ITA Imel: Learning Goals Establishing Routines

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Seattle Hebrew Academy, 1617 Interlaken Drive East, Seattle, 98112

Rabbi Yehuda Rapoport // // 206.323.5750



Parent Signature______________________
Newsletter 8.28.14
Volume 1, Issue 1
' "

Learning Goals
Reading and Comprehension
Students develop their Hebrew comprehension,
literacy and reading fluency.
Students keep a daily journal to practice writing
with meaning in Hebrew. Their writing skills are
developed in each content area.
Speaking and Listening
Students are immersed in a Hebrew language
environment. They are constantly hearing Hebrew
in the classroomas the year progresses students
are encouraged to speak more and more.

Content Areas

Students study Lech Lecha, VaYera and Chayei Sarah.
They learn to read and comprehend the text and make
meaningful connections to their lives. This will be our
second year using the Lhavin uLhaskil curriculum
(more on the back).
Shana Yehudit (ShY)
This is the second major half of the TalAm/Judaics
curriculum. While students learn about the Chagim
(Holidays) and other topics relevant to Jewish and
Israeli life and culture they are also learning Hebrew.
The learning of Hebrew reinforces the learning of
Jewish practice and culture and vice-versa.
Parashat HaShavua
Each week we study the Parashat HaShavua.

Establishing Routines
In the beginning of the year we will introduce a lot of
classroom routines and expectations. For example, when
students arrive in class they will know to:
1. Use the bathroom and get a drink before class
starts. (We want to minimize bathroom trips in
the middle of class.)
2. Put any H.W. that might be due on my desk.
3. Get their materials (workbooks, pencils, etc.)
from their cubbies and have a seat.
Each week, on Friday, a homework packet will go home
with a Shabbat Newsletter. The Shabbat Newsletter will
tell you about what kita gimel did that week. It will also
have questions to be asked at the Shabbat table about the
Parashat HaShavua and other topics learned that week.
The homework packet will contain work for each night of
the week, Monday through Thursdaythis homework
should not take more than 15 minutes a night.

I would love to talk with you. If you want to schedule a
time to talk go to the link I will send you by email and write
yourself into one of the slots. If none of those times work
for you let me know I we will figure something out.

Seattle Hebrew Academy, 1617 Interlaken Drive East, Seattle, 98112
Rabbi Yehuda Rapoport // // 206.323.5750


This is our second year using the Lhavin ULehaskil Chumash curriculum.

What is Lhavin ULehaskil?
It is a skills-based curriculum. The brainchild of the Consortium of Jewish Day Schools, it was designed with the
intention of ensuring that students are gaining the textual skills to learn Chumash independently.
The multifaceted program comes with:
1. Extensive workbooks for the students and intensive teachers guides.
2. Creative lessons and beautiful worksheets target different modalities, so they are ideal for differentiatiation
and stress varied skills.
3. Smartboard ready discs for each lesson, interactive songs, beautiful charts and posters, and flashcards for
each student.
4. Formative and summative assessments throughout the year enable teachers to track the progress of the
students and those skills which need to be strengthened.
5. Ability to track the students progress throughout the grade level and the school, since it ensures consistency
of required skills across the board.
The curriculum is a spiraling curriculum, constantly reviewing the skills from previous years, and adding more skills as
the grades progress.

Lhavin ULehaskil

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