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Copyright 2008 James Yii www.The-Short-Cut.

Case Study

Copyright 2008

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Copyright 2008 James Yii

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Copyright 2008 James Yii
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No expressed or implied guarantee of income is made when purchasing this product.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Recently, the guys at did a little contest:
Simply answer their question by posting a comment on their blog and they
will pick a winner. The winner will get a free copy of the Arbitrage
Conspiracy course.

The question they asked was this.

What is your biggest obstacle stopping you
from making big money online?

So I went ahead and check it out.
What I saw, confirmed my believes.

I invite you to take a look at my following discoveries.

Out of the 118 posts,

62 people posted and say that their failure was caused by their lack of
action and focus.
21 people posted and say it was because of insufficient capital, unable to
get traffic, the problems with arbitrage, technically challenged and lack of
real 1 to 1 coaching.
13 people posted and express their thanks to the free report that Arbitrage
Conspiracy was giving away at that time.
9 people posted without saying anything about their obstacle.

So I did my math... and guess what?

Copyright 2008 James Yii
64% of these folks are having trouble making money online because they
lack focus and action.

And 36% of them have miscellaneous problems like financial problems etc.

See for yourself, some of the screenshots that I took from the blog. Theres
over 40 screenshots and Ive placed some of my own comments and

Disclaimer: These comments are merely opinions. No offence
or whatsoever are meant towards the blog posters, the readers
or anyone involved.

Copyright 2008 James Yii
The Question

119 comments (at time of the screenshots)... and an excellent question...
Lets see what normal people just like you and me has to say about this...
Copyright 2008 James Yii
The Answer

Comments: You seem to know whats wrong. Learn how to handle
failures. It happens.

Copyright 2008 James Yii
Keep taking actions and keep improving on what you are doing. You ask a
lot of questions... which is a good thing. List them out and try to solve
them one by one.

Comments: Action requires discipline I like that. But alas... discipline
isnt something that is available to everyone. The solution? Pressure
yourself. If theres a gun pointing at your head thats when youll find
yourself performing your best.

Many times, we feel like we have a lot time and freedom when it comes to
our own success. We leave things undone. We tell ourselves... that we can
leave the task till tomorrow. And we will succeed eventually.

Its all good if you do live up to 200 years old. But the sad truth is, we
dont. If you want something, the best time to start going at it is 20 years
ago... but the next best time is now.

Take actions. And when you find it hard to be focused and disciplined, try
to apply some pressure to yourself. For more ideas refer to The Shortcut
Module 1: The Awakening.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Aha! Distractions. Dont let it get to you. We all have very
limited time each day. If you spend too much learning, reading, posting on
forums, youll never have time to take actions.

Taking actions is hard and its work which is why most of us just dont
take actions. I mean which one do you prefer doing right now?
Reading, or writing an article?

Focus, focus and more focus. If you are on a project, dont give up until
you see results. Turn off your internet and stop opening emails from
everyone. Never give up.

Comments: I like the energy this guy has. Lets hope you have the energy
to overcome your problem.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Another one bites the dust. Information Overload is getting
more and more serious with each passing day. Most of them come from
your email. Let me ask you this. How much list of the gurus do you
belong to? I know I belong to at least a hundred of them. But you know
what; I only open emails that are important. Spend your time wisely.
Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Dont analyze so much. Learn by doing. Its better to just
start building your business rather then searching for a Winning

Your strategy does not have to be complicated. My strategy when I first
started out was, Earn more than I spend on my advertising... thats all to
it at first and let that be a base.

When you have a base... youll be able to grow your branches from there.

Comments: Dont let money be a factor to your failures. Start small and
grow slowly. $5 a day is a good start. Thats how all the great adwords
expert started.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Yes, theres and endless ocean of opportunities here on the
internet. But to be successful, youll only need one. Heres a strategy if you
need one. Choose one opportunity (quickly).

And then lock yourself in the basement until you succeed in it. No excuses.
If its success you want, thats how you should approach your business.

Giving up is way too easy and Tempting. Overcome this and youll have a
bright future.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Not Willing? Turn off your pc now. Go to a quiet place and
reflect. What do you want? Do you really want this? If you dont get your
goals and mentality right, theres really no point for you to pursue this

I know it sounds harsh, but thats just how reality is.

Look, theres only one way to success. Its either you really want it and take
actions or dont waste your money and time. I know weve all been
promised unreal riches for doing next to nothing. Youll have got to forget
all that starting from now.

Theres no free lunch.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Dont do everything.

Heres an example. Lets say you want to build traffic.
So you started off with SEO. And then some email comes along and tells
you that PPC is a great source of traffic. Dont do BOTH... at least at first.
Choose one and focus on it until you succeed. If you try to do everything
you wont be focused and you wont be able to have enough time.
Copyright 2008 James Yii

Product Jumping happens because of the lack of discipline, focus and
believe. You lost faith in what you were doing and as soon as a new Sales
Letter appears... you jumped ship. Remember this. The Next Best Thing is
the Enemy of The Last Best Thing.

Comments: Giving up is always easy. If giving up equals to success then
everyone would already be successful.

How to we find the determination that we need for our success? Usually
for me, I look for STUFF that I really like or something that I must have.
And I will tell my self that I will definitely get it no matter what.

I will feed Mind Food (read: The Shortcut Module 2: Brain Hack) to
myself and let its magic work.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: This guy knows his stuff.

We dont ask the right questions. Golden. If we all ask the right questions
at the right time, we will have the answer to most of our problems.

Try it. When you are lazy, dont ask yourself why you are lazy... but instead
ask yourself this Why do I need to get the job done now?

Dont sit there and wait. Ask the right questions and the answer will come.

Copyright 2008 James Yii
People prefer to not lose rather than win. Thats human nature. And thats
because losing is easier than winning. Every one can lose... not everyone
can win. This is why success is in your attitude.

People dont believe they deserve anything. I think this has something to
do with your confidence and how we grow up.

Again, I think with the proper use of Mind Food... (read: The Shortcut
Module 2: Brain Hack) youll be able to overcome this fast.

Comments: Dont wait until you are perfect before you start. You will
NEVER be perfect. Firstly, theres too much to learn. Secondly, the
information overload is getting worst each day. Thirdly, there are stuff you
can never learn from the books and courses.

Start taking actions today. It does not matter if it is a small task or a big
one. Just start.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comment: Information Overload once again. Its a trap every newbie has
to face. Only those who can get past this will survive.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: I once went to a seminar and the speaker said to me. Fear is
nothing but False Evidence Appearing Real. This is very true in my

How many times have you been afraid of your examinations in school and
when you finally come out of the classroom... you think to yourself... well
its not that bad after all. Fear is the fruit of negative thoughts.
Copyright 2008 James Yii
If you want to learn how I conquered my fears, I recommend you to watch
a video of mind which I call Mind Food 2. Not only will you be able to
conquer your fears effortlessly, youll learn how to look at fear at a
different angle.

Comments: Taking actions alone is not enough. But since you took
action it brought you to a new challenge. And that is focus. This is just part
of your journey to success. There will always be new challenges ahead.
Clear these obstacles one at a time and you will get there.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Mindset is king. Which probably explains the names of some
of the best self help books of all times like Think and Grow Rich. Fall
short hear and youll never be able to achieve your dreams.

There is NO such thing as TOO young or TOO old to succeed. My buddy
David Wilkinson has a nickname The Prodigy. When I first heard of him
Copyright 2008 James Yii
he is 9 years old. And he was already a SUPER affiliate then. Success on
the internet is not affected by your age, your appearance or your size.
Success on the internet is governed by your mentality and your brain.
Dont let something insignificant like your age hold you back.

Comments: The worst thing you can do is do the wrong thing. But
sometimes, only by doing the wrong thing will we truly learn the right

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Taking too long of a time to choose your path is a waste of
time. You need to learn how to be more decisive. You most learn how to
eliminate your procrastination.

I used to be really indecisive. What I did was this. Just choose something if
all your choices lead to a good outcome. It does not matter. Just choose
one. For example in Internet Marketing, just choose a method to make
money online where your strength is.

If you need help choosing, read my Bonus e-book from A Head Start.
That should give you decide your next move and how to choose between
the opportunities, out there.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: The best way to differentiate between myth and fact is to
take actions. Remember failing is part of success. You cant escape it. Fail
faster, succeed earlier. Dont be afraid of failure.

Let Google slap you and thats when you will learn how to avoid the slap
forever. How do I know? Because Ive been through it.

What does not kill you only makes you stronger.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Theres a chart in The Shortcut Module 1: The Awakening
that shows you the learning curve of Internet Marketing. Study the chart
and start taking actions.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: If youve got problem being disciplined, then boy have I got
the solution for you. Its in my first module The Awakening, its an 8 letter
word and it starts with P. That is the key to get you going.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: The answer to discipline is focus. The answer to distractions
is to ignore. Dont look for answers. Instead let the answers find you by
taking action on what you already know.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Lets put it this way. There are always scams if you take them
as scams. If you take the products you buy an opportunity to learn
something new even it its just 1 percent of the whole e-book... then it
wont be a scam.

Learn to be optimistic. Ive bought countless e-books and courses these
past few years... none of them were Scams in my opinion. Lower your
expectations from your purchase. Dont expect 1 book to give you your
dreams. It wont happen. Instead view the one e-book as a piece of puzzle
to your dreams and you need to collect them all before you get the whole
picture. Think positively.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: 3 month... is a good time for Obsessive Research but as you
go into the fifth or sixth month, its time to put what youve learnt in the
first few months into action.

Un-spin your head by taking the information in your brain and make them
work. The more you try them out, the more you will get used to it and gain
precious experience from it.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Theres more to it. Focused Action should be the correct

Comments: My words exactly. Take Action. Nothing happens until
something moves.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Heres what I think... theres nothing technical to get
started... its all mental. Its in the mind. Many times we are unable to
control our own body. I explained this in The Awakening where we our
body is normally control by our desires instead of our logical thinking. So
in order to take control of your body, you need to learn how to acquire the
correct mindset.

Heres an example. Our desires make us want to go out and have fun,
watch tv, drink some beer and so on. But logically, we know that we should
stay at home and that extra time to work on what weve learnt.

Learn how to control your own body and watch your life change for the

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Youve just joined something else and now you are looking
into this one. Distraction is your new enemy. But first you need to be able
to realize that distractions are bad for your success.

Only then will you be able to stop all the distractions and noise around you
and focus on what you believed in.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Lets hope to stick to this on if you decide it commit on it.
Because otherwise, when the other Big New Idea comes... youll hop on it
just like how you are doing right now.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Chicken or egg? Does it matter if you can have both? Yes you
can have both, but make sure you are finished with the chicken first before
taking the egg. Otherwise you will lose focus.

Comments: Overwhelmed, but still looking forward to feed yourself
more information? That wont solve the overwhelm problem you know.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: As mentioned above, Fear can be conquered. Watch Mind
Food 2 to find out how I did it.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Therere so many opportunities out there itll probably take
you 10 long years to finish sifting through them all.

Why not just choose one and take 1 focused year and make tons of money
from it?

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: You didnt know enough to play in the market with pros
because you dont actually go in and play. Just step in and join them. Some
may ignore you, some will not. Move on from there.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: Focus and Taking Action is probably more important than
knowledge itself. Seriously, I believe if you take action, the knowledge and
experience will come. Leaning from other just shortens the learning curve.

Comments: Laziness! Im with you man. I know how it feels to be lazy. I
know a lot of us feel the same way. I solved this problem with the P word
in my e-book. Try it... it works.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: It I said that He who is everywhere is actually nowhere...
thats what happens to everyone who is not focused.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: A positive answer. You dont scream SCAM like some of the
people out there. You know what the problem is. All that is left now is how
you can solve this problem of yours.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

Comments: If you are unstable financially, try to get a job first. An online
job would be better as you get to learn the business while stabilizing
yourself financially.

Copyright 2008 James Yii

There you go... over 40 screenshots and comments. There are real proofs
of what is going on around us. The statistics are real. Hence I hope you
dont end up adding to the statistics.

Most people already know their problem. And The Shortcut holds the key
to solve these problems.

My advice is... if you already know the problem, solve it a.s.a.p. Dont leave
it alone and waste ample time. Remember time is limited to every one.

Ill leave you with a phrase I saw on somewhere sometime ago.

Killing Some Time?
Times Kills You...
Dont You Ever Forget That!

All the best,

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