Microsoft Excel 2007: Advanced Topics: 1. Importing

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Microsoft Excel 2007: Advanced Topics

Course Outline & Guide

1. IMPORTIN........................................................................................1
2. A!TO"I#TER.......................................................................................2
$. TA%#E&..............................................................................................$
'. PROO"IN.........................................................................................'
(. )REATE A )*ART................................................................................'
+. )*ART #O)ATION AN, T-PE................................................................(
7. )*ART #A-O!T...................................................................................+
.. )*ART &T-#E.....................................................................................+
/. )*ART &O!R)E ,ATA..........................................................................7
10. )*ART )#A&& )*A##ENE...................................................................
11. TRIM "!N)TION..................................................................................
12. PA&TE &PE)IA# AN, TE0T TO )O#!MN&............................................../
1$. )REATE A PI1OTTA%#E......................................................................../
1'. MO,I"- A PI1OTTA%#E.....................................................................10
1(. PROTE)TIN -O!R 2OR3.................................................................11
1+. OPEN "#OOR "OR 45A......................................................................12
1. I6portin7
a. What is it?
Opening a fle that was saved as another fle format
other than Excel, such as in a dataase !.mdx" or
text fle !.txt". #$picall$ the data will e delimited %n
Excel, $ou can format the data or use it in
calculations as $ou would an$ other data
. Create a fle that Excel can i6port
i. Open the application, Ado8e Reader
&. On the Men9 Tool8ar clic', "ile : Open
(. Choose a fle to open
a. )tarting from the ,es;top, open the
)o9rse folder, loo' inside the Excel III
folder, and fnall$ open <istor=>101.pdf
*. Convert the .pdf fle to a fle format Excel will
,. On the Men9 Tool8ar clic', "ile : &ave as
& - . a g e
/. )ave the fle as <istor=>101.txt on the
0. Close Ado8e Reader
c. Open Excel and i6port the data
i. )elect the fle to %mport
&. )elect the O?ce utton : Open
(. %n the Open window, to the right of the "iles
of t=pe:, choose All "iles @A.AB from the drop
down list
*. 1t the top of the window, to the right of #oo;
In:, select des;top
,. 2rom the list of fles availale select and open,
ii. )etup the I6port 2iCard
&. %n the new I6port 2iCard window, under
Ori7inal data t=pe, select ,eli6ited
(. Clic' Next
*. %n the &tep 2 window, under ,eli6iters, onl$
chec' &pace
,. Clic' Next
/. %n the &tep $ window, under )ol96n data
for6at, select eneral
0. Clic' "inis<
3. Note: the data imported contains no formulas
or functions and an$ cell formatting is now
iii. Class Challenge
&. Change the column headers to match the data
(. 1d4ust the headers to match the data
iv. 5elete row 7
&. %t is no longer setup to run functions or
d. )ave the Excel fle
i. )elect the O?ce utton : choose &ave As : Excel
ii. )ave on the des;top
iii. 6ame the fle <istor=>101.xlsx
2. A9to"ilter
a. What is it?
2iltered data displa$s onl$ the rows that meet criteria
that $ou specif$ and hides rows that $ou do not want
displa$ed. 1fter $ou flter data, $ou can cop$, fnd,
edit, format, chart, and print the suset of fltered
data without rearranging or moving it
( - . a g e
. 1ppl$ 1uto2ilter
i. )elect cells A2 through D2
ii. On the Ri88on, select *o6e ta, in the Editin7
group, select &ort 5 "ilter, in the menu select
iii. #he row of cells previousl$ selected should now have
drop down arrows
c. 7iew records $ criteria
i. 8ovie $our mouse pointer to the PassE"ail column
header and select the down arrow
ii. %n the new window, unchec' the value "ail !this is
the value of the records $ou do not want to view"
iii. Clic' O3
iv. 9ou should now onl$ see the students who passed
the class
v. .otentiall$ $ou could continue to narrow the feld of
records viewed $ deselecting criteria from other
d. #o :Clear; the criteria $ou set for one or more columns
i. )elect cells A2 through D2
ii. On the Ri88on, select *o6e ta, in the Editin7
group, select &ort 5 "ilter, in the menu select
e. <emove A9to"ilter
i. )elect cells A2 through D2
ii. On the Ri88on, select *o6e ta, in the Editin7
group, select &ort 5 "ilter, in the menu select
iii. #he row of cells previousl$ using A9to"ilter should
no longer have drop down arrows
$. Ta8les
a. What are the$?
1 tale is made of columns and rows. Where the$
intersect a cell is created. When $ou create a tale in
Excel, $ou can manage and anal$+e the data in that
tale independentl$ of data outside of the tale. 2or
example, $ou can flter tale columns, add a row for
totals, appl$ tale formatting, and 1ppl$ a st$le to a
word, line, or paragraph
. %nsert a tale
i. )elect the cell range from A2 to D+
ii. On the Ri88onF select the Insert ta : in the
Ta8les group : clic' Ta8le
* - . a g e
iii. %n the new window under 2<ere is t<e data for
=o9r ta8leG 8a'e sure the range is the same as the
one $ou selected
iv. Chec' the ox to the right of M= ta8le <as <eaders
v. Clic' O3
c. #ale design
i. #he ,esi7n ta is now showing on the Ri88on and it
gives $ou similar choices as we have seen efore
with st$les, options, and properties
d. 2iltering
i. 9ou now have the exact same fltering and sorting
options as $ou once did using A9to"ilter
ii. #r$ using one
e. #ale expansion
i. One of the great options with using a tale format is
that $ou can expand the tale
&. 8ove $our mouse pointer to the ottom right
corner of the tale and use the "ill *andle to
clic' and drag to the right and down
(. 6otice how the added cells change their loo'
and feel to match the tale?
'. ProoHn7
a. What is this?
Chec'ing a document for spelling and grammar
mista'es. Excel provides tools that can help $ou
correct these mista'es. Excel also gives $ou the
opportunit$ to research words, use a thesaurus, and
it will translate languages=
. )pell chec'
i. Create a misspelling
&. %n the rade &<eet wor'sheet, in cell A1,
change *istor= to *ostor=
(. #ap the Enter 'e$
ii. Correct the misspelling
&. On the Ri88on : in the RevieI section >
select the ProoHn7 ta : clic' &pellin7
(. %n the window that as's, J,o =o9 Iant to
contin9e...K clic' the -es utton
*. %n the &pellin7 window
a. )elect *istor= under &977estions:
. Clic' on )<an7e utton to the right
c. 9ou should now see, JT<e spellin7
c<ec; is co6plete for t<e entire
, - . a g e
i. %f not, then c<an7e or i7nore the
other words that Excel elieves $ou
c. <esearch, #hesaurus, and translate
i. <esearch
<eference material such as dictionaries and
ii. #hesaurus
2ind s$non$ms
iii. #ranslate
?anguage translation when wor'ing with
multilingual fles
(. )reate a c<art
a. What are the$?
Charts and graphs are visual representations of the
data. Excel supports man$ 'inds of charts and graphs
to help $ou displa$ data in wa$s that are meaningful
to $our audience
. Create a column chart
@sed to compare values across categories
i. )elect the studentAs .assB2ail data range C cells A2
to E+
ii. On the Ri88onF select the Insert ta : in the
)<arts group : clic' )ol96n !down arrow" : under
2L, Pie clic' )l9stered )ol96n
c. Elements of the chart
i. 1 chart is one o4ect made up of smaller o4ects
ii. When $ou hover $our mouse pointer inside an$ part
of the chart a ox will appear indicating the location
or o4ect
iii. 9ou can select an$ smaller chart o4ect to modif$ it
iv. #o move the chart, move $our mouse pointer into the
c<art area, clic' and drag
v. #o resi+e the chart move $our mouse pointer into an$
one of the si+ing handles on the order of the chart,
clic' and drag
d. Chart #ools
i. Once $ou create a chart a )<art Tools section will
appear in the Ri88on and includes
&. ,esi7nF #a=o9tF and "or6at
(. Clic' in an$ wor'sheet cell and $ou will lose
the )<art Tools section
*. )impl$ clic' once on the chart to ring the
section ac' and wor' with $our chart
/ - . a g e
+. )<art location and t=pe
a. What are these?
)<arts can either e emedded into a wor'sheet so
$ou can see the values used and the c<art at the
same time, or as a separate wor'sheet. #he t$pe of a
chart is how the data is displa$ed visuall$D averages
E pie chart, numers E arBcolumn, change over
time E line chart
. Change the location of the chart
i. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the ,esi7n ta : in the #ocation group :
clic' Move )<art
ii. %n the Move )<art window
&. )ince the chart is alread$ emedded in the
wor'sheet, select the radio utton next to NeI
(. %n the text ox, t$peD )<art M 49iC &cores
*. Clic' O3
iii. #he chart is now moved into its own wor'sheet
c. Change the chart t$pe
i. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the ,esi7n ta : in the T=pe group : clic'
)<an7e )<art T=pe
ii. %n the )<an7e )<art T=pe window choose %ar
iii. %n the main section in the middle right, select
)l9stered %ar
iv. Clic' O3
7. )<art la=o9t
a. What is this?
1fter $ou create a chart, $ou can instantl$ change its
loo'. %nstead of manuall$ adding or changing chart
elements or formatting the chart, $ou can Fuic'l$
appl$ a predefned la$out to $our chart. Excel
provides a variet$ of useful predefned la$outs or
Fuic' la$outs that $ou can choose from, ut $ou can
customi+e a la$out further if needed $ manuall$
changing the la$outAs individual chart elements.
. Change the la$out
i. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the ,esi7n ta : in the )<art #a=o9ts group
: clic' an$ one of the la$outs
ii. Choose one with a title
&. Clic' inside the title text ox and t$pe,
&t9dent 49iC &cores
0 - . a g e
c. 8odif$ the la$out
i. 8ove the #e7end
&. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the #a=o9t ta : in the #a8els group :
clic' #e7end
(. )elect #e7end on %otto6
ii. 8ove ,ata #a8els
&. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the #a=o9t ta : in the #a8els group :
clic' ,ata #a8els
(. )elect Inside %ase
iii. Other areas
&. 5iscuss the other areasD )9rrent &electionF
InsertF AxesF %ac;7ro9ndF Anal=sisF and
(. )ame if not more options than in the )<art
2iCard of Excel past versions
.. )<art st=le
a. What is this?
1fter $ou create a chart, $ou can instantl$ change its
loo'. %nstead of manuall$ adding or changing chart
elements or formatting the chart, $ou can Fuic'l$
appl$ a predefned st$le to $our chart. Excel provides
a variet$ of useful predefned st$les or Fuic' st$les
that $ou can choose from, ut $ou can customi+e a
st$le further if needed $ manuall$ changing the
st$le of individual chart elements.
. Color scheme
i. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the ,esi7n ta : in the )<art &t=les group
: clic' an$ one of the color schemes
c. Custom )t$les
i. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the "or6at ta : in the )9rrent &election
group : clic' on the top option in the group list !drop
down arrow to the right"
ii. Clic' on )<art Area
iii. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the "or6at ta : in the &<ape &t=le group
: clic' on an$ one of the preformatted st$les or
choose the down arrow to open up a menu of st$les
iv. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the "or6at ta : in the )9rrent &election
group : clic' on the top option in the group list !drop
down arrow to the right"
3 - . a g e
v. Clic' on &eries J49iC 1K
vi. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section >
select the "or6at ta : in the &<ape &t=le group
: clic' on an$ one of the preformatted st$les or
choose the down arrow to open up a menu of st$les
/. )<art so9rce data
a. What is this?
1fter $ou create a chart $ou can easil$ change the
data used for the chart. #he source data used are the
data points !data series" B or data range in the
. On the Ri88on : in the )<art Tools section > select the
,esi7n ta : in the ,ata group : clic' &elect ,ata
c. %n the &elect ,ata &o9rce window
i. #o the right of the textox for )<art ,ata Ra7e,
clic' the sFuare utton with the red arrow
ii. )elect cells A2 to E'
iii. Clic' the sFuare utton with the red arrow again to
use the information
d. #o switch from roI to col96n
i. Clic' the &Iitc< RoIE)ol96n
ii. #he results will displa$ as $ou will see the chart
change automaticall$
e. Edit series or cate7or=
i. 1lthough we wonAt that here, $ou could easil$ select
an$ one of the utton options under #e7end Entries
or *oriContal Axis #a8els
ii. Clic' O3
10. )<art class c<allen7e
a. What is this?
Challenges exist to help the learner retain 'nowledge
$ reusing newl$ learned information
. Challenge the class to create a new chart
i. Create a 2, line c<art Iit< 6ar;ers for Do<n and
&ierraNs O9iC scores with the following loo' !the$
will need to modif$ the chart once created
G - . a g e
11. Tri6 f9nction
a. What is this?
<emoves all spaces from text except for single
spaces etween words. @se #<%8 on text that $ou
have received from another application that ma$
have irregular spacing
. Wor' with a new fle
i. On the des;top, in the )o9rse "older director$ >
Excel III > open NeI &t9dents.xlsx
ii. )elect cells A1 through %+
iii. Cop$ the cells
c. Hring the information into <istor=>101.xlsx
i. Go ac' into the <istor=>101.xlsx fle
ii. Create a new wor'sheet
iii. Clic' once on cell A1
iv. .aste the data from NeI &t9dents.xlsx
d. @se the Tri6 function to get rid of the unnecessar$ spaces
efore the frst names
i. )elect cell %$
ii. On the Ri88on : select the "or69las ta : in the
"9nction #i8rar= group : clic' Text : in the menu
choose Tri6
iii. 9ou should now see a new "9nction Ar796ents
iv. #o input the cell reference to tri6, select cell A$
v. Clic' the O3 utton
vi. #he text in cell %$ is now without the space efore
vii. @se the Hll <andle to carr$ the function down and
tri6 the other student names
I - . a g e
12. Paste special and Text to col96ns
a. What is this?
@sing the Cut, Cop$, and .aste commands in Excel,
$ou can move or cop$ entire cells or their contents.
9ou can also cop$ specifc contents or attriutes from
the cells. 2or example, using Paste &pecial $ou can
cop$ the resulting value of a formula without cop$ing
the formula itself, or $ou can cop$ onl$ the formula.
. .aste special
i. Cop$ the names from cell %$ to %+
&. #hese cells have a function as well as the value
ii. .aste onl$ the values
&. )elect cell A$
(. On the Ri88on : select the *o6e ta : in
the )lip8oard group : clic' the Paste down
arrow : in the menu choose Paste 1al9es
*. Clear the information in cells %$ to %+
c. #ext to columns
i. )elect cells A$ to A+
ii. On the Ri88on : select the ,ata ta : in the ,ata
Tools group : clic' Text to )ol96ns
iii. %n the )onvert text to col96ns wi+ard window
&. )elect the radio utton next to ,eli6ited
(. Choose the Next : utton
*. @nder ,eli6iters chec' onl$ the &pace ox
,. Choose the Next : utton
/. Choose the "inis< utton
1$. )reate a PivotTa8le
a. What is this?
@se a .ivot#ale report to summari+e, anal$+e,
explore, and present summar$ data. @se a .ivotChart
report to visuali+e this summar$ data in a .ivot#ale
report, and to easil$ see comparisons, patterns, and
trends. Hoth a .ivot#ale report and a .ivotChart
report enale $ou to ma'e informed decisions aout
critical data in $our enterprise. #he following sections
provide an overview of .ivot#ale reports and
.ivotChart reports
. Get the data to use for the PivotTa8le
i. Open the NeI &t9dents.xlsx fle
ii. )elect and cop$ cells )2 through +
&J - . a g e
iii. %n the <istor=>101.xlsx fle select cell )2 and paste
the data !with all information"
iv. <esi+e the columns to ft the data pasted
c. Create a PivotTa8le
i. On the Ri88on : select the Insert ta : in the
Ta8les group : clic' PivotTa8le
ii. %n the )reate PivotTa8le window ma'e sure the
range selected is from A2 to +
iii. Choose the radio utton to the left NeI 2or;s<eet
iv. Clic' the O3 utton
d. 7iew Helds and data
i. #o the right of the wor'sheet $ou should now see a
PivotTa8le "ield #ist column
ii. Chec' the ox next to "irst Na6e
&. #he students frst names should now appear in
the wor'sheet
iii. Chec' the ox next to #ast Na6e
&. #heir last names now appear in the same
(. #o show or hide their last names clic' on the P
or M next to their frst names
iv. #o view an$ of the others simpl$ chec' the ox
next to the feld
e. Give $our PivotTa8le a name
i. %n the new PivotTa8le Tools section on the Ri88on
: select the Options ta : in the PivotTa8le group
: clic' inside the text ox under PivotTa8le Na6e:
ii. 6ame it, "all &e6ester
iii. #ap the Enter @ret9rnB 'e$
1'. Modif= a PivotTa8le
a. What is this?
9ou can change the values, felds, or an$ other
attriutes of a .ivot#ale easil$ in Excel
. Change feld settings
i. )how all felds
ii. )elect cell %' @s96 of A7eB
iii. %n the new PivotTa8le Tools section on the Ri88on
: select the Options ta : in the Active "ield
group : clic' "ield &ettin7s
iv. %n the 1al9e Held settin7s window, discuss
&966ariCe 8= and &<oI val9es as ta8s
v. 1verage 1ge
&. )elect the &966ariCe 8= ta
(. %n the list elow choose Avera7e
&& - . a g e
*. Clic' the O3 utton
vi. .oint out other options for PivotTa8le Tools :
Ri88on : Options
c. )t$les
i. %n the new PivotTa8le Tools section on the Ri88on
: select the ,esi7n ta : in the PivotTa8le &t=les
group : clic' on an$ st$le
ii. %n the new PivotTa8le Tools section on the Ri88on
: select the ,esi7n ta : in the PivotTa8le &t=le
Options group : chec' the ox next to %anded
d. 2ilter a feld
i. %n the PivotTa8le "ield #ist column, %n the ottom
right under val9es
&. Clic' and drag Avera7e of A7e into the ox
under Report "ilter
(. #he feld should now e simpl$ A7e
ii. 2ilter the records
&. 9ou should now see a drop down menu option
in cell %1
(. Clic' the down arrow and chec' the ox next
to &elect M9ltiple Ite6s
*. Chec' the oxes next to $2 and '(
,. Clic' the O3 utton
/. 9ou now should onl$ see onl$ two students,
Anna and Dac;son
e. )ave the fle
1(. Protectin7 =o9r Ior;
a. What is this?
Create a password that onl$ allows certain users to
change the wor'sheet or the entire wor'oo'.
. Cell protection format
i. #he default protection for ever$ cell is a loc;ed cell
ii. #o see this, right clic' inside an$ cell
iii. 2rom the menu clic' on "or6at )ells...
iv. %n the )9sto6 #ists window, select the Protection
v. #oc;ed is chec' as a default
&. #his will allow us to password protect our
vi. Clic' the cancel utton in the ottom right of the
c. .rotect $our wor'sheet
&( - . a g e
i. On the Ri88on : select the RevieI ta : in the
)<an7es group : clic' Protect &<eet
ii. Chec' the ox next to Protect Ior;s<eet and
contents of loc;ed cells
iii. %n the text ox under PassIord to 9nprotect
s<eet:, t$pe D trainin7
iv. Chec' the ox next to oth &elect loc;ed cells
and &elect 9nloc;ed cells
v. 5iscuss the other options
vi. Clic' the O3 utton
d. Changing an$ of the data in $our wor'sheet
i. Once $ou tr$ to change something a window will
open explaining how the sheet is protected from
ii. #o change the data $ou need to 9nprotect the
iii. On the Ri88on : select the RevieI ta : in the
)<an7es group : clic' !nprotect &<eet
iv. #he password is now gone and $ou can edit the fle
e. .rotect wor'oo'
i. %t is the same thing as protecting the wor'sheet
except this time $ou protect the entire fle
f. )ave the fle
1+. Open Qoor for 45A
&* - . a g e

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