N D T (NDT) : Seed G

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Non Destructive Test (NDT)

NDT Technology | SEED Group

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1. Introduction:
Non-destructive Testing, the testing carried out without impairing the final
usefulness of the product is becoming more alive in todays world than ever before.
New and newer techniques are being developed. The latest machines, carefully
developed procedures and qualified manpower are always striving for the
reliability of product through NT. NT is not only encompassing the industrial
field li!e material testing, service inspection, corrosion monitoring, laser
technology, process control, instrument development, nuclear power but it also
covers equally the health physics and medicine. "-rays and #ltrasound are very
common methods used in medical field.
When we tal! about welding industry, the NT plays a vital role in the evaluation
of weldments. $any techniques are developed to find out the soundness of the
weld at different stages of manufacturing cycle. NT is also used in raw materials
as well as service inspection.
This paper ta!es you for a tour of different Non-destructive testing techniques
applicable for welding industry alongwith their principle, application and selection
criteria. %t also covers the very important factors for a meaningful NT which are &
qualified manpower ,calibrated machines and correct procedures. 't the end, it
poses the areas of concern in todays conte(t.
). NDT technique ued in We!din" Indutr# :
*onsidering the definition of NT, needless to say that +isual Testing becomes
first technique of NT. ,ome of the commonly used NT techniques are :
+isual Testing -+T.
/iquid 0enetrant Testing -0T.
$agnetic 0article Testing-$T.
#ltrasonic Testing -#T.
1adiographic Testing -1T.
2ddy *urrent Testing -2T.
/ea! Testing -/T.
SEED Group NDT Technology
$r% O% P% Sri&'t'&'
2(.pt. irector
1,5 -NT3 W2/%N6.
7y $r% S't#'(
',NT /evel %%%
*ertificate No. )889:;,
2N <;= /evel %%
7.Tech. -$ech..
$ob.- 44848=>8:8
2$'%/- satyam!it?gmail.com

The basic principle, equipment required, applications and advantages 3 limitations
are as given in 'nne(ure '.
%t is important to mention here that NT cannot eliminate the need for estructive
Testing. The different NT techniques also do not substitute each other. @owever,
they can compliment each other.
Aurther, the techniques li!e 'coustic 2mission, Neutron 1adiography, Thermal
2mission and +ibration 'nalysis are also used for the evaluation of material and
=. I()ort'nce o* Tr'inin" :
The success of NT always depends on the !nowledge and s!ill level of the
operator. NT results are operator dependant and cannot be cross chec!ed by
the simple alternatives. The moment a probe is removed from the surface there
are no indications and one has to go by the operatorBs report. This operator
dependability has forced the technical societies to formulate the norms for
training, qualification and certification of NT personnel. The worldwide
used standard is ',NTBs
,NT- * T-1' : The international standard %,5 >;1) is also used. %ndian ,tandard
applicable is %,1=489. These standards give the requirements for Training and
*ertification of NT personnel. %t divides the personnel into = categories for each
technique namely, level % -operator level. level %% -supervisory level. and level %%%
-managerial level.. 5ne has to ensure that the candidate meets the requirements
of 2ducation,Training, 2ye test and minimum grade in 2(amination -Theory C
<. L'tet De&e!o)(ent :
The developments in NT are very fast. Ale(ible boroscopes, remote visual
inspection, video cameras for visual inspection are the latest things in +isual
Testing %n $agnetic 0article Testing and in 0enetrant Testing fluorescent
inspection methods are catching over visible methods. %n Dapan fluorescent
penetrant 3 magnetic particle testing has become very common. %n ultrasonic
testing the recording systems are developed and one can transmit the data
through internet and view it from a distant place without loss of time. %n addition to
the automatic on-line #ltrasonic tube testing machines, new ultrasonic inspection
machines for remote inspection for tube wall thinning are very common now. %n
radiography the filmless radiography and development in detecting media is ta!ing
over conventional radiography. %n eddy current testing new techniques are
coming up in service inspection. %n @elium lea! testing, lea! detection of the
order of 18
std. cc3sec. is possible.
SEED Group NDT Technology
9. Se!ection o* ' )'rticu!'r NDT technique :
-'nne(ure 7 is tabulating NT technique selection w.r.t. welding discontinuity and
'nne(ure * gives the generally applicable NT w.r.t weld Eoint types.
'dvantages 3 /imitations of the NT $ethod :
The advantages and limitations of the NT method can be used to determine
which method will provide the best results for a particular test. Aor e(ample
radiography can detect crac!s whose maEor planes are aligned parallel with the
radiation beamF such crac!s are usually normal to the plate surfaces.
1adiography, however, usually cannot detect laminations in plate or crac!s
oriented parallel to the plate surface. 5n the other hand, #ltrasonic can more
readily detect crac!s oriented in either direction provided the proper scanning
technique is used.
'cceptance standards :
The statement Gthe weld shall be of radiographic qualityH has no meaning
unless acceptance standards are stated. 'cceptance standards define different
types of characteristics of discontinuities and whether particular types of
discontinuities are permissible. %f a particular type of discontinuity is
permissible, then the acceptance standards must specify the ma(imum siIe at
which that discontinuity is acceptable. 'cceptance standards are an integral
part of most codes and specifications and are commonly used as reference in
purchase specifications.
*ost :
ifferent inspection methods have different costs in any particular situation.
Two basic cost factors, which should be considered in the selection of a
nondestructive method, are the initial equipment availability cost and the cost
of performing the inspection. +isual inspection is almost always the least
e(pensive, but it is also limited to the detection of surface discontinuities. %n
general, costs of 1adiographic, #ltrasonic, 2ddy current and @elium /ea!
testing inspections are greater than those of +isual, $agnetic and /iquid
0enetrant inspections. "-ray films are generally imported which constitutes the
maEor consumable cost in 1adiography.
,election of the proper NT method can be quite comple(. %t involves
manufacturing technology, possible discontinuities, orientation of discontinuities,
accessibility for testing, physical condition of the Eob and so many other factors.
To meet the intended purposes and minimiIe cost, it is suggested that help be
obtained from a qualified nondestructive testing engineer or technician.
SEED Group NDT Technology
:. C'e Studie :
While going through the tour of the different NT techniques it is worthwhile to
spend some time to have a loo! on some of the case studies which will emphasiIe
on the basic advantage 3 limitations of NT techniques and it will convey the
subEect in right sense. The case studies are the events happened in last few years
and they are to be considered as representative types
:.1 New porosities were revealed in the space science motor shell
radiography after increasing the density of radiograph from ).9 to =.9. This
was due to increased contrast at higher densities. This shows that, for a
specific purpose the outer limits of parameters given by specification are
not sufficient. 5ne has to design new limits to suit the purpose.
:.) %n 'luminium weld radiography a blac! band was observed in the weld
Ione. This was due to weld material composition different than parent metal
composition. %nvestigation proved that there was no discontinuity. 5ne can
easily get misled with such situations unless proper study of materials and
consumables is ta!en up.
:.= New defects were revealed due to change of shooting direction in high
thic!ness 0ressure +essel 1adiography . This emphasiIes operators to
follow procedures religiously and also demands a good record !eeping.
:.< *omparison of #T J 1T results to =H, <H and 9H thic!ness pressure vessels.
This data was collected to compare 1T and #T results for the welds. The
data indicates that 1T J #T results are not interchangeable and they
cannot replace each other.
:.9 The results of #ltrasonic Testing of welds with ) $@I frequency probe and
< $@I frequency probe are not matching. This demands the procedure be
to be followed religiously.
:.: *rac!s after bac! chipping seen by 0T and not seen by 1T in groove spot.
This shows 0T can be superior to 1T when it comes for surface defects.
:.; Narrow gap welding techniques demand the ultrasonic testing procedure to
be totally changed with tandem technique. This shows study of
configuration is a must before selecting a technique and one has to change
the testing procedure if weld configuration is changed.

SEED Group NDT Technology
;. Are' o* concern :
'vailability of trained 3 qualified manpower :
NT is an operator dependant technique and demands highly s!illed and trained
personnel. This is a concern of the day . The improperly trained manpower
cannot give Eustice to the NT techniques and can lead to misleading results.
'dequate $achinery :
This is an important factor contributing to the success of the NT. %f the machine is
not capable of producing results the test will not be meaningful. *alibration of the
machines is an important issue.
'dequacy of 0rocedures :
2ven though the trained manpower and adequate machinery is available, one
cannot get fruitful NT results unless the correct procedures are adopted. The
correctness of procedures will be verified by cross chec!ing, demonstration of
techniques and ensuring that the procedure is reviewed and approved by a
person having authority in the subEect.
While going through the above concerns one has to realiIe that K*heapest is not
the 7est 7yeB.
The careful selection of NT subcontractor -the subcontracting of NT is very
common. is very important and monitoring the subcontractorBs wor! is also
recommended. The subcontractor cannot put properly qualified manpower and
adequate machines and correct procedures unless it is paid for. ,o the important
thing always remains in the following three aspects.
- %s the NT requirement clearL
- %s subcontractor capable of fulfilling the requirementL
- %s subcontractor actually fulfilling the requirement L
#nless this monitoring is ta!en up seriously the reliable results cannot be
Non-destructive testing is a serious business. The health and lives of people and
money is at sta!e. 2ven e(perienced technicians can also encounter problems.
@ence technicians starting a career in NT shall get the best possible training
and never ta!e routine test results granted. New technicians should always be
teamed up with e(perienced personnel and the doubtful results shall be concluded
with the guidance of e(pects.

SEED Group NDT Technology
NDT $ethod Se!ection T',!e
Equi)(ent Need A))!ic'tion Ad&'nt'"e Li(it'tion
Princi)!e : #se of eye and instruments
$agnifiers, color
enhancement, proEectors,
other measurement
equipment, i.e. rulers,
micrometers, optical
comparators, light source
Welds which have
discontinuities on the
2conomical, e(pedient,
requires relatively little
training and relatively little
equipment for many
/imited to e(ternal or
surface conditions only.
/imited to the visual acuity
of the inspector.
Liquid Penetr'nt
Princi)!e : *apillary 'ction - detects surface discontinuities only.
Aluorescent or visible dye
penetrant developers
cleaners -solvents,
emulsifiers, etc. ,uitable
cleaning agent, #ltraviolet
light source if fluorescent
dye is used.
Weld discontinuities open to
surface, i.e. crac!s,
0ortable, relatively
ine(pensive equipment,.
2(pedient inspection
results. 1esults are easily
interpreted requires no
electrical energy e(cept for
light sources.
,urface films such as
coatings, scale smeared
metal mas! or hide
reEectable defects. ,eepage
from weld porosity at the
surface can also mas!
indications. 0arts must be
cleaned before and after
$'"netic P'rtic!e
Princi)!e : $agnetic flu( lea!age detects discontinuities
0rods, yo!es, coils suitable
for inducing magnetism into
the weld. 0ower source
-electrical.. $agnetic
powders. ,ome application
require special facilities and
ultraviolet lights.
$ost weld discontinuities
open to the surface & some
large voids slightly
subsurface. $ost suitable
for crac!s.
1elatively economical and
e(pedient, %nspection
equipment is considered
portable. #nli!e dye
penetrants, magnetic
0article can detect some
discontinuities slightly below
the surface. *an be used
for higher temperatures.
'pplicable only to
ferromagnetic material.
0arts must be cleaned
before and after inspection.
Thic! coatings may mas!
reEectable discontinuities.
,ome applications require
parts to be demagnetiIed
after inspection. $agnetic
particle inspection requires
use of electrical energy for
most applications.
R'dio"r')h# .G'(('/
Princi)!e: ifferential absorption of radiation by the obEect gives density variation in the film
6amma ray sources,
gamma ray camera
proEectors, film holders, film,
lead screens, film
processing equipment, film
viewers, e(posure facilities,
radiation monitoring
Welds which have
voluminous discontinuities
such as porosity, incomplete
Eoint penetration, corrosion,
etc, /amellar type
discontinuities such as
crac!s and incomplete
fusion can be detected with
a lesser degree of reliability.
$ay also be used in certain
applications to evaluate
dimensional requirements
such as fit-up, root
conditions, and wall
6enerally not restricted by
type of material or grain
structure. ,urface and
subsurface inspection
capability. 1adiographic
images aid in characteriIing
discontinuities. 0rovides a
permanent record for future
0lanar discontinuities must
be favorably aligned with
radiation beam to be reliably
detected, radiation poses a
potential haIard to
personnel. *ost radiographic
equipment, facilities, safety
programs, and related
licensing is relatively high. '
relatively long time between
e(posure process and
availability of results.
'ccessibility to both sides of
the weld required.

SEED Group NDT Technology
R'dio"r')h# .+0r'#/
Princi)!e : ifferential absorption of radiation by the obEect gives density variation in the
"-ray sources -machines.,
electrical power source,
same general equipment as
used with gamma sources
,ame application as above. 'dEustable energy levels.
6enerally produces higher
quality radiographs than
gamma sources. 'lso same
advantages as above.
@igh initial cost of "-ray
equipment. Not generally
considered portable. 'lso,
same limitations as above.
Princi)!e : 1eflection of ,ound beam by a flaw gives signal on the oscilloscope.
0ulse-echo instrument
capable of e(citing a
pieIoelectric material and
generating ultrasonic
energy within a weld, and a
suitable cathode ray tube
scope capable of displaying
the magnitudes of received
sound energy. *alibration
standards, liquid couplant.
$ost weld discontinuities
including crac!s, slag and
incomplete fusion. *an also
be used to verify weld
$ost sensitive to planar
type discontinuities. Test
results !nown immediately.
0ortable. $ost ultrasonic
flaw detectors do not
require an electrical power
outlet. @igh penetration
,urface condition must be
suitable for coupling of
transducer. *ouplant -liquid.
required. ,mall thin welds
may be difficult to inspect.
1eference standards are
required. 1equires a
relatively s!illed operator or
Edd# Current
Princi)!e : 2lectromagnetic %nduction
'n instrument capable of
inducing electromagnetic
fields within a weld and
sensing the resulting
electrical currents -eddy. so
induced with a suitable
probe or detector.
*alibration standards.
Weld discontinuities open to
the surface -i.e crac!s,
porosity, incomplete fusion.
as well as some subsurface
discontinuities. 'lloy
content, heat treatment
2quipment used with
surface probes is generally
light weight and portable.
0ainted or coated welds can
be inspected. *an be
partially or completely
automated for high speed
relatively ine(pensive test.
1elatively shallow depth of
inspection. $any material
and test variables can affect
the test signal.
Le'1 Tetin"
Princi)!e : /ea!age of fluid detected by different detectors.
7ubble test
0ressure change
measurement test
@alogen iode lea!
$ass ,pectrometer /ea!
/ea!age of storage tan!s,
lea! tightness of systems,
very fine lea! testing by,
@elium lea! detector for
electronic components and
nuclear components.
+ery sensitive, #sed for
chec!ing vacuum tightness.
/imited to thro and thro lea!
only. *leaning and drying is
mandatory. 2(pensive in
case of $,/T
SEED Group NDT Technology
A))!ic',!e NDT (ethod 3 We!din" Dicontinuitie
A))!ic',!e NDT $ethod
1T #T 0T $T +T 2T
0orosity M

,lag %nclusion N' M
N' M
%ncomplete fusion M N' M
N' M
%ncomplete 0enetration N' M N' M
#ndercut M M M M
5verlap N' M M M
*rac!s M

/aminations N'


Note 1 :
a. ,urface
b. ,urface and slightly subsurface
c. Weld preparation or edge of base metal
'pplicable method
M $arginal applicability depending on other factors such as material
iscontinuity siIe, orientation and location
Note ) :
/ea! testing can reveal only through and through lea!s.
A))!ic',!e NDT (ethod *or We!d 4oint t#)e
NDT $ethod
1T #T 0T $T +T 2T
*orner M M
/ap M M M
'pplicable method
M $arginal applicability depending on other factors such as material
iscontinuity siIe, orientation and location
Note ) :
/ea! testing can reveal only through and through lea!s.
SEED Group NDT Technology
Contact Detail:
Reg. Adde!!:
117/171-B, Q-Block, Sharda Nagar, Kanpur -208025
Co"oate # Wo$ing Adde!!:
123, Lakhanpur Housng Soc!"#, $n%ron" o% Bhara" &!"rol &u'p
()adhpur, Kanpur-20802*
)))+s!!d"ranng+n ,-!chancal.
)))+s!!dnda+n ,/o0 &or"al.
)))+s!!d%ounda"on+org+n ,Socal (c"1"#.
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SEED Group NDT Technology

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