MVP August 2014 2

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Luke 5:4-6 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a
catch. (5) But Simon answered and said to Him, Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing, nevertheless at
your word I will let down the net. (6) And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net
was breaking.

Israel was at the Red Sea, encircled in from the north to the south, east and west with nowhere to go. They
may have been thinking, is it all over? complaining to Moses we are dead Moses, you brought us out of Egypt to
drown or to have us cut to pieces by the Egyptian army! For God it wasnt over, it was just the beginning of their
amazing journey. God commanded Moses to stretch forth his rod over the Red Sea and when Moses did so, God
caused a mighty wind from the east to roar; and the waters of the Red sea divided into two, with a dried path for Israel
to walk across and escape their enemy, the Egyptians!
You may be going through a rather difficult or impossible situation; be encouraged not to give up, for The
Lord is saying to you: it is not over, its just the beginning.

King Hezekiah and the Kingdom of Judah were on the verge of defeat by the Assyrians; it seemed like there was
trouble was always around. To add, in 2 Kings 18:1, the Bible says that the King was sick unto death. Talk about
jumping from the frying pan to the fire. Then Isaiah the Prophet came to him and said Hezekiah, get your house in
order because you are going to die. One would think oh now its over for him! Nevertheless, King Hezekiah
obeyed, wept and prayed to God and reminded God of how he had walked before Him in truth and with a perfect heart.
You see God is compassionate! He desires those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24)
Hezekiah received an answer from God and it was a triple packed answer.
1. God healed him.
2. God added 15 more years to his life
3. And God promised to defeat his enemies the Assyrians

Isnt God wonderful? King Hezekiah experiences a miracle a new beginning, longer life with new possibilities!
That is new life we experience when we become born again. We receive even more when we are filled with the Holy
Spirit. It is a total regeneration and victory. What God has in store for us may be even more than we can imagine. Give
him a try, Allow Him to work in your life!

Lamentations 3:37 Who is he who speaks, and it comes to pass, when the Lord has not commanded it?
Only God can say it is over! He alone has the final say! Has your life been a disappointment? Did you start out years
ago with good heart and hope? Perhaps the winds were soft, the starlight brilliant, and there was a chance of the moon
breaking through. But then the sky became cloudy, the winds started gushing, all hail broke loose, and the years
brought about pain, regret and unfulfilled dreams! Its not like you havent tried your best but for some reason
everything just went wrong, and youre thought to yourself its over! Its not over till God says so.

When Jesus was crucified, the devil thought He had finished Jesus! All the sheep scattered as the Shepherd was slain.
However, it wasnt over yet! Jesus rose from the dead! He gathered His sheep, and told them to wait in Jerusalem for
more, the Comforter - The Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, they were all praying together, in unity and they heard
a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and cloven tongues of fire came on each of them, and they started speaking in
other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2: 1-4)

Now, today is the beginning of something new in your life: more POWER, ZEAL, REVIVAL, UNITY, VICTORY,
WONDERS in Jesus name.

On the 27
of January 2010, Darlene Etienne was rescued 15 days after the catastrophic earthquake hit Haiti. It is has
been said that no one can survive without water for more than 72 hours. Think about the conditions she was in; with no
hint of survival, she survived. That was a divine act of God! Nothing is impossible to God.

Consider this saying Everything is okay in the end; if its not okay, then its not the end.
Jesus loves you!

Monthly Vitamin Pills


School children were
asked to draw the
Holy Family. One child
drew them in an
airplane; four heads
were looking through
the windows. Curious
the teacher asked
You have Jesus,
Mary and Joseph, but
who is the fourth
Thats Pontius the
pilot, the child

But are grown-ups
any better than
children? When Jesus
cried from the cross,
Eli, Eli His hearers
thought He was
calling Elijah.
How do we listen to
the words of the
Jesus once asked
How do you read it?
Luke 10:26
August 2014 Jesus said, love God with your being and love your neighbor as yourself.

Lets begin with the words of Elizabeth Bibesco Blessed
are those who can give without remembering and take without
The Lord loves a cheerful giver and so does everyone else.
The best generosity is that which is quick. When you give quickly,
it is like giving twice but when you give only after being asked, you
have waited too long.
Charles Spurgeon said Feel for others in your wallet.
Whatever good happens in your life is not so that you can
keep it all to yourself. Part of it is intended to be given to others. To
those who use well what they are given, even more will be given
and they will have abundance.
Whatever God can get through you, He will get to you. E. V. Hill

The book of Acts says It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Giving is proof that you have conquered greed.

G. D Bordmen said The law of the harvest is to reap more than
you sow. This is true, thats why givers never lack.

There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving.
Henry Drummond.

There is a man in the world
Who never gets turned down
Wherever he chances to stray
He gets the glad hand in
The populous town
Or out where the farmers make hay
He is greeted with pleasure on deserts
of sand
And deep in the isles of the wood
Wherever he goes there is a welcoming
Hes the man who delivers the goods
Walt Whitman



Prayer Meetings
Saturdays 6:30 pm

Sunday Worship
Sundays 2:30 pm

Interactive Bible
Wednesdays 7 pm

Food bank service:
call the Church for info

Rightway Pentecostal Church
694 Notre-Dame
Lachine, Quebec
H8S 2B3

Phone: 514-449-8355/
With great pleasure we warmly welcome you
to Rightway Pentecostal Church and believe
you are truly blessed through the Word of God.
Kindly fill the visitors card and wait briefly
after the service for us to greet you. We
appreciate your presence here today and look
forward to seeing you at our services and
special events.
God bless you.

We are a family oriented
Church and we offer
Christian education for the
children. Give your child
the best foundation.
Every Sunday 2:30 pm

August 2014 has 5 Fridays,
5 Saturdays and 5
Sundays. This happens
only once every 823 years.
Its called Silver Pocket
Full. Be abundantly
blessed this month I J N!
Thought of
the Month

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