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Sandra Bryant

4100 Southwest Freeway, #579 (904) 655-0144

An accomplished Consultant with more than 20 years of experience in IT management, business analysis, project
management, training and software implementations.
!xpertise wor"ing with business groups and IT to understand recommend and communicate solutions. #ro$en
ability to wor" with business groups to gather re%uirements and communicate to IT and to wor" with IT through
design, de$elopment, testing and implementation.
#roficient in leading IT and administrati$e teams through all phases of technology rollout including budgets,
planning, hardware&software e$aluation and ac%uisition.
!xperienced in full project lifecycle de$elopment from initial feasibility&ris" analysis and conceptual design
through implementation, user training and enhancement for $arious industries such as wholesale distribution,
manufacturing, broadcasting, pharmaceuticals and property management.
'trong project management, team building, communication, group facilitation, training and presentation s"ills.
!xcellent communicator with emphasis on building strong client relationships
#roject (anagement, )usiness Analysis, 'oftware *esign and *e$elopment, !+# Applications Implementation and
,*!dwards -orld and .ne-orld / 0eneral Accounting, .rder to Cash, #rocure to #ay, #roperty (anagement,
Ad$anced #ricing, Ad$anced -arehousing, Ad$anced Transportation (anagement
A'100 *e$elopment Tools, +#0, '23, 2uery, C3
(icrosoft / #roject, -ord, !xcel, #ower#oint, Access, 4isio and !xpression -eb
Professional Experience:
Willbros USA Oct 2008- Present
JDE Functional Consultant
Continuing my responsibilities from my consultant role as a full time staff member, additional responsibilities include
wor"ing with business process owners in #rocurement, 5inance and Accounts #ayable to implement a purchasing card
program to eliminate the o$erhead associated with small to medium spend amounts. I wor"ed with internal business
units, staff de$elopers and technical support as well as outside ban"ing personnel to design and implement the
integration into ,*!dwards financial applications.
Bellsoft, nc !ar 200"- Oct, 2008
Senior Consultant
Willbros USA
'enior )usiness Analyst responsible for production support for ,*!dwards #rocurement and 'ub/Contract
(anagement. I was responsible for troubleshooting production application issues, determining best practices for
business process impro$ements and training and education for process owners and end users.
Alon USA
+esponsible for implementing ,*! -orld financial applications at a newly ac%uired Asphalt refinery. I was mainly
responsible for managing the data con$ersion effort for Accounts #ayable, Accounts +ecei$able, and Contract )illing.
'econdary responsibilities included user training and post implementation support.

United Technologies, Hamilton Sundstrand Division
Sandra !ryant
+esponsible for design and implementation of a process to reconcile ,*!dwards -orld Accounts +ecei$able sub/
ledger detail to the 0eneral 3edger and to extract monthly cash and aging data for import to the corporate 6yperion
performance management solution.
Penn Engineering
+esponsible for implementing ,*!dwards .ne-orld7! *istribution, 'hop 5loor, 0eneral Accounting and Accounts
#ayable applications for a new start/up di$ision. I was responsible for all application configuration as well as user
interface, menus and security.
CSS Consultin# A$r 200%- Dec 200%
n&e$en&ent Senior Consultant
S&D Coffee
+esponsible for implementing ,*!dwards !*I Inbound Customer .rders for major accounts. '8* is a major
manufacturer of coffee, juice and related products for con$ince stores as well as the specialty mar"et. They are
currently using ,*!dwards -orld product on the A'100 i'eries. Their major accounts include (artin/)rower, the
largest supplier of distribution ser$ices to the (c*onald9s chain. I had complete responsibility for all phases of the
project wor"ing with both business and IT users to achie$e a successful implementation. I scoped, designed and
program all modifications to ,*! programs and to '8*9s custom warehouse management programs. I trained business
users and prepared all user documentation.
Sunbeam Division of arden Cor!oration
+esponsible for con$erting ,arden9s newly ac%uired Tilia #roducts di$ision In$entory and #urchasing from their current
'A# platform onto 'unbeam9s ,*! -orld i'eries.
PSS Worl& !e&ical 'o( 200) * !arc+ 200%
,ea& Business Anal-st
'enior business analyst for multiple site phased implementation of ,*!dwards .ne-orld 7! 5inancial and
*istribution applications. +esponsible for business modeling, re%uirements, 2A testing and documentation for
business users and field technical support related to application modifications and enhancements. #roject (anagement
responsibilities for con$ersion of legacy .rder management functions to .ne -orld .rder to Cash applications.
CAASP.E ,,C, Santa Fe S$rin#s, CA Feb 200) * Present
Princi$al Consultant
3ead consultant assigned to wor" with the :eoris group for their client, Cemex in (exico and the ;'. Cemex, the
largest producer of cement in (exico and 3atin America is currently in the process of implementing ,*!dwards -orld
!C' distribution and Ad$anced Transportation (anagement software in their recently ac%uired ;' di$isions.
Implementation responsibilities include conducting business process analysis< e$aluation of current systems and
recommendations for future enhancements.
Future'e/t, nc0, ,os 1atos, CA Feb 2000 * Jan 200)
Princi$al Consultant
3ead consultant responsible for the configuration and implementation of ,*!dwards .ne-orld *istribution
applications. Assist and ad$ise clients in reengineering their business processes to ta"e optimum ad$antage of !+# and
e/commerce strategies. Implementation responsibilities for .ne-orld financial and distribution modules including
#urchasing, In$entory, 'ales .rder, Ad$anced Transportation (anagement, 0eneral 3edger, Accounts #ayable,
Accounts +ecei$able and 5ixed Assets.
Sandra !ryant
Princi$al Consultant, US an& Euro$e 'o( )282 * Feb 2000
n&e$en&ent Consultant
+esponsible for analysis, training and implementation of mainly financial and distribution applications on the A'&100
platform. (y clients range from small businesses to large corporations. )usiness categories include publishing,
computer sales and leasing, wholesale distribution, manufacturing, ban"ing, pharmaceuticals and property
S-non Cor$oration, ,ar3s$ur, CA Au# )288 - 'o( )282
4ec+nical Consultant
#ro$ided technical assistance for de$elopers using the 'ynon&2! CA'! product on the I)( 'ystem&=> and A'&100.
Also pro$ided internal support for other 'ynon technical and functional application consultants.
JDE&5ar&s C+ica#o, , an& San Francisco, CA Jul- )28" - 'o( )288
4ec+nical Consultant
*irected clients in the implementation, support and modification of the ,*!dwards financial, distribution and payroll
applications on the 'ystem&=> and A'&100. #ro$ided customer training for technical personnel in using ,*!?s
programmer tools and application generator.
A(er- nternational, C+ica#o, , !ar )286 - Jul- )287
!S O$erations !ana#er

+esponsible for data center facilities, hardware, system software, budgets and staff for multiple 'ystem&=>?s and
'ystem&=@?s. (anaged a multiple system en$ironment with hea$y data communications re%uirements. -or"ed with "ey
personnel in the $arious business units to re$iew and e$aluate re%uests for technical ser$ices. *efined policies and
procedures for security, audibility, performance and disaster reco$ery.
4ransil5ra$ Co8$an-, C+ica#o, , Au# )27" - !ar )286
!S !ana#er

+esponsible for all (I' acti$ities including facilities, hardware, software, budget, permanent and contract staff.
-or"ed with corporate and branch managers to de$elop and implement integrated computeriAed applications, on the
'ystem&=1, to support financial management, in$entory control and mar"eting functions for twenty/three locations that
pre$iously had no computeriAed systems. *irected the con$ersion of these applications from multiple I)( 'ystem&=1?s
to the I)( 'ystem&=>.
CF n&ustries, nc0, C+ica#o, , !a- )272 - Au# )27"
Cost Accountin# Cler3

(anage and reconcile product exchange agreements between C5 Industries and other chemical fertiliAer producers.
Willett 4ruc3 ,easin#, C+ica#o, , Au# )2"2 - !a- )272
1eneral Accountin# Cler3
4arious responsibilities for A+, A#, #ayroll and 0eneral Accounting, including preparation of periodic financial
:orthern Illinois ;ni$ersity BC@D/BC@C
.li$e 6ar$ey Community College BC@C/BCD=
Sandra !ryant
3iberal Arts
Computer 'cience
5urnished upon re%uest
Sandra !ryant
Jarden Corp, Sunbeam Division, Hattiesburg, MS
Dec 2000-Jan 2001
Manufacturer of Consumer Household Products
+esponsible for con$erting ,arden9s newly ac%uired Tilia #roducts di$ision In$entory and #urchasing from their current
'A# platform onto 'unbeam9s ,*! -orld i'eries.
Quantegy Audio roducts, !pe"i#a, A$
Dec 2000-Jan 2001
Manufacturer of Professional Audio Products
Implemented .ne-orld Ad$anced Transportation (anagement function to support automatic routing and handling of
shipment re%uirements for orders generated from standard .- order entry or Internet )2) and )2C customers.
%ood Associates, Santa C"ara, CA
Apr 2000-Sep 2000
Promotional Merchandising
#roject 3ead responsible to implement .ne-orld *istribution modules< #urchasing, In$entory, 'hop 5loor Control,
5orecasting and 'ales .rder (anagement.
&amro !y - He"sin#i, 'in"and
Sep 1(()-Dec 1(((
Pharmaceutical Distributor
'enior technical consultant for ,*! -orld&.ne -orld coexistent en$ironment. #roject 3ead responsible for the design
and implementation of !*I strategy to support high $olume 'ales .rder processing interfaces to legacy systems.
#roject 3ead responsible for the design, de$elopment and implementation of a fee assignment application using ,*!
Ad$anced pricing logic and flexibility.
* + J ,a""o %inery - Modesto, CA
Mar-Sep 1(()
Wine grower, manufacturer and distributor
Technical consulting and Customer ser$ice support for 'ale .rder (anagement. *esign and program an application to
extract ,*! 'ales .rder data to support warehouse .rder 5ill +ate management.
%-ite-a""-.obins -armaceutica"s - .ic-mond, /A
Jan-'eb 1(()
Pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor
*esigned and implemented program modifications and enhancements to the ,* !dwards 'ales .rder processing
modules< 'ales .rder entry and !*I functions.
0aiser Materia"s - "easanton, CA
'eb 1((1-Dec 1((2
Construction Materials
#roject 3ead and )usiness Analyst responsible for full project lifecycle implementation of the ,*! !nergy and
Chemical $ersion of the 3oad and *istribution (anagement& 'ales .rder processing system.
Copart 3nc4
Jun, 1((5-'eb, 1((1
Commercial Auto Salvage
*esigned con$ersion and interface re%uirements for the transfer of data from their 'al$age #ool processing applications
to ,*!dwards financial applications. *esigned wor"flow, process flows and data flows for the integration of recently
ac%uired di$isions into the corporate 'al$age #ool system.
Cate""us Deve"opment Corp4
'eb, 1((5-Jun, 1((5
Commercial Property Development
Sandra !ryant
*esigned and implemented modifications and enhancements to the ,*!dwards property management application.
*e$eloped on/line in%uires and reports to monitor property tax re%uirements for $arious state agencies.
!"iver-A""en Corporation $ar#spur, CA
Jun, 1((6-Jan, 1((5
Computer !uipment "easing
*esigned and implemented modifications to 5reedman and Associates distribution systems. (odified 5reedman 'ales
Ac"nowledgment, #urchasing and In$oice procedures to use external printer files to support Ad$anced #rinter 5unction
for customiAed logos and form o$erlays. *esigned and implemented '23 dri$en search and select functions for on/line
.rder processing and In$entory management functions. #ro$ided automated solutions for application access and
security using a combination of I)( Ad$ance #rogramming *e$elopment and ;I( dri$en menu functions.
Meyer Corporation Sout- San 'rancisco, CA
'eb, 1((6-Jun,1((6
Manufacturer, #ourmet Coo$ware
*esigned and wrote wor"flows, standard operating procedures and user training materials for ,*!dwards 'ales .rder
#rocessing and In$entory (anagement systems for technical and business users.
0eyston 7ros4, 3nc4 %a"nut Cree#, CA
Dec, 1((8-'eb,1((6
Manufacturer, Automotive and %pholstery &abrics
*esigned and implemented modifications to the ,*!dwards financial and distribution systems. *esigned and
programmed $arious audit reports for the accounting group to $alidate 'ales re$enue, A&+ and in$entory cost. *esigned
and programmed 'ales Commission reports and 'ales and A&+ reports to run daily, wee"ly, monthly as re%uired.
&A7 roducts a"o A"to, CA
Dec, 1((2-Dec, 1((8
Manufacturer, 'ffice !uipment
'enior analyst&programmer for ,*!dwards financial and distribution systems implementation. Coordinated and
directed staff business analyst to determine re%uirements for software modifications and&or enhancements. *e$eloped
detail design specifications for staff programmers and for other contract programmers on the project. *esigned and
implemented custom satellite systems for Accounts payable, 'ales 2uota and Commissions to pro$ide functionality not
included in the ,*! software. *esigned and implemented automated )ac"up&+eco$ery functions using the I)(
.perational Assistance interface. #ro$ided training on A'&100 operational and application de$elopment techni%ues.
0.!9, C-ronic"e 7roadcasting San 'rancisco, CA
/arious *ngagements 1()(-1(()
*esigned, coded and implemented an on/line budget maintenance system interface to the existing ,*!dwards financial
application database. The system supports the entire budgeting process, trac"ing progression through the initial, target
and final cycles. The on/line entry supports all le$els of ,*! general ledger accounting including Address )oo" and
Cost Center sub/ledger accounts. ,*! code files are used to control security and access functions. !xtensi$e use of
+#0 imbedded '23 functions for database access and updates.
e#ing Handicra:t, 3nc4 Sout- San 'rancisco, CA
Jun, 1((2-Aug, 1((2
)mporter, Distributor Consumer Products
*esigned and implemented modifications to correct or enhance the warehouse pic"ing and shipping functions.
*esigned and implemented a sales commission trac"ing system that supports both on/line in%uiry &maintenance and
batch reporting.
!"iver-A""en Corporation $ar#spur, CA
Jan, 1((2-Jun, 1((2
Computer !uipment "easing
#ro$ided post/sales A'100 training and support as part of the I)( 4A+ program for the following clientsE
Sandra !ryant
+5* #ublications, #ortland, .r
-eyerhaeuser Industries, Tacoma, -A
')A+', Inc., (t. 3aurel, :,
Ci$ic )an" of Commerce, .a"land, CA
The :ature Company, )er"eley, CA
'amsung 'emiconductor, 'an ,ose, CA
#lasma Alliance, Inc. a *i$ision of +hone/#oulenc +orer, Fnox$ille, T:
International Aluminum Corp., 3os Angeles, CA
'ampoerna, Inc., Alameda, CA
'un #ress, .ahu, 6I
App"e Computer Cupertino, CA
Mar, 1((1-Jan, 1((2
Manufacturer Personal Computer Systems
Analysis, *esign, #rogramming on the A'&100 for con$ersion of +(' *istribution systems to *ec&4A7 applications.
-or"ed as a senior analyst&programmer responsible for conceptual and detail design functions in addition to
programming on the A'&100.
&-e 7ent"ey ,roup San 'rancisco, CA
!ct, 1((0-'eb, 1((1
&or &irst )nterstate (an$
*esign and implement commercial ban"ing application. 'enior analyst responsible for design and coding from
database through job control functions using the 3ansa de$elopment product. The system consisted of o$er B000
Sma"" 7usiness *;c-ange San 'rancisco, CA
Classified Advertising, Display Advertising, Direct Mail
'ynon 2&! project re$iew&e$aluation for information networ" that pro$ides database ser$ices for small, minority and
women owned businesses doing business with the state of California.
Synon Advanced App"ications C-icago, 3$
'ynon 2&! project re$iew&e$aluation for distributed manufacturing en$ironment. The client was (otorola in
'chaumburg I3. The specific project was the Customer .rder 5ulfillment system shared among the I)( #ersonal
computer, A'100 and '=D0&I('&4'.
Computer .esources ,roup San 'rancisco, CA
Mar, 1((0-May, 1((0
'ynon&2! system de$elopment for 'hipment )illing and Trac"ing application. The ultimate client was American
4anpac Carriers, pro$iders of o$erseas shipping containers for large importers.
%estpac aci:ic 'oods, a Division o: SuperStores 3ndustries $at-rop, CA
May, 1((0-!ct, 1((0
Wholesale #rocery Distribution
#roject 3ead responsible for ,* !dwards financial system installation, modifications, enhancements and interfaces to
third party warehouse management and in$entory control systems.
'ynon 2&! de$elopment for application to interface purchasing from a warehouse management&in$entory control
system to the ,*!dwards accounts payable application. *esigned and implemented a warehouse recei$er system as an
interface between a third party warehouse management ,*! accounts payable functions.
Mar#et %-o"esa"e ,rocery, a Division o: rovigo $td4 San .a:ae", CA
9ov, 1()(-May, 1((0
Wholesale #rocery Distribution
*esigned and implemented modifications and enhancements to ,*!dwards financial and distribution systems.
*irected staff de$elopers and analyst in the design, de$elopment and implementation of warehouse management
applications using the 'ynon 2&! de$elopment tools.
Sandra !ryant

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