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Submitted by:-

Registration No.(520930988)

For the partial fulfillment of
degree for the award of

- 2 -


This project which I am going to develop is titled as SUPER
I hereby declare that this will be running project and is made
for fulfillment the requirements of the super market.

Name of Shooping Center:- SUPER MARKET
Address:- In front of Dileep Mahal,Munger,811201
- 3 -


I KAVERI BASU student of MCA,Final year,ZITE INSTITUTE (LC-01904)
under SIKKIM MANIPAL UNIVERSITY declared that the submitted project
on SUPER MARKET MANAGEMENT is an original one has not been
submitted to this university or any other institution for fulfillment of the
requirement of a course of study.

- 4 -

ee o
ff C
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ss P
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1. Certificate 3

2. Acknowledgement 4

3. Exclusive Summary

4. Future Scope 10

5. Feasibility Study 11
Technical Feasibility 12
Economical Feasibility 13
Operational Feasibility 14

6. Analysis Document 15
Data Flow Diagram 16
ER-Diagram 19

7. Platform Selection 21
Front end 22
Back end 27

8. Hardware & Software Requirements 30

9. Screen Shots 31

10. Program Code 48

11. Testing Concept 90

12. Software Implementation & Maintenance 93

13. Limitations 95

14. Bibliography 96

- 5 -


This is to certify that the project work entitled Sale Management
System, which is being submitted by KAVERI BASU, 520947934
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the degree
of MCA (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology) in Sikkim
Manipal University is an authentic work carried out by the student
in ZITE under my supervision and guidance.

I wish the student the best for his academic ventures.


Mr.Prashant Kumar(MSc.IT)


- 6 -

Every orientation work has an important of many people and
its becomes the duty of the author to express deep gratitude for
the same.
I have great pleasure while submitting this project report entitled,
SALE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in partial fulfillment of MCA. While
submitting this project report I take this opportunity to thanks to
those directly or indirectly related to project work without their
active co-operation and guidance it would have become
extremely difficult to complete this task in time.
At the outset, I keep on giving deep gratitude towards my
project guide Mr.Prashant Kumar(MSc.IT) who gave me guidance
right from the initial stage of project and offered me several
valuable suggestions for developing this project in systematic
and presentable manner.
In the end, I want to thanks to my friends and my
parents who inspired me in this work without their inspiration
the work were almost impossible.
- 7 -

Exclusive Summary
I have selected VB 6.0 as front end and MS-Access as
back end to accomplish this project.
Visual Basic
Visual Basic is not just a language it is an Integrated Development
Environment in which one can develop, run, test, and debug his
application. Visual Basic is used by many developers including the
Microsoft themselves -are using to write new application software. At the
last count there were over a million Visual Basic applications in the
commercial use. Look closely at any modern Window database,
spreadsheet or word processing package, whether from Microsoft or
other leading software house, and one will find that its macro language
is either a variety of visual basic, or almost identical to it. For this reason,
anyone who wants to become a Windows 'expert' should master this
language, and all Windows users, beyond the most casual, should have
a grasp of it.
The "Visual" part refers to the method used to create the graphical user
interface (GUI). Rather than writing numerous lines of code to describe
the appearance and location of interface elements, you simply add
prebuilt objects into place on screen. If you've ever used a drawing
program such as Paint, you already have most of the skills necessary to
create an effective user interface.
The "Basic" part refers to the BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic
Instruction Code) language, a language
- 8 -

used by more programmers than any other language in
the history of computing. Visual Basic has evolved from the original
BASIC language and now contains several hundred

statements, functions, and keywords, many of which relate directly to the
Windows GUI. Beginners can create useful applications by learning just
a few of the keywords, yet the power of the language allows
professionals to accomplish anything that can be accomplished using
any other Windows programming language.
The Visual Basic programming language is not unique to Visual Basic.
The Visual Basic programming system, Applications Edition included in
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and many other Windows
applications uses the same language. The Visual Basic Scripting Edition
(VBScript) is a widely used scripting language and a subset of the Visual
Basic language. The investment you make in learning Visual Basic will
carry over to these other areas.Whether programmers goal is to create
a small utility for themself or their work group, a large enterprise-wide
system, or even distributed applications spanning the globe via the
Internet, Visual Basic has the tools needed by them.
Data access features allow programmer to create databases, front-end
applications, and scalable server-side components for most popular
database formats, including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprise-
level databases such as Oracle.

- 9 -

ActiveX technologies allow programmer to use the functionality
provided by other applications, such as Microsoft Word Processor,
Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet, and other Windows applications. Programmer can
even automate applications and objects created using the
Professional or Enterprise editions of Visual Basic
Internet capabilities make it easy to provide access to documents
and applications across the Internet or intranet from within
programmer application, or to create Internet server applications.
Finished application is a true .exe file that uses a Visual Basic
Virtual Machine that can be freely distributed.
Microsoft Access helps novice database users and experienced
programmers alike build powerful, customizable solution that integrated
with the enterprise
data sources. Capture sales records track inventory. Whatever your
need, access helps you work smarter.
Microsoft Access is a Database System. Database Systems, data is
organized in tables that are linked to one another. Microsoft Accessacts
as a back end which takes care of storing and retrieving the data. It
provides tables where data can be stored. It also acts as front end
where forms can be created that acts the interface between the user and

- 10 -

A database is collection of information that related to a particular subject
or purpose, such as tracking customer orders or maintaining a music
collection. If your database doesnt stored on a computer or only part of
it are, you may be tracking information from a variety of sources that you
have to co-ordinate and organize yourself. The access is made up of
tables, queries, forms, reports. MS Access is a software product that
specializes in managing a single, shared set of information among
concurrent users.
Ms. Access is a comprehensive operating environment that provides a
set of functional programs that can be used as tools to build structures
and perform tasks. Because applications

developed on Ms. Access are completely portable to other versions of
the program. We can create a complex application in a single user
environment and then move it to multi-user platform.
In Ms access, all data is stored and displayed in tables. A table consists
of columns and of rows. A view, referred to as virtual table is a derived
table that cam be created for purposes of display while the table while
the tables they are derived from are called base tables. A view can be a
combination of two base tables or a subset of one base table.
Microsoft Access is a powerful program with numerous easy-to-use
Features of access as follows :
Find Information :
Once you enter the data into the database table, you can quickly search
the table to locate a specific record based on the data in a field.
- 11 -

Add, Delete & Modify Record:
Using access it is easy to add & delete records from the table. Once you
locate a record, you can edit the fields to update the record or delete the
record entirely.
Sort Record:
By using access, it is possible to sort the records according to different
Analyse Data
Using access you can analyze the data in a table and perform
calculations on different fields. Also you can ask questions or query the
table to find only certain records that meets specific conditions.
General Report:
Access helps to produce reports ranging from simple listening to
complex professional reports.
- 12 -

Future Prospect of Project

The Sale Management system has been developed as a Single-user
system enabling for individual user by using ACCESS as backend, User
interface (front end) has been provided through VB 6.0.It is very helpful
to those whose dealing their transaction manually. By using this project
user deal a transaction more efficiently and automatically.This project is
helpful in like adding new items dynamically, editing and updating
existing record easily, keep the information of the customer and search
the record just by typing the criteria.

At last this project is very much user friendly, even a new user can easily
operate this project just having the knowledge basics of computer.
- 13 -

Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study of is an Important outcome of the preliminary
investigation. In this Project I have to determine that the system
requested is feasible. I have gone through with the three aspects in the
feasibility study.

- 14 -

Technical Feasibility
In this Project the Technical Feasibility is concerned with
specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the user
requirement. The technical needs of the system may vary considerably,
but might include:
The facility to produce outputs in a given time.
Response time under certain conditions.
Ability to process a certain volume of transaction at a particular
Facility to communicate data to distant location.

In examining technical feasibility for my Project, configuration of the
system is given more importance than the actual make of hardware. The
configuration should given the complete picture about the systems
requirements like how many workstations are required, how these units
are interconnected so that they could operate and communicate
smoothly. What speeds of input and output should be achieved at
particular quality of printing. This can be used be used as a basis for the
tender document against which dealers and manufactures can later
make their equipment bids. Specific hardware and software products
can then be evaluated keeping in view with the logical needs.
At the feasibility stage it is desirable that two or three different
configurations will be pursued that satisfy the key technical requirements
but which represent different levels of ambitions and cost.

- 15 -

Economical Feasibility
Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for
evaluating the effectiveness of a proposed system. More commonly
known as cost/benefit analysis; the procedure is to determine the
benefits and savings that expected from a proposed system and
compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, a decision is taken
to design and implement the system. Otherwise, further justification or
alternative in the proposed system will have to be made if it is to have a
chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in
accuracy at each phase of the system life cycle.
In Sale Management System feasibility also depends upon
quality of staff hired and the proposed duration of time taken in this
project sometimes it might be possible due to extension of time duration
may fall the project under loss. The study of feasibility changes from
phase to phase of the project development.

- 16 -

Operational Feasibility
It is mainly related to human organizational and political aspects. The
points to be considered for Operational Feasibility as far as this project
is considered are as follows:
What changes will be brought with the system?
What organizational structures are distributed?
What new skills will be required? Do existing staff members have
these skills? If not, can they be trained in due course of time?
Generally project will not be rejected simply because of operational
infeasibility but such considerations are likely to critically affect the
nature and scope of the eventual recommendations. This feasibility
study is carries out by a small group of people who are familiar with
information system techniques, who understand the parts of the
business that are relevant to the project and are skilled in system
analysis and design process.
As far as this project is concerned the changes which we have to be
brought depends upon whether we are going to build a new project or
we going to modify some establishment in the late.

- 17 -

1. DFD
- 18 -

DFD: -
DFD is a pictorial representation of showing the flow of data into,
around and out of a system. They can be understood by user and are
less prone to miss interpretation than textual description. It is also known
as bubble chart. A complete set of DFD provides a compact top down
representation of a system which make its easier for users and analyst
to visible the system as a whole.


Arrow (data flow)

Circle (Process)

Rectangle (Source and destination)

Open rectangle (Store)

- 19 -

Context Level Diagram(0 Level Diagram)

DF-Diagram for entry in Customer Table


DF-Diagram for entry in Item Table

DF-Diagram for entry in Sale & Sale_Details Table

Sale Details
Super Market



- 20 -

Sale &
Sale Details

Data Flow Chart


Valid NO


Login Again

Super Market
Input Username
& Password
- 21 -

An ER-diagram is a method used to represent the database
design in the form of attributes, entities and relationships. An
entity is an object that exits and is distinguishable from other
objects. e.g. Registration with Regid. No. 919156 is an entity. It is
distinguishable from other objects with the help of Id. No. Which
is unique for each candidate. Set of such entity is called entity
set. An entity set is represented diagrammatically by a rectangle.
An entity is represented by a set of attributes. Attributes are
represented diagrammatically by ellipse. The relation is
represented by rhombus.

- 22 -

- 23 -

- 24 -

1.Front End
The front end of my project is designed in VB 6.0, which is a
product of Microsoft Visual Studio.
Title of my project is SALE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and the name
is SUPER MARKET which contains one MDI form and twelve forms
which are as below.
1. frmlogin.frm
A login form of my project. Ask username and
password from the user to verify the authenticity.
Username and Password are not case-sensitive which
make my project user friendly.
2. frmwelcome.frm
After verifying the username and password this form
happily say welcome to the user.
3. mdimarket.frm
MDI stands for Multiple Document Interface application
allows the user to display multiple document at the
same time .An MDI maintains multiple forms within a
single form.
- 25 -

Mdimarket.frm is a container of the project which
contain rest of the form which have four main menu
named FILE(Login,Exit), VIEW(Customer details, Item
details, sale, sale details), TOOLS (Change password)
and HELP( About software, Help).

4. frmmarket.frm
This is the main form of my project which takes input
from the user and save the past sales of the market in
the database, total cost of purchasing, switching to
the another form etc. This is the form which interact
with the user all the time.
5. frmitem.frm
This table stores all the details of the item like
item_code, item_name, price which is used to sell in
the market.This table be the input table for the
application. By this table we can new details ,update
and delete existing details and search details
of item by item_code.
- 26 -

6. frmcustomer.frm
This table is used to keep details of customers with
their customer_id, customer_name, address and
contact. This table also be the input for the
application. By this table we can new details, update
and delete existing details and search details of
customer by customer_code.
7. frmsale.frm
If want to see all the past transaction related to
monetary term like whose duly paid the amount of
purchase, how many rupees dues on him etc. We can

also find or take a look data of a customer related to
the monetary term by specifying his customer_id in the
search field. In this table we cant do any modification.
8. frmsale_details.frm
This table stores what and how many quantities of
items is purchased by which customer on which date
and time. We can search the details in this table by
- 27 -

only putting his id in the search criteria. In this table
we cant do any modification.
9. frmsearch.frm
This the search form of the sale table. Which show all
the details of the specified item_code from the sale
10. frmsearch_sale_details.frm
This the search form of the sale_details table. Which
show all the details of the specified customer_id from
the sale_details table.
11. frmchange.frm
If any user want to change his password then he can
do it with this form just after verifying the old
If any user forget his username and password then he
can view this form in which current user has to just
typing the answer of security question and this form
show current username and password.
- 28 -

Show the description of the application like name of
the developer and name of the guide etc.
- 29 -

The backend of my project is MS-Access which is a powerful RDBMS
product of MS-Office. There are also various types of database available but
this is most efficient for this project. Rest of the databases require vast
memory to work efficiently but it does not.
Its ready to store data in the form of table after installing the MS-Office.

Name of database of this project is MARKET which contains five tables which
are as follows :-

1. customer_details
Field Name Data type
customer_id text
customer_name text
address memo
contact number
2. item
Field Name Data type
item_code text
- 30 -

item_name text
price currency

3. sale
Field Name Data type
customer_id text
amount currency
paid currency
dues currency
date date/time
time date/time
4. sale_details
Field Name Data type
customer_id text
item_code text
qty number
date date/time
time date/time

- 31 -

5. verify
Field Name Data type
user text
pass text

- 32 -

Hardware and Software Requirements
Pentium4 processor
40 GB HDD, 52x CD-ROM Drive.
Monitor at 800 by 600 pixels.
Window 98,2000 or more Operating System
Visual Basic 6.0
Ms Office xp or more

- 33 -

- 34 -

frmlogin.frm : -

- 35 -


- 36 -


- 37 -

frmmarket.frm :-

- 38 -

- 39 -

frmmarket with open File menu :-

- 40 -

frmmarket form with open View menu :-

frmmarket form with open Tool menu :-

- 41 -

frmmarket form with open Help menu :-

- 42 -

frmitem.frm :-

- 43 -

frmcustomer_details.frm :-

- 44 -

frmsale.frm :-

- 45 -


- 46 -


- 47 -


- 48 -

frmchange.frm :-

- 49 -


- 50 -

Coding of frmlogin.frm :-
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub cmdcancel_Click()
a = MsgBox("Do you want to exit without login", vbYesNo, "cancel")
If vbYes = a Then
Unload Me
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdlogin_Click()
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "verify", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While rs.EOF = False
If UCase(txtname.Text) = UCase(rs.Fields(0)) And UCase(txtpwd.Text)
= UCase(rs.Fields(1)) Then
Exit Sub
- 51 -

If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "Either username or password is wrong", vbCritical, "Error"
txtname.Text = ""
txtpwd.Text = ""
End If

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
cmdlogin.Default = True
cmdlogin.Enabled = False
txtname.Text = "User Name"
cmdcancel.TabIndex = 0
txtpwd.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub txtname_Click()
txtname.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub txtname_GotFocus()
If txtname.Text = "" Then
txtpwd.Enabled = False
- 52 -

txtpwd.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txtpwd_Change()
If txtpwd.Text = "" Then
cmdlogin.Enabled = False
cmdlogin.Enabled = True
cmdlogin.Default = True
End If
End Sub

- 53 -

Coding of frmwelcome.frm :-
Dim t As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
t = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If t <= 200 Then
prgtest.Value = prgtest.Value + 1
t = t + 1
Timer1.Enabled = False
Unload Me
mdimarket.mnulogin.Enabled = False
mdimarket.mnuview.Enabled = True
mdimarket.mnutool.Enabled = True
mdimarket.mnuhelp.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

- 54 -

Coding for mdimarket.frm
Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
mnulogin.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub mnuabt_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnuchange_Click()
frmchange.txtoldpass.Text = ""
frmchange.txtnewpass.Text = ""
frmchange.txtcnfpass.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub mnucustomer_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnuexit_Click()
- 55 -

End Sub

Private Sub mnuhelp1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnuitem_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnulogin_Click()
frmlogin.txtname.Text = "Username"
frmlogin.txtpwd.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub mnusale_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnusale_details_Click()

- 56 -

Coding for frmmarket.frm
Dim myws As Workspace
Dim mydb As Database
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs2 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim total As Long

Private Sub cboid_Click()
If Val(txtqty.Text) And cboid.ListIndex >= 0 Then
cmdselect.Enabled = True
End If
cboid.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cboitem_Click()
While rs1.EOF = False
If rs1.Fields(0) = cboitem.Text Then
txtname.Text = rs1.Fields(1)
txtprice.Text = rs1.Fields(2)
End If
txtqty.Text = ""
txtamount.Text = ""
cmddeselect.Enabled = False
- 57 -

End Sub

Private Sub cboitem_GotFocus()
cmddeselect.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
If cmdadd.Caption = "Hide" Then
fraadd.Visible = False
cmditem_code.Visible = False
cmdcustomer.Visible = False
cmdsale.Visible = False
cmdsale_details.Visible = False
cmdadd.Caption = "Show"
fraadd.Visible = True
cmdadd.Caption = "Hide"
cmditem_code.Visible = True
cmdcustomer.Visible = True
cmdsale.Visible = True
cmdsale_details.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdcustomer_Click()
- 58 -

frmcustomer.BorderStyle = 1
End Sub

Private Sub cmddeselect_Click()
Dim i As Integer
i = lstitem.ListIndex
If i = -1 Then
MsgBox "Please select a item from list box to deselect it from list",
vbOKOnly, "Caution"
lstitem.RemoveItem i
lstqty.RemoveItem i
j = lstamount.List(i)
lstamount.RemoveItem i
If txttotal.Text = "" Then

total = Val(total) - Val(j)
txttotal.Text = Val(txttotal.Text) - Val(j)
End If
If Val(txttotal.Text) > 0 Then
cmddeselect.Enabled = True
cmddeselect.Enabled = False
End If
End If
- 59 -

End Sub

Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
a = MsgBox("Do You Want To Exit", vbYesNo, "Exit")
If vbYes = a Then
Unload Me
frmlogin.txtname.Text = ""
frmlogin.txtpwd.Text = ""
End If
mdimarket.mnulogin.Enabled = True
mdimarket.mnuview.Enabled = False
mdimarket.mnutool.Enabled = False
mdimarket.mnuhelp.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmditem_code_Click()
frmitem.BorderStyle = 1
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsale_Click()
frmsale.BorderStyle = 1

End Sub

- 60 -

Private Sub cmdsale_details_Click()
frmsale_details.BorderStyle = 1
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsave_Click()
Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset
rs1.Open "sale", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
rs1.Fields(0) = cboid.Text
rs1.Fields(1) = Val(txttotal.Text)
rs1.Fields(2) = Val(txtpaid.Text)
rs1.Fields(3) = Val(txtdues.Text)
rs1.Fields(4) = lbldate.Caption
rs1.Fields(5) = lbltime.Caption
rs2.Open "sale_details", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
For i = 0 To lstitem.ListCount - 1
rs2.Fields(0) = cboid.Text
rs2.Fields(1) = lstitem.List(i)
rs2.Fields(2) = Val(lstqty.List(i))
rs2.Fields(3) = lbldate.Caption
rs2.Fields(4) = lbltime.Caption
- 61 -

MsgBox "Data saved to the database", vbOKOnly, "Saved"
yes = MsgBox("Do you want to clear the data from the application?",
vbYesNo, "Clear")
If vbYes = yes Then
cboitem.Text = ""
txtname.Text = ""

txtprice.Text = ""
txtqty.Text = ""
txtamount.Text = ""
cboid.Text = ""
txttotal.Text = ""
txtpaid.Text = ""
txtdues.Text = ""
cboid.Enabled = True
cmdsave.Enabled = False
End If
total = 0
End Sub

Private Sub cmdselect_Click()
total = Val(total) + Val(txtamount.Text)
lstitem.AddItem cboitem.Text
lstqty.AddItem txtqty.Text
- 62 -

lstamount.AddItem txtamount.Text
cmdtotal.Enabled = True
cboitem.Text = ""
txtname.Text = ""
txtprice.Text = ""
txtqty.Text = ""
txtamount.Text = ""
cmdselect.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdtotal_Click()
Data1.Recordset.FindFirst "[customer_id]=" & "'" & cboid.Text & "'"
If Data1.Recordset.NoMatch Then

MsgBox "Its first purchasing of " & "'" & cboid.Text & "'"
txttotal.Text = Val(total)
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from sale where customer_id=" & "'"
& cboid.Text & "'"
Data1.Recordset.FindLast "[customer_id]=" & "'" & cboid.Text & "'"
If Data1.Recordset.Fields(3) <> 0 Then
a = Data1.Recordset.Fields(3)
MsgBox "u have already dues of " & a
total = Val(total) + Val(a)
txttotal.Text = Val(total)
txtprice.Text = ""
- 63 -

txtqty.Text = ""
txtamount.Text = ""
cboitem.Text = ""
txtname.Text = ""
cmddeselect.Enabled = True
cmdselect.Enabled = False
txttotal.Text = Val(total)
txtprice.Text = ""
txtqty.Text = ""
txtamount.Text = ""
cboitem.Text = ""
txtname.Text = ""
cmddeselect.Enabled = True
cmdselect.Enabled = False
End If
End If
cmdtotal.Enabled = False
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from sale"

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
- 64 -

con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data
Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset
rs1.Open "item", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While rs1.EOF = False
cboitem.AddItem rs1.Fields(0)
Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset
rs2.Open "customer_details", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While rs2.EOF = False
cboid.AddItem rs2.Fields(0)
lbldate.Caption = Date
cmdsave.Enabled = False
fraadd.Visible = False
cmddeselect.Enabled = False
cmdselect.Enabled = False
txtamount.Enabled = False
lstqty.Enabled = False
lstamount.Enabled = False
cmdtotal.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Enabled = False
fraadd.Visible = False
cmditem_code.Visible = False
cmdcustomer.Visible = False
- 65 -

cmdsale.Visible = False
cmdsale_details.Visible = False
total = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
frmlogin.txtname.Text = ""
frmlogin.txtpwd.Text = ""
mdimarket.mnulogin.Enabled = True
mdimarket.mnuview.Enabled = False
mdimarket.mnutool.Enabled = False
mdimarket.mnuhelp.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub lstitem_GotFocus()
cmdselect.Enabled = False
cmddeselect.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
lbltime.Caption = Time
End Sub

Private Sub txtamount_Change()
cmdselect.Enabled = True
End Sub

- 66 -

Private Sub txtdues_Change()
cmdsave.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtpaid_change()
txtdues.Text = Val(txttotal.Text) - Val(txtpaid.Text)
cmdsave.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtqty_Change()
txtamount.Text = Val(txtprice.Text) * Val(txtqty.Text) End Sub

- 67 -

Coding for frmitem.frm
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
txtitem.Enabled = True
txtname.Enabled = True
txtprice.Enabled = True
cmdadd.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Caption = "Save"
cmdcancel.Enabled = True
cmddelete.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdcancel_Click()
cmdadd.Enabled = True
cmdcancel.Enabled = False
cmddelete.Enabled = False
txtitem.Enabled = False
txtname.Enabled = False
txtprice.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Caption = "Update"
- 68 -

End Sub

Private Sub cmddelete_Click()
d = MsgBox("Do you want to delete the current details", vbYesNo,
If vbYes = d Then

End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
a = MsgBox("Do you want to exit", vbYesNo, "Exit")
If vbYes = a Then
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.ConnectionString = "provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "item", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While rs.EOF = False
frmmarket.cboitem.AddItem rs.Fields(0)
- 69 -

Unload Me
MsgBox "For loading new data to the application close the application
and start again", vbInformation, "Information"
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()
cmdpre.Enabled = False
cmdnext.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdlast_Click()

cmdnext.Enabled = False
cmdpre.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdnext.Enabled = False
End If
- 70 -

cmdpre.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdpre_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then
MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdpre.Enabled = False
End If
cmdnext.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsave_Click()
If cmdsave.Caption = "Update" Then
txtitem.Enabled = True
txtname.Enabled = True
txtprice.Enabled = True
cmdsave.Caption = "Save"
cmddelete.Enabled = True
txtitem.Text = UCase(txtitem.Text)
txtname.Text = UCase(txtname.Text)
If txtitem.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "You have not entered any value", vbInformation, "Item"
End If
- 71 -

cmdadd.Enabled = True
cmdcancel.Enabled = False
cmddelete.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Caption = "Update"
txtitem.Enabled = False
txtname.Enabled = False
txtprice.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsearch_Click()
Dim a As String
a = InputBox("Enter Item code", "Search")
a = Trim(UCase(a))
If a = "" Then
b = MsgBox("Please enter the Item code", vbOKOnly, "Search")
If vbOK = b Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Data1.Recordset.FindFirst "[item_code]=" & "'" & a & "'"
If Data1.Recordset.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Given record is not found", vbOKOnly, "Search"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Data1_Reposition()
- 72 -

frmitem.Caption = "Record Number " &
Data1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition + 1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
txtitem.Enabled = False
txtname.Enabled = False
txtprice.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Caption = "Update"
cmddelete.Enabled = False
cmdcancel.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End Sub

Private Sub txtprice_Change()
cmdsave.Enabled = True
End Sub

- 73 -

Coding for frmcustomer_details.frm
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
txtid.Enabled = True
txtname.Enabled = True
txtaddress.Enabled = True
txtphone.Enabled = True
cmdadd.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Caption = "Save"
cmdcancel.Enabled = True
cmddelete.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdcancel_Click()
cmdadd.Enabled = True
cmdcancel.Enabled = False
cmddelete.Enabled = False
txtid.Enabled = False
txtname.Enabled = False
txtaddress.Enabled = False
- 74 -

txtphone.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Caption = "Update"
End Sub

Private Sub cmddelete_Click()

d = MsgBox("Do you want to delete the current details", vbYesNo,
If vbYes = d Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
a = MsgBox("Do you want to exit", vbYesNo, "Exit")
If vbYes = a Then
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.ConnectionString = "provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "customer_details", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While rs.EOF = False
frmmarket.cboid.AddItem rs.Fields(0)
- 75 -

Unload Me
MsgBox "For loading new data to the application close the application
and start again", vbInformation, "Information"
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdlast_Click()
cmdnext.Enabled = False
cmdpre.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdnext.Enabled = False
End If
cmdpre.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdpre_Click()
- 76 -

If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then
MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdpre.Enabled = False
End If
cmdnext.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()
cmdpre.Enabled = False
cmdnext.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsave_Click()
If cmdsave.Caption = "Update" Then
txtid.Enabled = True
txtname.Enabled = True
txtaddress.Enabled = True
txtphone.Enabled = True
cmdsave.Caption = "Save"
cmddelete.Enabled = True

txtid.Text = UCase(txtid.Text)
txtname.Text = UCase(txtname.Text)
If txtid.Text = "" Then
- 77 -

MsgBox "You have not entered any value", vbInformation, "Item"
End If
cmdadd.Enabled = True
cmdcancel.Enabled = False
cmddelete.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Caption = "Update"
txtid.Enabled = False
txtname.Enabled = False
txtaddress.Enabled = False
txtphone.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsearch_Click()
Dim a As String
a = InputBox("Enter Customer ID", "Search")
a = Trim(UCase(a))
If a = "" Then
b = MsgBox("Please enter the Customer ID", vbOKOnly, "Search")
If vbOK = b Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Data1.Recordset.FindFirst "[customer_id]=" & "'" & a & "'"
If Data1.Recordset.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Given record is not found", vbOKOnly, "Search"
End If
- 78 -

End Sub

Private Sub Data1_Reposition()
frmcustomer.Caption = "Record Number " &
Data1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition + 1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
txtid.Enabled = False
txtname.Enabled = False
txtaddress.Enabled = False
txtphone.Enabled = False
cmdsave.Caption = "Update"
cmddelete.Enabled = False
cmdcancel.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End Sub

- 79 -

Coding for frmsale.frm
Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
Unload Me
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End Sub

Private Sub cmdlast_Click()
cmdnext.Enabled = False
cmdprev.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdnext.Enabled = False
End If
cmdprev.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdprev_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then
- 80 -

MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdprev.Enabled = False
End If
cmdnext.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()

cmdprev.Enabled = False
cmdnext.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsearch_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Data1_Reposition()
frmsale.Caption = "Record Number " &
Data1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition + 1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End Sub

- 81 -

Coding for frmsale_details.frm
Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
Unload Me
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End Sub

Private Sub cmdlast_Click()
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdnext.Enabled = False
cmdprev.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdnext.Enabled = False
End If
cmdprev.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdprev_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then
- 82 -

MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdprev.Enabled = False
End If
cmdnext.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()
MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdprev.Enabled = False
cmdnext.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Data1_Reposition()
frmsale_details.Caption = "Record Number" &
Data1.Recordset.AbsolutePosition + 1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

- 83 -

Coding for frmsearch.frm
Private Sub cmdcancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfind_Click()
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from sale"
Dim a As String
a = InputBox("Enter Customer ID", "Search")
If a = "" Then
b = MsgBox("Please enter the Customer ID", vbOKOnly, "Search")
If vbOK = b Then
End If
End If
a = Trim(UCase(a))
Data1.Recordset.FindFirst "[customer_id]=" & "'" & a & "'"
If Data1.Recordset.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Given record is not found", vbOKOnly, "Search"
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from sale where customer_id=" & "'"
& a & "'"
cmdfirst.Enabled = False
- 84 -

cmdprev.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()

MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdfirst.Enabled = False
cmdprev.Enabled = False
cmdnext.Enabled = True
cmdlast.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdlast_Click()
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdfirst.Enabled = True
cmdnext.Enabled = False
cmdprev.Enabled = True
cmdlast.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
- 85 -

cmdnext.Enabled = False
cmdlast.Enabled = False
End If
cmdprev.Enabled = True
cmdfirst.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdprev_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then
MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdprev.Enabled = False
cmdfirst.Enabled = False
End If

cmdnext.Enabled = True
cmdlast.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
cmdfind.Default = True
End Sub

- 86 -

Coding for frmsearch_sale_details.frm
Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfind_Click()
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from sale_details"
Dim a As String
a = InputBox("Enter Customer ID", "Search")
If a = "" Then
b = MsgBox("Please enter the Customer ID", vbOKOnly, "Search")
If vbOK = b Then
End If
End If
a = Trim(UCase(a))
Data1.Recordset.FindFirst "[customer_id]=" & "'" & a & "'"
If Data1.Recordset.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Given record is not found", vbOKOnly, "Search"
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from sale_details where
customer_id=" & "'" & a & "'"
cmdfirst.Enabled = False
- 87 -

cmdprev.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()

MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdfirst.Enabled = False
cmdprev.Enabled = False
cmdnext.Enabled = True
cmdlast.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdlast_Click()
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdfirst.Enabled = True
cmdnext.Enabled = False
cmdprev.Enabled = True
cmdlast.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Last Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
- 88 -

cmdnext.Enabled = False
cmdlast.Enabled = False
End If
cmdprev.Enabled = True
cmdfirst.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdprev_Click()
If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then
MsgBox "First Record", vbOKOnly, "Item"
cmdprev.Enabled = False
cmdfirst.Enabled = False
End If

cmdnext.Enabled = True
cmdlast.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
cmdfind.Default = True
End Sub

- 89 -

Coding for frmchange.frm
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub cmdcancel_Click()
Unload Me
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End Sub

Private Sub cmdchange_Click()
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider =Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "verify", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While rs.EOF = False
If UCase(frmlogin.txtname.Text) = UCase(rs.Fields(0)) Then
If UCase(txtoldpass.Text) = UCase(rs.Fields(1)) Then
If UCase(txtnewpass.Text) = UCase(txtcnfpass.Text) Then
rs.Fields(1) = UCase(txtnewpass.Text)
a = MsgBox("Password has been changed successfully",
vbOKOnly, "Changed")
If vbOK = a Then
- 90 -

frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End If
b = MsgBox("Type new passwords again", vbOKOnly, "Error")

If vbOK = b Then
txtnewpass.Text = ""
txtcnfpass.Text = ""
End If
End If
MsgBox "Password verification failed", vbOKOnly, "Error"
txtoldpass.Text = ""
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
frmmarket.WindowState = 2

- 91 -

Coding for frmhelp.frm
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub cmdok_Click()
Unload Me
frmmarket.WindowState = 2
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider =Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "verify", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While rs.EOF = False
If UCase(frmlogin.txtname.Text) = UCase(rs.Fields(0)) Then
frmhelp.lbluser.Caption = UCase(rs.Fields(0))
frmhelp.lblpass.Caption = UCase(rs.Fields(1))
End If
End Sub

- 92 -

- 93 -

Software Testing

Software testing is a critical element software quality assurance and
represents ultimate review of specifications, design and coding. Testing is a
process of execution of a program with intent of finding errors. Testing presents
an interesting anomaly for the software engineer. The engineer creates a series
of test cases that are intended to demolish the software that has been built.
Testing Objectives:
1.Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an
2.A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as-yet-
undiscovered error.
3.A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet-undiscovered error.
If testing is conducted successfully, it will uncover errors in the
software. As a secondary benefit, testing demonstrates that software functions
appear to be working according to specification, that behavioral and
performance requirements appear to have been met. In addition, data collected
as testing is conducted provide a good indication of software reliability and
some indication of software quality as a whole. But testing cannot show the
absence of errors and defects, it can show only that software errors and defects
are present. It is important to keep this statement in mind as testing is being

Testing is conducted at various levels of project:
Unit Testing: Each and every field on form is tested during coding phase
to check whether all validation rules applied and system is

- 94 -

storing correct data. Some of the examples of validations applied on fields
are as follows:
a) PAN number must be equal to 10 characters.
b) Validation in date of birth field
c) Telephone number, bank account number and pin number must be
numeric and pin number can not be greater than 6 digits.
d) All fields related to name can not contain numeric digits.

Module Testing: After doing unit testing, whole system is tested whether
it is working properly on not. The screens together works as per
requirement without effecting working of controls. In this we made sure
that all the fields which should not be left blank are filled by the end-user
or not.

Integrated system Testing: All modules are integrated and connected to
main menu and then module testing is done to check following:
a) After selecting some option, proper module should be called.
Integrated system is checked to ensure control flow as per the predefined flow
of control.

- 95 -

Software Implementation & Maintenance

After successful results of testing of the system implemented implementation
process as conversion. Process of changing from old to new system, have pilot
approach employed. First a small application/module is developed and tested
with historical data, with this data output of system work checked against
historical outputs.
Training: User familiar to basic operations of computer but hands- on training
will be given to staff members. They will be given full on-job operational
training on system so that user can test, evaluates and analyze system. System is
then tested with live data; its results are then checked with manual results.

As system will be installed, it will be continuously analyzed. Maintenance is a
on going process, any problem that occurs in system is corrected
instantaneously. Training given to some personnel, which will look after the
small errors, they are called as system personnel.

Software maintenance is, of course, far more than fixing mistakes. We may
define maintenance by describing four activities that are undertaken after a
program is released for use.

The first maintenance activity occurs because it is unreasonable to assume that
software testing will uncover all latent errors in a large software system. The
process that includes the diagnosis and correction of one or more errors is called
corrective maintenance.

- 96 -

The second activity that contributes to a definition of maintenance occurs
because of the rapid change that is encountered in every aspect of computing.
Therefore adaptive maintenance an activity that modifies software to properly
interface with a changing environment is both necessary and commonplace.

The third activity that may be applied to definition of maintenance occurs when
a software package is successful. To satisfy requests in this category, perfective
maintenance is performed. This activity accounts for the majority of all efforts
expended on software maintenance.

The fourth maintenance activity occurs when software is changed to improve
future maintainability or reliability, or to provide a better a better basis for
characterize by reverse engineering and re-engineering techniques.

- 97 -

Limitation of Project

The limitations of the project is as follows :-

This software is useful for only one branch.
It can not be a central process system.
User can not use it over net.
This software is single user software.
Lack of Help i.e. no any help file is associated with the project.

- 98 -


At the time of developing this project, I have consulted various
books of Visual Basic 6.0 & MS-Access

Visual Basic 6.0 Bottom to Top
Rajendra Sholekhe
A Beginners Guide To Visual Basic 6.0
Mandeep S. Bhatia
Course material provided by SMU in 2nd Sem

Course material of IGNOU

MS-Access at your finger tips
CHIP magazine
Ms access Programming with Visual Basic
By:Nick Snowdon

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