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Pre/Post Test Imaging Technology 36 Weeks

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. Digital cameras use a _________ sensor to record/capture light.
a. LED
b. CCD
c. Film
d. none of the above
____ 2. The part of a digital camera ou loo! through to compose the image is the
a. lens
b. f"stop
c. vie#finder/LCD screen
d. flu$ capacitor
____ %. &sing the rule of thirds' #here #ould ou place the center of interest in frame belo#(
a. ) c. C
b. * d. D
____ +. The shutter on a camera
a. controls the time light passes into the camera
b. controls the f"stop si,e
c. is the part ou loo! through
d. controls the -./ rating
____ 0. Each photo site on the sensor is !no#n as a _______________.
a. pi$ie c. picture
b. pi$el d. none of the above
____ 1. The resolution of a camera is measured b the number of _______________ recorded b the sensor.
a. diodes c. pi$els
b. pi$ies d. memor card
____ 2. 3hich of the follo#ing memor cards #ill hold the most amount of information(
a. 11 btes c. 11 megabtes
b. 11 !ilobtes d. 11 gigabtes
____ 4. )ll digital cameras have ________________ modes to ta!e photos b simpl pointing and shooting.
a. automatic c. aperture priorit
b. shutter priorit d. manual
____ 5. ) 6full frame7 .L8 camera has a sensor the same si,e as a single frame of ____________ film.
a. %0 mm c. 47 $ 197
b. +7 $ 07 d. none of the above
____ 19. SLR is the acronm for:
a. .ingle Light 8efle$ c. .hort Light 8efle$
b. .ingle Lens 8efle$ d. .hort Lens 8efle$
____ 11. The amount of detail that a camera can capture measured in pi$els is !no#n as _________(
a. composition c. distillation
b. resolution d. involution
____ 12. -ncreasing -./ to %299 could result in #hat(
a. -ncreased grain or noise c. &ndere$posure.
b. Larger file si,e. d. 8educed contrast.
____ 1%. ) one stop increase in e$posure results in _________ as much light reaching the film/sensor.
a. t#ice c. a third
b. half d. Changing the e$posure b one stop #ill not
impact the light reachin the film/sensor.
____ 1+. 3hich f/stop allo#s the most amount of light to reach the film/sensor(
a. f/1.+ c. f/11
b. f/2.4 d. f/22
____ 10. 3hat factor does not effect depth of field(
a. )perture c. Focus
b. .hutter d. Distance from sub;ect
____ 11. CC! is the acronm for:
a. Counter Coupled Device c. Charged Coupled Device
b. Countless Coupled Device d. Charged Cutting Device
____ 12. 3hich e$posure allo#s for the most amount of light to reach the film/sensor(
a. f/11 at 1/19th sec. c. f/11 < 1/209th sec
b. f/11 < 1/120th sec. d. f/11 < 1/099th sec
____ 14. =ive the shutter speed that #ould half the e$posure allo#ed b 1/%9th sec.
a. 1/10th sec. c. 1/120th sec.
b. 1/19th sec. d. 1/209th sec.
____ 15. The camera part that gathers and focuses light is called the _____________.
a. lens c. aperture/diaphragm
b. shutter d. bod
____ 29. 3hich of the follo#ing -./ ratings is the most sensitive to light(
a. 299 c. 1199
b. +99 d. %299
____ 21. 3hich shutter speed #ould be the best choice for stop action photograph at a soccer game(
a. 1/+ sec. c. 1/19th sec.
b. 1/%9th sec. d. 1/099th sec.
____ 22. __________ is the area in front of and behind the sub;ect that is also in focus.
a. Focus field c. Composition field
b. Depth of field d. .ub;ect field
____ 2%. 3hich of the follo#ing f/stops #ould create the least depth of field(
a. f/1.+ c. f/11
b. f/2.4 d. f/22
____ 2+. The #a sub;ects are arranged in a photograph is called __________.
a. depth of field c. sub;ect field
b. focus field d. composition
____ 20. Techni>ue used to place the sub;ect out of the center of the frame is called
a. framing c. cropping
b. rule of thirds d. bending
____ 21. 3hat should be considered #hen creating an photograph(
a. lighting c. e$posure
b. composition d. all of the above
____ 22. 8emoving un#anted areas from the outside of a photograph is !no#n as ___________.
a. bending c. cutting
b. cropping d. diminishing
____ 24. The #orld?s first permanent photograph #as created b
a. *en;amin Fran!lin
b. @oseph AiBpce
c. Frederic! )rcher Caddo$
d. Contgomer .cott
____ 25. 8oll film changed photograph in the 1449?s. The inventor of roll film and the founder of Doda! #as
________ ________.
a. =eorge Eastman
b. Thomas Edison
c. 3oodro# 3ilson .mith
d. Ed#in Land
____ %9. The portion of light that the human ee can detect or 6see7 is referred to as the__________. -t consists of
#aves #ith fre>uencies ranging from about +99nm to 299nm.
a. invisible spectrum c. #hite spectrum
b. color spectrum d. visible spectrum

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