to judge performance&he team mem(er feels that some of the measures related to
acti+ities assigned him are not +alid measurements &he project is $%S& considered in #hat
part of the project management process'
A) losing $) 3onitoring and controlling ) %xecuting *) Initiating
A) cd $) ) *) E
=8A teatn mem(er notifies the project manager that the actl+ltmS comprtsmg a #or, pac,age
are no longer appropriateIt #ould (e $%S& for the project manager to (e in #hat part of the
project management process'
A) orrecti+e action $) Integrated change control
) 3onitoring and controlling *) Project closing
A) E $) /0 ) *) cd
=9 &he project manager is ma,ing sure that the product of the project has (een completed
according to the project management plan1hat part of the proiect management process is he
A) Planning $) %xecuting ) 3onitoring and controlling *) losing
A) $) ) *) cd
80A project manager does not ha+e much time to spend planning (efore the mandator" start
date arri+es?e therefore #ants to mo+e through planning as effecti+el" as possi(le1hich
of the follo#ing #ould "ou recommend'
A) 3a,e sure "ou ha+e a completed pre(minar" project scope statement and then start the
$) reate an acti+it" list (efore creating a net#or, diagram
) *ocument all the ,no#n ris,s (efore "ou document the highOle+el assumptions
*) Einali<e the )ualit" management plan (efore "ou determine )ualit" metrics
A) N%-.fg&lm1$S
$) PDE
) P'($<'(ab
*) PqY
81&he 1$S and 1$S dictionar" are completed &he project team has (egun #or,ing on
identif"ing ris,s&he sponsor contacts the project manager re)uesting that the responsi(ilit"
assignment matrix (e issued&he project has a (udget of :S
610000 and is ta,ing place in three countries using 14 human resources &here is little ris,
expected for the project and the project manager has managed man" projects similar to this
one1hat is the next thing to do'
A) :nderstand the experience of the sponsor o* similar projects
$) reate an acti+it" list
) 3a,e sure the project scope is defined
*) omplete ris, managenlent and issue the responsi(ilit" assignment matrix
1$S 1$S aXNcdlm(UV7X
Y7Wi[\$x100 000 PQR14 V
A) Y(UVP|eX9 $) DE
) -.O *) NqYi[\
8- &he high Ole+el project schedule constraints ha+e just (een determined 1hat project
management process group are "ou in'
A) Initiating $) Planning ) %xecuting *) 3onitoring and controlling
A) E $) ) *)
82&he project sponsor has just pro+ided the project charter1hat is the C%G& thing to do'
A) $egin to complete #or, pac,ages $) omplete scope +erification
) Start integrated change control *) Start to create managernent *lans
A) lmNQRS $) N-. ) lm/0 *) lmqY

841hich of the follo#ing is C;& an input to the initiating process group'

A) ompan" processes $) &he compan" culture ) ?istorical 1$Ss *) Project
scope statement
A) $) Xh ) +,1$S *) -.fg&
85&he person #ho should (e in control of the project during project management planning is
A) project manager $) team mem(er ) functional manager *) sponsor
A) XY $) cde ) XY *) (UV
89A detailed project schedule can (e created onl" after creating the
A) project (udget $) #or, (rea,do#n structure ) project management plan *)
detailed ris, assessment
<bP O
A) x $) QRi;Z ) qY *)
8=&he project team has just completed the initial project schedule and (udget &he C%G&
thing to do is
A) (egin ris, identification $) (egin iterations
) determine communications re)uirements *) create a (ar (!antt) chart
A) lm $) lm1 ) J6W *) n (ff)
88&he project charter is created in #hich project management process group'
A) %xecuting $) Planning ) losing *) Initiating
A) $) ) cd *) E
89Cear the end of "our last project additional re)uirements #ere demanded (" a group of
sta,eholders #hen the" learned the" #ould (e affected (" "our projeet &his (ecame a
pro(lem (ecause "ou had not included the time or cost in the project management plan for these
re)uirements 1hat is the $%S& thing "ou can do to pre+ent such a pro(lem on future
A) @e+ie# the 1$S dictionar" more thoroughl"loo,ing for incomplete descriptions
$) @e+le# the project charter more thoroughl"examining the (usiness case
) *o a more thorough jo( of contract planning
*) Pa" more attention to sta,eholder management
A) 01$S a8tN
$) 0z()5~
) 0+QR
*) 0HJP2VqYe
90&he soft#are de+elopment project is not going #ell &here are o+er 20 sta,eholdersand
no one can agree on the project o(jecti+es;ne sta,eholder (elie+es the project can achie+e a
20 percent impro+ement #hile another (elie+es a 50 percent impro+ement is possi(le &he
project manager thin,s a 10 percent impro+ement is more realistic1hat is the $%S& course
of action'
A) 3o+e for#ard #ith the project and loo, for more information later to settle the issue
$) A+erage the num(ers and use that as an o(jecti+e
) Perform a feasi(ilit" anal"sis
*) As, the sponsor to ma,e the final decision
!"l\+b20 H2V#b
A) $cA0H$s
$) x($a[\M]
) )i,
*) 6(UV*
911hen chec,ing the calendar of a team mem(er to schedule a meeting "ou see she has
scheduled a meeting #ith a ,e" sta,eholder that "ou #ere not informed of &he $%S&
approach #ould (e to
A) a+oid mentioning it to the team mem(er (ut continue to #atch her acti+ities
$) notif" "our (oss a(out the pro(lem
) address the concern #ith the team mem(er0s (oss
*) address the concern #ith the team mem(er
A) P$e$"-DE
$) $s`
) $e#}
*) $e#}
9-Bou are in the middle of a ne# product de+elopment for "our pu(licl" traded compan" #hen
"ou disco+er that the pre+ious project manager made a :.S. 6270007000 pa"ment that #as not
appro+ed in accordance #ith "our compan" policies>uc,il"the project cost performanee
index (PI) is 1.-1hat should "ou do'
A) ontact "our manager
$) Put the pa"ment in an escro# account
) $ur" the cost in the largest cost center a+aila(le
*) Ignore the pa"ment
Y^Oj$2 000 000 !$b
(PI) 1.-MK2x'
A) 7XY
$) $(q5
) $(t*5
*) $(
92%+en though "ou are a project manager in a pharmaceutical compan""ou ha+e #or,ed as a
scientist in the industr" for se+eral "ears Bour su(ordinates loo, up to "ou for guidance and
ad+ice&he po#er that "ou ha+e o+er "our su(ordinates is
A) referent $) expert ) legitimate *) re#ard
CabJ J
A) $) ) *)
94&he follo#ing information is a+aila(le a(out a particular tas, in "our project plan veari"
start (%S) -5 da"slate start (>S) 20 da"searl" finish (%E) 50 da"slate finish (>E)
55 da"s$ased on this information"ou can deduce that
A) the project float is 5 da"s $) the project ma" get dela"ed
) the tas, is not on the critical path *) the tas, ls on the critical *ath
@5DEbv*lm (%S) -5 I*Jlm (>S) 20 I
*; (%E) 50 I*J; (>E) 55 I$i,(
A) KK5 I $) O
) $~P@ABCe *) $~P@ABCe
95*uring acti+it" se)uencing"ou identif" and document interacti+it" dependenciesAll the
tollo#ing are outputs from acti+it" se)uencing process %G%P&
A) project schedule net#or, diagrams $) acti+it" attri(ute updates ) re)uested changes
*) milestone list
A) $) DEZ)09 ) W/0 *)
99Bou are managing tooling for an aircraft partBour team mem(ers tell "ou that the" found a
fe# defecti+e parts1hen "ou as,ed them the reasons for the defect the" mentioned that it
could (ecause of se+eral reasons including the material used the measurement
s"steminaccurate tolerances in the machine or other factors&o help them to illustrate (etter
ho# +arious factors might ha+e contri(uted to the defect"ou #ill
A) use a control chart $) create a flo#ehart
) dra# a fishhone diagram *) dra# a Pareto chart
A) $) ) *) hij
9=Bou are managing a project in a foreign countr"#here "ou reali<e that "ou #ill ha+e to pa"
a fee to some go+ernment agencies to get "our #or, doneBou should
A) pa" the fee to the go+ernment agencies
$) refuse to Pa+ the fee (ecause the" are (ri(es and hence unethical
) instead of pa"ing the fee "ou pro+ide small gifts to go+ernment officials to get their
*) ma,e a case for #h" fees should (e paid to go+ernment agencies and present it to "our
A) Z
$) ]^y]$
) 1eu
*) (M]wx7Z~qYZ[
98 Bou are the project manager responsi(le for de+eloping a soft#are application (ased on
customer re)uirements As the customer re)uirements ,eep changing fre)uentl"#hat tool
can "ou use to conduct integrated change control of "our project'
A) Project selection methods $) Additional planning
) orrecti+e action *) Project management information s"stem
A) $) :; ) *) qY
99ost of )ualit" is the total cost of all efforts to achie+e productAser+ice )ualit"and ineludes
all #or, to ensure conformance to re)uirements All of the follo#ing are costs that are
incurred %G%P&
A) ost of poor )ualit" $) opportunit" cost ) external failure ost *) appraisal ost
A) $) ) ;l *)
100In "onr project "ou use project team00process to impro+e the competencies
and interaction of team mem(ers to enhance project performance &he outputs from this
process are
A) project staff assignments $) team performance assessment
) staffing management plan *) project staff assigtmaents staffing management
planteam performance assessment</McdeJE$$
A) ei $) cd
) eqY *) eieqYcd
101&he method of constructing a project schedule net#or, diagram that represents
acti+ities and connects then to sho# the all dependencies is ,no#n as
A) precedence diagramming method $) acti+it" list
) arro# diagramming method *) schedule net#or, templates
A) P*3 () $) DE ) A*3 (e) *)
10-1hich of the follo#ing acti+ities is not concerned #ith de+eloping the project charter'
A) Project justification $) ollecting output of the planning processes
) urrent understanding of the customers need *) *ocumenting the (usiness needs
A) 7 $) cA( ) Y6W *) '(356W
1021hich of the follo#ing is not a tool of the acti+it" definition process'
A) @olling #a+e planning $) ontrol account ) *ecomposition *) &emplates
A) E $) ) i *)
104 1hat is the process for aggregating the estimated costs of indi+idual acti+ities or #or,
pac,ages to esta(lish a cost (aseline ,no#n as'
A) ost assessment $) *etermine (udget ) Plan contracting *) ost
A) $) x ) *) x
105;ut of the follo#ing definitions of a project sta,eholder #hich one do "ou thin, is most
A) An enterprise #hose emplo"ees are directl" in+ol+ed in doing the project #or,
$) An entit+ #hose interest ma" (e affected as a result of the project execution
) An entit+ that performs acti+ities to accomplish o(jecti+es
*) ;ne #ho is responsi(le for managing the project
A) 85teQQR $) Vtt
) VNa67DE *) qYV
109In #hich of the follo#ing organi<ational structuresdo project managers ha+e high or total
A) Eunetional organi<ation $) $alanced matrix organi<ation
) 3atrix organi<ation *) Projecti<ed organi<ation
A) $) [[\ ) [\ *)
10=1hich of the follo#ing is not a toolStechni)ue of the de+elop project charter process'
A) %arned +alue method $) Project selection methods
) Project management information s"stem *) Project management methodolog"
A) ) $) ) qY *) qY7
108In #hich phase of the project life c"cleare cost and staffing le+els high'
A) Intermediate stage $) Einal stage ) Pre intermediate stage *) Initial stage
A) 5LEF $) *EF ) 5LEF *) EEF
1091ho is responsi(le for completing the lessons learned documentation'
A) Project team $) Sponsor ) Project architect *) Project manager
A) cd $) V ) < *) XY
110&o manage a project including
A) identit" the re)uest and ma,e sure the clarit" and achie+a(le aim
$) (alance the re)uest of )ualit"scopetime and fee
) ma,e the technolog" regulation explainationplan and means (e fit for different re)uests and
expectation of all ,inds of sta,eholders
*) all of a(o+e
A) 7W(!)
$) [-.KL7W
) *+fg&ab2V6WT
*) el
111%xecuting processes are concerned #ith
A) recogni<ing that a project or phase should (egin
$) coordinating people and other resources to carr" ;:t the plan
) de+ising and maintaining a #or,a(le method to accomplish the (usiness need that the project
#as underta,en to address
*) ensuring that the project o(jecti+es are met (" monitoring and measuring progress and
ta,ing correcti+e action #hen necessar"

$) VJtuUN
) <Mt*aT356W
*) J)?7K>E
11-Eor an acti+it"the optimisticmost li,el" and pessimistic estimates are 1-19 and 18
respecti+el"1hich of the follo#ing statement is correct'
A) &here is 98.-9Lchance that the acti+it" #ill (e completed in 15 to 1= da"s
$) &here is 95.44Lchance that the acti+it" #ill (e completed in 15 to 1= da"s
) &here is 98.-9Lchance that the acti+it" #i? (e completed in 14.9= to 19.9= da"s
*) &here is 92.=2Lchance that the acti+it" #ill (e completed in 15 to 1= da"s
A) b98.-9LrqDEP151= IbN
$) b95.44LrqDEP151= IbN
) b98.-9LrqDEP14.9=19.9= IbN
*) b92.=2LrqDEP151= IbN
112alculate the standard de+iation of a tas, if ;4P1039
A) 1 $) 1A2 ) -A5 *) -A2
A) 1 $) 1A2 ) -A5 *) -A2
114Bou are ioo,ing at the follo#ing dataProject A has a PI of 0.8 and SPI of 1.- and %8 of
450 Project $ has PI of 1.- and SPI of 0.8 and %8 of 950 1hich of the follo#ing
statement is true'
A) Project $ is performing (etter (ecause it has a higher earned +alue
$) Project A has schedule slippage and project $ is ahead of schedule
) rashing project A is a good option
*) rashing project $ is a good option
PAPI 0.8SPI 1.-%8450$ PI 1.-SPI
A) $5j+y]%8j$
$) A^$
) QA0
*) Q$0
1151hich of the follo#ing is C;& a method for progress reporting for #or, pac,ages'
A) Percent complete $) East trac,ing ) -0A80 rule *) 50A50 rule
A) Nhij $) 5gV ) -0A80 *) 50A50
119Bou are the project manager of a large soft#are de+elopment project &here is a conflict
(et#een t#o module leads on #here the changes ha+e to (e rnadeBou inter+ene and tell them
the importance of getting the project on time and as, them to find a solution #hich is accepta(le
to (oth of thern1hich conflict resolution techni)ue are "ou using here'
A) onfronting $) ompromising ) Smoothing *) Eorcing
A) # $) ) *)
11=$ased on the net present +alue (CP8) #hich project "ou #ill choose'&he CP8 of project
Av 6-57000project $v 6957000project v 6407000project *v 6257000
A) Project A $) Project $ ) Project *) Projdct *
CP8 ()) 'A CP8 -5000 $ CP8
95000 CP840000 *CP825000
A) A $) $ ) *) *
118#hich of the follo#ing is the $%S& tool for sho#ing the team the project schedule status
during project execution'
A) 3ilestone chart $) !antt chart ) 1or, (rea,do#n structure *) Cet#or,
A) $) ff ) QRi;Z *)
l19 An organi<ation structure that in+ol+es +arious organi<ational t"pes at +arious le+els is
called a
A) strong matrix $) (alanced organi<ation ) composite *) (alanced matrix
A) [\ $) [ ) *) [[\
1-01ho has the highest cost ris, in ease of a fixed price contract'
A) $u"er $) Seller ) Sponsor *) &eam
A) $) ) (UV *) cd
1-1Bou are in the de+elopment phase of a soft#are project and meeting the de+elopinent team
to collect the statusBou #ant to sho# the team mem(ers the actual dependencies of different
tas,s1hich scheduling tool "ou #ill (e using to explain them (choose the (est ans#er) '
A) 3ilestone chart $) Elo# chart ) Cet#or, diagram *) !antt chart
L@QPM (*+) '
A) $) ) *) ff
1--1hich of the follo#ing is C;& an input to monitor and control project #or,'
A) Project management plan $) %nterprise en+ironmental factors
) hange re)uests *) Performance reports
A) qY $) -5jky> ) /0W ) [`
1-2Bou are the project manager for soft#are de+elopment project &he feasi(ilit" stud" can
start an" time and ta,es 1 #ee, and re)uirement gathering ta,es - #ee,s #hich can start onl"
after feasi(ilit" stud" &he design and test plan de+elopment can start in parallel after the
re)uirements gathering &est plan preparation ta,es 8 #ee,s follo#ed (" a re+ie# (" the
customer and the time estimated for re+ie# is 1 #ee,After the re+ie#&est data preparation
ta,es 9 #ee,s*esign ta,es 9 #ee,s and it is follo#ed (" de+elopment and unit testingfor
one module it ta,es - #ee,s and for the other module it ta,es - #ee,s &here are no
dependencies (et#een modules and the" can (e de+eloped simultaneousl" After test data
preparation and de+elopment and unit testing of (oth the modules there is - #ee,s s"stem
testing1hat is duration of the critical path'
A) 14 #ee,s $) 15 #ee,s ) -0 #ee,s *) 19 #ee,s
!"lXY)PIKLlm67 1 "6WcA
?@P)N67- "<LlP6WcA
L_=678 "M1 "
L_=679 "<9 "QlSLt5
- "- "Lbop@KlL
_=lSLb- "L@ABC+KH'
A) 14 " $) 15 " ) -0 " *) 19 "
1-4 Bou are #or,ing on a soft#are de+elopment project and there is 90L pro(a(ilit" that
de+elopment #ill (e completed (" the ptanned date and =0Lpro(a(ilit" that testing #ill (e
completed (" the planned date1hat is the pro(a(ilit" that de+elopment and testing #ill (e
completed as per schedule
A) 95L $) 4-L ) 99L *) 92L
A) 95L $) 4-L ) 99L *) 92L
1-51hich of the follo#ing statements is C;& true'
A) Integration in+ol+es effecti+el" integrating processes among the project
$) Integrated change control includes re+ie#ing and appro+ing all change re)uests
) &he project preliminar" scope statement pro+ides a high le+el scope narrati+e
*) &he project management plan is an input in de+eloping the preliminar" project scope
A) Sbab $) /0Sab/0
) %-.fg&1r7-.fg *) qY%-.fg
1-9%stimate at completion (%A) is
A) actual ost (A) (udgeted cost ($) $) actual cost (A) estimate to complete
) (udgeted cost ($) Oactual cost (A) *) actual cost (A) Oplanned +alue (P8)
A) (A) x ($) $) (A) NQ6x (%&)
) x ($) O (A) *) (A) O (P8)
1-=%arned +alue techni)ue is used in #hich process'
A) *irect and manage project execution $) 3onitor and control project #or,
) Integrated change control *) *e+elop project management plan
A) qY $) QR ) /0 *) RqY

1-81hich of the follo#ing process in+ol+es determining project rolesresponsi(ilitiesand

reporting relationshipsand de+elops the staffing management plan'
A) 3anage project team $) ?uman resource planning ) *e+elop project team *)
Ac)uire project teamt
A) qYcd $) VJU ) <cd *) cd
1-91hich of the follo#ing is a common characteristic of most project life c"cle descriptions'
A) ost and staffirlg are lo# at start higher to#ards he end of implementation and drop
rapidl" as the project nears completion
$) &he pro(a(ilit" of successfull" completing the project is highest at the start of the project
) Sta,eholders ha+e the most influence on the final charecteristics of the product at the end of
the project
*) @is, and uncertaint" are lo#est at the start of the project
A) UlmP5lm:$PNKg
$) NrqPlmK*$
) 2VP;K#bQ*vw
*) )PlmK*
120&he ,no#ledge area that descri(es the processes and acti+ities that integrate the +arious
elements of project management is
A) project scope management $) project time management
) project integration management *) project communication management
A) -qY $) qY ) qY *) JqY
1211hat is done after a feasi(ilit" stud"'
A) Prepare a project charter $) reate a project plan
) reate a preliminar" project scope statement *) All ofthe a(o+e
A) _=z $) ) %-.fg& *) eab

12-&he method of anal"<ing the se)uence of acti+ities #ith the least amount of scheduling
flexi(ilit" to control the schedule is catied
A) flo#chart $) critical path ) #or, (rea,do#n structure *) precedence diggramming
A) $) @ABC ) QRi;Z *)
122In a project status meeting"ou identified that a team mem(er has not completed the tas,
#hich he #as supposed to complete this #ee,1hat action "ou #ill ta,e as a project manager
in a metrics organi<ation'
A) :pdate the details in #or, product information and share that #ith functional manager
$) :pdate the details in performance measurement (aseline and share that #ith functional
) ?a+e an informal discussion #ith the team mem(er to find out the reason
*) Eormall" communicate the slippage from the team mem(er to the functional manager and
re)uest him to discuss #ith the emplo"ee to ensure that this #ill not happen in the future
A) 09~XY
$) 09_XY
) cde678(/y
*) qYcdeXYuue}DM`$
124@e)uest seller responses and select sellers is associated #ith #hich process group'
A) Planning $) Procurement 3anagement ) Initiating *) %xecuting
A) $) >?qY ) E *)
125In #hich t"pe of organi<ation is the project managers role most li,el" partOtime
A) Eunctional $) 1ea, matrix ) Strong matrix *) A and $
A) $) [\ ) [\ *) A$
l291hich of the follo#ing is the (est use of lessons learned'
A) Planning record for the current project $) &o impress the senior
) Informing the team a(out #hat mista,es team has made *) ?istorieal information for
future projects
A) ])P'( $) $qYm_
) `cdeu0 *) ]DM1+,
12=Bou ha+e (een assigned to manage a large enterprise resource planning (%@P) project in
"our organi<ationBou reali<e that detailed planningexecutionand closing processes are
prere)uisites for Success&o support the project from initiation through closing "ou should use

A) a ma,eOorO(u" anal"sis
$) lessons learned and other historical information from pre+ious projeets
) (enefitOcost anal"sis
*) the project management information s"stem
OiMqY%@P tcd
A) ? i, $) X9:;tu+,
) ci, *) qY
1281hich of the follo#ing process is not part of project integration management'
A) Integrated change control $) Performance reporting
) lose project *) *irect and manage project execution
A) /0 $) [` ) cd *) qY
129A paint manufacturer authori<ing a project to esta(lish guidelines to handle toxic material is
an example of a project initiate (ecause of
A) mar,et demand $) a customer re)uest ) a leagal re)uirement *) a technological
M#bR$y] !EOP
A) 67 $) 67 ) 7W *) *+
140A project manager is at the project ,ic,FoffFmeeting?e confidentl" states the +ision and
mission for the project&his P3 is exhi(iting leadership st"le
A) hierarchical $) authoritarjan ) charismatic *) associati+e
A) $) J ) J *) 7#
141 Bou are the project manager of Alpha Cet#or, Inc Bour compan" is doing net#or,
planning for a major (an,Bou are planning to digram the acti+it" dependancies using acti+it"
list1hich of the follo#ing is true'
A) P*3 is also the A;A diagramming method $) P*3 is also the A;* digramming
) P*3 is also A;C digramming method *) P*3 is also A*3 diagramming method
Alpha XYP]Z
A) P*3O]A;A $) P*3O]A;*
) P*3O]A;C *) P*3O]A*3
14- &as, A has the follo#ing details v;ptimistic estimate 20 pessimistic estimate
40 most li,el+ estimate 25 &as, $ has the follo#ing details v;ptimistic estimate
2- *essimistic estimate 2= most li,el" estimate 24 &as, has the fo1lo#ing
details v;ptimistic estimate -5 most li,el" estimate 25 pessimistic estimate
451hich tas, has the highest standard de+iation'
A) &as, A $) &as, $ ) &as, *) &as, AS&as,
~A bvx20x40*x25~$ b
vx2-x2=*x24~ bvx
A) ~A $) ~$ ) ~ *) ~A~
142In case of conflicts of interest among sta,eholders#hom should the project manager gi+e
priorit" to'
A) Project team $) Project manager ta,es his o#n decision
) Senior management *) ustomer
A) cd $) XY ) $qY *)
1441hich process group focuses on completing the re)uirements of the project
A) Initiating $) Planning ) %xecuting *) losing
A) E $) ) *) cd
1451ho is responsihle for )ualit" management in the project'
A) Project leader $) Iualit" control department ) Project manager *) &eam
A) $) l ) XY *) cde
149In "our soft#are de+elopment project "ou ha+e to #ait for 5 da"s after ordering a ne#
soft#are and then onl" "ou can start integration testing&he 5 da"s in this case is an example of

A) lead $) lag ) dela" *) f1oat

P!"l567P9!"5 IlmL$5 I
A) $) ) *) KK
14= Bou are #or,ing on internal projects for a (ig corporation Bou are in to re)uirement
definition for ne# claim s"stem that #ill ena(le emplo+ees claim their hours #or,ed on the
projects using their mo(ile phones also*ue to (udget cuts it #as decided to cancel the project
and deplo" the people to commercial projects1hich of the follo#ing is true'
A) &he project ended due to integration (ecause the resources #here distri(uted to commercial
$) &he project ended due to star+ation (ecause the funding #as cut
) &he project ended due extinction (ecause of the (udget cut
*) &he project ended due to integration (ecause of (udget cut
A) ;y]UOt35e
$) ;.y]UO$
) ;vy]xO$
*) ;y]xO$
1481hich of the follo#ing statements is C;& true regarding arro# digramming method'
A) Schedu, acti+ities are represented (" arro#s
$) &he length of the arro# represents the expected duration of the acti+it"H
) &he tail of the arro# represents the start ot the acti+it"H
*) &he head of the arro# represents the finish of the acti+it"
A) DEJe) $) eG)DET+K
) edDElm *) elDE;
1491hich of the follo#ing statement is #rong'
A) >eadingcommunicatingCegotiatingpro(lem sol+ing and the a(ilit" to influence the
organi<ation are considered ,e" s,ill for project managers to possessH
$) Project managers should ta,e into consideration and plan accordingl" for influences
) Project management s,ills ha+e no relation to general management s,ills
*) ;rgani<arions are increasingl" accounta(le for impacts resulting from project
A) JsvwJqY?=@A*
$) XY?@~Mvw
) qY*KqY*@
*) #vw
150 &he follo#ing are the internal rate of return (I@@) for different projects Project Av
5Lproject $v-5Lproject v20Lproject *v9L1hich is the (est project'
A) Project A $) Project $ ) Project *) Project *
blcq (I@@) vA]5L$ ]-5L ]20L
A) A $) $ ) *) *
1511hich of the follo#ing is true regarding estimation'
A) P%@& is superior to P3
$) P%@& estimates are (etter than 3onte arlo simulation
) P3 uses 2 estimates on a tas, (pessimisticoptimistic and most li,elB)
*) 3onte arlo simulation uses P%@& formula
A) P%@&jP30+
$) P%@&xjf7+
) P3#~x (***)
*) fP%@&
15-Bou ha+e to finish a project #ith in - #ee,s and "our lead de+eloper had to ta,e 1 #ee,
lea+e due to personal emergenc"Another project manager has agreed to loan the ser+ice of
his lead de+eloper for l #ee,Bou are ta,ing his help and completing the project&his case is
an example of (hoose the (est ans#er)
A) fast trac,ing $) crashing ) ris, management *) resource le+eling
6ulM^$N^$ OP (*/
A) 5gV $) Q ) qY *) U[
152A complex project #ill fit (est in #hat t"pe of organi<ation'
A) Eunctional $) rossFfunctional ) 3atrix *) $aIanced
A) $) l ) [\ *) [
1541hen the project cost is 6-7000 and the profit is 6500#hat is the $@ for the project'
A) -7500 $) -5L ) 4 *) not enough information to calculate
-000 500 $@ H'
A) -500 $) -5L ) 4 *) bMx$@
1551hich of the follo#ing is C;& an input to perform integrated change control'
A) Proiect management plan $) @e)uested changes
) Project scope statement *) 1or, performance information
A) qY $) W/0 ) -.fg& *) QR
1591hich ,no#ledge area does the de+elop project charter (elong to'
A) Initiating $) Project scope management
) Project integration management *) Project communication management
A) E $) -.qY ) qY *) JqY
15=&he t"pe of contract #here the (u"er incurs opportunit" cost (ut little or no additional cost
ris, is called
A) fixedFprice #ith incenti+e $) firmFfixedFprice
) fixed price #ith economic price adjustment *) fixedFprice #ith right of rene#al
A) $) ) Xm *)
1581hich t"pe of #arrant" is enacted if a ser+ice or product does not meet the le+el of )ualit"
specified in the contract'
A) Implied #arrant" of merchanta(ilit" $) Implied #arrant" of specified )ualit"
) %xpress #arrant" *Cone of the a(o+e
A) 35bP $) fbP ) *) e
159In "our soft#are de+elopment project "ou ha+e planned for s"stem testing from 3arch 1st
and the duration is 10 da"s&#o da"s (efore the completion of the s"stem test "ou can start
the user acceptance test&he - da"s in this case is an example of
A) lead $) lag ) dela" *) float
P!"l5LQRk2 1 Hlm+K10 IPN
L- IlmcLP$%&$- I OP
A) $) ) *) KK
190Bou are #or,ing on a project for $right Idea Incand #or,ing on a project for a large retail
(an, Bou ha+e alread" prepared the 1$S and got it signed off $ecause of some ne#
go+ernment regulations"ou need to add some more acti+ities to the 1$SBou ha+e got the
change re)uests appro+ed through the $&he 1$S changes in turn re)uire #hich of the
A) ost changes $) Scope changes ) Schedule re+isions *) @is, response
P$right Idea <X_=^1$S ^ay]
9670HDEt1$SXtJ$ _/0W1$S
A) /0 $) -./0 ) x *) 2#/0
191 ompan" A$ adopt "earFsummar" for decritiation of asset &he" spent 61=7000
purchased one computerIt is eatimated that the computer can (e sold #ith 6-7000 three "ears
later&(usho# much #ill (e the asset decritiation of this computer in "ear three'
A) 657000 $) 647500 ) 6=7500 *) 6-7500
A$ JKMxUu1= 000 ^x
-000 xH'
A) 5000 $) 4500 ) =500 *) -500
19- Bou do not expect the t"pes of +ariances that ha+e occurred on the project to date to
continue If $A200 %&-=5 P8200 A-00 %8-50 and PI
1.-5#hat is the %A'
A) -40 $) -50 ) 4=5 *) 150
]t]v5()KDM() $A200%&-=5P8
A) -40 $) -50 ) 4=5 *) 150
192Bou a"e a project manager to upgrade the computer safet" of "our organi<ation Bour
Project team is made up of four contractors and t#o full time emplo"ees &his is the first time
the" ha+e all #or,ed together Bou ,no# that the team #ill go through the stages of team
de+elopment in the follo#ing orderv
A) Eorming storming norming and performing $)
Stormingnormingformingand performing
) Corming storming forming and performing *)
Eormingnormingstormingand performing
XYP09xcdS 4 S3
- ;e$uQR$cdXyzM\v
A) - $) -
) - *) -
194*uring the execution phase of project "ou reali<e that one of the product functionalities
has (een omitted in the projeet plan#hich #ill not e+entuall" satisf" the re)uirement "ou
A) update the project schedule and (udget
$) su(mit a change re)uest to change control (oard and re (aseline
) negotiate #ith the client for a ne# deli+er" date (ased on the re+ised schedule
*) informing management and ta,e necessar" measures for changes in (udget and schedule
A) 09x
$) ~/0e/019x_
) o39HT
*) J$qY]/0x>?7%
195A re+ie# of management processes and the associated documentation is commonl" called

A) audit $) inspection ) testing and measuring *) screening

A) $) ) LL *)
199ompanies and institutions most commonl" hire project management leaders #ith
A) a strict standing in negotiating
$) experience in tric,ing (usiness partners
) integrit" and expertise
*) a strong lin, to local traditions
A) 5 $) 35X9 ) 5*+ *)
19=1hat is true #hen a change control s"stem0s pro+ision for changes #ithout formal re+ie# in
case of emergenc" is (eing utili<ed'
A) hanges can (e simpl" applied #ithout further managerial acti+ities if the" help sol+ing the
$) hanges must still (e documented and captured so that the" do not cause pro(lems later in the
) A ne# change control (oard ($) should (e esta(lished
*) &he project (aseline must (e changed as #ell
A) /0sxPX0HqYDE&'OS
$) /0?@OXY'(VWPDMs
) 679/0e
*) _?@K/0
198$eing assigned as the project manager to a project "ou perform earned +alue Anal"sis and
find the follo#ing results v%8 -507000 P8 -007000 A -=57000 $A
50070001hat is right'
A) %A4007000 $) %A5507000 ) $&4007000 *) %&=57000
Pe^)i,);v%8-50 000P8-00 000A-=5
000$A500 000'
A) %A400 000 $) %A550 000 ) $&400 000 *) %&=5 000
199A is a preFcontract agreement that formall" esta(lishes the intent of one part" to (u"
products or ser+ices from another part" and esta(lishes some preliminar" consideration in order
to reser+e resources for the anticipated contract
A) seller initial response $) memorandum of understanding ) letter of intent *) letter
A) mw2 $) =( ) ~& *) &
1=01hat does the acron"m @AI commonl" stand for in project management'
A) @esponsi(leaccounta(leto (e communicated&o (e informed
$) @emoteattachedconnectedintegrated
) @is, anal"sis and caution initiati+e
*) @andoml" accessi(le cash flo# information
PqY5@AI wx'
A) bJZ[ $) !"
) i,#$=E *) P)
1=1A change re)uest in a project has (een rejected some #ee,s agoBesterda"the project
manager found out that it ne+ertheless has (een implemented (" the team mem(ers#ho ,ne#
of the change re)uest (ut not of the rejectionIn order to a+oid such a situationreMected
change re)uests are input to #hich process'
A) Schedule de+elopment $) Scope +erification
) 3onitor and control projeet #or, *) Information distri(ution
A) $) -. ) QR *)
1=-All the follo#ing statements are true exceptv
A) It is axiomatic of the )ualit" management discipline that the (enefits out#eigh the costs
$) Iualit" should mainl" (e achie+ed (" testing and inspections of #or, results on a regular
) &he primar" cost of meeting )ualit" re)uirements is the expense associated #ith project
)ualit" management acti+ities
*) &he primar" (enefit of meeting )ualit" re)uirements is less re#or, #hich means higher
producti+it"lo#er costsand increased sta,eholder satisfaction
A) !qY/c?@
$) =72JTLM)
) -6W=7PqYDEe
*) 6W=7+Q$LQ$`q2V-

1=21hich of the follo#ing statements is not true'

A) Attri(ute sampling is the process of assessing #hether results conform to specifications or
$) Pre+ention means ,eeping errors out of the process (" appl"ing actions (efore the process
starts changing its input
) 8aria(les sampling means that the result is classified into one of the 2
categoriesv.accepta(le/F.accepta(le after re#or,/F .relected/
*) Inspection is often mainl" done to ,eep errors out of the hands of the customer instead of as a
means of process control
A) Z)k;
$) JPlm>E0)Pb
) /kLQ;JKi]|vQ]^
*) JK=7M0t&5
1=41hich of the follo#ing statements regarding #histle (lo#ing are not true'
A) It is a term used to define an emplo"ee0s decision to disclose information on
unethicalimmoral or illegal actions at #or, to an authorit" figure
$) An emPlo+ee should al#a"s discuss the matter #ith people external to the compan" (efore
follo#ing the.chain of command/and discuss it #ith the immediate superior
) &he conseouences of #histle (lo#ing are often extreme and include possi(le (eing (randed as
ha+ing (ad Mudgmentfiringci+il action and imprisonmentH
*) arefull+ considered #histle (lo#ing can lead to the end of unethical (usiness practices
@.' ([() /f'
A) $)^;e'*aP+,&QR
$) P a-. e67eQ2:;lV67s
) 1 ' JK/SOle001m;2-3
*) ~ ' 3556%V
1=5 Bou are assigned as the project manager in a project #ith an aggressi+e schedule*uring a
recent meering "our team complained a(out the high pressure applied and the man" hours of
o+er#or, time1hat should "ou do first'
A) &r" to o(tain additional (udget and time
$) Impm+e team communication and a+aila(ilit" of high )ualit" data on ris,s :se ttlis
information to ena(le "ou to ma,e #ellFfounded decisions earlier
) &he pro(lem might (e the customer distur(ing project rh"thmKeep him on distance from
the team
*) Appl" fast trac,ing to shorten project duration #ithout additional #or,
A) ::;xKL
$) cdJ$)$R(bo

) $sM2;M<cd=
*) P:;QR5gVM$+K
1=9 A Project team is suffering from misunderstandings (et#een team mem(ers #ho ha+e
different cultural (ac,grounds &he project manager is e+aluating ho# to impro+e
communication and colla(oration1hich of the follo#ing statements is not true'
A) ;nl" those #ho reali<e that cultural differences are a resource to (e full" utili<ed #ill
sur+i+e in international project (usiness
$) &here is a common ground for people from different cuItures on #hich the" can interact
#ithout unsol+a(le conflicts
) ultural differences #ill al#a"s remain an o(stacle to (e o+ercome for crossFcultural
*) rossFcultural competence is a critical le+er for competiti+e ad+antage in international
project (usiness
A) <btXhU=iVP5
$) MXhVb)uPb&'
) XhK@:PABXh
*) P3555XhJ@ACD
1==A project management team is e+aluating the causes that might contri(ute to unsatisfactor"
perforrhance and )ualit"1hich of the follo#ing statcments is not true'
A) Cormal process +ariation is attri(uta(le to random causes and sometimes also called.#hite
$) Special callses are easier to predict and handle than random causes (also called common
) Special causes are unusual e+ents #hich are difficuIt &o foresee and mostl" produce
*) A process can (e optimi<ed to limit the (and#idth of +ariations due to random causes
$) fH/yjP/y (IJ/y) 4O
) fH/yK-"opXKs
*) P/yKO{|b
1=8 *uring a project the scope of a product purchased on a cost reim(ursa(le contract has
increasedIn the contract the fee to co+er the contractor0s indirect costs and allo# a profit is
calculated as -0Lof the direct costs1hat is most li,el" to (e true'
A) &he contractor0s indirect costs #ill increase and the customer0s pa"ment for them #ill
$) &he contractor0s indirect costs #ill increase (ut the customer0s pa"ment for them #ill not
) Ceither the contractor0s indirect costs nor the customer0s pa"ment for them #ill increase
*) &he contractor0s indirect costs #ili not increase (ut the customer0s pa"ment for them #ill
$) S3L
) S3LR
*) S3L!
1=9Bou are assigned as the project manager to a project #hich is executed for a customer under
EP contract Bour customer informed "ou this morning that the" insist on
certain1refinements2of the project scopeBou agree that the re)uested actions ma,e reall"
sense to the project (ut (elie+e that the" constitute a major change increasing the project
scope1hat should "ou do next'
A) Accept the re)uest of the customer*iligentl" document the additional costs and #or,ing
hours spent (" "ourself and the team on the implementation of the change and in+oice these
to the customer at appropriate rates
$) Perform earned +alue anal"sis to assess the current status of the project and get all the
num(ers "ou need to communicate the case to the change control (oard #(ich then #ill ha+e
to ma,e the (est decision regarding the customer re)uestF
) hec, the contractthe project charterthe scope statement and other documents related to
the project and the contract Assess the impacts of the scope change &hen discuss the
situation #ith the project sponsor and the change control (oard
*) &al, to the project sales department and find a joint solution #ith them ho# to (est reject the
re)uest considering the commercial and strategic +alue of the customer to the organi<ation
"ou are #or,ing for
A) W'(cd$/0a:;QRK
$) )i,r{|ab1/0eu#
) z-.fg&tu@XY-./0
*) LlJ~35M8t*+]
1801hat is sometimes referred to as glo(al illiteracies'
A) &he a(ilit" to read reports #ritten in man" different languages
$) &he a(ilit" to succeed in a cross cultural en+tronment
) &he a(ilit" to de+elop internationall" accepted contracts
*) &he a(ilit" to communicate using dra#ings and pictograms #hich are understood all o+er the
A) PQH%R"([`J
$) XhjkJ
) eJ
181A project management team #ants to procure some customi<ed products #hich are a+alia(le
in identical grade and )ualit" from man" +endors1hat should (e included in the procurement
pac,age to ensure that their offers #ill (e compara(le'
A) A statement of #or, descri(ing the needs of the project in sufficient detail to ena(le +endors
to ma,e suita(le proposals
$) A statement of #or, specif"ing attri(utes and metrics of the re)uested deli+era(les in detail
to allo# +endors su(mission of (ids
) &he appro+ed project scope statement the 1$S #hich should (e (ro,en do#n to #or,
pac,age le+el and the 1$S dictionar"
*) &he ris, management plan and the reports from those ris, management re+ie#s #hich ha+e
(een made so far
A) S;1Pe^6WM61r
$) S;1^7Wf6123[
) _-.fg&1$S ?@tQRSS1$S a
*) t]vqYqY[`
18-Bour project is executed #ith a glo(all" spread +irtual team&he project progress has (een
found to (e too slo#1hich measure is most li,el" to immediatel" speed up the project'
A) &echnical training for all team mem(ers
$) *ail) phgne conferences and detailed reporting
) A team meeting at a location con+enient to all team mem(ers
*) ollocation of team mem(ers at a suita(le place
A) *+stabcde
$) Il}KZ[
) Pglcd
*) PrA5
182*uring execution of a project #hich is performed for a customer on a &J3 (time and
material) contract (asea ne# project manager is ta,ing o+er the assignment ?e disco+ers
that t#o mem(ers assigned to the project ha+e charged time #ithout performing an" #or, for
the project customer :pon further in+estigationhe determines that this occurred (ecause
there ha+e (een no other project assignments open for these emplo"ees &he customer is
una#are of these facts1hich of the follo#ing should he do'
A) &r" to find some producti+e #or, for these staff mem(ers in the project and lea+e them on the
$) &he (est thing is to do nothing&he customer #ill not reali<e the pro(lem an" 1a"
) &r" to find a responsi(le person for the o+er assignment #ho can (e made accounta(le
*) &a,e the t#o people off the team immediatel" and arrange for the refund of the excess
charges to the customer
A) P58`)QR$eQ6uPcd
$) *+wx7IR)$%&'
) 8(#M&'VM,
*) 6$!VlcdU:;
184Bon are running a project for a customer (ased on a cost reim(ursa(le contract #ith the
follo#ing terms v &arget costs 6170007000 fix fee 1007000 (enefitAcost
sharing 80A-0 price ceiling 17-007000 1hich is the P&A (point of total
assumption(rea, point) of the proiect'
A) 6172007000 $) 6175007000 ) 6807000 *) 6171-57000
V100000 i80A-0*$1-00000
P&A (:<gW|g) '
A) l200000 $) 1500000 ) 80000 *) 11-5000
185A project management team has su(contracted #or, to a ser+ice compan" 1hich of the
follo#ing tools is the (est choice to assure that this compan" #i (e a(le to meet the )ualit"
re)uirements of the project'
A) Iualit" audit $) *eli+era(le inspection ) Eixed price contract *) Ser+ice le+el
A) $) ) : *) }~
189In a traditionall" dra#n decision treea circle represents
A) a chance to #hich no estimated monetar" +alue can (e assigned so that a li,el" pa"Foff carl
not (e sho#n
$) a decision to #hich no estimated monetar" +alue can (e assigned so that a li,el" pa"Foff can
not (e sho#n
) a chance to #hich an estimated monetar" +alue ma" (e assigned to calculate the most li,el"
*) a decision to #hich an estimated monetar" +alue ma" (e assigned to calculate the most li,el"
A) bOi%38ax*[
$) bOi%38ax*[
) Oi%38Mx*[
*) Oi%38Mx*[
18=Bou are #or,ing as a project manager for a major usF(ased pu(lic compan"&his morning
"ou recei+ed alarming ne#s that the major strategic project "ou are responsi(le for #ill not (e
a(le to pro+ide financial (enefits to the organi<ation as expected &his dra#(ac, #ill
significantl" influence future profits of the entire corporation1hat should "ou do right no#'
A) Bou should not o+eract and chec, at least three options (efore ma,ing an" decisions
$) Bou must immediatel" inform the corporate management to ensure real time issuers
) Bou should in+estigate detailed information on the pro(lem (efore escalating it to corporate
*) Bou should find a )uic, solution for the pro(lem and implement this immediatel"
A) 7^PR(Iux
$) ?@JqYsKO67
) Ps:tqYs
*) g8(s!3_
188 In order to speed up a project "ou made a decision to fastFtrac, a phase currentl"
performed #ith fi+e team mem(ers and another one #hich #as planned to (egin in four #ee,s
time #ith another fi+e team mem(ers1hich of the follo#ing acti+ities should "ou do first'
A) 3a,e sure that all exit criteria of the consecuti+e phase ha+e (een met to ensure the flo# of
communications in a team situation #hich is more complex (" a factor of -
$) 3a,e sure that all entr" criteria of the pre+ious phase ha+e (een met (" planning and
performing a phase gate meeting to assess technical aptness
) 3a,e sure that all exit criteria of the pre+ious phase ha+e (een met (" planning and
performing a phase gate meeting to assess technlcal perlormance
*) @estructure "our team and delegate tas,s in ordcr to ensure the flo# of communications in a
team situation #hich is more complex (" a factor of 4.5
]^g5gVEF$EF)P5 cde
P`"lmtu5 cde2DE'
A) abEFU(_O-Jzay]$%&'Jj
^- b
$) JEFM*+JabEF_O
) JEFM*+abEFU(_X
*) 1cdi~Jzay]$%&'Jj^4.5 b
1891hich of the follo#ing tools is used to create a ris, managemcnt plan'
A) @is, planning meetings $) *ocumentation re+ie#s
) *ata precision ran,ings *) *iagramming techni)ues
A) $) XY- ) *) *+
190A project manager spent some da"s to create a multiFpage document #hich he called project
charter&he document should ha+e (een issued (" the project sponsor&he sponsor found the
document outsi<ed and as,ed for a condensed document 1hich of the follo#ing is not
normall" an element of the project charter'
A) &he formal authori<ation to appl" organi<ational resources to proiect acti+llies
$) *etailed control account and #or, pac,age descriptions
) &he (usiness need that the project #as underta,en to address
*) &he product description or a reference to this document
A) 2UtDE5 $) QRS
) 356W *) XY
191A production process has (een defined as part of an industrial e)uipment manufacturing
project &he process is intended to produce steel (olts #ith a length of -0 cm&he control
limits are 19.955 cnNand -0.045 cm&he measurements made at the end of the process "ielded
the follo#ing resultsv-0.022 cm19.98- cm19.995 cnl-0.009 crn19.9=0 tin19.998
cm19.992 cm19.958 cm19.99- cm19.9=9 cm19.959 cm1hat should (e done'
A) &he process is under controlIt should not (e adjusted
$) A special cause should (e in+estigatedthe process should (e adjusted
) &he control limits should (e adjusted
*) &he measuring e)uipment should (e recali(rated
|] 19.955 cm -0.045 cmPLtv-0.022 cm19.98-
cm19.995 tin-0.009 cm19.9=0 cm19.998 cm19.992 cm19.958 cm19.99- cm19.9=9
cnl19.959 cmM%&'?@7'
A) $Pb2O $) ?@fH/y$2O

) {|?@O *) L<=?@Oh_
19- is t"picall" not referred to as a (uffer t"pe in critical chain project management
A) @esource (uffer $) Eree (uffer ) Eeed (uffer *) Project (uffer
A) Ui $) i ) ji *) i
l 92All of the follo#ing must he performed during project initiating %G%P&
A) identif" and document (usiness needs $) create a project scope statement
) di+ide large projects into phases *) accumulate and e+aluate historical information
A) '(356W $) -.fg&
) i]k2EF *) i+,
1941hile #or,ing on an external project "our customer as,s "ou to perform some additional
tas,s that are not included in the formal contractBou should
A) honor the customer0s re)uest as sign of cooperation to ensure future (usiness
$) refuse the re)uest and report the customer to "our sponsor
) ac,no#ledge the re)uest and ad+ise the customer to su(mit a formal change re)uest
*) con+ene a meeting of the project team and re#rite the scope statement
A) Xy7WgRl|$#M`b
$) ]^7W~V[`$"-
) 7Wm/0
*) Acd19-.fg&
195*uring half #a" to the project execution"ou #ere assigned as a project manager After
careful re+ie#ing of the project"ou found that the project might ta,e dou(le the time that the
pre+ious manager estimated?o#e+er the upper management has (een told that the project
is on schedule&he pre+ious manager is an old friend of "ours#hat #ill "ou do'
A) @eport "our e+aluation to the upper management
$) ?a+e a team meeting to find the alternati+es to meet the project schedule
) 3eet the pre+ious project manager and turn the project (ac,
*) %xecute the project as planned (" the pre+ious manager
A) ~$qY[`#
$) lcd(-/tu
) XYpq
*) XyXYx
1991hen there are conflict in the contract is the first one should (e resol+ed
A) schedule planning $) deputi<e ) contract term *) criterion
A) $) Y ) Rr *) -
19=In managing a project"ou notice that a deli+era(le mentioned in the general conditions of
the contraet has not "et (een recei+ed&he sellerho#e+ersa"s the special pro+isions of
the contract +oid that dell+era(le1hat should "ou do'
A) @e)uire the deli+era(le as in the contract
$) *o nothing
) ontact the contract manager
*) Send a letter re)uiring the deli+era(le is met
A) 7W1 $) >I
) XY7 *) s"7W
198 ontract closure procedure and administrati+e closure procedure ha+e se+eral common
characteristicsthe follo#ing are their common characteristics except
A) exit criteria $) contract term ) srep (" step *) acti+ities and responsi(ilities
A) U(_ $) Rr ) 6%Y *) DE
1991hich t"pe of input is the primar" cause of conttact changes'
A) Independent estimates $) ;rgani<ational policies
) Statement of #or, *) Appro+ed changes re)uests
A) Tx $) ) QRfg& *) _/0W
-00A procurement audit is a structured re+ie# of the procurement process from procurement
planning through contract administration 1hat is the primar" o(jecti+e of a procurement
A) *etermine the issues #ith "our present contract so that the contraet terms can (e modified or
$) Identif" successes and failures that #arrant transfer to other procurement irems on this project
or to other projects #ithin the performing organi<ation
) &o ensure that the seller is follo#ing all the terms listed in the contract
*) &o ensure that the (u"er is follo#ing all the terms listed in the contract
A) Ls#Rr0
$) tMtu>?-
) XyaRr
*) XyaRr

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