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Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd, Dehradun

Project Report

Training Period : 26 May, 2014 - 10 July, 2014

Submitted to: Submitted by:
Mr. Rakesh Chauhan Arpita Chakravarty
Sr. Prog. Officer, Enroll no.: 9911103439


I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Rakesh Chauhan , Sr. Programming Officer, ONGC,
Dehradun, for his stimulating guidance, continuous encouragement and supervision throughout
the course of present work.

I also wish to extend thanks to other group mates for their insightful comments and constructive
suggestions to improve the quality of this project work.

Signature of Student

Arpita Chakravarty__________________

Chapter 1- Introduction

1.1 General

Chapter 2- Background study

Chapter 3- Requirement analysis
3.1 Software Interfaces
3.2 Hardware Interfaces
3.3 Functional Requirements
3.4 Non Functional Requirements-
3.5 User Requirements
3.6 UML Diagrams & Flow chart
3.6.1 Flow Chart
3.6.2 USE CASE
3.6.3 DFD Level-0
3.6.4 DFD Level-1

Chapter 4- Present Work
4.1 Project Objective
4.1.1 Sub-objectives
4.2 Purpose
4.3 Problem definition
4.4 Project Description

Chapter 5- Implementation
5.1 Implementation through MS Access
5.2 Implementation through Java
5.2.1 Creating frontend through Netbeans
5.2.2 JDBC- Java Database Connectivity

Chapter 6- Testing
6.1 Testing Analysis
6.2 Snapshots

Chapter 7- Discussion
7.1 Issues
7.2 Limitations

Chapter 8- Results

About ONGC
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited is anindian multinational oil and gas company
headquartered in Dehradun, India. It is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) of the Government of
India, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. It is India's
largest oil and gas exploration and production company. It produces around 69% of India's crude
oil(equivalent to around 30% of the country's total demand) and around 62% of its natural gas.
On 31 March 2013, its market capitalisation was INR 2.6 trillion (US$ 48.98 billion), making it
India's second largest publicly traded company. In a government survey for FY 2011-12, it was
ranked as the largest profit making PSU in India. ONGC has been ranked 357th in the Fortune
Global 500 list of the world's biggest corporations for the year 2012. It is ranked 22nd among the
Top 250 Global Energy Companies by Platts.
ONGC was founded on 14 August 1956 by Government of India, which currently holds a
69.23% equity stake. It is involved in exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons in
26 sedimentary basins of India, and owns and operates over 11,000 kilometers of pipelines in the
country. Its international subsidiary ONGC Videsh currently has projects in 15 countries. ONGC
has discovered 6 of the 7 commercially-producing Indian Basins, in the last 50 years, adding
over 7.1 billion tonnes of In-place Oil & Gas volume of hydrocarbons in Indian basins. Against a
global decline of production from matured fields, ONGC has maintained production from its
brownfields like Mumbai High, with the help of aggressive investments in various IOR
(Improved Oil Recovery) and EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) schemes. ONGC has many
matured fields with a current recovery factor of 25-33%. Its Reserve Replacement Ratio for
between 2005 and 2013, has been more than one. During FY 2012-13, ONGC had to share the
highest ever under-recovery of INR 494.2 million (an increase of INR 49.6 million over the
previous financial year) towards the under-recoveries of Oil Marketing Companies

For optimal sales and inventory management processes, you need robust functionality for
managing your logistics facilities. Support for inventory management helps you record and track
materials on the basis of both quantity and value.
This can significantly improve inventory turns, optimize flow of goods, and shorten routes
within the distribution centre. Additional benefits include improved cash flow, visibility, and
decision making.
This software is user friendly and hence easy to use. Employees can consume whatever items are
available in the stock and proper documents of internal stock movements can be maintained by
managing goods receipts, goods issues, storage, picking and packing etc.

Chapter 1- Introduction
1.1 General

Chapter 1- Introduction

1.1 General
The core concept is to track the consumption of items from the inventory with additional features
for interpreting the data. It uses a client-server model with a connected database to allow
multiple stores and warehouses to be connected.The main aim of this application is to replace the
old manual system with the modern computerized system. This system handles operations of
stock consumption, updating of stock via addition and deletion. This also keeps records of the
various activities taking place on the database. It will also enable quick accessing of the records
and provide various reports that showcase the important details on the basis of which serious
decisions can be taken. This system aims to change the old manual system without any
modification and major changes.

Chapter 2- Background study

Chapter 2- Background study
Inventories are essential for keeping the production wheels moving, keep the market going and
the distribution system intact. They serve as lubrication and spring for the production and
distribution systems of organizations. Inventories make possible the smooth and efficient
operation of manufacturing organizations by decoupling individual segments of the total
operation. Inventory is essential to organization for production of activities, maintenance of plant
and machinery as well as other operational requirements. The management of organization
becomes very concerned if inventory stocks are high. Inventory is part of the company assets and
is always reflected in company's final reports.

Chapter 3- Requirement Analysis
3.1 Software Interfaces
3.2 Hardware Interfaces
3.3 Functional Requirements
3.4 Non Functional Requirements-
3.5 User Requirements
3.6 UML Diagrams & Flow chart
3.6.1 Flow Chart
3.6.2 USE CASE
3.6.3 DFD Level-0
3.6.4 DFD Level-1

Chapter 3- Requirement analysis
3.1 Software Interfaces
JRE & JDK 7.0 or above installed on the system for JAVA programming on Windows operating
3.2 Hardware Interfaces
Pentium 200 MHz processor.
64 MB of RAM.
Microsoft Windows based system.
3.3 Functional Requirements
Generating employee ID and default password for each employee.
Creating pages for login, employee home page.
Inserting new employee details in database.
Matching stock ID for proper retrieval of consumables.
Entering of activities in history table to track records of all activities.
Creating relations between database tables.

3.4 Non Functional Requirements-
Performance of system depends on amount of data entered.
Maintaining database records is a tough job.
Maintaining history table and discarding useless data requires proper examination and
analysis of data.
Providing security to employees by providing a default password initially and functionality
for setting up own passwords.
System should not crash while entering a new record.
System should run perfectly without any feature limitations.
3.5 User Requirements
Employee ID and default password from organization.

3.6 UML Diagrams & Flow chart
3.6.1 Flow Chart


3.6.3 DFD Level-0

3.6.4DFD Level-1


Chapter 4- Present Work

4.1 Project Objective
4.1.1 Sub-objectives
4.2 Purpose
4.3 Problem definition
4.4 Project Description

Chapter 4- Present Work

4.1 Project Objective
The main goal of Consumables Management System (CSM) is to ensure consistent availability
of supplies for consumers. It can scale from a single computer running both client and server
software up to multiple stores and warehouses.

4.1.1 Sub-objectives
Ease to users and management system by fast retrieval of consumables and maintaining
records easily.
Entering new records and directly transferring their details to database.
Keeping track of inventory for refilling the stocks.

4.2 Purpose
Timely and accurate retrieval of items in stock.
Providing internal communication system for the employees of an organization.
Provide security.
Improve delivery and maintain credibility.

4.3 Problem definition
Existing System
Maintaining consumable inventory is a tedious and big task. Systems may not support modern
inventory management practices and cannot adequately respond to state emergencies or disasters.
Many problems can occur in an inventory system :
Cost & Capital loss
Deteriorating public safety and increasing liabilities
Service delivery issues
Inefficient Maintenance staff
The current system lacks the basic controls to ensure that consumables are properly used and
accounted for. Security is inadequate. No records for items being retrieved from inventory which
leads to mishandling of materials. The current system architecture is out-dated, difficult to use,
and cumbersome to maintain and modify.

Proposed system
The currently proposed system overcomes all the anomalies of the existing system.
The current system provides the following features :
Strategic analysis to support inventory planning and management activities.
Business controls such as robust systems security, and audit-trail tracking of user activity.
Support for modern inventory management and tools.
Integration with agency systems and maintenance management systems.
Efficient means to input data.
Operational support by delivering real-time inventory status and tracking.
Automated data integrity checks to ensure correct data entry.

4.4 Project Description
Employee Login or Register.
Employee Home Page
Employee Register Page
Retrieval of Items from Consumables inventory.
Adding consumable items in stock.
Deleting consumable items from stock.
Creation of history table for activities performed by different employees on stocks.

Chapter 5- Implementation

5.1 Implementation through MS Access
5.2 Implementation through Java
5.2.1 Creating frontend through Netbeans
5.2.2 JDBC- Java Database Connectivity

Chapter 5- Implementation

5.1 Implementation through MS Access
Select a blank database.
Enter fields in database.
Enter constraints or data typesfor different fields.
Specify the required keys in the table, such as Primary key, Candidate key, Foreign key
Similarly create all the different tables required for the database.
Create relationships between the different tables of the database by using their keys and
Depending on database needs relationships may be of different types :
- One-to-One : In a one-to-one relationship, a row in table A can have no more than one
matching row in table B, and vice versa.
-One-to-Many :In this kind of relationship, a row in table A can have many matching
rows in table B. But a row in table B can have only one matching row in table A.
-Many-to-Many :In a many-to-many relationship, a row in table A can have many
matching rows in table B, and vice versa.
Relationships prevent redundant data and help to track information efficiently.

5.2 Implementation through Java
5.2.1 Creating frontend through Netbeans
Choose a new project.
Create a JFrame container.
Add multiple components to the form such as labels, buttons and text fields as required.
Rename these components of JFrame according to the page needs.
Add different functionalities and validations to text fields and buttons.
Handling events is also a major feature, which can be applied to radio buttons for
different actions.
5.2.2 JDBC- Java Database Connectivity
JDBC allows multiple implementations to exist and be used by the same application. The API
provides a mechanism for dynamically loading the correct Java packages and registering them
with the JDBC Driver Manager. The Driver Manager is used as a connection factory for creating
JDBC connections.
JDBC connections support creating and executing statements. These may be update statements
such as SQL's CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE, or they may be query statements
such as SELECT. Additionally, stored procedures may be invoked through a JDBC connection.
JDBC represents statements using one of the following classes:
Statement the statement is sent to the database server each and every time.
PreparedStatement the statement is cached and then the executionpath is pre-
determined on the database server allowing it to be executed multiple times in an efficient
CallableStatement used for executing storedprocedures on the database.

Chapter 6- Testing
6.1 Testing Analysis
6.2 Snapshots

Chapter 6- Testing

6.1 Testing Analysis
SNo. Input Output/Assesment
1 User Selection Select either
new employee
or existing
User Selected
Existing Employee Enter id &
complete/Authentication does not
New Employee Fill
Record Saved in existing employee
Existing employee login Enter id &
Authentication complete
Consumables table opens Select
& quantity
Transaction Completed

6.2 Snapshots

Chapter 7- Discussion
7.1 Issues
7.2 Limitations

Chapter 7- Discussion
7.1 Issues
Possible capacity planning gaps :
Lack of understanding of the current JVM Java Heap utilization.
Lack of memory static and /or dynamic footprint calculation of the newly deployed
Lack of performance and load testing preventing detection of problems such as Java
Heap memory leak.
Lack of understanding of CPU utilization.
Lack of understanding of current JVM garbage collection healthy.
Lack of load and performance testing failing to predict the impact on existing CPU

7.2 Limitations
If inventory is not sufficiently controlled, it could show that the physical receipts and
issues of stock are not accurately recorded into the system and general ledger.
Data loss if visibility to the inventory has been lost.
Cannot generate own temporary passwords to be set as default password.
Cannot add any new Administrator or Admin assistant.

Chapter 8- Results

Chapter 8- Results

In this project, we have presented an efficient Consumable Managing System for managing the
inventory systemfor a company or an organization for different stocks which can be issued by
various employees of that organization. In this way, the company stock details, purchase and
issues can be analysed for company's fiscal reports and details stay secure. Only employees have
access or issue rights for the inventory items, hence no mishandling of consumables.


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