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Section A

Questions 1-10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is
one grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not the change the meaning of the sentences. There are no spelling errors in this text.

Yesterday, Mrs Lim stopped by at a jewellers in town. She wanted to
bought a much-needed bracelet which she planned to use at her nephews
engagement. While she was closely examining a bracelet, she hears loud
shots. Then, there were the sound of gunshots.

Squat down, squat down, shout some of the customers.
Another customer pushed Mrs Lim below to the floor. She feels pain as
she hit the floor. There were more gunshots along with the sound of the
robbers voices shouted commands to each other.

Theyve caught them! Us are safe, shouted someone.
Feeling dazed, Mrs Lim tried to get up luckily there was a helpful
gentleman gave her a stool to sit in. He then brought her a cup of Chinese tea
but described how two dangerous armed gang leaders had just been caught.
They was relieved that it was all over.

Later, Mrs Lim called her son to pick her up and went home.

e.g. buy





Section A
Questions 1-10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is
one grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not the change the meaning of the sentences. There are no spelling errors in this text.

How much of our planet is covered with forests? Fifty years ago, 10 per
cent of an earths surface was covered by rainforests. Today, the figure has
been reduce to six per cent. For each passing minute, an area as giant as 60
football fields is being cut down. If this continues, in another 50 years, there
will not be any much rainforests. Some people does not understand that the
forest is an important part of our lives. The forest releases vapour which then
produced clouds.
It also releases oxygen, which we need to survived. The trees used the
carbon dioxide that we release. Without trees, there will be more carbon
dioxide by the air. It is estimated that 2.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide is
added to the atmosphere as a result of people cutting down forests. This
have caused global warming.
Global warming causes very serious and dangerous problem.

e.g. the


Section A
Questions 1-10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is
one grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not the change the meaning of the sentences. There are no spelling errors in this text.

Do you really need to go overseas to have a good holiday? The answer is
an definite no! There are many places of interest at Malaysia. Take, for
instance, the southern town of Kluang in Johor.
Start with the train station, where is of historical value. Drop by the
dragon fruit farms to saw the rather unique-looking plant. You may want to
bought a couple of fruits as well.
Head for Gunung Lambak for an easy climbed up to the 510 m peak. Go to
Gunung Selamat so have a picnic at one of its lovely waterfalls. Finish ours
day with a hot cup of coffee at Tong Fong Caf. This is served the way the
British likes it when they ruled Malaya.
Amazing isnt it? So more to see in just one place. Malaysia truly Asia.

e.g. a

Section A
Questions 1-10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is
one grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not the change the meaning of the sentences. There are no spelling errors in this text.

It is not absurd to spend money on a doormat. After all, it is the first thing
that greet your guests before they enter your home. First impressions does
matter and those who wish to make a good impression on visitors would not
hesitate to splash out on this little touch of luxury.
Doormats came in many different shapes and sizes with prices that differ
accordingly as well. The most popular doormat are the regular brown one
made of coconut husk, with the word Welcome on it. This is usually places
outside the door.
But, for mats upside the house, there are a variety of styles and hues. It
depends on whether they are to will placed outside the bathroom, bedroom
or kitchen room. These could be made of softer material because cotton,
rayon and even silk and linen.
Doormats also provide safe surfaces on which to walk, preventing slips
and falls that cause injury and liability damages. Anti-slip mats are now
required in many areas to ensured maximum protection.
Quality doormats improves indoor air quality (IAQ) and safety in
commercial and residential use. A well-used door mat can trap and hold dirt
and allergens, preventing their spread into the rest of the building,
significantly improving IAQ and reducing the need for extensive cleaning.

e.g. greets





Section A
Questions 1-10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is
one grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not the change the meaning of the sentences. There are no spelling errors in this text.

It is important to have fruits in our diet. Many people across the world
now knows this fact and have started to eat more fruits.
Now, the question is, which type of fruits do you eat? When you think of
a fruit, do you think of a local fruit but imported fruit?
In Malaysia, there is many delicious fruits such as mangoes, papayas,
guavas and watermelons. Under the Malaysias Best programme, each fruit
that is produces is of high quality.
Gardeners are given assistance in many areas such as the selection of the
best seedling but the use of less pesticide. Even after the fruit is picked, it go
through a strict inspection process.
So the next time you are out buying fruits, please remember to bought
local fruits. Some of the Malaysian fruits are seasonal, while others were
available all year round. Besides the fruits themselves, the fruit trees, stems,
leaves, flowers and inflorescences may also have their own used too in the
lives of the local folks.
For instance, the coconut fruit and tree have more uses. So is the banana
tree, lime tree, papaya and others.

e.g. know




Section A
Questions 1-10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is
one grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not the change the meaning of the sentences. There are no spelling errors in this text.

The Melanau people of Sarawak are a seafaring folk who have depended
largely on the sea for their livelihood. After all, their home in Mukah are right
next to the sea.
In the olden days, the Melanau pray to the spirits of the sea, land and the
jungle. To thank the spirits of the sea for having kept their safe from storms
and also for good fishing. The Melanau would set aside a day each year to
made offerings to the spirit of the sea. This is the origin of Pesta Kaul,
essentially a thanksgiving ceremony but the most important event in the
Melanau calendar. Though the Melanau are now mostly Christians and
Muslims, the festival is still celebrates. Now, it is celebrated not for religious
reasons but as a expression of Melanau identity. The Melanau make up about
seven per cent by Sarawaks 2.2 million populations.
The Melanau are considered among the earliest settlers on Sarawak. The
name Melanau was not use by the Melanau to refer to them until recently.
They call themselves a likou meaning 'people of the river'.

e.g. is



Section A
Questions 1-10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is
one grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not the change the meaning of the sentences. There are no spelling errors in this text.

Each year, 100 million sharks die. I watch a video which showed
sharks being finned alive and then thrown back into the sea. The poor
creatures was in pain, as their blood streaked into the water. Just watching
they struggle was horrible. Many Chinese eat sharkss fin so they believe it
will bring them luck and special powers. I do not think I will took sharks fin
soup anymore. Sharks fins has no nutritional value. Instead, they are said to
have an high content of mercury. If a pregnant woman were to take this, the
child could have disorder such as autism.
Sharks serves a purpose. They are the top predators on the
oceans. They are the ones that help kept the population of other species in
the waters in check. It is estimated that 100 to 200 million sharks annually
are killed for their fins alone.


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