Kochuparambil House, Pazhoor 686 664, Piravom, Kerala, India

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Geo Paulose

Kochuparambil House, Pazhoor 686 664, Piravom, Kerala, India

Phone: 0 485 224 4401 !84"1!!4!0: #mail: $eopaulose%&$mailcom
'o (or) in a challen$in$ environmen* (i*h dedica*ion and *o s*rive +or *he hi$hes* compe*ence
personall, and pro+essionall,
-he+ (i*h e.cellen* educa*ion and pro+essional e.perience in in*erna*ional cruise ships
Hi$hl, mo*iva*ed and dedica*ed individual (i*h commi*men* *o servin$ *he cus*omers
#.cellen* in*erpersonal s)ills (i*h *he abili*, *o rela*e *o people +rom a varie*, o+ cul*ural
and e*hnic bac)$rounds
/esource+ul problem solver capable o+ implemen*in$ solu*ions *o comple. problems
0ersa*ile and hi$hl, mo*iva*ed individual (ho is $enuinel, in*eres*ed in *he $ro(*h o+ *he
collea$ues and *eam (or)
Assisted the Chef & the Galley management in directing the activities of the food
preparation and meal services aboard the ship, within the assigned area.
#nsured *he smoo*h prepara*ion and service *o compan, s*andards o+ all +ood
i*ems (i*hin assi$ned sec*ion
#nsured 1uali*,, consis*enc, and ma.imum +ood cos* e++icienc,, (hils*
main*ainin$ *ha* proper +ood speci+ica*ions are +ollo(ed
-omplied (i*h correc* 2un *ime procedures and ensured *ha* all *eam members
a**ended (or) on a *imel, basis
#nsured *ha* all *eam members complied (i*h compan, speci+ied uni+orms,
(earin$ sa+e*, e1uipmen* (hen appropria*e
3ssis*ed *he $alle, mana$emen* (i*h *he pro+essional developmen* o+ *hose
*eam members assi$ned *o m, sec*ion (i*h dail, 4 (ee)l, *rainin$
3ssis*ed *he -he+ and *he $alle, mana$emen* (i*h *he +ood loadin$
5oni*ored *he 1uali*, and speci+ica*ion o+ +ood i*ems *ha* are received on board
and repor*ed all discrepancies *o *he che+
6urin$ *he opera*ions, moni*ored *he 1uali*, and presen*a*ion o+ all +ood i*ems
-orrec*ed (hen and (here necessar,
Geo Paulose
Kochuparambil House, Pazhoor 686 664, Piravom, Kerala, India
Phone: 0 485 224 4401 !84"1!!4!0: #mail: $eopaulose%&$mailcom
7o*i+ied *he -he+ o+ an, issues re$ardin$ presen*a*ion o+ i*ems alread, served *o
#nsured *ha* are *eam members (i*hin *he sec*ion are *rained as per proper
858 procedures and *ha* on *he 9ob *rainin$ +orms (ere +illed ou* b, all si$nin$
on personnel
#nsured *ha* $alle, e1uipmen* and accessories are ade1ua*el, main*ained and
submi**ed in+orma*ion on repairs *o 8ous che+ or 8*a++ che+
-omplied (i*h correc* H33-P plan 4 :8PH re1uiremen*s b, ensurin$
*empera*ure lo$s are main*ained +or +ood i*ems 4 e1uipmen* (i*h assi$ned
#nsured *ha* all dail, re1uisi*ions +rom Provision ma*ch -runch 'ime orders b,
+ollo(in$ proper *ranspor*a*ion, ro*a*ion and s*ora$e prac*ices /epor*ed all
variances *o 8ous -he+ 4 8*ore Keeper
'oo) ac*ive role in revie(in$ 4 unders*andin$ *he dail, 2-; #.plained *o *eam
members (i*hin *he sec*ion (ha* plan o+ ac*ion is re1uired *o rec*i+,
#nsured *ha* are paper(or) rela*ed *o assi$ned sec*ion is submi**ed *o -he+ in a
*imel,, (ell presen*ed manner
-ommunica*ed e++ec*ivel, (i*h s*ore )eepers on a dail, +ashion re$ardin$ an,
po*en*ial produc* shor*a$es and repor*ed *o 8ous -he+ 4 -he+ (hen needed
#nsured *ha* correc* medical procedures have been main*ained a* all *imes
/epor*ed all sic) personnel *o *he 5edical -en*er 7o*i+ied -he+ o+ an, cre(
member (ho has been *a)en ill, and (ha* sec*ion *he, have been (or)in$ in
Planned all e1uipmen* re1uiremen*s ahead o+ *ime <iaised (i*h =alle,
supervisor 4 8ous che+ abou* an, special re1uiremen*s +or *he opera*ions
<iaised (i*h 3ssis*an* 2 > ? 5ana$er and =alle, 8upervisor re$ardin$ *he
cleanin$ o+ *he sec*ion and advised mos* sui*able *imin$ +or opera*ions
#nsured proper colla*ion and s*ora$e o+ all $alle, e1uipmen* and accessories
re1uired +or *he sec*ion is carried ou* ahead o+ *ime
#nsured *ha* all *eam members (i*h in m, sec*ion have correc* *ools re1uired *o
carr, ou* *heir assi$ned sec*ions and no*i+ied 8ous -he+ o+ an, shor* +alls
@n re$ular basis conduc*ed inspec*ion o+ sec*ion and moni*ored areas includin$,
$arba$e separa*ion, correc* +ood handlin$ procedures
Geo Paulose
Kochuparambil House, Pazhoor 686 664, Piravom, Kerala, India
Phone: 0 485 224 4401 !84"1!!4!0: #mail: $eopaulose%&$mailcom
#nsured *ha* correc* :8PH 8*andards have been main*ained a* all *imes no* onl,
(i*hin m, sec*ion bu* *hrou$hou* *he opera*ions -orrec*ed and repor*ed all
+indin$s *o 8ous che+ or -6PAs assi$ned *o *he sec*ion in 1ues*ion
#nsured *ha* all *eam members (i*hin sec*ion a**end all onB board *rainin$
sessions and drills 7o*i+ied *eam members in advance in order *o no* disrup*
$ues* services
Proac*ivel, assis*ed $alle, mana$emen* in o*her *as)s and pro9ec*s assi$ned b,
mana$emen* and ac*ivel, implemen*ed an, chan$es pu* +or(ard b, -he+
3ssis*ed *he che+ 4 sousBche+ conduc* culinar, classes i+ re1uired
3ssis*ed 8ous che+ in compilin$ accura*e opera*ional da*a bases +or levels o+
s*oc)s re1uired (i*hin m, assi$ned sec*ion
3ssis*ed and suppor*ed *he e.ecu*ive che+ in *he prepara*ion o+ di++eren* menus 4
Per+ormed 4 assis*ed in all )i*chen rela*ed ac*ivi*ies includin$ orderin$ +or
supplies, preparin$ bud$e* and con*rollin$ cos*
-oordina*ed ban1ue*in$ even*s alon$side *he ban1ue* mana$er
8elec*ed, *rained and conduc*ed per+ormance evalua*ion +or o*her )i*chen s*a++
Planned menu i*ems
3ssis*ed (i*h *he prepara*ion, coo)in$ and presen*a*ion o+ di++eren* cuisines in
*he res*auran*
3ssis*ed (i*h *he en+orcemen* o+ heal*h and sa+e*, s*andards (i*hin *he )i*chen,
service area and *he s*ore
#nsured *ha* 1uali*, +ood is served *o *he cus*omers in a *imel, manner
HOTEL OPERATIONAL TRAINEE, Ma(o)a Bea*+ Reso,, I-).a Fe/! "##0 1 Fe/! "##$
#nsured *ha* all s*oc)s are )ep* under op*imum condi*ions
#nsured *ha* all miseBenBplace is al(a,s +reshl, prepared and on *ime
Prepared various dishes *o *he correc* recipe and *o *he correc* 1uan*i*,
#nsured *ha* all dishes reach *he ho* pla*e or passe correc*l, $arnished, *he
correc* por*ion and size, presen*ed on *he prescribed servin$ dish in *he
prescribed manner
#nsured *ha* m, sec*ion (as )ep* clean and *id, a* all *imes
Geo Paulose
Kochuparambil House, Pazhoor 686 664, Piravom, Kerala, India
Phone: 0 485 224 4401 !84"1!!4!0: #mail: $eopaulose%&$mailcom
#nsured *ha* an, an*icipa*ed shor*a$es are communica*ed promp*l, *o *he sous
che+ or head che+
#nsured *ha* no horsepla, is allo(ed in m, sec*ion
3**ended *rainin$ courses and seminars as and (hen re1uired
'o s*rive *o s*ud, mana$emen* sub9ec*s in prepara*ion +or +u*ure advancemen*
TRAINEE, Ma(o)a Bea*+ Reso,, I-).a Se2! "##3 1 Fe/!
'oo) care o+ *he bu++e* opera*ions includin$ decora*ions o+ *he sec*ions +or
special even*s
3**ended *rainin$ courses and seminars as and (hen re1uired
3ssis*ed *he demi che+ de par*ie in all opera*ional ac*ivi*ies includin$ accoun*in$
and s*ore )eepin$
Kep* all resor* areas nea* and *id,
;elcomed $ues*s cordiall, and a**ended *o all *heir needs
3 4ea D.2lo5a .- Ho,el Ma-a6e5e-, a-) Ca,e.-6 Te*+-olo64
/a9iv =andhi Ins*i*u*e o+ Ho*el 5ana$emen* and -a*erin$ 'echnolo$, approved b, 3ll
India -ouncil o+ 'echnical #duca*ion, 7e( 6elhi, India C3u$ 1!!! D 3pr 2002E
@b*ained overall band score o+ 55 in *he In*erna*ional #n$lish <an$ua$e 'es*in$ 8,s*em
8IELTS9 conduc*ed on 2eb 2, 201% C<is*enin$: 55, /eadin$: 45, ;ri*in$: 65, 8pea)in$:
/eceived ;S,a E52lo4ee o< ,+e 5o-,+;; a(ard +or 7ovember 2010 +rom -arnival
-ruise <ines, :83

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