Ormus and Biochar

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Ormus and Biochar

By Barry Carter
Created: September 5, 2010
Modified: July 10, 2012

What is ormus and how is it related to biochar?

In the article linked below, David Yarrow explained how biochar
provides a means to store water and water soluble nutrients in
agricultural soil.


Biochar also appears to serve a similar function in forest soil.

Another way that water and water soluble nutrients are stored in
forest soil is via the incorporation of rotting fallen trees into the soil.
Back in 1997, Dr. Allan Harvey, a forest researcher in the Pacific
Northwest, told a group of us that underground wood is the main
source of late season moisture and nitrogen fixing activity on warm
dry sites. In response to our questioning he said:

"We made a calculation once on some sub alpine fir systems to
figure out how many gallons of water per acre there was. As I
recall the figure there was some 80 thousand gallons of water per
acre stored in wood in late August in that particular site we were
looking at. That's quite a lot of water stored in something that when
we started out we didn't even expect to find in these forest soils.
We expected it to be all either all burned up or decomposed over
time. It was something of a revelation to see how persistent this
stuff was."

This sounds a lot like the role of biochar in agricultural soil. More
on the role of down wood in forest soils can be found at:
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Obviously, we will not find a lot of rotten woody material buried in
most agricultural soils (though it is used in raised bed gardening). I
suspect that the addition of biochar to agricultural soils may
provide some of the same benefits that rotten down wood provides
for forest forest soils.

Another important factor to consider is the mechanism of water
and nutrient uptake in plants. Virtually all of the nutrients that a
plant uses from the soil must be soluble as they are carried into the
plant by liquid movement through the roots and up the stems of the
plants. Insoluble minerals in the soil are useless to the plant until
they are solubilized by fungi bacteria and other organisms in the

A third factor is the balance of macro and micro mineral nutrients in
the soil. According to the Nutrition Security Institute at:


the content of several common minerals in apples has declined by
the following amounts between 1914 and 1992:

Calcium -48.15%
Phosphorus -84.51%
Iron -96.09%
Potassium -1.71%
Magnesium -82.70%

Modern agricultural practices typically try to replace these common
minerals in the soil but they don't do as well with essential trace
minerals. Furthermore, there is a group of essential plant and
animal nutrients that was previously unknown to science. These
Ormus and Biochar http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/biochar.htm
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essential nutrients have been mostly discovered since 1990. We
call these nutrients the ormus minerals. When applied to soils they
typically improve plant growth, taste and nutrient content by 40%
to 60% in the first season. They also increase drought tolerance
and freeze tolerance for many plants. For more on this see:


I first learned about the existence of these mineral nutrients in
1989 when a colleague, named Jim, was using an ozone
generator (that I helped him develop), to clean up mine waste
water at a placer mine in Eastern Oregon. Jim developed a
process for cleaning the water which included ozonating the water
and then spraying the ozonated water down into an open, vertical
pipe filled with charcoal briquettes. A drawing of Jim's setup is at:


The charcoal seemed to have a strong affinity for some of the
minerals in the waste water. In fact, Jim found fibers of gold
growing INSIDE the charcoal briquettes. (He was getting more
gold from the charcoal briquettes than the miners were getting
from the mine.) Around and below the charcoal briquettes, Jim
found a mucus like liquid that had very unusual properties, when it
was dried into flakes. These flakes would fly away from your hand
if you brought it near and they would disappear in a flash of light if
exposed to direct sunlight. The steel tub holding the column of
charcoal briquettes would shock anyone who touched it. Jim
eventually had to ground it using a three eights inch diameter
copper wire because smaller wires would melt. You can read more
about this at:


In 1995 I learned about an Arizona cotton farmer named David
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Hudson who claimed that he had discovered minerals on his farm
that were in a different state of matter with properties that matched
Jim's experiences. Jim and I went to Hudson's Portland, Oregon
lecture on July 28 & 29, 1995 where David Hudson told us about
how the precious metal elements, in this state, would become
single unit superconductors that levitate on weak magnetic fields
and disappear in a flash of light if dried in sunlight. You can read
the transcript I made of Hudson's Portland lecture at:


Based on Jim's experiences in 1989 and David Hudson's
information in 1995, Jim invented a "magnetic trap" to concentrate
the ormus minerals out of fresh water by levitating them on a
magnetic field. Using a magnetic trap and chemical conversion, he
was able to get a pound of precious metal out of a gallon of trap

Ordinary water weighs 8.33 pounds per gallon. Jim and other
ormus researchers have reported that trap water can weigh
anywhere from 7.3 to 12 pounds per gallon depending on source
and other factors.

These observations suggest an hypothesis that might explain how
biochar can attract and hold water and soluble minerals in
agricultural soil.

Single unit superconductors (monatoms or diatoms) would not
conduct electricity in normal ways but they would be repelled by
magnetic fields. Since magnetic fields are everywhere in the
universe, these ormus elements would seek a place to "hide out"
that might provide some shielding from the magnetic fields all
around. We postulate that they hang out inside clathrate host

Dr. Martin Chaplin who is the Professor of Applied Science at
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South Bank University in London has a well-described theory that
water is generally composed of icosahedral water clusters. You
can read more about this theory at:


These water molecules would, in essence, be like molecular
geodesic domes that would provide a nice comfy inner space for
the ormus unit to chill out. These water molecules with their ormus
resident would be available for other chemical bonds. When
bonded with hydroxide radicals they would become visible as a

I propose that biochar provides further shielding for the
ormus-water clathrate molecules; like the charcoal briquettes
which attracted the ormus gold that dropped into a metallic form in
Jim's ozone water-treatment system.

The superconductive magnetic levitation of these minerals might
also help explain how "capillary action" can carry nutrients to the
top of the world's tallest tree (a 379 foot redwood tree in Redwood
National Park).

The fields that these elements generate, inside the water
molecules, might also help explain how the structure of water can
be changed by exposure to paramagnetic rock dust, sound
frequencies and even thought:


The ormus minerals appear to be present in living things as macro
rather than micro minerals. One of David Hudson's chemists tested
various plants and some brain tissue. He measured as much as
5.1% dry matter weight of ormus rhodium and iridium in Ourco
Nigel, Maritime Pine Bark (Pycnogenol), ginco extract and as much
as 5% dry matter weight of these same ormus minerals in calf and
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pig brain-tissue. Thus, it seems likely that these minerals are also
quite common in biochar, especially when it has not been exposed
to really high temperatures.

I often define ormus as a fifth state of matter. The first four states
are solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Theoretically, every known
element can exist in each of these four states. Various ormus
researchers claim to have converted a combined total of 42
different elements into the ormus state.

The ormus mineral elements do not show up in conventional
spectroscopic analysis. This fact, lead David Hudson to claim that
they assayed as "pure nothing". Other ormus researchers have
verified this using simple, open-source methods that are described


Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the
unassayable nature of the ormus elements. One hypothesis is that
all of their electrons are paired and are, therefore, not responsive
to spectroscopic stimulation. Another hypothesis is that they are
single unit superconductors (a bit of a contradiction in terms) which
serve as the quantum coherent communication network of all cells.
This hypothesis implies that they would have two legs in the
physical and one leg somewhere else. Whereas the metallic form
of these elements would have all three legs in the physical:


A third hypothesis is that they "like" to hide out as clathrate guests
in various molecular clathrate hosts and that these clathrate hosts
conceal them and shield them from spectroscopic analysis:

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My favorite hypothesis includes aspects of all of the above. The
quantum coherent hypothesis and the clathrate hypothesis both
might be supported by the scientific paper at:

"Quantum Water" Discovered in Carbon Nanotubes

I suspect that the presence of the ormus minerals in all water is the
major factor driving these quantum water effects.

This looks like good scientific confirmation of an hypothesis that
the ormus community has been discussing since 1997. You can
see a couple of old articles I wrote on this subject at:


I wrote the first article in August of 1998 and the second article in
April of 1999.

Parts of this hypothesis were elucidated by Dr. Stewart Hameroff
and Dr. Roger Penrose in a paper titled "Orchestrated Objective
Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: The
"Orch OR" Model for Consciousness":


and I have more discussion on this topic at:


The precious metal elements seem to be much more abundant in
the ormus state. The most common ormus element in sea water
appears to be ormus rhodium. As a metal, rhodium is toxic but in
Ormus and Biochar http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/biochar.htm
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its ormus form, it seems to be quite beneficial to all living things.

One ormus provider had about twenty five years of experience
working with the precious metals before he got involved with
ormus. He has done repeated assays on the sea water precipitate
he produces and has evidence suggesting that it typically contains
from thirty to forty percent unassayable ormus rhodium, iridium and


This suggests that the soluble ormus minerals in Pacific Ocean
water precipitate would be present in the following amounts
compared to other common minerals:

Calcium 332.3
Ormus Gold 373
Ormus Iridium 588
Ormus Rhodium 1677
Sodium* 2830.8
Magnesium 3215.4
Chloride* 4359.4
*Present as sodium chloride, reported number adjusted by

I suspect that the carbon microtubules in biochar provide a good
place for the ormus minerals to "hide out" and avoid
electromagnetic fields or ionizing radiation. If this is true, the
biochar and other organic structures in the soil would help to keep
these essential minerals available on land (to soil and plant
supporting organisms) for a longer period of time as they move
from the mountains to the seas.

If these elements are quantum coherent communicators and if they
are present at some level in all water, then increasing their
presence might be expected to improve the instantaneous,
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quantum coherent communication connection between all living
cells in plants and animals. I imagine that this is like having a cell
phone in every cell and increasing the bandwidth of the system is
like going from dial-up to a high-speed internet connection:


Biodynamic and homeopathic effects may be related to these


In 2008 Dr. Dean Radin published a paper titled "Effects of Distant
Intention on Water Crystal Formation: A Triple-Blind Replication"
which provides evidence that our thoughts can influence the
structure of water but it does not explain the mechanism of the
effect of consciousness on water.

I suspect that the ormus hypothesis (that the ormus elements are
"hiding out" inside most water molecules and act as a non-local
communication system that generates resonance changes to the
shape of the water molecules) might provide even more avenues
to explore in this regard:


Here are a couple links to some research which appears to support
Dr. Radin's structured water research:


Other quantum effects at biological temperatures have been
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documented. Here are some links to videos which suggest that
superconductive magnetic levitation is possible at room
temperature and higher. The first is a link to a page on insect chitin


The bottom video on this page is quite a good illustration of
biological superconductive-levitation-like behavior. Notice how
similar the "jumping" behavior of the insect shell is to the jumping
behavior of the jumping gold at:


Also see a similar superconductive-levitation-like behavior in the
ormus white powder that Charles Dragoo made from Azomite:


I am well aware that all of this needs independent scientific
replication before it advances from hypothesis to theory. Even the
plant benefits we have documented at:


need replication and confirmation before the role of the ormus
elements in plant growth and health is confirmed. We can wait
another decade for this confirmation or we can start using it now to
help feed the nearly billion people that are currently starving in the
world. More of my thoughts on this topic are at:


You can find a simple way to convert many of the precious metals
into their ormus counterparts at:

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An Australian metallurgist used this method to convert 25 different
metals into their ormus form. Just making an edible white powder
from toxic metal is a good bit of support for the ormus hypothesis.

Some scientific evidence also suggests that the structure of water
can be changed by what I call "the proximity effect". You can view
some controlled scientific test results linked at:


A video describing this effect can be found at:


More evidence about the benefits of the proximity effect for plant
water can be seen in the pictures of a nine foot tall geranium that
was grown using proximity effect water:


As you can see on the page linked above, this geranium was
grown by Dr. John Milewski a retired Los Alamos scientist.

Though the StirWand video is about hydration of animal cells, the
same benefits also seem to apply to plant cells. I have noticed that
I only have to water my house plants half as often as before I
started using the ormus minerals on them. I use a pot full of
shamrock plants as my gauge. When they start to droop, I water all
my house plants. Though my shamrock plants are much taller than
they are supposed to be, they have gone from requiring water
every two weeks to only requiring it every month since I have been
adding the ormus minerals. Here is a picture I took just before I
watered it on December 31, 2010:
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Here is another picture two days later:


And a third picture from January 15:


For comparison, here is a picture that I took of these shamrock
plants in the winter of 1988-99:


More recent documentation of my shamrock plant is at:


One morning I woke up quite early thinking about why these plants
seem to thrive on half the water. This is what I wrote:

"Nowadays, many people are hungry all of the time. They eat but
are not satisfied, so they eat more. But they remain tired and
hungry so they have to sleep it off.

I presume that they are still hungry and tired because they are not
getting all of the nutrients they need in the food that they eat.

Plants must be the same. They eat nutrients which have been
solubilized from the soil. They transpire water into the air as the
nutrients are removed for food.

If there is insufficient nutrition in the plant food that the roots bring
in, more water must be transpired into the air to make room for
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more solubilized minerals from the soil. Unlike people, plants don't
get fat when they eat too much; they just waste water."

I spend a month and a half giving ormus lectures in Australia
during October-November of 2008. Here are some plant and soil
related reports from my time there:

After my first presentation in Queensland, I was contacted by
a gentleman who said he had a radish in his garden which
was as big around as a CD. He offered to drive me to his
place to see this radish and I took some pictures of it which
you can see at:


These radishes were grown with second generation seeds
that he collected from his ormus garden the previous year. He
said that his giant radishes were not "woody" and that they
tasted very good.

All of my time in Australia coincided with some significant
global and local changes. The global economic changes and
the American presidential elections stimulated my desire to
see some evidence that ormus might help people get through
the tough times that might be coming. The drought that
Australia had been enduring for the last few years also
stimulated a desire to see some evidence that ormus might
help plants to make it through severe weather conditions.

My desire to see some evidence of ormus helping out under
drought conditions was fulfilled when Alfred Goolsbee
showed up at my Melbourne workshop. His new information
about plants given ormus during drought conditions was so
significant that I asked him to give a short talk about it during
my Melbourne workshop. Alfred told us about some plants he
had that were given some sea water precipitate ormus and
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survived serious drought conditions when accidentally left in a
closed greenhouse without water.

By the time I got to my last weekend presentation in
Canberra, I was feeling quite hopeful that ormus might help to
mitigate all of the world's food problems including drought.
Throughout my sojourn in Oz I had regularly encountered
people who were interested in using ormus in agriculture as
well as using it for consciousness expansion and building
community. Frankly, I kinda expected my last presentation to
be a bit anticlimactic after all the superlative things that
happened at the previous presentation gatherings.

I am happy to report that some of the best news about ormus
in Australia came during my Canberra workshop. Rob
Gourlay, an environmental scientist and founder of the
Environmental Research & Information Consortium (ERIC)
told us about how he has been combining Effective
Microorganisms (EM) and ormus in some of the ERIC
products and Australian farmers have started asking him
"where is all the water coming from?" after using this product.

Sharon Rose, who helped set up this Australian tour, first
acquainted me with EM back in 2001 and she has been
touting the benefits of mixing EM and ormus ever since then.
Sharon noticed that magnetic trap ormus "liked to hang out"
in the carbon filter before going into the trap and she used the
Effective Microorganisms to extract the ormus from these
"clogged" filters. Rob speculates that the increased ormus in
the soil increases carbon sequestration and that the EM
organisms play a major role in this process. He also claims
that the carbon, in turn, stores more water and nutrients for
later release to the plants. You can read more about this on
Rob's web site at:

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Rob does not mention on his site that sea water ORMUS is
the "secret ingredient" in his soil preparations.

This suggests that biochar also would be good to sequester the
ormus minerals but does not assure that they will be in the soil to
begin with. I expect that a combination of the ormus minerals,
biochar, fungal inoculations, Effective Microorganisms and
organic/biodynamic methods will be the way we ultimately save
humanity and our environment.
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