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Teachers General format

College of Health Science

Course Title:
Instructor: ???
Course Texts: ????
1- Over all learning objectives
- Knowledge At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
1. Describe aetiology, pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and management of
common surgical problems including emergencies, in adults and children:
2. Define indications and methods for fluid and electrolyte replacement therapy including
blood transfusion:
3. Define asepsis, disinfection and steriliation and recommend !udicious use of
". Describe clinical features and ris# factors of common malignancies in the country and
their management including pre$ention.
%. &numerate different types of anaesthetic agents, their indications, mode of administration,
contraindications and side effects.
'#ills At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Diagnose common surgical conditions both acute and chronic, in adult and children(
2. )lan $arious laboratory tests for surgical conditions and interpret the results(
3. *dentify and manage patients of haemorrhagic, septicaemic and other types of shoc#(
". +e able to maintain patent air-way and resuscitate a
,i- a critically in!ured patient(
,ii- patient with cardio-respiratory failure(
,iii- a drowning case.
%. .onitor patients of head, chest, spinal and abdominal in!uries, both in adults and
/. )ro$ide primary care for a patient of burns(
0. Ac1uire principles of operati$e surgery, including pre-operati$e, operati$e and post
operati$e care and monitoring(
2. 3reat open wounds including pre$enti$e measures against tetanus and gas gangrene(
4. Diagnose neonatal and paediatric surgical emergencies and pro$ide sound primary care
before referring the patient to secondary 5 tertiary centers(
16. *dentify congenital anomalies and refer them for appropriate management.
2- Course content:
. A combination of system-based model and the spiral model is recommended for the .++'
course: disease, pathogenesis, causes, epidemiology, 7linical )resentation, *n$estigations, and
management of the diseases in the following systems:
1. '#in: ulcers and wounds, wound infections, burns, s#in infections ,boils, carbuncle, abcess-,
cysts ,epidermoid cyst, dermoid-,s#in tumors,basal cell carcinoma, s1uamous cell carcinoma,
2. 8ead and 9ec# region: congenital anomalies ,cleft lip, cleft palate, branchial cyst and fistula,
thyroglossal cyst- swellings of parotid and submandibular glands, oral ulcers, leu#opla#ia,
submucous fibrosis, lichen planus, common !aw tumors, s1uamous carcinoma of oral ca$ity,
pharyn: ; laryn:. 3hyroid swellings ,adenomatous goitre, <ra$es= Disease, papillary and
follicular thyroid cancer-.'wellings of lymph nodes ,tuberculosis, lymphoma, metastatic
3. Arteries: >eatures of limb *schaemia chronic $s acute, nonin$asi$e $ascular diagnostic tests,
obliterati$e atheromatous disease, aneurysms, ?aynaud=s syndrome, arterial emboli.
". @eins: $aricose $eins, deep $ein thrombosis , pulmonary embolism.
%. +reast: mastalgia, A9D*, fibroadenoma, cyst, breast abscess, cancer of the breast.
/. Aesophagus and stomach: dysphagia, reflu:, hiatus hernia, benign and malignant tumours. 0.
'tomach and duodenum: )eptic ulcer- stomach and duodenum, carcinoma of the stomach,
2. 'mall intestine: 'mall bowel obstruction, intestinal tuberculosis.
4. 7olon and rectum: Amoebic colitis, Blcerati$e colitis, colorectal cancer. pseudobstruction
16. Appendi:: Acute appendicitis.
11. Anus: 8aemorrhoids, )ruritus ani, >issure-in-ano, Anorectal abscesses, >istula-in-ano, cancer
of the anus.
12. )eritoneum and intraperitoneal abscesses: peritonitis.
13. Ci$er: 8epatic trauma, abscesses, cancer
1". +iliary tract: gall stone disease, carcinoma of the gallbladder.
1%. )ancreas: Acute panacreatitis, pancreatic cancer.
1/. Acute abdomen
10. 8ernias of the abdominal wall: *nguinal hernias, femoral hernia, umbilical and epigastric
12. Brology: Diagnostic studies and techni1ues in the urinary tract, trauma to the urinary tract,
urinary calculi, urinary tract infection, prostatic hyperplasia, tumours of the #idney, epididymo-
orchitis, hydrocele, tumours of the testicle, carcinoma of the penis.
3- Professional ethics:
Students are expected to conduct themseles in a
responsible manner that re!ects ethics" honor" and #ood
citi$enship. The% are also expected to abide b% the
re#ulations o& the uniersit%. It is the students'
responsibilit% to maintain academic honest% and
inte#rit%" and to mani&est their commitment to the
mission o& the Colle#e o& (ealth Sciences and School o&
Public (ealth throu#h their conduct and behaior.
)- *cademic +ishonest%:
*cademic dishonest includes cheatin#" pla#iarism" and
an% attempt to obtain credit &or academic ,or- throu#h
&raudulent" deceptie" or dishonest means. Students
must #ie credit &or an% in&ormation that is not either the
result o& ori#inal research or common -no,led#e.
The Colle#e o& (ealth Sciences .ibrar% supports
academic ri#or b% proidin# access to scholarl% boo-s"
/ournals" e0oo-s" . To use these materials" librarians are
aailable to assist students at the librar%"
1- *ssessment method
*ttendence: 123
4idterm: 223
*ssi#nment6presentation: 123
7inal #rade: 823
8- 4idterm exam time:
7inal exam time
9- :radin# S%stem: Colle#e o& (ealth Science :rade Chart: %our
;nal #rade ,ill be based on the percenta#e o& total possible
.etter #rade <umber
:rade Points
Per Credit
* >2-122 ).2 ?utstandin#
0 @>-@2 5.2 Commendable
C 9>-92 2.2 4ar#inal
+ 8>-82 1.2 =nsatis&actor%
7 2-1> 7ailin#


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