Cu Anti Fic Adores

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A/AN: delante de nombres contables en singular --------> there is a tree in the garden/ there
is an apple on the table.
SOME: delante de nombres plurales e incontables en frases afirmativas -------> have some
friends in the school.
AN!: delante de nombres plurales e incontables en frases interrogativas " negativas ------>
don#t have an" mone".
MAN!: delante de nombres contables " plurales ------> there are man" tables in the room.
M$%&: delante de nombre incontables -------> have much mone".
&O' MAN!...(: para preguntar por cantidad delante de nombres plurales " contables ----->
ho) man" birds are there(
&O' M$%&...(: para preguntar por cantidad delante de nombres incontables------> &o)
much )ater is in the ocean(
A *O+ O,: mucho/a muchos/as- va con todos -----> have a lot of )or..
+&E/E S: 0ha"1 en singular --------> there is a tree in the garden.
+&E/E A/E: 0ha"1 en plural ---------> there are t)o trees in the garden.
nterrogativas : is there( Are there( Negativas: there isn#t / there aren#t
2.- there is /there are interrogativas- negativas o firmativas.
33333333333 thirt" students in m" class.
33333333333 some boo.s in m" bag.
33333333333 some computers in the librar".
333333333333 a blac.board in the classroom.
333333333333 a %4 pla"er in the teacher#s des..
3333333333333 some posters on the )all.
3333333333333 some distionaries in the classroom.
333333333 an" shopping centres in this to)n.
333333333 an" beaches in *ondon.
333333333 an American caf5 here.
3333333333 a museum ne6t to the par..
3333333333 an" /oc. %ds in the shop.
3333333333 a s.ateboard par. near here(.
3333333333 a tree in "our garden(.
3333333333 an" doctor in "our cit"(
3333333333 an" cinema in front of "our house(
33333333333 an English bo" in "our class(
7.- Some/ an".
+here are 33333 bic"cles in the garage.
haven#t got 3333333 brothers.
s there 3333 mil. in the fridge(
+a.e 33333 sand)iches for the picnic.
She#s 333333 beer.
She )ants to bu" 333333 flo)ers.
&ave "ou got 33333 mone"(
+here aren#t 3333333 apples in the .itchen.
!ou don#t have 333333 idea about the real situation of this compan".
+here are 33333 letters for "ou.
'e don#t have 33333 shirts in "our si8e.
9.- &o) much(/ ho) man"(.
33333333 are in the s."(
33333333 birds are there(
333333333 )ater is in the ocean(
333333333 mone" is in the ban.(
333333333 countries are in the )orld(
333333333 breas do "ou eat(
333333333 bones are in the human bod"(
333333333 sand is in the desert(
3333333333 information is on the nternet.
:.- %ompleta con: a/an some/an" much/man".
+here is 3333333 ca.e for m" birthda".
+here is 33333333 apple on the table.
+here are 33333333 people in the meeting.
+here aren#t 33333333 people. Are there 3333 people(.
+here are 33333333 people. &o) 3333 people are there(.
+here is 33333333 coffee for
+here isn#t 333333333 coffee in the caf5.
&o) 33333 coffee is there(
;.- /odea la opci<n correcta.
+here is some/a )ater in the cup.
&ave "ou got a/an" pen(
'e#ve got an/a English test toda".
+here isn#t sone/an" food.
&o) much/man" time have )e got(
&o) much/man" are "ou
=.- +raduce.
&a" un >rbol en el ?ard@n---->
&a" muchos cone?os en mi ciudad----->
&a" una man8ana en la mesa------>
No ha" mucho vino en mi casa----->
+engo algunos amigos en el colegio----->
A &a" algBn bol@grafo ro?o en mi clase(----->

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