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Canadian Jet Airline had launched its first Twitter contest: The person
who posted the most creative tweet using the hashtag #CanJetLuxury would win
two round-trip tickets to any of the companys destinations. Unexpectedly, most
of the received tweets using the hashtag from their clients were some negative
feedbacks about their (Canadian Jet Airline) services. Tim Powell (director of
social media) and Charlene Thompson (head of the public relations of the airline)
are now thinking what they need to do in order to solve and control the increasing
numbers of negative tweets coming from their clients who suffered delays in
flights. Their dilemma now is that should Canadian Jet continue the Twitter

Point of View
Charlene Thompson. She is the head of the public relations for Canadian
Jet and expert in the matter.

Statement of the Problem
Should Canadian Jet cancel the contest?

1. To continue the Canadian Jet Airlines Twitter contest.
2. To award the prize to the best/most creative tweet as promised.
3. To create a plan in order to answer all clients concerns urgently.

Areas of Consideration
- The Airline Company has a direct access in the Internet
- The company has Information Technology Department
- Limited time
- Limited personnel
- They can strengthen all the positive feedbacks
- Negative tweets from the clients might be negatively construed by the
- Client will be disinterested from their airline

Alternative Courses of Action
1. Continue the Twitter contest (set a deadline), award the most creative
tweet, and join and provide appropriate response to the clients who
provided negative tweets/feedbacks
i. Genuine feedback from the clients wont be neglected.
ii. The airline company might earn back their clients trust
who gave negative tweets by providing response and
continuity of the contest.
iii. By setting a deadline, the number of negative tweets will
be controlled.
iv. The airline company can use the Twitter contest as a way
of advertising.
v. Positive tweets/feedbacks might alleviate or counteract
the negative tweets.
i. The airline might unable to respond timely with all the
increasing negative tweets from their clients.
ii. By setting a deadline, some genuine tweets/feedbacks
might not be posted and will not be entertained.
2. Cancellation of the Twitter contest and ignore all the tweets
i. No more negative tweets/feedbacks will be posted
i. This is an uncaring attitude towards the market.
ii. Not keeping promise and not being loyal to all faithful
iii. Clients will complain.
iv. For those who gave positive tweets will be disappointed
and will now start to mistrust the company.
v. Additional negative tweets will be posted aside from the
former negative tweets.
vi. Might alienate the people who sent in or tweeted genuine
vii. Integrity of the airline company will be diminished.
3. Make a statement that the airline is challenge to meet customers
needs more effectively and apologize for their shortcomings.
i. Clients will patronize the airline company
i. Old clients might not buy this strategy because of their
bad experiences with the airline.

I will recommend the first and third alternative courses of action, which is
to continue the Twitter contest (set a deadline), award the most creative tweet,
join and provide appropriate response to the clients who provided negative
tweets/feedbacks, and make a statement that the airline is challenge to meet
customers needs more effectively and will apologize for their shortcomings.

The Twitter contest will be continued as planned and will award the prize
to the most creative tweet. Those negative tweets posted should be reviewed
and plan strategy on how to harvest those (with the aid of the IT department in
the airline company) and will provide appropriate responses. The CEO then
should initiate and focus more on customer satisfaction improvement program by
addressing the not so good feedbacks. Then, make a statement on how the
airline will be more efficient in handling clients or the airline should put a
statement that they value all their customers feedback and that they realize that
they have more work to do to win back their customers loyalty.

Learning Points
Social media is not an advertising platform, its about customer
communication. Negative social opinion can create the most social reward for the

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