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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

First Semester A.Y. 2014-2015
Name of the Proponents: Glenn Lawrence Ramos
Sean Michael Aguas
Noila Mae Alimurung
Joash Rey Tibio
Adviser: Marvin A. Reyes

1.1 Title of the Project: An Online Tracking System for ICS ICT

1.2 Brief description of the proposed title

Planning a delivery is one thing, but actually completing the deliveries can be a quite one.
Managers are often inconvenienced by the fact that they cannot locate their assigned truck
drivers and employees. They are having hard time in assuring if the deliveries are delivered
on time. Additionally, checking deliveries requires the managers to call the assigned driver.
But keeping an open communication is not always so easy, as drivers are obviously
Background of the Locale
ICS ICT are on service for more than 12 years in the supplying business. Based from the
data gathering that the researchers conducted, the locale have almost 10 trucks which consist
of Regular and Special Deliveries. They are operating an estimate of 7 routes. The ICS ICT
currently doing a manual process of listing detailed deliveries, managers find it hard to locate
the assigned drivers because they are using a manual system. In the manual system the
manager will assigned a driver and an employee in one delivery truck. The manger is not
only be advised about conditions on the ground, but he was able to relay valuable
information back to the driver for better coordination. The only way for the manager to know
if the supply are already delivered is just by contacting the assigned employee.
Based from the identified problems of the researchers with regards to the delivering and
supplying of computer parts of ICS ICT, the researchers aims to implement a tracking system
for the company. Using the Tracking System, manager can easily locate the supplies and
deliveries if they are delivered on time. It is an important thing that a company should have
most especially to a company who have a huge amount of supplies to be delivered. Having
this Tracking System may help the company to locate the truck more accurately.
The purpose of this study is to develop a Tracking System for ICS ICT. That will help the
company to locate and track the companys supplies and deliveries truck.

1.3 Statement of the Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of the study is to design a system that will track and
monitor ICS ICT product distribution and to improve its current operation.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
To identify the problems of ICS ICT
To create the web based tracking and monitoring system of ICS ICT.
To design the system that will address the problem.
To evaluate the impact of the system in terms of functionality, reliability,
usability, maintainability and portability.

1.4 Significance of the project
Given the issue being encountered by the company in the manual tracking and
monitoring of deliveries, this research aims to design an application than can make the tracking
easier and efficient.
This study will give the company the reliability of the software by giving the estimated time of
arrival (ETA) of a certain truck regardless of traffic and other time consuming issues.

1.5 Specifications of Project Goals
To design an inventory system that provides a complete set of methods to support
inventory handling. This inventory system can place the specific number of
supplies to be delivered, decrease the number of items available, and determine
when a specific item will be back in stock.
To design a tracking system that will help the company to locate, and track the
companys supplies and deliveries truck.
To put an administrative or control panel for the delegate responsibility for the
system. The main point of the control panel is to offer easy access site
management and administration. The assigned administrator will be the one who
manage the course tasks.
To design a mobile application for the company for easy and on-the-go access of
the inventory system. This will help the administrator to monitor the inventory of
the deliveries and to monitor also the behavior of a certain delivery truck.

1.6 Data Gathering Tools
Data is one of the most important basis for all research works. It is important to collect
data using different methods in order to get the best understanding of your clients and their
We interviewed the management of the company so that we would gain more knowledge
on the process on how they track their items and trucks so that we could further improve it.

1.7 Computer hardware and software to be Used
To design system using the following software tool:
a. CSS for the design, in order to make it easier to use and view.
b. HTML for the design of structure or skeleton of the system.
c. AJAX used to manipulate data on the database responsively, which allows the
automatic refreshing of content without manually reloading the page.
d. JQUERY for the implementation of animation effects on a web page such as drop-
down menus.
e. JAVASCRIPT for the collection of data from forms and insert or retrieve them to the
f. MySQL for the database or data repository of the system.
g. XAMPP is only intended for use as a development tool, to allow website designers and
programmers to test their work on their own computers without any access to the Internet.
h. Sublime for easier programming and compiling of all of the codes.

1.8 Review of Related Studies

In this section, it will discuss the studies reviewed by the researchers which are connected
to the proposed study. It is a base for ideas and concepts for the researchers and help them in
developing their system.
The purpose of a tracking system is to determine the location or direction of a target on a
near-continuous basis. An ideal tracking system would maintain contact and constantly update
the targets bearing, range and elevation. The output of the tracking system can be sent to a fire
control system, which stores the information and derives the targets motion and therefore its
future position. As we shall see, tracking system not only provide an automatic target following
feature but also determine the targets position with sufficient accuracy for weapons delivery.
(Naval, (n.d.).
Today, many electronic devices are automated. Recently, various types of guiding systems
for vehicles are so called automated guided vehicle (AVG) have been proposed to perform travel
of a vehicle due to safety aspect of human lives. A tracking device can help a lot to the company
to locate and track the companys supplies and deliveries.
It can also make our work faster, easier and more accurate thats why people cans have more
time and effort at the same modern time. Without spending much time we can search information
that we need and its now just one click away but the most important thing that the technology has
in store for main is to help him acquire knowledge and to enhance his learning capabilities.
(MyZart, 2006).
Several cellular technologies are now available for data transmission. Though they are vary
in reliability, all the vulnerable to drops in connectivity which inevitably lead to data loss at
certain junctures. This characteristics common to all cellular technologies makes the focus of this
thesis, data integrity, a critical issue for any vehicle performance monitoring system (VPMS)
relying on these technologies. Many proposed systems exploit the above technologies and
enhancements to provide a wireless-based location tracking application. By incorporating GPS
for location and using the wireless communication network such as CDMA or GSM, a system
can provide real-time location tracking of a vehicle. (Jenkins, 2006).
Android application can access the location services supported by the devices through the
classes in the android .location package and the Google maps external library. The main
component of the location framework is the Location Manager system service, which provides
APIs to determine location and bearing of the underlying device. Google provides a Maps
external library that includes the The used in this application offered built-in downloading,
rendering, and caching of Maps tiles, as well as a variety of displays and options and controls.
(Siddharta S. R., 2004)
Real-time location system (RTLS), are used to track and identify the location of objects
in real time using; nodes or tags attached to, or embedded in the objects tracked and readers that
received and process the wireless signals from these tags to determine their locations. RTLS
systems may perform passive or active (automatic) collection of location information. A closely
related term is Intelligent Positioning System (IPS) which continuously determines the
position of an object in real time in a given physical space.
Many wireless technologies are used to establish the communication between tags and
readers. Most popular ones include WiFi, GPS, Infrared, Bluetooth, and active and passive RFID
systems. (Clarinox, 2009).

Story Board
1. Login

Login page is where the user login their account if your user is the admin you will go to the
admin dashboard and if its just a regular user they will go to employee page.

2. Employee page

The employee page home is the tracking map of the deliveries. Where you are monitoring all the
outgoing deliveries. The page also have links for the inventory and the status of the outgoing

3. Inventory

Inventory page is where the inventory were viewed and they can also add, edit and delete but
there are users that only view the inventory but they cant use those three function.
4. Status

In status you will see the Status of the transactions that were on process there are two remarks in
process and delivered.

4. Admin Home

This is the home of the admin page it has another link users there you can modify the users.

5. Users

This is the Users page of the admin where you can see all the users and you can modify them u
can add, edit and delete users you can also search the user by name and filtered with their type of


1. Registration

In registration you will just type the name and employee number of the user and you will go
to the home of the app.

2. Home

The Home has 3 button the location, Inventory and Arrived.
3. Locations

In Location you can locate the place where you will drop the delive

4. Inventory

In inventory you can see the product they are carrying, the location are labeled in the inventory,
this can also use as a checklist of the products.

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