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Brian K.

939 106
Plaza Apt. 501
Omaha, NE 68114
Bachelor of Science in Education
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), Lincoln, NE May 2!2
Ma"or# Social Science Secondary Education ($rades %-!2)
&verall $'(# )*+,+-.*/ 0onors each se1ester
Work Experience
Tutor, University of 2ansas (thletics
3utorin4 a variety of history courses
5orkin4 5ith students to develo6 study, ti1e 1ana4e1ent, and course-related skills
Utili7in4 a variety of educational strate4ies to develo6 students8 acade1ic skills
3utorin4 in one-on-one and s1all 4rou6 sessions
Graduate Teaching Assistant and Researcher, University of 2ansas
(u4ust 2!)-6resent
0istory )) - (1erican 9ulture !,-!:%, (;all 2!.)
0istory !2: < 0istory of the US throu4h the 9ivil =ar (;all 2!))
0istory )>) < 0istory of the ?ndi4enous 'eo6les of North (1erica (S6rin4 2!.)
0ave served as a 4raduate teachin4 assistant 5ithin the history de6art1ent at the
University of 2ansas since au4ust 2!)*
0ave continued to develo6 1y skills as a teacher, develo6in4 s6eciali7ed curriculu1 to
1eet the chan4in4 needs of 1y students
@uties included sendin4 e1ails to students, other $3(s, and the instructor to facilitate
student acade1ic success and learnin4 6ro4ress
&ther duties included leadin4 discussion sections and 5orkin4 5ith students in s1all
4rou6s and one-on-one after class and in 1y office hours
Skip Trace Specialist, Nelnet, Lincoln, NE
May 2!)-(u4ust 2!)
@uties included 6rocessin4 docu1ents, sendin4 1ail, ans5erin4 6hones
S6eciali7ed in doin4 research throu4h co16any and lender search en4ines to 4et in touch
5ith lenders that 5e had lost contact 5ith*
(lso trained as a tea1 1e1ber for 0o1e (dvisor 5hich involved ans5erin4 calls and
6rovidin4 Auick but cordial custo1er service*
Cargo Handler, FedEx, 0ouston, 3B
March 2!)-May 2!)
Load and unload 6acka4es and 6acka4e containers on and off of ;edEC 6lanes, @elivery
Dans, and Se1i-3rucks at ;edEC Shi6 9enter - ?(0 (ir6ort (rea in 0ouston, 3B
;ollo5 necessary security and safety 6rotocols necessary in 1a"or air6ort shi66in4 center
Monitor and correct car4o discre6ancies to ensure successful delivery of 6acka4es to the
4reater 0ouston area
Carnaby 3
Move 6roducts and 1aterials by hand or 5ith basic 1aterial handlin4 eAui61ent
S?@( and dan4erous-ha7ardous 4oods trainin4
Student caller, University of Nebraska ;oundation, Lincoln, NE
(u4ust 2!2-@ec 2!2
Solicited donations to University of Nebraska fro1 alu1ni via 6hone call
@evelo6ed inter6ersonal and custo1er service skills 5orkin4 5ith custo1ers-alu1ni over
the 6hone
9onducted financial transactions over 6hone 5ith custo1ers-alu1ni
;ast 6aced environ1ent that e16hasi7ed efficient yet friendly service to alu1ni across the
country and abroad
Student/Substitute Teacher, Lincoln Southeast 0i4h School, Lincoln, NE
Eanuary 2!2-May 2!2
3au4ht 4rades +-!2 in 0onors 9ivics, 9ri1inal Eustice, and eC6eri1ental E-Learnin4
'artici6ated in all as6ects of teachin4, includin4 1id-ter1 re6orts, 'L9 1eetin4s,
ad1inistrative 1eetin4s, and eCtra-curricular activities
9ertified local substitute teacher for 5hen coo6eratin4 teacher 5as absent
'ro6erly follo5ed all clerical reAuire1ents of 6osition, 1aintainin4 an or4ani7ed and
friendly learnin4-5orkin4 environ1ent
Student mentor and tutor, Nebraska 9olle4e 're6 (cade1y at UNL
(u4ust 2!!-@ece1ber 2!2
Served as 6ersonal 1entor for at risk hi4h school and colle4e students fro1 disadvanta4ed
back4rounds at &1aha North and $rand ?sland Senior 0i4h in Nebraska
Served as tutor for colle4e students in 4eo4ra6hy and 6sycholo4y courses
Served as cha6erone and resident assistant durin4 su11er science ca16s at UNL and lon4
distance tri6s for u6 to ! hi4h school students
Safely drove !2 6assen4er van for students to and fro1 events
E16hasi7ed a res6ectful and friendly 1entorin4 environ1ent for all students re4ardless of
race, ethnicity, 4ender, seCual orientation, or reli4ious beliefs
esk assistant, UNL
(u4ust 2+-@ece1ber 2!2
@elivered friendly and 6ro16t custo1er service to students and 6arents in university
@ealt 5ith health, 5eather, and security e1er4encies
2F years cash handlin4 eC6erience
EC6erience sortin4 and deliverin4 US'S, ;edEC, U'S, and various other ty6es of 1ail ( as
5ell as various 6a6er5ork) for a lar4e dor1 co16leC (u65ards of . residents)
"racticum, Lincoln 0i4h School, Lincoln, NE
Se6te1ber 2!!-@ece1ber, 2!!
Carnaby 4
3au4ht one 6eriod of !
4rade 5orld history
9reated, 6lanned, and i16le1ented units includin4 industriali7ation, i16erialis1, and
=orked 5ith students 5ith diverse back4rounds and needs
EC6erience 5orkin4 5ith eCce6tional learners
"racticum, U65ard Bound, Lincoln Northeast 0i4h School, Lincoln, NE
Se6te1ber 2!-@ece1ber, 2!
'rovided tutorin4 and 1entorin4 services for U65ard Bound students
3utored students 5ho needed hel6 in a variety of sub"ects, includin4 Math, En4lish, and
Social Studies
=orked 5ith diverse students 5ith varyin4 ability levels
$ndergraduate Research Assistant, UNL 0istory @e6art1ent
Eanuary 2!-@ece1ber 2!!
9onducted di4ital scholarshi6 6ro"ects under @r* =illia1 $* 3ho1as, 6rofessor of history
and de6art1ent chair at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
En4a4ed in BML encodin4, 6hoto restoration usin4 'hotosho6 soft5are, tabulatin4 and
standardi7in4 docu1ents in Microsoft ECcel, and transcribin4 hand 5ritten letters into
various electronic for1ats
%eller "lan Teaching Assistant, UNL
Eanuary 2!-May 2!
Served as teachin4 assistant for 2eller 'lan 'sycholo4y !:!
3utored students in introductory 6sycholo4y course
=orked front desk of 2eller office, ans5erin4 students, 6arents, and faculties Aueries in a
6ro16t and friendly 1anner
Camille&s Side'alk Ca(), &1aha, NE
Nove1ber 2%-Eune 2:
Served as a tea1 1e1ber and cashier in a fast 6aced, casual dinin4 cafG*
EC6erience in handlin4 sales transactions and 6rovidin4 friendly custo1er service*
@eanHs List, 9olle4e of Education and 0u1an Sciences, ;all 2:-;all 2!!
Ie4ent Scholarshi6 2:-6resent
$raduation fro1 0onors 9olle4e 5ith co16letion of honors thesis
$raduation 5ith 0i4h distinction ($'( above )*+>)
Ea4le Scout 2%
Volunteer Activity
*unior Assistant Scoutmaster, Boy Scout 3roo6 ))!, &1aha, NE Euly 2:-Euly 2+
Student assistant, Malone 9o11unity 9enter, Lincoln, NE (u4ust-Nove1ber, 2!
Camp Counselor, Masonic Marchin4 Band 9a16, Lincoln, NE Eune 2!2
Carnaby 5
+olunteer Researcher, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE &ctober 2!2-@ece1ber 2!2
-'roficient in the use of Microsoft &ffice (includin4 ECcel and =ord), 'hotosho6, '9s, Macs,
@ata Entry, =ord 'rocessin4, 3eleco11unications (includin4 affiliate soft5are), and
$radebook-(ttendance soft5are
-Several years tutorin4 and teachin4 eC6erience at levels ran4in4 fro1 1iddle school to colle4e
-?nter6ersonal and co11unication skills co1bined 5ith a 6assion for hel6in4 others
Shannan =ulf
Ski6 3race Su6ervisor
'*&* BoC :2>,!
Lincoln, NE ,:>!-2>,!
Ei1 Barsto5
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
@e6art1ent of 3eachin4, Learnin4, and 3eacher Education
!!: 0en7lik 0all
Lincoln, NE ,:>::
Lon Strauss
University of 2ansas
@e6art1ent of 0istory
),)+ =escoe 0all
La5rence, 2S ,,.>

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