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July 2014
The Visa Officer
New Zealand High o!!ission,
New "elhi, #ndia

"ear Officer,

$y na!e is %rshad %h!ed and # hail fro! an educated !iddle class fa!ily& $y father is a retired
%ndhra 'radesh (tate 'olice de)art!ent he in now in*ol*ed in our fa!ily +usiness and !y !other a
house wife, # ha*e 1 elder +rother who is assisting !y father and uncle in our fa!ily +usiness& #
graduated fro! Os!ania ,ni*ersity in June 201- with .2/ # then )ursued a 0 !onths certification
course in co!)uter aided accounting fro! Zurich #nstitute of $anage!ent, Hydera+ad, # co!)leted
!y #nter!ediate in June 2011 with 01&2/ and !y high school in 1111 with 41/&
# was always a +right talent than2s to the !oti*ation # recei*ed fro! !y )arents # always +elie*ed a
2ey ingredient to )rofessional success, a)art fro! financial rewards, is the degree of fulfil!ent and
sense of achie*e!ent deri*ed fro! a )rofessional career& # ha*e thus de*elo)ed a )owerful intellectual
urge to e!)ower !yself with futuristic 3usiness !anage!ent techni4ues& 5ith !y high6s)irited
!oti*ation for 'ost graduate studies and the right !indset to )ursue and reali7e deter!ined goals, #
foresee a great future and *ocation ahead, in the real! of 3usiness !anage!ent, not 8ust in general
!anage!ent +ut leading to do u) an higher 4ualification in the s)ecialised filed of 3usiness studies&
To fulfil and chase !y drea!s ahead for !y higher education # o)ted to )ursue !y higher education
in New Zealand and selected %#( (t Helens ollege to )ursue a 9raduate "i)lo!a in #nternational
3usiness course&
Why New Zealand?
NZ 4ualifications are widely acce)ted and ha*e i!)ressi*e i!)act on e!)loyers& NZ is one of the
leader in education and the curriculu! of )rogra!s are !ore ela+orate, s)eciali7ed and )recise with a
)ractical syste! of study )attern& #t also gi*es !e an o))ortunity to interact with students fro!
different countries and e:)erience their culture at the sa!e ca!)us& #t will +e in New Zealand on full
ti!e +asis with staying e:)erience for the ter! which will hel) !e to concentrate on !y education
and create !y identity at international )latfor! which is not )ossi+le else where&
Why this !"#se?
"uring !y graduation # always stood a!ong the to) -/ of the students and attained a )ercentage of
.-// in totality which ran2ed 4th a!ong 00 students in in !y )rogra!& # ha*e co!)leted !y studies
in sti)ulated ti!e of - years in June 201-& # always had this interest to !a2e a career with 3usiness
!anage!ent& % career in !anage!ent always attracted !y interest as this )rofession would ne*er
ha*e recession and the de!and for !anage!ent )rofessionals are not restricted to any once )articular
)rofession or industry& There is a huge de!and for $anage!ent )rofessional across different
Le$el !% En&lish:
# ha*e an a*erage score .4/ in ;nglish at !y graduation le*el and .8/ in !y #nter!ediate ;nglish
second year and consistently # ha*e +een studying in ;nglish !ediu! school all !y life # do not ha*e
a )ro+le! in co!!unication&
onsidering !y current circu!stances # would re4uest the concerned authority to grant !e a study
)er!it which would in turn hel) !e to ca)itali7e on the once in the life ti!e o))ortunity gi*en to !e
and )ursue !y 9raduate "i)lo!a in #nternational 3usiness at %#( (t Helen ollege&
Than2s in antici)ation&
Hydera+ad6 #ndia

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