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General Training IELTS Writing Task

1: Greetings and Salutation

posted i n IELTS Writing General Training Task 1 on
13/11/2013 by Jeffrey
As I mentioned before that its very important to get
your tone right in General Training IELTS Writing Task
1. Here are some good greetings and salutations in an
informal letter.
Friends usually have names ;-) so address him/her
with a name: begin the letter with Dear Joey/ Tim
/Rebecca, etc.
Begin your letter with some general statements. Refer
to the letter you have received from your friend and
thank him/her for it or apologies for the fact that you
have not answered the last letter soon enough.
Use the proper register. The letter is supposed to be
informal so you can use contractions, informal linking
words like well, by the way, anyway, so, colloquial
expressions, etc.
You can use more-conversation-like statements or
questions in your letter: You know that I had this
exam, right? You think he will be able to come to
the party?
Use questions to ask about your friend arrange the
next meeting, send greetings to his/her friends and
family, etc.
End your letter in informal way: Best wishes; Love;
Dear + first name, (E.g. Dear Jeffrey,)
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General Training IELTS Writing Task 1: Greetings and Salutation | Jeffre...
1 of 4 01.03.2014 22:18
My name is Jeffrey Wang. I was born in Qingdao,
China, and I am living in Melbourne at the
moment. I have been teaching IELTS and ESL
classes for over 5 years. Now I am working as an
instructor at 51ielts training center in
Melbourne and the course coordinator of IT and
ESL (EAL) programs in Melbourne Institute of
Commerce. I decided to focus on IELTS
teaching when I realised how important this exam
was in the lives of my students. I believe that a
good teacher can make a huge difference in
helping students to pass the exam as quickly as
possible. I am constantly refining my teaching,
and put a lot of my ideas and materials on my
teaching classes and this blog:
Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from
I'm sorry I haven't written for so long but
Hope to see you soon,
Love from yours,
Your first name/nick name (E.g. Tom/Amy)
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General Training IELTS Writing Task 1: Greetings and Salutation | Jeffre...
4 of 4 01.03.2014 22:18

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