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Edited by Stuart Umpleby, Ramsey Opp, Mitali Sukhi, and
Zola Javzmaa
Research Proram in Social and Oranizational !earnin
"he #eore $ashinton University
$ashinton, %& '(()'

.pril '(, '(/0
"he Research Proram in Social and Oranizational !earnin at "he #eore $ashinton
University hosts visitin pro1essors 1or periods o1 several months or an academic year+ 2n the
'(/(3'(// academic year, the Research Proram hosted seven visitin scholars+ "*o *ere
4ulbriht Scholars+ One *as 1unded by the 4aculty %evelopment 4ello*ship Proram o1 the
Open Society 4oundation+ Some o1 these abstracts *ere prepared by pro1essors and visitin
scholars associated *ith the Research Proram+ Others *ere prepared 1or panel sessions at
con1erences on cybernetics or systems science+
"he 1irst three papers *ere presented at the 4aculty Research 4orum o1 the $ashinton
&onsortium o1 Schools o1 5usiness in January '(/'+ Papers 6 to 7 *ere presented at the
semiannual meetin o1 the $ashinton .cademy o1 Sciences, March 0/ to .pril /, '(/'+ Papers
8, /( and // *ere prepared 1or a symposium on &ountry %evelopment at the European Meetin
on &ybernetics and Systems Research, held in 9ienna, .ustria, .pril /(3/0, '(/'+ Papers /' to
/: *ere presented at the annual meetin o1 the .merican Society 1or &ybernetics held in
.silomar, &., July 83/0, '(/'+ Paper /7 *as a presentation o1 research done at #$U 1or a
doctoral dissertation in Romania+
Stuart Umpleby, %irector
Research Proram in Social and
Oranizational !earnin
Table of Co!e!"
/+ ;adia <rylova
The American Dream of Tennessee Williams:
the Social Dimension of Williamss Drama==============================)
'+ .hmet Emre %emirci
Cross-Cultural Differences in Entrepreneurial Tendencies==================>
0+ Stuart Umpleby
Conceptions of Complexity and Implications for Economics=================:
6+ <ent Myers
Experiments in Reflexie In!uiry======================================7
)+ James R+ Simms
Adances in "iin# Systems Science====================================8
>+ !o*ell 4+ &hristy Jr+
A $e% Archimedean &oint for Intelli#ence
and 'orei#n &olicy: Reflexiity( Complexity and Culture=================/(

:+ Michael !issack
Representations s) Compressions************************************//
7+ 2a ;atsvlishvili
&eculiarities of &u+lic and Entrepreneurial
Attitudes in &ost Soiet ,eor#ia======================================/'
8+ ;atalia #useva
Cross-Cultural Syner#y as a -ana#ement Innoation
for Increasin# -ultinational Companies Competitieness================/0
/(+ "atiana Medvedeva
Applyin# a -ethod of Extended Systems
Analysis to Country Deelopment=====================================/6
//+ Stuart Umpleby
,raduate &ro#rams for Deelopin# Countries==========================/)
/'+ !ouis ?+ <au11man
Reflexiity( &rocess and Ei#enform===================================/>
/0+ Ranulph #lanville
Reflectin# .et%een /nderstandin# and Actin#==========================/:
/6+ <laus <rippendor11
Cy+ernetics of Discourse*******************************************01
/)+ 9ladimir !e1ebvre
/>+ 4red Steier
Reflexiity( Self-3less4-Reflexiity( and Social Research********************56
/:+ Stuart Umpleby
7+stacles to Reflexiity Theory in Economics==========================='/
/7+ %elia Mateias
Emotional Intelli#ence in Educational "eadership***********************55
Na&e'(&a )*+lo,a
<arelian State Pedaoical .cademy
Petrozavodsk, Russia
.nyone@s success in a hierarchical or economic institution depends on the ability to handle
various situation and tensions+ Students need to develop the ability to con1ront ambiuous, ill3
de1ined situations and interpret *hat they kno* creatively+ "hus a backround in the humanities
can be eAcellent preparation 1or business, perhaps even better than a technical or business
education+ "his is particularly true o1 lanuae and literature+ "his paper sho*s ho* dramatic
*orks o1 "ennessee $illiams serve as a clue to understandin the relationship o1 people to the
oranizational and corporate *orld+ "he analysis o1 the t*o maBor plays C Camino Real and Cat
on a 8ot Tin Roof 3 is hoped to prove that modern corporation, ho*ever po*er1ul as an
institution, cannot maintain its eAistence *ithout the values o1 hih culture+
A(.e! E.*e De./*0/
4aculty o1 Economics and .dministrative Sciences
.nadolu University
Eskisehir, "urkey
Even thouh entrepreneurship is not ne*, its popularity is still ro*in rapidly as a result o1 a
*ide rane o1 1actors+ Removal o1 the trade barriers, lobal economic recessions, advancements
in in1ormation and telecommunication technoloies, corporate restructurins, do*nsizin,
merers and acDuisitions are amon the maBor 1actors that have helped the topic to keep its
critical importance+ .s a result o1 the above mentioned conditions, entrepreneurship is
increasinly catchin the attention o1 academia as *ell as overnments, policy makers, ;#Os
and other pro1it or non3pro1it institutions+ $hilst many overnments are *orkin on ne* policies
to support entrepreneurship, hiher education institutions are constantly launchin ne* and
innovative prorams, courses and seminars on entrepreneurship+ .ll these e11orts have one
common oal *hich is 1osterin and encourain entrepreneurial activities and innovation+ "his
paper eAplores ho* cultural 1actors a11ect the entrepreneurial tendencies o1 individuals 1rom a
cross3cultural conteAt+
S!1a*! A2 -.3leb+
%epartment o1 Manaement
"he #eore $ashinton University
$ashinton, %&
Most o1 science consists o1 results obtained *ith rather simple descriptions C small numbers o1
variables and o1ten linear relations amon them+ 2n recent years there has been ro*in interest
in compleA systems+ "here are at least three de1initions o1 compleA systemsE /F systems *ith
lare numbers o1 variables and many relationships amon themG 'F systems composed o1
numerous autonomous Husually preprorammedF actors, alorithms *hich interact, producin
o1ten uneApected results Hi+e+, emerenceFG 0F systems involvin kno*in participants actin in
systems in *hich they have an interest in the outcome+ "he term IcompleAityJ can be used to
re1er to the 1irst cateory+ "he terms Isel13oranizin systemsJ or IcompleA adaptive systemsJ
are used 1or the second cateory+ IRe1leAive systemsJ re1ers to the third cateory+
"o illustrate these three cateories and ho* they in1luence the creation o1 theories, three
conceptions o1 economic theory are described+
)e! #+e*"
.ssociate, 5ooz .llen ?amilton
$e revie* 1our iterations o1 9irtual Systemic 2nDuiry H9S2F, a method that embraces re1leAivity+
9S2 eAploits the 1ree conitive surplus available throuh the *eb and other*ise starts *ith no
rules, Bust cybernetic principlesE openness, variety, interaction, and an orientation to the common
ood+ &onventional methods, *hile better in many *ays, actually don@t score hihly aainst
these criteria+ $e revie* and contrast 1our 9S2 proBects in *hich procedures *ere varied and
products raned 1rom a published book to a non3converent, perpetual conversation+ $e discuss
1ailures and successes and suest directions 1or improvement+ $e conclude by eAplorin in
*hat *ays this method is re1leAive and the advantaes this can brin to social inDuiry and
speci1ically to public intellience, even as it breaks all the rules+
5a.e" R2 S/.."
&hair o1 the !ivin Systems .nalysis Special 2nteration #roup
"he 2nternational Society 1or the Systems Sciences
"he concept o1 a livin systems science eDuivalent to the natural sciences, such as physics and
chemistry, has been evolvin since the end o1 $orld $ar 22+ James Miller@s book "iin# Systems
H/8:7F identi1ies the subBects o1 the science, classi1ies the subBects and identi1ies relationships+
"he book &rinciples of a 9uantitatie "iin# Systems Science H/888F identi1ies the universal
phenomena o1 li1e, the relations amon these phenomena, and measures o1 these phenomena+
"he livin systems are at the cell, oran, and oranism levels+ .dvances are bein made at the
roup level+ "hese advances are described in the presentation+
Lo7ell F2 C(*/"!+ 5*2 P(2D2
&ultural Strateies 2nstitute
Seneca, M%
"he paper eAposes the narro* epistemoloical 1oundations o1 current embodiments in
2ntellience and 4orein Policy that results in 2ntellience 4ailure, 5lo*back and Policy
Missteps+ "hrouh the lens o1 the seven LsinsL o1 omission or commission underlyin current
institutionalized concepts o1 art,cra1t o1 intellience and 1ormation,eAecution o1 1orein policy,
the paper *ill propose ?O$ re1leAivity, compleAity and culture can overcome our epistemic
"he structure o1 the arument is based on case studies o1 ME"?O%S 1or the use o1 mind
resultin in a proposed "OO! <2" 1or establishin SUPP!M &?.2;S o1 data, in1ormation,
kno*lede N *isdom that could rise to the mantle o1 Lintellience+L
"here is an epistemoloical Hscience o1 kno*inF revolution bre*in in the *orlds o1
intellience and 1orein policy+ Paradims o1 the past o1 *hat constitutes intellience and ho*
*e perceive and interact *ith the LotherL are no* counter productive+ . breed o1 L*arriors o1 the
mindL are basin chane on a ne* relationship bet*een epistemoloy and ecoloical systems C
an ecoloy o1 minds+ 2nstead o1 the touch stones o1 truth based on bein outside the system H#od,
4orm, Reason, ScienceF, intellience is no* bein rede1ined as 1ields o1 sel13oranizin,
in1ormation processin oranisms,oranizations+ $hat *ill the ne* intellience and 1orein
policy look likeO
.n .rchimedean point HPunctum .rchimedisF is a hypothetical perspective 1rom *hich an
observer can obBectively perceive the subBect o1 inDuiry, *ith a vie* to the totality+ "he method
o1 Lremovin onesel1L 1rom the obBect o1 study so that one can see it in relation to all other thins
has characterized $estern thouht 1rom the #reeks, Medieval Europe, the $estern
Enlihtenment riht up to the *ays our intellience aencies and 1orein policy is conducted+
"he eApression comes 1rom .rchimedes, *ho claimed that he could li1t the Earth o11 its
1oundation i1 he *ere iven a place to stand, one solid point, and a lon enouh lever+ "he paper
criticizes the idea that there could be a 1iAed point 1rom *hich *e 1orm the totality o1 meanin+ 21
there is no 1iAed point H#od, "he $ord, "ruth or a 1iAed perspective o1 Sciences,ObserverF, ho*
do *e kno*O $hat is modern intellienceO $hat is an intellient method to interact *ith the
#/0(ael L/""a08
'007 2mmokalee Rd P'8'
;aples, 4! 06//(
Simple models can be many a manaerQs undoin+ Manaers are trained to act on simplicity, but
that simplicity is opposite to the compleAity o1 the *orld in *hich such businesses
operate+ E11iciency it seems can be the enemy o1 resilience+ .nd, in our ever chanin compleA
*orld resilience is o1ten needed to deal *ith chane+ "*o types o1 eAplanatory models are o1ten
evoked as the conteAt underlyin chane+ Models based on labels and cateories *e shall re1er to
as Lrepresentations+L More compleA models involvin stories, multiple alorithms, rules o1
thumb, Duestions, ambiuity *e shall re1er to as Lcompressions+L 5oth compressions and
representations are reductions+ 5ut representations are 1ar more reductive than compressions+
Representations can be treated as a set o1 de1ined meanins 3 coherence *ith reard to a
representation is the deree o1 1idelity bet*een the item in Duestion and the de1inition o1 the
representation, o1 the label+ 5y contrast, compressions contain enouh derees o1 1reedom and
ambiuity to allo* us to make internal predictions so that *e may determine our potential
actions in the possibility space+ &ompressions are eAplanatory via mechanism+ Representations
are eAplanatory via cateory+ &ateory based eAplanations may be e11icient but they are not
resilient+ Resilience reDuiresE narratives not labels, mechanisms not cateories, a 1ocus on
eAperience and not on labels and a need to be a*are o1 *hen representations *ork and *hen they
1ail+ Retrospective eAplanation based on representation o1ten 1ails *hen mistakenly used as a
predictive model devoid o1 conteAt and compression+ "his paper hihlihts the risk *hich occurs
*hen *e con1use the evocation o1 a representation Hcateory inclusionF as the creation o1 a
conteAt o1 compression Hdescription o1 mechanismF+ 2n the drive 1or e11iciency such substitutions
are all too o1ten proclaimed 3 at our peril+
Ia Na!",l/"(,/l/
"bilisi State University
"bilisi, #eoria
"he paper relies on the results o1 a survey o1 #eorians@ kno*lede and attitudes to*ard the
European Union carried out by the S*edish 2nternational %evelopment &ooperation .ency
HS2%.F and on the results o1 a survey about public attitudes in #eoria carried out 1or the
;ational %emocratic 2nstitute 1or 2nternational .11airs H;%2F by the &aucasus Research Resource
&enters H&RR&F+ "he paper uses the results o1 research on attitudes to*ard entrepreneurship
conducted by the author in "bilisi, H#eoriaF+ "he present paper also revie*s the results o1
research investiatin the deree to *hich entrepreneurial attitudes and abilities relate to an
individuals@ intentions to*ards entrepreneurial behavior+ "he attitudes o1 #eorians are unusual
in that they have a much stroner orientation to*ard entrepreneurial activity than do people in
the U+S+ or other European countries+ "he article *ill consider ho* to eAplain this 1indin 1rom
the perspective o1 both eDuilibrium theory in economics and re1leAivity theory+
#eorians consider themselves to be a part o1 the system called IEuropeJ+ #eorians remain
eAtremely *ell disposed to*ard the EU+ "hey are enthusiastic Europhiles but are not naively
optimistic that Boinin Europe *ould be the ans*er to all their problems+ %i11erent vie*s about
the operation o1 #eorian democracy remain amon #eorians but most people ackno*lede
that #eorian democracy needs improvement+ #eorians display an increasinly active vie* o1
citizenship, *ith lare numbers believin it is important to criticize overnment, protest and
volunteer+ #eorians@ positive attitudes to*ard the 1easibility o1 becomin sel13employed sho*
sel13con1idence and eApectations o1 success 1or market oriented economic re1orms and social and
political stability in #eoria+
Na!al/a G1"e,a
State University C ?iher School o1 Economics
Mosco*, Russia
"his paper eAamines the hypothesis that synery o1 cross3cultural di11erences is the key 1actor 1or
increasin multinational companies@ competitiveness in the process o1 lobalization+ "he author
also considers synery o1 cross3cultural di11erences as a manaement innovation applied to
multi3nationals *orkin in Russia+ "he author proposes a ne* approach 1or dealin *ith cross3
cultural di11erences and 1or takin advantae o1 the cultural diversity that is currently common
and presents her o*n vision and manaerial recommendations 1or reachin synery on 1our main
4rench C Russian dichotomiesE individualism C collectivismG universalism C particularismG
endoenous C eAoenous motivation and attitudes to*ards time+
Ta!/aa #e&,e&e,a
Siberian State University o1 "ransport
;ovosibirsk, Russia
"he compleAity o1 the problems 1aced by scientists in the '/st century makes it necessary to
rethink many current social theories and research approaches so that they *ill be able to support
1ull development o1 the net*orked, kno*lede3based economy and society+ "here are many
intellectual attempts to revamp current theorizin and to improve understandin amon social
scientists+ One o1 these, *hich provides a 1undamentally ne*, compleA vision o1 society throuh
the prism o1 a ne* understandin o1 li1e, is 4ritBo1 &apra@s approach, interatin bioloical,
conitive and social dimensions on the basis o1 a theory o1 compleAity+
"his paper compares &apra@s interated conception 1or understandin social systems and 1our
methods 1or describin systems+ "he paper also applies this multi3perspective approach to
analyzin the chanes in social and labor relations in Russia durin the past '( years o1
re1ormin the Russian economy+
S!1a*! -.3leb+
%epartment o1 Manaement
"he #eore $ashinton University
$ashinton, %&
2n <azakhstan doctoral students are not eApected to make a contribution to kno*lede, but rather
to become 1amiliar *ith *hat is kno*n and then make policy recommendations 1or <azakhstan+
4or eAample, ho* can the human capital in <azakhstan be improvedO "his is a very broad
subBect 1or a Ph% dissertation+ ?o*ever, it does reDuire a holistic perspective, and such
dissertation topics may create an opportunity 1or systems scientists+ $hen Russell .cko11
created the Social Systems Sciences Ph% proram in the $harton School at the University o1
Pennsylvania, he had his students solve practical problems 1or business or overnment
manaers+ "hat proram raduated a lare number o1 people *ho became consultants+ . 1e*
became academics and are no* *orkin in several countries+ "he proram created a philosophy
and methods 1or holistic manaement+ !are issues in developin countries may be a source o1
clients 1or systems scientists *ho *ant to 1urther develop philosophy, theories and methods by
*orkin *ith lare social systems+
Lo1/" H2 )a1ff.a
%epartment o1 Mathematics
University o1 2llinois in &hicao
&hicao, 2!
Eien1orm in the sense o1 ?einz von 4oerster is o1ten depicted as the result o1 an in1inite
recursion+ 2n this vie* obBects are tokens 1or eienbehaviours in the lon term action o1 a
recursion, and sel13re1erence occurs only in the limit o1 such processes+ Sel13re1erence is the
hallmark o1 a re1leAive domain or a sel13observin system+ On the other hand re1leAive domains
occur in the eAchane o1 theories and processes in everyday li1e and lanuae, 1ar 1rom such
limitin processes+ 2t is the purpose o1 this talk to ive a model 1or the notion o1 a re1leAive
domain, and to sho* that sel13re1erence and eien1orms arise naturally in the *ay processes
interact 1initely+ Our modelin applies directly to sel13observin systems and this point o1 vie*
leads to an investiation o1 re1leAivity in science, social science and linuistics as *ell as
Ra1l3( Gla,/lle
President o1 the .merican Society 1or &ybernetics
$e live by a model that tells us *e should understand in order to act+ Met babies do the oppositeE
they act in order to understand+ "his is the key lesson that Piaet tauht us+ 2n a more recent
cybernetic interpretation, actin and understandin 1orm a mutually dependant circularity+ $hat
is important is *hat happens bet*een them Htheir interactionF *ithin the mind o1 the aent *ho
acts and understands+ 2 arue this is po*ered by re1lection, i+e+, deep, contemplative thinkin+ 2
*ill eAplore ho* this relates to 5ehaviours in my o*n "heory o1 ObBectsG von 4oersterQs
recursive eien 1ormsG and SchoumlautnQs re1lection in action+ 4inally, 2 *ill brin these ideas
to*ards UmplebyQs account o1 SorosQ re1leAive economics+
)la1" )*/33e&o*ff
#reory 5ateson Pro1essor
.nnenber School o1 &ommunication
University o1 Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, P.
4or me, lanuae use Hsocial communicationF is the master trope o1 ecoloyE multiple species o1
metaphors brouht selectively in interaction *ith one another by communities o1 human actors,
*ho coordinate their individual eAperiences *hile co3constructin and alterin social and
material *orlds+ 5ateson had located mind in the circular 1lo* o1 di11erences, involvin human
brains+ 2 am less concerned *ith mind as a cateory but *ith ho* a variety o1 social phenomena,
especially discourses, maintain themselves in sel13constitutin linuistically mediated re1leAive
loops+ &ybernetics is a discursive phenomenon and the arti1acts that cyberneticians collectively
construct, 2 *ould arue, need to be conceptualized not in observational but in re1leAive terms+
Vla&/./* Lefeb,*e
&onitive Sciences Pro1essor
University o1 &ali1ornia in 2rvine
2rvine, &.
2 introduced the concept o1 a sel13re1leAive system in /8>)+ "he essence o1 its de1inition is that
such a system contains the element *hich re1lects the *hole system and, at the same time, is
in1luencin it as an entity+ .t that time, this concept *as not cybernetic, it *as rather anti3
cybernetic, because it reDuired the system to have a mental domain *ith the imae o1 the sel1+
2ntroducin the concept o1 sel13re1leAive system into scienti1ic usae reDuested reconsiderin the
principles o1 constructin theories in the social sciences+ 2n this 1ield, unlike in the natural
sciences, a theory about an obBect may in1luence this obBect, *hich destroys the truth o1 the
theory+ 5esides, the theory may be constructed by the obBect and imposed on the investiator+ 2
have discussed these problems *ith <arl Popper, and he called my approach danerous 1or the
scienti1ic methodoloy+ Mathematical methods constructed on the basis o1 the concept o1 a sel13
re1leAive system are bein used in psycholoy, socioloy and ethics+
F*e& S!e/e*
%epartment o1 &ommunication
University o1 Southern 4lorida
"ampa, 4!
Re1leAivity, *ith its etymoloical roots in the L1lectoL or shepherdQs sta11, and as a bendin3back
on ourselves inherent in all o1 our kno*in processes, has presented intriuin dilemmas 1or
researchers+ On the one hand, *e have those *ho see the very idea o1 re1leAivity as a threat to a
desired obBectivity, to keep the observer out o1 the story o1 kno*inG on the other, *e have those
*ho embrace it as a *ay o1 allo*in the story to 1ocus on themselves, losin siht o1 the
circularity at the heart o1 re1leAivity+ 5oth approaches are rooted in a non3cybernetic
epistemoloy+ 2 propose to eAplore a middle round, rooted in eAtendin #reory 5atesonQs ideas
o1 recursion, conteAt, and cybernetic eAplanation to allo* 1or an ecoloical re1leAivity+ "o do this
2 *ould like to eAplore *hat, in this conteAt, a sel13HlessF re1leAivity miht mean in social
research+ Such an idea *ill encourae us to, paradoAically, BuAtapose the responsibility .;%
humility o1 the researcher, and to celebrate the LmuddleL Haain, 1rom 5atesonF that this o1ten
entails+ 2llustrations 1rom diverse research settins *ill be o11ered+
S!1a*! A2 -.3leb+
%epartment o1 Manaement
"he #eore $ashinton University
$ashinton, %&
"he dominant model in economics is eDuilibrium theory, *hich is based on an analoy to
thermodynamics+ "he elements o1 the system are assumed to be rational pro1it3maAimizers *ith
complete in1ormation+ $hen the system is disturbed, economists assume that it *ill Duickly
return to eDuilibrium+ .s an alternative #eore Soros has proposed re1leAivity theory, *hich
assumes that the elements o1 economic systems are thinkin participants+ "hey observe, act,
observe, act, and they have biases+ "his vie* is readily accepted by practicin manaers but not
by economists+ "here seem to be t*o main reasons *hy economists reBect re1leAivity theory+
4irst, they are 1amiliar *ith their current paradim and resist chane, as described by "homas
<uhn+ Second, they claim that re1leAivity theory *ould encounter loical di11iculties+ "his paper
*ill revie* the loical di11iculties anticipated, note that practical solutions have been available
1or a lon time, and discuss several approaches to re1leAive systems, *hich enable 1ormal
Del/a E2 #a!e/a"
4ulbriht Scholar 1rom Romania
"he #eore $ashinton University
$ashinton, %&
"his study souht to add to the ro*in body o1 kno*lede about educational leadership,
emotional intellience, and school per1ormance+ Speci1ically, it souht to eAplore the
relationships bet*een HaF emotional intellience and 1our valid per1ormance indicatorsE the
annual percentae o1 students promoted, the annual percentae o1 student 1inal eAam passae, the
annual percentae o1 student attendance, the schools@ annual entrepreneurship percentae, and
HbF the relationships bet*een emotional intellience and ender+ "he results o1 this study sho*ed
a statistically sini1icant relationship bet*een emotional intellience and the annual percentae
o1 students promoted, and bet*een emotional intellience and the annual percentae o1 student
1inal eAam passae+ "he study sho*ed almost no relationship bet*een emotional intellience and
the annual percentae o1 student attendance, bet*een emotional intellience and the schools@
annual entrepreneurship percentae, at alpha eDuals, ()+ 4inally the results indicated a
statistically sini1icant relationship bet*een emotional intellience and 1emale ender+
Recommendations 1or 1uture research are provided+

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