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The ABCs of Kindergarten

Absences: Please call the office if your child will be absent that day. (519) 824-9470. If you are aware
ahead of time of an absence your child may have, please let me know by sending a note in their mailbag.
We do lots of learning each day and regular attendance is a key component in any students success.
Allergies: Please let me know of ANY allergies your child may have. Any food allergies will be sent home in a
note to all parents to prevent any unnecessary reactions!
Alphabet: Learning the alphabet and its sounds is an important part of kindergarten. Play fun games
with your child at home; such as, pointing to letters on food items or billboards you pass, making letters
with things like straws, blocks, or Play Doh, and spelling out siblings names to see what letters they have in
their name. These easy games will help develop their early reading skills.
Arrival/dismissal: School starts at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 3:20 p.m. Students may start arriving at the 8:25
a.m. - the JKs will come into the classroom where Mrs. Caron will be waiting for them and the SKs can
play in the larger school yard where a teacher is on duty to supervise until the bell goes. Please try to
have your child at school on time so we can start learning right away!
Backpacks: Your child should bring their backpack to school every day. They will have things to bring home
daily including their Folder!
Birthdays: Birthdays are VERY special in kindergarten! Your child may bring in a birthday treat on the day
of their birthday, if they would like. You can send the treat in the morning with your child or arrange a
time to bring the snack in if you would like to join the celebration. If your child has a summer birthday, we
will celebrate it in June! Please be aware of any classroom allergies.
Book Orders: Once a month we will send home book order forms. You are never obligated to purchase
books, but books are always a great gift for your child and any purchases help us earn free books for
our class
Bus Riders: If your child rides the bus, a bus buddy will walk them to and from their correct bus each day
after school! Dont forget to send in a change in transportation note if their original means of
transportation home changes!
Communication: Good home-school communication is so important. If you have any questions or
concerns, please dont hesitate to let us know. Catch us for a quick word before or after school or send
a note in your childs mailbag so we can respond or arrange a time to speak on the phone.
Centres: The kindergartners will participate in centers throughout the school year. Sometimes
centers are free choice in which the child chooses where he/she would like to work. Other times,
centers will be more structured and determined by the teacher. These structured learning centers
often occur during literacy time early in the day.
Conferences: You will have the opportunity to participate in two formal parent/teacher conferences
during the school year. Of course, if any concerns arise, we can schedule a meeting at your convenience.
Discipline: We believe in using positive reinforcement, praise and re-direction as our main discipline tools.
We expect and encourage good behaviour from all of our students!
Every child is valued and respected in room 102. We believe in promoting inclusivity and kindness.
Field trips: Kindergartners have some opportunities for field trips throughout the year. Permission slips
will be sent home when dates and times are determined. Parent volunteers are always welcomed and
encouraged on these trips!
Fine motor practice: Fine motor activities help develop hand muscles. Working with Play-Doh, using
markers, crayons, pencils, pens, and scissors will strengthen your childs hand muscles. Stronger hand
muscles will help your childs writing skills and encourage proper letter formation throughout the year.
Gym: We have gym four times a week! Mlle. Fitzgerald teaches both Phys. Ed and Science to the
JK/SKB class. Students must have labelled running shoes with non-marking soles to participate.
Hands-on: An important part of the FDK program is that it provides lots of hands-on learning
and activities. We strive to make your childs learning developmentally appropriate and meaningful.
Homework: Your child may be sent home with some activities to help them practice some of the
concepts we are working on in class. We understand how busy families are, so we do our best to
make it possible to complete these activities over a period of a week. Please remember, if the
homework becomes a frustrating experience at any time, let us know!
Illness: Please report your childs absence to the office (824-9470). In an effort to keep our
children as healthy as possible, we ask that you keep your child home until he/she has been
symptom-free for 24 hours (fever, vomiting, diarrhea). THANK YOU for your cooperation!
Independence: Kindergarten is a big transition for children and families! We gently encourage the
children to be as independent as possible. We are focusing on how to be kind, helpful and
responsible! Be sure to encourage your child to continue these behaviors at home.
Journals: The kindergartners will have a journal to work on throughout the year. Writing journals
will be composed of childrens writing on specific or free choice topics. As a kindergartner, writing
is not limited to correctly written sentences. Sometimes writing is a combination of words,
letters, shapes, or drawings that show their thoughts.
Kindergarten: The kindergarten years are a special time for you and your child. Although academics
are important, they are not the sole focus of our program. We aim to support and develop your
childs social, emotional, and physical development, as well. We want your child to become the best
kindergartner they can be!
Label all of your childs items: This cuts down greatly on lost items! Also, check the lost and found
throughout the year for any missing items!
Library: We have library once a week. Your child will have the opportunity to pick out a book to be kept
until the following week. If your child forgets their book, they can bring it in any time to return it to
the library!
Math: Math concepts are covered daily. Encourage your child to explain what they are learning in
math throughout the week. You can always expand your childs math knowledge by using everyday
objects to count and add. Show your child how you use math every day, as well!
Mystery Reader: We encourage all parents/grandparents/friends to participate in this fun activity!
Simply sign up with your childs teacher to share a story with the class. The mysterious part is that
your child doesnt know youre comingthe kids love this! Keep an eye out for available dates and times
in the weekly newsletter.
Newsletter: A monthly newsletter will be sent home in your childs mailbag. Be sure to check it out for
important updates, what we have been learning about, and other special news!
Outdoors: Recess is outdoors everyday, weather permitting. Please send your child in with weather
appropriate clothing and extra warm clothes in the winter months!
Open-Door Policy: Please speak to one of us if there is something you or your child needs.
Parties: Kindergarten loves to celebrate holidays and other events. We will be having parties
throughout the year which I will let you know ahead of time in the newsletter. Volunteers and
donations are greatly appreciated so be on the lookout for upcoming events!
Questions: Please dont hesitate with questions or concerns! Feel free to write me a note and send it
inside your childs Folder!!
Reading: We will start, establish, and expand reading skills in kindergarten! Please read with your child
every day. Also, allow your child to read to you! In kindergarten, we have three ways to read: read the
words, read the pictures, or retell the story. All these forms of reading help your child develop reading
skills and an excitement for reading! Encourage any and all reading your child may do!
Snack: In addition to lunch, we have a snack break twice a day. Please send your child with healthy
snacks every day.
Super Hero: The students will take turns being our Super Hero of the Day. Your childs turn will be on
the class calendar that is sent home. The Super Hero of the Day gets to stand at the front of all
lines, help with the morning routine and take any messages to the office. They will be asked to
participate in different activities
Show and Share: Children will have a chance to share an item or story when they are the Super Hero
of the Day. If your child brings in a toy from home, please be sure it fits in their backpack and is
inexpensive!! No IPods, DSs, or other breakable items.
Toys: Please remind your child that toys from home should not be brought to school unless the toy is
a show and tell item!
Transportation: It is very important that we safely get your child to their proper form of
transportation each day! In order to keep everyone updated on how your child will get home, please fill
out the transportation form on the Getting Ready for the First Day form. If there is a change in the
way your child will be getting home, send in a note in your childs Folder. If there is a last minute change,
please call the office to let us know of the change! Unless we hear otherwise from a parent/guardian,
your child will be sent home the way thats normal for him/her on any given day!
Unique: Each child comes to us with gifts and needs that are unique to him/her. We rejoice in each
childs uniqueness and will do our best to teach him/her according to his/her individual needs. We strive
to differentiate our teaching so that each child can be the best kindergartner he/she can be!
Visitors: When visiting the school, please sign in at the office and youll receive a visitor button. When
leaving, please remember to sign out!
Volunteers: There will be many opportunities for parents to assist us this year. Volunteers are
greatly appreciated throughout the year to keep our classroom running smoothly. Be sure to check
your Folder for events to volunteer at or any other volunteering we may need throughout the year!
We welcome volunteers in the room!!! We always have jobs and can use an extra set of hands!
Web Page: The school website is a great place to keep updated with current school events.
Writing: Kindergartners are beginning to learn so many new things and writing is one of them! Your
childs writing will develop tremendously throughout the year. A kindergartners writing may not look
like an exact letter formation, and that is okay! Squiggles and scribbles are the beginning of the writing
process! Encourage your child to write about what they draw at home. If you dont know what it
says, you can ask your child, Can you read this to me? or Wow! Tell me what you are writing about.
That looks interesting! These are ways to encourage your child to excitedly continue writing!
Xtra clothes: Please send extra clothes in your childs backpack (please make sure theyre labeled).
Even seasoned bladder-control experts can have an off day! In case of an emergency, there are
extra clothes in the office for accidents.
Younger siblings: We realize that situations may arise when younger siblings need to accompany a
parent to a volunteer commitment or class party. We are very understanding of this. We do
encourage you to find a time to help at school that doesnt conflict with a younger siblings schedule.
It means so much to your kindergartner to have your undivided attention when you are at school
with him/her!
Z-z-z-zs: Please make sure your kindergartner gets a good nights sleep and has a good breakfast
before coming to school! This will help your child have the best day possible!
We hope this has answered
many of the questions you may
have about our classroom.
Mrs. LEcuyer
& Mrs. Caron

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