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Submitted to : KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA In the partial fulfillment fo
r the degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Session: 2010-12)
Submitted to: Mr. Pankaj Arora Astt. Professor MBA Deptt. GGSITMS, YNR Submitted
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

I, Poonam, a bonafide student of MBA, Guru Gobind Singh Institute of Technology
& Management Studies, Yamuna Nagar hereby declare that the material embodied in
ganized and original piece of work conducted by me and same has not been submitt
ed in any other university or Institution for the award of any degree or diploma
in any discipline.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Gratitude Is Not A Thing Of Expression; It Is More A Matter Of Feeling. I take thi
s opportunity to express my profound debts of gratitude and obligations, to hono
rable Director, Dr. P.P. Singh, Guru Gobind Singh Institute of Technology & Mana
gement Studies, Yamuna Nagar, for his most valuable help at all stages of my wor
k. His learned advice and guidance always kindled inspiration in the face of dif
ficulties encountered in the course of this project work. I am also thankful to
my mentor Mr. Pankaj Arora, (Assistant Professor) of MBA Department. Guru Gobind
Singh Institute of Technology & Management Studies, Yamuna Nagar, for allowing
me to work on this project works and for her kind help always.
I am also thankful to the respondents, all my friends for their kind and valuabl
e guidance, whom I consulted for my present work.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Chapter 1 CORPORATE PROFILE 1.1 Industry Review 1.2 Introduction to Print Media
1.3 News Print Media 1.4 News Paper Chapter 2 COMPANY PROFILE 2.1 About Company
2.2 Product at a Glance 2.3 Mission and Vision 2.4 Swot Analysis Chapter 3 FINAN
CIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS 3.1 Ratio Analysis 3.2 Comparative Balance Sheet 3.3 Pro
fit & Loss Account
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

I express my sincerest gratitude to Mr. Vishal Sharma for his encouragement, sup
port and cooperation extended to me during my stay at Times of India, Chandigarh
I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Vishal Sharma for answering all the
queries and to provide me with invaluable insight and guidance for my project, m
aking it a great learning experience.
I am thankful to all the employees at Times of India, Chandigarh. For providing
me all the information and help I required for the completion of this project.
I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. Pankaj Arora for providi
ng us the opportunity to do summer internship in his esteemed organisation.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Executive summary
Companies often make investment in shares, debentures, bonds, mutual funds, etc.
The sum of all such investments outstanding at the end of the balance sheet dat
e is captured in this data field. There is one exception. Investments made by in
vestment companies that are engaged entirely, or essentially, in the business of
purchase and sale of securities for making profits from these are not included
in this data field. Investments of such companies are treated as stock in trade
and not investments. Investments by all other companies are included in this dat
a field. The investments could be in equity shares, preference shares, debt inst
ruments, mutual funds, or other investments such as in immovable properties, cap
ital of partnership firms, etc. They could be for long-term or short-term purpos
es. The total value of all such investments is captured in this data field. Tota
l investments (this data field) are reported net of dimunition of the value of i
nvestments. However, their break-up, in terms of equity shares, debt instruments
, mutual funds, etc is reported on a gross basis. This is the manner in which in
formation is usually disclosed by companies in their Annual Reports. Book value
and market of quoted investments are captured separately. Other desegregations o
f investments are by trade and non-trade nature of the investments and the value
of marketable securities. The capture of such information is of course, subject
to disclosures by the companies in their audited Annual Reports.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Industry Overview: Print Media in India

Indian print media is one of the largest print media in the world. The history o
f it started in 1780, with the publication of the Bengal Gazette from Calcutta.
James Augustus Hickey is considered as the "father of Indian press" as he starte
d the first Indian newspaper from Calcutta, the Calcutta General Advertise or th
e Bengal Gazette in January, 1780. In 1789, the first newspaper from Bombay, the
Bombay Herald appeared, followed by the Bombay Courier next year (this newspape
r was later amalgamated with the Times of India in 1861). The first newspaper in
an Indian language was the Samachar Darpan in Bengali, The first issue of this
daily was published from the Serampore Mission Press on May 23, 1818. In the sam
e year, Ganga Kishore Bhattacharya started publishing another newspaper in Benga
li, the Bengal Gazetti. On July 1, 1822 the first Gujarati newspaper the Bombay
Samachar was published from Bombay, which is still extant. The first Hindi newsp
aper, the Samachar Sudha Varshan began in 1854. Since then, the prominent Indian
languages in which papers have grown over the years are Hindi, Marathi, Malayal
am, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and Bengali. The Indian language papers have taken over
the English press as per the latest NRS survey of newspapers. The main reasons b
eing the marketing strategy followed by the regional papers, beginning with Eena
du, a telegu daily started by Ramoji Rao. The second reason being the growing li
teracy rate.Increase in the literacy rate has direct positive effect on the rise
of circulation of the regional papers. The people are first educated in their m
other tongue as per their state in which they live for e.g. students in Maharash
tra are compulsory taught Marathi language and hence they are educated in their
state language and the first thing a literate person does is read papers and gai
n knowledge and hence higher the literacy rate in a state the sales of the domin
ating regional paper in that state rise. The next reason being localization of n
ews. Indian regional papers have several editions for a particular State for com
plete localization of news for the reader to connect with the paper.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Malayala Manorama has about 10 editions in Kerala itself and six others outside
Kerala. Thus regional papers aim at providing localized news for their readers.
Even Advertisers saw the huge potential of the regional paper market, partly due
to their own research and more due to the efforts of the regional papers to mak
e the advertisers aware of the huge market.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Print media, as you know is one of them. Print media is one of the oldest and ba
sic forms of mass communication. It includes newspapers, weeklies, magazines, mo
nthlies and other forms of printed journals. A basic understanding of the print
media is essential in the study of mass communication. The contribution of print
media in providing information and transfer of knowledge is remarkable. Even af
ter the advent of electronic media, the print media has not lost its charm or re
levance. Print media has the advantage of making a longer impact on the minds of
the reader, with more in-depth reporting and analysis.
After studying this lesson, we will be able to do the following : identify the d
ifferent forms of print media; discuss the history of early printing; describe t
he evolution of newspapers in India; differentiate between print and electronic
Print media generally refers to newspapers. Newspapers collect, edit and print n
ews reports and articles. There are newspapers published in the evening also. Th
ey are called eveningers.
Have you seen a palm leaf? There was a time when people used to write on palm le
aves. This was before the discovery of paper. Some of the old manuscripts writte
n on palm leaves are preserved in our National Manuscript Library in Delhi.
Which was the first newspaper published in the world? It is very difficult to po
int out a single newspaper as the first one. During the Maurya period,
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Do you know the old name of Kolkata City? It is Calcutta. Did you know that Calc
utta was once the capital city of India? From 1774 to 1922 Calcutta was the Capi
tal of India. Calcutta has also many other firsts in the history of India. The f
irst Railway Company was started here.The first Metro Rail was also in this City
. The first Post and Telegraph office and the first western style bank were also
opened in Calcutta. Our Supreme Court also began functioning from that city. Al
l of you must have heard about Nobel Prizes. Calcutta city gave the country five
Nobel Laureates, Rabindranath Tagore, Sir C. V Raman, Mother Theresa, Ronald Ro
se and Amartya Sen. You will find it interesting to note that Calcutta has one m
ore first . It was from Calcutta that the first newspaper was published from Ind
ia. It was a Britisher who started the first newspaper in our country. On Januar
y 29, 1780 James Augustus Hickey launched the Bengal Gazette. It has another title
Calcutta Advertiser. It was popularly known as Hickeys Gazette. The first issue of t
he paper had two pages and later it was increased to four pages. Its size was 35
cms x 24 cms. The British East India Company did not consider freedom of the pre
ss as good for society. They tried to suppress publication of newspapers. Hickey
was a very bold editor. He continued his criticism of British authorities .He p
ublished reports attacking the East India Company officials. The British authori
ties arrested Hickey many times. Finally, they confiscated his paper and press i
n 1782 and stopped its publication. Hickey was asked to leave the country. He wa
s sent back to England. Copies of the Bengal Gazette are still kept in the Natio
nal Library in Kolkata and the British Museum in London. Confiscation of a newsp
aper is a rare action taken by the authorities if that paper publishes some news
report or article that they think is highly objectionable. Through confiscation
, the government transfers the press and other materials of the publication to t
he treasury Thereby, the office of the paper is sealed and the publication stopp
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Towards the end of the 19th century, many social reformers began actively campai
gning for radical changes in Indian society. The reformation of Hinduism, the mo
ve for abolition of sati and efforts to encourage widow remarriage were some of
the major reforms. Inspired by these great leaders, many newspapers were started
in different parts of the country. All this led to a boom in the newspaper indu
stry in India. Some of the leading English newspapers were also launched during
this time. The Times of India (1861) was started as a paper supporting the British
. Many of you might have heard about The Jungle Book. The author of The Jungle Book
, Rudyard Kipling, started The Pioneer in 1866 from Allahabad. The Amrita Bazar Pat
rika(1868), The Statesman (1875), The Hindu (1887) and The Tribune( 1880) were also
rted during this period. The Hindustan Times was started later, in 1923. In the re
gional languages, some papers that were launched during that period continue eve
n now as leading papers like Malayala Manorama (1888). When Mahatma Gandhi returne
d to India, he gave a great impetus to the freedom movement. He was also a great
editor. He took over Young India, the weekly started by the Home Rule Party in 19
18. Gandhiji also launched another weekly, called the Navjeevan, in Gujarati. Late
r, Gandhiji started the Harijan under the editorship of Mahadev Desai. Gandhiji in
sisted that his papers will not carry any advertisements. But all his publicatio
ns had wide circulation among readers.
Have you ever wondered how the pages of a newspaper are printed ? From the days
of wooden block printing, newspapers have undergone a sea change. Technological
revolution has modernised the print media. For a long time, these were produced
by hand composing. Later, these were replaced by monotype and linotype. In this
process, a machine operated by a key board was used to compose letters. This has
also become obsolete now. Typesetting in computers, offset printing and laser p
rinting have taken over. Desktop publishing has become quite common now.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

You may have noticed the fact that all newspapers are not of the same size; some
are big, some small and some are very small. Newspapers are classified into thr
ee categories according to their size. They are broadsheets, tabloids and Berlin
ers or Midis. Morning newspapers are generally broadsheets. They are big in size
. In India, all major newspapers are broadsheets. Examples include The Times of I
ndia and Hindustan Times.Tabloids are only half the size of broadsheets. In India m
ost of the evening papers are tabloids. Examples are Mid-day and Metro Now.Presentl
y some of the new morning papers have also adopted the tabloid format.
Have you seen an internet cafe? Nowadays internet cafes are as common as STD /IS
D booths. If you have not visited an internet caf, please go and see what is happ
ening there. Internet is a computer based worldwide interlink network. It has no
country barriers. So a person sitting in India can access an internet site in U
SA through the computer network. This has made revolutionary changes in communic
ation the world over. Recently almost all newspapers have internet editions. For
example, the Hindustan Times or Indian Express or Times of India can be read on
the internet through their net editions. Each paper has a dotcom name for their
site, like or www.times of While you have to
pay for buying a newspaper, the internet edition of that newspaper is free of ch
arge and is accessible if you have a computer and internet connection.
Filmfare, Champak, Grihasobha, Chandamama, India Today, The Week, Outlook . Are
these names familiar to you ? They are also part of the print media. But they ar
e not newspapers. They are called magazines. Can you tell the difference between
newspapers and magazines ? Like newspapers, magazines and weeklies are other fo
rms of print media. They are published at regular intervals. How do you differen
tiate beween them? A weekly is published once a week and a monthly once a month.
A fortnightly is published once in two weeks. A biweekly is published twice eve
ry week. A tri-monthly is one which is published every three months. These are a
lso known as quarterlies. Then there are certain publications that come out only
once a year which are called annuals. India Today is a weekly, while Champak is a f
ortnightly. Grihasobha and Vanitha are monthlies.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


After the advent of printing nearly six centuries ago, the print media was the o
nly form of mass communication. Then came the electronic medium. Though both pri
nt and electronic media deal with mass communication, there are certain basic di
fferences. Print Media Electronic Media 1. Literacy is a basic Even an illiterat
e person can requirement for the print watch a news bulletin and grasp media. On
ly a literate its contents though the written matter person can read it. on the
screen cannot be read. 2. Print media works There is no deadline for the electro
nic according to a deadline. media. News can be updated Usually a morning paper
anytime. carries news received upto the midnight of the previous day. 3. In prin
t media readers have Viewers cannot go back and recheck the choice to go back an
d what they have seen. recheck. What they have read. 4. Print media provides mor
e Less scope for such long indepth scope for indepth analysis of analysis events
. 5. Print media does not provide Live discussions are possible. scope for a liv
e discussion. 6. Language is more literary Language used is spoken and more and
flowery and reader viewer -friendly. 7. Frequent update of news Even a minute-to
-minute update is is not possible. possible.
India has a live and active print media. India is known for its vastness of area
, diversity of culture and multiplicity of languages which are spoken and writte
n. India has 28 states and seven union territories .Most of them have their own
language. When India became Independent in 1947, there were only 3533 newspapers
and periodicals. Among them 330 were newspapers and 3203 were other publication
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Indian Newspaper Industry: Some Facts

The total number of registered newspapers, as on 31s March, 2006: 62,483 The nu
mber of new newspapers registered during 2005-06: 2,074 Percentage of growth of
total registered publications over the previous year; 3,43% The largest number o
f newspapers & periodicals registered in any Indian language (Hindi): 24,927 The
second largest Dumber of newspapers & periodicals registered in any language (E
nglish): 9,064 The state with the largest number of registered newspapers (Uttar
Pradesh):9,885 The state with the second largest number of registered newspaper
s (Delhi) 8,545 The number of newspapers that submitted Annual Statements 8,512
The total circulation of newspapers : 18,07,38,611 The largest number of newspap
ers & periodicals that submitted Annual Statements in any Indian language (Hindi
): 4,131 The second largest number of newspapers & periodicals that submitted An
nual Statements in any language (English) ; 864 The largest circulated Ananda Ba
zar Patrika Bengali, Kolkata. 12,34,122 The second largest circulated Daily: The
Hindu , English, Chennai (Printed from 12 different Printing Press): 11,68,042
The third largest circulated daily: Hindustan Times, English, Delhi: 11,36,644 T
he largest circulated multi-edition Daily The Times of India, English(six edition
s):25,42,075 The second largest circulated multi-edition Daily: Dainik Jagran,
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Hindi,(fifteen editions):21,11,316 The largest circulated periodical: The Hindu,

English, Weekly, Chennai (Printed f rom 12 different Printing Press) :11,02,783
Newspapers in India are measured on two parameters, circulation and readership.
Circulation is certified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations which is an industr
y body. It audits the paidfor circulation of the member newspaper companies.
Indian English Newspaper
Newspaper is the oldest and the most conventional method of giving news on a wid
e array of topics to the people at their doorstep. The newspaper industry at the
global arena has come a long way from presenting news in black and white to ado
pting the most innovative of methods, including colored background and text, uni
que paper materials, etc to depict all kinds of news for readers. The Indian new
spaper industry has the record of giving the most number of newspapers to the re
aders, both at the national as well as at the regional levels. One of the oldest
newspapers of India, The Statesman was founded in 18189 and still continues to
maintain the same status that it used to command. It has been almost two centuri
es now since the inception of the oldest newspaper in the country. During this p
eriod, the Indian newspaper industry has achieved tremendous ground of success f
or various newspapers that are circulated throughout the country. The most uniqu
e fact of the Indian newspaper industry is that newspapers in various regional l
anguages, Hindi, and English are published and circulated throughout the country
. The Indian English Newspaper Sector is the most published and circulated lot i
n the Indian newspaper industry. With the newspaper industry as a viable platfor
m for the proliferation of advertising and marketing of public relations, there
has been witnessed an Impressive explosion of newspapers at all levels. A typica
l Indian English newspaper serves as an ideal banner
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

for companies who would look forward to advertise their products or services kee
ping in mind the strength of the readers nationwide. Since a newspaper is the fi
rst thing that most of the citizens of the country go through early in the morni
ng, it stands at an advantage of making its stand in full view of the massive nu
mber of readers. The more the readers or viewers of the advertisements, the more
impact that the advertisements have made in the minds of the people.An Indian E
nglish newspaper being the most read newspaper in the country, most of the compa
nies highlighting their services and products for the citizens, targets these ne
wspapers for the showcase of their services. Newspapers act as the ideal method
of public relations due to its strength as the best way of communication. Pitch
on Net is an online advertising portal that highlights various forms of advertis
ements and marketing services. Its website
http:/Iwww.pitchonnet,conhi provides complete details on various modes of advert
ising and marketing, including newspaper as a powerful tool: As per Indian Reade
rship Survey 2011, of the top 24 most read English. dailies, only six registered
a gain in readership. Mint, HT Medias business daily, grew the most, posting a
15.67% growth in readership. This, is however, not counting Metro Now, which gr
ew its readership by 103%, but has since been discontinued as a daily by its joi
nt promoters Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd and HT Media Ltd. DNA, which grew 11.37%
, comes second. The New Indian Express, lost 14.19% of its readers, followed by
The Indian Express, which lost 11.370 /0. Heres the complete picture:
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

English Newspapers
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Company profile
The Times of India (TOI) is an English-language daily newspaper in India. It has
the largest circulation among all English-language newspapers in the world, acr
oss all formats (broadsheet, tabloid, compact, Berliner and online). It is owned
and managed by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. which is owned by the Sahu Jain fami
ly. In the year 2008, the newspaper reported that (with a circulation of over 3.
14 million) it was certified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (India) as the
worlds largest selling Englishlanguage daily newspaper, placing as the 8th larg
est selling newspaper in any language in the world. According to the Indian Read
ership Survey (IRS) 2010, the Times of India is the most widely read English new
spaper in India with a readership of 70.35 lakhs (7.035 million). This ranks the
Times of India as the top English newspaper in India by readership. According t
o ComScore, Indiatimes (and not TOI online) is the worlds most-visited newspape
r website with 159 million page views in May 2009, ahead of the New York Times,
The Sun, Washington Post, Daily Mail and USA Today websites[citation needed.
The Times Of India was founded on 3 November 1838 as The Bombay Times and Journ
al of Commerce In Mumbai, during the British Raj. Published every Saturday and
Wednesday, The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce was launched as a semi-weekl
y edition. It contained news from Britain and the world, as well as the Indian S
ubcontinent. The daily editions of the paper were started from 1850 and in 1861,
the Bombay Times was renamed
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

The Times of India. In the 19th century this newspaper company employed more tha
n 800 people and had a sizable circulation in India and Europe. It was after Ind
ias Independence that the ownership of the paper passed on to the then famous i
ndustrial family of Dalmiyas and later it was taken over by Sahu Shanti Prasad J
ain of the Kunal Jain group from Bijnore, UP. Indias press in the 1840s was a m
otley collection of small-circulation daily or weekly sheets printed on rickety
presses. Few extended beyond their small communities and seldom tried to unite t
he many castes, tribes, and regional subcultures of India. The Anglo-Indian pape
rs promoted purely British interests. Robert Knight (18251892) was the principal
founder and the first editor of the Times. The son of a London bank clerk from t
he lower-middle-class, Knight proved a skilled writer and passionate reformer. K
night helped create a vibrant national newspaper industry in British India. When
the Sepoy Mutiny erupted, Knight was acting editor of the Bombay Times and Stan
dard. He broke with the rest of the English language press (which focused on Ind
ian savagery and treachery) and instead blamed the violence on the lack of disci
pline and poor leadership in the army. That angered the Anglo community, but att
racted the Timess Indian shareholders, who made him the permanent editor. Knigh
t blasted the mismanagement and greed of the Raj, attacking annexation policies
that appropriated native lands and arbitrarily imposed taxes on previously exemp
t land titles, ridiculing income taxes, and exposing school systems that disrega
rded Indian customs and needs. Knight led the paper to national prominence. In 1
860, he bought out the Indian shareholders and merged with the rival Bombay Stan
dard, and started Indias first news agency. It wired Times dispatches to papers
across the country and became the Indian agent for Reuters news service. In 186
1, he changed the name from the Bombay Times and Standard to the Times of India.
Knight fought for a press free of prior restraint or intimidation, frequently r
esisting the attempts by governments, business interests, and cultural spokesmen
. The Times of India is published by the media group Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.
This company, along with its other group companies, known as The Times Group, a
lso publishes The Economic Times, Mumbai Mirror, Pune Mirror, Bangalore Mirror,
Ahmedabad Mirror, the Navbharat Times (a Hindi-language daily broadsheet), the M
aharashtra Times (a Marathi-language daily broadsheet).
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

In late 2006, Times Group acquired Vijayanand Printers Limited (VPL). VPL used t
o publish two Kannada newspapers Vijay Karnataka and Usha Kiran and an English d
aily Vijay Times. Vijay Karnataka was the leader in the Kannada newspaper segmen
t then. In January 2007, the Kannada edition was launched in Bangalore and in Ap
ril 2008 the Chennai edition was launched. Their main rivals in India are The Hi
ndu and Hindustan Times, which hold second and third position by circulation.
The Times of India has its markets in
Mumbai Delhi Chennai Kolkata Bangalore Hyderabad Ahmedabad Pune Chandigarh Luckn
ow Nagpur Jaipur Goa Soon its Bhopal market will be operational.
The Times of India is printed from the following places:
Ahmedabad Allahabad Bangalore Bhopal Bhubaneswar Chandigarh Chennai Poonam, MBAIII, 2011 21

Coimbatore Delhi Goa Gurgaon Hubli Hyderabad Jaipur Kanpur Kolkata Lucknow Mumba
i Madurai Mysore Nagpur Noida Patna Rajkot Ranchi Surat Thane Thiruvananthapuram
Vadodara Varanasi
The total average circulation for 2010 was 3,433,000 copies.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Persons Associated with Times of India

Indu Jain, Current Chairperson Samir Jain, Vice-Chairman & Publisher Ronit Malho
tra, MD Ronit Malhotra, CEO Jug Suraiya (associate editor, columnist, "Jugular V
ein," cartoonist, "Dubyaman II") Swaminathan Aiyar (columnist, "Swaminomics") R.
K. Laxman ("You Said It" editorial cartoon, featuring the famous Common Man) Ru
kmini Subramanian, Senior Writer Bachi Karkaria, columnist, "Erratica" Vinay Pan
dey, Editor-Online Vinita Nangia, Editor-Times Life Shobha De, columnist Jaideep
Bose, Editorial Director Arindam Sen Gupta, Executive Editor Dileep Padgaonkar,
Former Editor, currently Consulting Editor and columnist M J Akbar, Columnist,
"The Siege Within" and former Editorial Team Gurcharan Das, Columnist Gautam Adh
ikari, former Executive Editor, Editorial Consultant Russi Karanjia, assistant e
ditor during the 1930s Trivadi, columnist and humorist well known for his editor
ials, humor pieces, and satirical poems. Chetan Bhagat, Columnist, Sunday TOI Ka
ushal Thakkar, Sr. Product Manager, Response Ascent
The Times of India comes with several city-specific supplements, such as Delhi T
imes, Bombay Times, Hyderabad Times, Lucknow Times, Nagpur Times, Bangalore Time
s, Pune Times, Ahmadabad Times and Chennai Times, The Times of South Mumbai.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Other Regular Supplements:

Times Wellness (Saturdays) Education Times Times Ascent (Wednesdays) ZIG WHEELS
Times Life (Sundays) Wee Wonder Rouge Whats Hot Address
The Brands of Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


The Times of India: At a Glance

The June 26, 2010 front page of the Mumbai edition of The Times of India
Daily newspaper
Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.
The Times Group
Jaideep Bose
Associate editor
Jug Suraiya
3 November 1838
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Political alignment
Times House Headquarters 7 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, Delhi 110002
3,146,000 Daily
Sister newspapers
The Economic Times
OCLC number
Official website
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Figure 1.3.1showing different branches of BCCL

Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Main Businesses: Its main business and major brands The Times of India- first
morning compact daily.
Subsidiaries: Its subsidiary companies are-TPT, TIML Golden Square, Times Syndic
service, TIL & ENT, TGB and WWM etc.
The Times Group (BCCL): BCCL: is the largest media services conglomerate in Indi
a. It reaches out from: 11 publishing centers, 15 printing centers, 55 sales off
ices, Over 7000 employees,5 dailies including two of the largest in the country
with approx 4.3 million copies circulated daily, 2 lead magazines, 29 niche maga
zines, Reaching 2468 cities and towns, 32 Radio Stations,
Create & build brands with differentiated content to capture relevant audiences a
nd market the value of these to advertisers to help them sell and strengthen the
ir brands.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Figure 1.3.3 The Mantra of Company

Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

1.3.2 SWOT ANALYSIS Table 1.3.2 showing SWOT of The Times of IndiaINTERNAL FACTORS
Oldest newspaper (1838). Big Brand, good reputation in the minds of customer. 1s
t rank in circulation in India & 8th in world. Invitational prices. Launches goo
d campaign. Daily English newspaper with rich supplements. Good support from Tim
es group companies. World class printing machineWEAKNESSES
Late & repeated news Less information about stock market Grammar and vocabulary
mistakes. Pictures of nude girls Late circulation in small cities Lake in coveri
ng useful news for competitive students

Geoman, Goss

110,000 copies per hour

Literacy rate increases day by day. People focus more on education etc. English
is international language. Everyone wants to learn it.
People are getting knowledge form Internet,
career, T.V., Radio etc. Day by day readership of The Hindustan (2 position) and Th
e Hindu (3 position) increases very fast.
Life style being hi-fi. EXTERNAL FACTORS
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

CURRENT RATIO Current ratio may be defined as the relationship between current a
ssets and current liabilities.
Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities Years March 2008 March 2009 M
arch 2010 Current Assets (A) 11115.99 15642.79 23551.85 Current Liabilities (B)
21396.16 25227.88 38228.64 Current Ratio (A/B) 0.51 0.62 0.61
0.8 o i 0.6 t a R t 0.4 n e r r 0.2 u C 0
2009 Years
Interpretation:The liquidity position of Standard Chartered Bank has improved ov
er the period of time. However, the rule of thumb for this ratio is 2:1, organiz
ations current ratio is more than 2 from last two years. It shows strong liquidit
y position of organization become stronger
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

DEBT EQUITY RATIO This ratio indicates the extent to which debt is covered by sh
areholders funds. It reflects the relative position of the equity holders and the
lenders and indicates the companys policy on the mix of capital funds. The debt
to equity ratio is calculated as follows: Debt equity ratio= external equity\ in
ternal equity
Years 2008 2009 2010
Debt 99818.78 165083.17 230510.19
Equity 12899.97 22555.99 24663.26
Debt/Equity 7.98 7.45 9.50
10 8 y t i u 6 q E / t 4 b e D 2 0 2008 2009 Years 2010
Interpretation: Generally, debt-equity ratio of 2:1 is considered safe. If the d
ebt-equity ratio is more than that, it shows a rather risky financial position f
rom the long-term point o view. High debtequity ratio is a danger sign for the l
ong-term lenders.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

FUNDED DEBT TO TOTAL CAPITALIZATION RATIO The ratio establishes a link between t
he long term fund raised from outsiders and total long term fund available in th
e fund .
Funded debt to total capitalization ratio= Funded debt\ Total capital Years Fund
ed debt Total capital Funded debt to total capitalization ratio March 2008 March
2009 March 2010 335444960 385219136 512560263 464444672 610779052 759192907 72.
22% 63.37% 67.51%
Funded debt to total capitalization ratio 75.00% Funded debt 70.00% to total 65.
00% capitalizatio 60.00% n ratio 55.00% 2008 2009 year 2010
Interpretation: The lesser the ratio, the reliance on outsiders the better it wi
ll be if this ratio is up to 50% or 55%, this ratio may be to tolerable and not
beyond in this case we can say that the Insurance Company is more depended on ou
tsider funds.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Poonam, MBA-III, 2011



Operating Profit Operating Profit per share = No. of equity shares
Operating Profit (Rs. in Crore)
No. of equity share (In Lacs) 7367.16 8898.24 8992.67
Operating Profit per share 36.37 36.75 42.19
2008 2009 2010
2679.78 3269.94 3793.56
43 e r a42 h41 s r 40 e p39 t i f 38 o r 37 P g36 n i 35 t a r 34 e p33 O 2008 2
009 years 2010
Interpretation: The main objective of this ratio is to find out the difference b
etween operating profit and reported profit. So that expenses after the operatin
g profit should be reduced and company declares higher dividend to its sharehold
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

DIVIDEND PER SHARE (D.P.S.) Profits remaining after payment of tax and preferenc
e dividend are available to equity share holders. D.P.S. is the dividend distrib
uted to equity shareholders dividend by the number of equity share. Dividend pai
d to equity share holders D.P.S. = No. of equity shares
Dividend Paid to equity shareholders (Rs. in Crore)
No. of equity shares (In Lacs) 7367.16 8898.24 8992.67
2008 2009 2010
632.96 759.33 901.17
8.50 8.50 10.00
10 9.5 . S . P . D 9 8.5 8 7.5 2008 2009 Years 2010
Interpretation: This ratio indicates that company declare higher dividend to its
shareholders and very second year increases the dividend per share. It shows th
e higher profit earning capacity of the company.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

SOLVENCY RATIO Solvency ratio indicates the relationship between the total liabi
lities to outsiders to total assets. Solvency Ratio= Total liability to outsider
s\ Total assets Years Total liability to outsiders Total assets Solvency Ratio
March 2008 1547594341 March 2009 2289429626 March 2010 3199948482
1676594053 92.30% 2513889542 91.07% 3446581126 92.8%
Solvency Ratio 93.00% Solvency 92.00% Ratio 91.00% 90.00% 2008 2009 year 2010
Interpretation: Lower the ratio of total liability to total assets, more satisfa
ctory or stable is the solvency position of company, but in Insurance Company ca
se this rule is not applicable because the Insurance Company is depend on outsid
e funds. In this the solvency ratio is near 92%.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

RETURN ON EQUITY CAPITAL RATIO This ratio is more meaning full to the equity sha
reholder who are interested to know profits earns by the company and those profi
t which can be made available to pay dividend to them. Return on equity ratio=Ne
t profit after interest & tax - preference dividend / Equity. Share capital
Net profit after interest & Equity share capital tax preference dividend
equity ratio
March 2008 March 2009 March 2010
20082981 25400712 31102165
73677580 88983450 89934370
27.22% 28.54% 34.58%
Return on equity ratio 40.00 % 30.00 % 20.00 % 10.00 % 0.00 %
Return on equit y rati o
200 8
200 9 yea r
201 0
Interpretation: Generally, higher the ratio is better. In Standard Chartered Ban
k the return on equity capital is increased every year.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Comparative Balance Sheet March 2010 Sources of funds Owners fund 899.34 --350.
00 23,413.92 Loans funds --2,30,510.19 2,55,173.45 Uses of funds Fixed Assets 6,
298.56 --2,375.14 3,923.42 189.66 91,257.84 Net current assets 23,551.85 38,228.
64 -14,676.78 --80,694.15 Notes: ----1,99,771.41 8992.67 March 2009
(Rs. Crore) March 2008
Equity share capital Share application money Preference share capital Reserves &
surplus Secured loans Unsecured loans Total
889.83 --350.00 21,316.16 --1,65,083.17 1,87,639.16
736.75 0.02 350.00 11,813.20 --99,818.78 1,12,718.75
Gross Block Less: revaluation reserve Less: accumulated depreciation Net Block C
apital work-in-progress Investments
5,968.57 --1,987.85 3,980.71 147.94 71,547.39
5,525.65 --1,487.61 4,038.04 96.30 50,487.35
Current asses, loans & advances Less: current liabilities & provisions Total net
current assets Miscellaneous expenses not written Total Book value of unquoted
investments Market value of quoted investments Contingent liabilities Number of
equity share outstanding (Lacs)
15,642.79 25,227.88 -9,585.09 66,090.96 ----1,34,920.99 8898.24
11,115.99 21,396.16 -10,280.17 44,341.52 ----1,07.311.46 7367.16
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Profit Loss Account March 2010 Income Operating income 28,457.13 Expenses Materi
al consumed Manufacturing expenses Personnel expenses Selling expenses Administr
ative expenses Expenses capitalised Cost of sales Operating profit Other recurri
ng income Adjusted PBDIT Financial expenses Depreciation Other write offs Adjust
ed PBT Tax Charges Adjusted PAT Non recurring items Other non cash adjustments R
eported net profit Earnings before appropriation Equity dividend Preference divi
dend Dividend tax Retained earnings ----1,616.75 1,741.63 4,946.69 --8,305.07 3,
793.56 309.17 4,102.73 16,358.50 544.78 --3,557.95 984.25 2,995.00 115.22 --3,11
0.22 3,403.66 901.17 --153.10 2,349.39 ----1,082.29 840.98 2,727.18 --4,650.45 3
,269.94 466.02 3,735.96 9,597.45 623.79 --3,112.17 556.53 2,532.95 7.12 --2,540.
07 2,728.30 759.33 --106.50 1,862.46 17,517.83 March 2009
(Rs. Crore) March 2008
----737.41 601.71 1,248.31 --2,587.43 2,679.78 448.46 3,128.25 6,570.89 590.36 -2,537.88 522.00 2,007.28 -2.08 --2,005.20 2,058.29 632.96 --90.10 1,335.22
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

The Times of India (TOI) is one of the leading newspapers in India. It is the la
rgest circulated English newspaper in India. It represents the growing influence
of Indian middleclass and the value of English education in the country. The Ch
ief Manager of advertising at The Times of India was evaluating effectiveness of
its campaign in building The Times of India as a national brand. Most of the ad
vertising in the past has been functional in nature. It has concentrated on prom
oting Times of India as a brand with functional elements like largest circulated E
nglish newspaper; most up market newspaper; the newspaper with a grip on future
and other relevant functional attributes which are common for a newspaper. Recen
tly they have shifted to emotional platform where the newspaper is being project
ed as something that chronicles the aspirations of Indians. It reflects struggle
, turbulence, success and failure in an Indians life. He was wondering whether su
ch an advertising campaign will help in changing the outlook of people towards t
he newspaper. He needs to evaluate the rationale and come up with answers to few
of the questions.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

The Times of India has not been able to compete with The Hindustan Times in Delh
i in spite of its best efforts. It is extremely frustrated due to this and it is
desperately trying to increase its circulation. In order to do this it has fall
en to lowest possible standards and is employing shockingly indecent means. It h
as gone berserk. It has no consideration for the rules, regulations and laws of
the nation. It simply does not bother about them. It is indulging in criminal ac
tivities. It daily fills its supplement Delhi Times with photographs of almost
naked women. If a womans private part and nipples are covered, that is suffici
ent clothing for her in the opinion of TOI. It thinks that it increases its circ
ulation whereas the reality is entirely different from this. In any society abou
t 99 percent people are households who live in families and who do not like it.
Only one percent people may be sexually dissatisfied and pervert who might have
a liking for such obscene matter. When a normal household needs erotic material,
he buys a yellow book and uses it in his private or he watches a blue film in t
he privacy of his bed room. People want to keep their sex life separate from the
ir public life. Nobody wants a mindless mixture of the two. Even an illiterate p
erson understands this but not TOI. Life in India is already difficult and the p
eople are busy in making the two ends meet. They do not have time or energy to o
ppose. A few people protest but TOI doesnt listen or reply to their protests. T
OI thinks that the people like its ugly reporting whereas the fact is that they
are tolerating it as they do not have any alternative. The Times of India is abo
ut 150 years old newspaper. It has seen best of the times. Isnt it a pity that i
n these 150 years it could not develop enough maturity so that it could understa
nd that the purpose of any publication especially of the stature of TOI is to te
ach good moral values to the society and inculcate better virtues of life in its
countrymen rather than blindly running after money? It could have set an exampl
e for others to follow, it could have been a model publication which people admi
red and appreciated. Alas, it is all out to spoil and damage the moral fabric of
our society and country! Rich and influential people and organizations in India
are normally above the law otherwise the publication of Times of India by now w
ould have been stopped and its publishers and editors would have been behind bar
s, given the way TOI is openly violating the laws of this nation.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


1838: The first edition appears on November 3, 1838, known as The Bombay Times a
nd Journal of Commerce. The newspaper is published twice a week under Editor J.E
. Brennan. It is basically a city paper reflecting the interest of Bombays busi
ness community. 1846-1857: The newspaper changes hands and George Bust, LL.D, F.
R.S., becomes the editor of the Times from 1840-57. [ 1850: Shareholders decide
to increase the share capital and the paper is converted into a daily. 1859: Bom
bay Standard and Chronicle of Western India merges into The Bombay Times and Jou
rnal of Commerce to form Bombay Times & Standard. 1861: Editor Robert Knight ama
lgamates The Bombay Times & Standard and Bombay Telegraph & Courier to form The
Times of India and gives it a national character. 1880: The Times of India Weekl
y Edition is launched. This was later called The Times of India Illustrated Week
ly and finally as The Illustrated Weekly of India in 1923. 1890: Editor Henry Cu
rwen buys The Times of India in partnership with Charles Kane. 1892: Following t
he death of Henry Curwen, Thomas Jewell Bennett becomes the editor and enters in
to a partnership with F.M. Coleman to form a joint stock company - Bennett, Cole
man & Co. Ltd. (BCCL). 1907: In the newspapers first price war under editor Sta
nley Reed, the price is cut from 4 annas to 1 Anna, and circulation rises 5 time
s. 1946: For the first time, the paper transfers to Indian ownership. Ram Krishn
a Dalmia buys out Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd for Rs. 2 crores. 1948: Sahu Jain G
roup becomes the owners of the company after Dalmia sells the firm to recover 2.
5 crores he needs to pay back to an insurance company. Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain,
son-in-law of Ram Kishan Dalmia, becomes the first chairman of the group.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

1950: Delhi edition is launched with K. Gopalswami as the first Indian editor. 1
952: Film fare launched and started by J.C Jain, the first Indian to be the GM o
f TOI.[10] 1959: Famine is launched. 1960: Sahu Ramesh Chandra Jain joins BCCL 1
961: The Economic Times is launched. 1982: Samir Jain joins BCCL. 1984: Times of
India, Bombay set up modernised newsroom (including new look classified pages)
1985: Times of India, Delhi set up modernised newsroom (including new look class
ified pages) 1985: Nandita Jain joins BCCL and started Saturday Times (in colour
) 1986: Vineet Jain join BCCL after came back to Delhi (finishing his education)
. 1986: Times of India and Navbharat times, Patna edition started. 1987: Printin
g of the Times of India from Kandivili Press. 1990: The Times School of Marketin
g is established as an in-house training school to feed the group 1991: BBC feat
ures The Times of India among the worlds six great newspapers. 1993: BCCL start
s production of television software. 1996: The Times of India crosses 1 million
marks in circulation. 1998: BCCL enters into music market with Times Music. 1999
: India times web portal launched; BCCL enters music retailing business with Plan
et M.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

2000: The Times of India crosses the 2 million mark in circulation. 2000: Timeso
fmoney - JV with Citibank. 2001: Radio Mirchi - Nationwide Private FM Broadcasti
ng. 2001: 360 Degrees - Event Management Arm launched. 2002: Times Outdoor - Out
door Advertising & Billboard Marketing. 2003: Times Classifieds - Classifieds si
te catering to web audiences, the group publications and also publications from
other countries like Sri Lanka. 2004: Launch of the Times Private Treaties - The
Innovative Branding Solution from The Times Group stable. Launch of the Jobs po
rtal Times Jobs. Television Business launched with the launch of a lifestyle and
entertainment channel called z00m. 2005: Launch of a Matrimonial website TimesM
atri 2006: Launch of a television News Channel called Times Now in collaboration
with Reuters. Radio Mirchi holding company ENIL (Entertainment Network India Li
mited) lists on the Indian stock markets. It is the first Times Group Company to
List on the bourses. Launch of a Property services Portal Magic Bricks TimesMat
ri is rebranded as Simply Marry A new holding company by the name of TBSL is cre
ated. This company controls the brands Times Jobs Simply Marry (earlier called T
imesMatri) and Magic Bricks Times of Money launches Remit2Home, to cater to Glob
al Remittance Market
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

2007: Launch of The Times of India - Kannada Launch of Bangalore Mirror Launch o
f Ahmedabad Mirror Planet M Retail taken over by Videocon Group 2008: Launch of Launch of The Times of India, Chennai Edition. Launch of Pun
e Mirror Acquisition of Virgin Radio (now known as Absolute Radio) in the UK Lau
nch of Times of India - Goa, along with Goa Mirror. However the Goa edition has
relatively less coverage of happenings in Goa. 2009: Launch of ET Now - A busine
ss news channel 2010 Launch of The Times of India, Coimbatore Edition Launch of
Vijay next Canada Weekly magazine
India as a Nation of Newspaper Readers
There are 300 newspapers in India. The Times of India is the largest English new
spaper in India and second largest English broadsheet newspaper in the world. Th
ere are more than 8 million readers who pick up TOI everyday in India. This repr
esents a growth of almost 30% to the previous year and defies the gleaming outlo
ok towards newspaper industry due to advent of television in India. It is the re
igning king in most of the cities in India. The Times of India offers the larges
t reach among newspapers in socio economic categories most coveted by advertiser
s- sec A and sec B and eight of every ten readers belong to sec B class. It is r
anked as the six best newspapers of the world. Just ten years ago this newspaper
was sold only 845000 copies and today its circulation has gone well above three
million copies a day. The company has followed a world warII strategy called pin
cer movement strategy. It is based on twin thrust of editorial value additions a
nd audacious pricing. More readers chose times of India because it gives them mo
re for less.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Times of India-The Newspaper Product

The Times of India as a newspaper offers a buffet of contents spread over a dive
rse range of interesting. From hard, political analysis to soft trend related ne
ws reports, to spiritual and metaphysical stories. News in developed and interpr
eted with a more local focus and an equally strong global context there is a str
ong emphasis on encapsulating news in lucid info graphs and illustrations. Carto
ons and caricatures are used to create humor and cheer them for the day ahead. N
ews stories are kept short and crisp to save the readers time. A typical paper ru
ns into anywhere between 24 and 32 pages and carries daily city centric life sty
le and other supplements such as Delhi Times, Bombay Times, Kolkata Times and re
lated supplements like Education Times (Education), Ascent (Careers) and Times P
roperty (Real Estate). The supplements recognize the readers widening scope of in
terests. Across the main newspaper and the supplements, there is a strong emphas
is on local content. Individual editions reflect the local character of their ge
ographic region while being true to the brand philosophy to the core. In May 200
2, TOI came out with a slicker launch in International standards. In 1992, with
an invitational price offer, the cover price was halved and the content in the n
ewspaper was dramatically increased. Primed up local coverage, additional pages
for sports, business and entertainment with color, graphics, and cartoons became
the key elements of Times of India new editions. In June 2003, The TOI offered
its Hindi newspaper Navbharat Times (NT) with the English newspaper at a special
price of Rs 75 per month. It was a great scheme as existing readers of Navbhara
t Times got an opportunity to read the English newspaper for only a small amount
. Moreover, people could buy a package for their family. Both the newspapers hav
e different editorial feel and frequently varying viewpoints. So the reader got
a chance to have different perspective of exposure. In less than 30 days, The TO
I-NT combo could move 200,000 orders. In July 2003, TOI offered its second combo
offer TOI with Economic Times at the same attractive price of Rs 75 and the res
ponse was overwhelming. In early 2003, TOI in Delhi became the first newspaper t
o go full colour. This was in line with companys urge to innovate and the readers
sensitivity to style and penetration. TOI embraced technology in earnest in the
whole value chain. From receipts of advertising to production of the newspaper,
the company makes extensive use of technology; allowing the newspaper to interac
t with customers and advertisers on real time basis, coordinate the scheduling a
nd page making functions and print and volume smoothly on a sustained basis.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

The advertising campaigns can be classified as a set of unified and well planned
programs in which the finger is on the pulse of the audience. The advertising c
ampaign of TOI tries to touch every Indians life. They have moved from functional
, circulation based advertising claims to establish an emotional chord with read
ers. They have used a set of emotions from hard realty to humor; from slice of l
ife creative to those celebrate a day in an average Indians life. The common thre
ad has been a distinct true to India style, which has led to appreciations from re
aders and a host of awards in various advertising functions. The campaigns repre
sent the period in which we live. The 50 years of freedom campaign launched in 1
997 subtly brought out the various facets of life in India. The advertisements h
ave highlighted the Indian-ness in all the campaigns and reflected how TOI is a pa
rt of this great journey of Indian-ness Now they need to move ahead and develop
a campaign which can highlight their success and also build similar brand values
across all the newspapers and supplements.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


The Times Group is the largest media conglomerate in India. It is headed by brot
hers Samir and Vineet Jain. The company has eleven publishing centres fifteen pr
inting centres, fiftyfive sales offices, Over 7000 employees, five dailies inclu
ding two of the largest in the country with approx 4.3 million, copies circulate
d daily, two lead magazines, twenty-nine niche magazines reaching 2468 cities an
d towns, thirty-two Radio Stations two Television News Channels, one Television
Life Style Channel and turnover in excess of USD 1 billion.
Its major brands include: The Times of India, Worlds largest English-language b
roadsheet daily newspaper in terms of circulation. The Economic Times, Indias l
argest financial daily, and the worlds second largest in terms of circulation a
fter The Wall Street Journal Maharashtra Times, Marathi daily Navbharat Times, H
indi Daily in Delhi and Mumbai Sandhya Times, Hindi Daily Evening Tabloid in Del
hi Mumbai Mirror Indias largest circulated compact newspaper Kolkata Mirror Ahm
adabad Mirror Pune Mirror Bangalore Mirror, Bangalores first morning compact da
ily Times Private Treaties, Partnering Ideas. Accelerating Growth. Vijaya Karnat
aka, Indias largest Kannada daily. ZigWheels, Indias largest Automobile magazi
ne. The Times of India competes with HT Media, the media conglomerate that owns
of Englishlanguage newspaper Hindustan Times and the Hindi daily Hindustan. Thos
e two alone had a daily readership of 12.7 million according to their website.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

The Times Group subsidiary companies include:
Times Innovative Media Limited & Entertainment Network India Limited that togeth
er control Radio Mirchi National network of Private FM stations 360 Degrees Even
ts Times Outdoors Outdoors Mirchi Movies Limited Filmed Entertainment. Producers
Times Internet Limited which has India times portal
Times of Money
Times of Money which has Remit2India - Personalized Remittance service from Time
s of Money. A flagship brand of Times of Money, Remit2India facilitates money tr
ansfers to India for NonResident Indians from around the world. It has fast achi
eved the distinction of being Indias largest Remittance service provider with the
widest delivery network. Window2India - An exclusive service for Non-Resident I
ndians! An amalgamation of products, services and information, Window2India is a
comprehensive destination for Non-Resident Indians to shop, gift and stay up-to
-date. Value-added services on the website include gifting opportunities for fam
ilies back in India. Remit2Home - Keeping with the success of Remit2India, Times
of Money launched Remit2Home, a leading global money transfer service provider.
Envisioned to
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

become the largest global market player in over 80 countries, Remit2Home offers
specialized web-based Remittance and financial services. Times Card - Indias firs
t entertainment credit card service. Tailored to match a fanciful lifestyle, the
Times Card couples luxury and convenience into an unmatchable combination. Excl
usive Times Card offers include personalized invitations to high profile events
like Femina Miss India, Film fare Awards, blockbuster movie premiers, live conce
rt performances and celebrity parties. DirecPay DirecPay is among the largest pa
yment gateway solutions service providers in India. It is a revolutionary bank-n
eutral payment processor for online merchants in India. DirecPay acts as a one-s
top payment gateway solution for merchants who conduct online transactions or ecommerce. It enables them to go beyond the method of accepting payments through
cash, cheques and demand drafts with ease. Merchants can accept online payments
through various pay modes including Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet Banking an
d Mobile Payments.
Times Global Broadcasting Limited
This was a Joint Venture with Reuters. No longer has a joint venture as Reuters
exited. Times Now A general interest news Channel Smart Hire A Consulting Divisi
on - Recruitments ET Now A business news channel Zoom A 24x7 Bolly wood entertai
nment and gossip channel Movies Now A 24x7 Hollywood Movies channel in High Defi
nition (Indias first and only)
Times Business Solutions
TBSL, corporate website of TBSL. Times Jobs, a jobs portal Tec gig, a profession
al networking site for Technology Peoples. Simply Marry, a matrimonial portal Ma
gic Bricks, a real estate portal Yo list, free classifieds portal Ads2Book, onli
ne classifieds booking system for print publications Peer Power, a Senior-Level
professional networking portal Poonam, MBA-III, 2011 56

World Wide Media

World Wide Media - A magazine joint venture between BCCL and BBC magazines Film
fare Film fare Awards Femina Femina Miss India Top Gear Magazine India Hello BBC
Good Homes Femina Hindi Grazia BBC KNOWLEDGE
VPL, Bangalore Publisher of Vijay Karnataka
Times Private Treaties
Times Private Treaties is a barter program in which Advertisement space is barte
red for equity stakes in new and established companies. This has been an extreme
ly controversial trend started by the Times Group, as it breaches the sanctity o
f media. Times treaties is known for acquiring large stakes at inflated valuatio
ns in return for advertising space (and articles which appear as news items In 2
010, Times Private Treaties was re launched as Brand Capital, which, according
to the company, reflects its value proposition better.
TIML Radio Limited
On 30 May 2008, SMG sold The British Virgin Radio to TIML Radio Limited for 53.2
million with 15 million set aside for rebranding. On 28 September 2008, The Briti
sh Virgin Radio Station rebranded as Absolute Radio, including the sister radio
stations Absolute Extreme and Absolute Classic Rock. On 4 December 2009 The Abso
lute Radio Stations reorganized to Absolute Radio, Absolute Radio extra (UK Only
), Absolute 80s (Replacing
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Absolute Extreme radio station on DAB digital radio), Absolute Radio 90s and Abs
olute Classic Rock. This company is a direct subsidiary of BCCL (not through TIM
L or ENIL).
Times Syndication Service
The syndication division of The Times of India Group, grants reprint rights for
text, images, cartoons/illustrations, audio/video and microfilms drawn primarily
from Times Group publications. Times Syndication Service
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

The Times Group

Corporate directors Indu Jain Samir Jain Vineet Jain Sahu Jain Sahu Ramesh Chand
ra Jain Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain
Brand Newspapers, magazines and websites The Times of India The Economic Times M
aharashtra Times Navbharat Times Mumbai Mirror Pune Mirror Kolkata Mirror Bangal
ore Mirror The Times of India - Kannada Times Private Treaties ET Chandigarh The
Illustrated Weekly of India Parag (magazine) Vijay Times Vijaya Karnataka ZigWh
Times Global Broadcasting Times Now ET Now Zoom Movies Now Lead India
Times Internet India times portal Times of Money
Times Infotainment & Entertainment Network India Radio Mirchi 360 Degrees Times
Outdoors Mirchi Movies Limited

Times Business TBSL Times Jobs Simply Marry Magic Bricks Yolist Ads2Book Peer P

World Wide Media Film fare Film fare Awards Film fare Awards South Femina Femina
Miss India Top Gear India Hello BBC Good Homes Femina Hindi Grazia What to Wea
TIML Radio Limited Absolute Radio Absolute Classic Rock Absolute 80s Absolute Ra
dio 90s
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

The Times of India is a leading English-language broadsheet daily Magazine in In
dia. It is owned and managed by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. which is owned by th
e Sahu Jain family. Magazines in India are measured on two parameters, circulati
on and leadership. The magazine has the widest circulation among all English-lan
guage broadsheets in the world. In 2010, the magazine reported that (with a circ
ulation of over 3.14 million copies) it was certified by the Audit Bureau of Cir
culations as the worlds largest selling English broadsheet magazine and making
them as the 8th largest selling magazine in any language in the World. According
to Indian Readership Survey (IRS) 2010-R2, it has gained readership by 13.3 mil
lion ranking them as the Top English Magazine in India by readership. Regional S
upplements: The Times of India comes with several city-specific supplements, suc
h as Delhi Times, Calcutta Times, Bombay Times, Hyderabad Times, Kanpur Times, L
ucknow Times, Nagpur Times, Bangalore Times, Pune Times, Ahmedabad Times and Che
nnai Times, The Times of South Mumbai, The Times of Doon, Meerut Plus, Haridwar
Plus, Bhopal Plus.
1. Need or Purpose Identification
Times of India as a magazine, as per our understanding, serves following purpose
s: 1. Source of generic news i.e. political, social, scientific trivia etc. 2. S
ource of financial news (3 dedicated pages for business and finance). 3. Source
of entertainment by means of its page 3 content including Bollywood / Hollywood
related news, cartoons, horoscope, puzzles like Sudoku etc. 4. Source of promoti
ons/ advertisement. 5. Source of social networking through its classified and ma
trimonial section
Source of opinion formulated by experts through editorials and special reports.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Every research which is conducted in todays era has been inspired by some of re
searcher which are conducted before. I am also influenced to do, so I selected t
his topic for research.
According to Samrat Zaveri, CEO of Trend smith, "Research shows that the Indian
jewellery sector is in the transition phase with consumers desire for possessio
n of jewellery for its aesthetic appeal and not as a form of investment." Accord
ing to Singh (2001) in his study entitled Consumer Behavior and Jewellery product
s, an analysis stress that consumer attitude is an important factor for the purc
hasing behavior towards jewellery.
In October 2002, Trend smith conducted a survey to understand the shifting needs
, motivations and aspirations of consumers in the jewellery market, and to ident
ify new trends and opportunities. The research study arrived at the following co

The younger generation was looking at trendy, contemporary jewellery and clearly
avoiding heavy, traditional gold jewellery.

The Indian consumer was willing to experiment with new designs.

The jewellery industry is going through a period of transition with more players
scaling up operations, increasing their global footprints through outsourcing a
nd / or venturing into the new growth area that of the domestic retail business.
The launch of numerous diamond jewellery brands in India in the last few years
and their successes indicate a marked shift in consumer preferences from gold or
naments to diamond jewellery.
Source: Mr. Mehul Choksi (Chairman & CEO, Gitanjli Group) At International Diamo
nd Conference- Mines to Market.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

The TVC, which has been designed by Lowe India, showcases the various emotions t
hat are associated with jewellery. For instance, when a woman buys jewellery, sh
e feels joyful or when one sees the jewellery in the showroom, there is an eleme
nt of wonder. Tanishq, through the TVC, seeks to develop an emotional connect wi
th the consumer. Source: Gayatridevi N (Ex-Research Associate, The ICFAI Knowled
ge center, Hyderabad), The ICFAI Journal of Brand Management, March 2006.
Introduce four key brand perception measures (Relevance, Confidence, and Differe
ntiation & Growth) and show how these correlate with use intention. It is observ
ed that these results can be linked to other position, value and process metrics
to provide actionable insights leading to enhanced purpose intention. Source: S
ean Corcoran and Shigeo Okazaki and Map, March 2005, Issue 459, pp 44-48.
Proposes a set of strategic options for green brand positioning, based either on
functional brand attribute or emotional benefits and aims to test the suggested
positioning strategies one against another. Result achieved through a green pos
itioning strategy which combined functional attributes with emotional benefits.
Source: Patrick Hartmann, Vanessa Apoalaza Ibanez and F.Javior Marketing intelli
gence and planning, vol 23, 2005, pp 9-29. Forcada Saing,
The paper looks at the role of brand credibility (Trustworthiness and Expertise)
on brand choice and consideration across multiple product characteristics that
vary with potential uncertainty about attributes, information acquisition costs
and perceived risk of consumption. Amongst other finding, it is suggested that t
rustworthiness has a greater impact on consumer choice than expertise. Source: T
ulin Erdan and Joffre Swait, Journal of consumer research, vol 31, June 2004, pp
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Research is an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making f
or its advancement search of knowledge through objective & systematic method of
finding solution to the problem of research. Every project requires genuine rese
arch. Success of any project & getting genuine results from that depends upon th
e research method used by the research.
A careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any
branch of knowledge. The faction that provide base to the research are : Desire t
o get a research degree along with its consequential benefits. Desire to face ch
allenge in solving the unsolved problem. Desire to get intellectual joy of doing
some creative work. Desire to be of service to the society. Desire to get respe
Objectives of Research
To study the different promotional schemes used by newspaper agencies. To study
the impact of promotion schemes on students. To know the behavior of students re
garding newspapers. To study the awareness level of students related to newspape
r promotional schemes. To give suggestions to newspaper agencies regarding their
promotional schemes.
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given populatio
n. There are many sample design from which a researcher can choose. Researchers
must prepare /select a sample design which should be reliable and appropriate fo
r his research only.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Sampling Unit The first step in developing any sample design is to clearly defin
e the set of objectives technically called universe to be studied. The universe
of my study includes Times of India, Indian Express, Hindustan Times, The Tribun
e and Economics times. Sample Size This refers to the organizations surveyed. As
large samples are more reliable and my area of research was mobile companies to
get the response of their employees, therefore: Sample Size Type Of Question In
strument Used Area covered Type Of Universe : : : : : 100 Close-ended & Open-end
ed Questionnaire, Personal Interviews Yamuna Nagar, Mohali, Chandigarh, Delhi Fi
Sampling Technique
This refers to procedure by which the organizations have been chosen. This is :
Non-Random Sampling: Convenience Sampling Judgment Sampling
Scope of Study
The fundamental to the success of any formal research is sound research design.
Descriptive Research Design is used in my research. The scope of the research is
to study the Effectiveness of Promotional Schemes launched by different newspap
ers for targeting students.
Area Of Study
Area of my research is Mohali, Chandigarh, Delhi and Yamuna Nagar.
The task of data collection begins after a research problem is being defined and
research design chalked out.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Data types a) Primary Sources b) Secondary Sources a) Primary Sources : The prim
ary data are those which are collects fresh and for the first time, and thus hap
pen to be original in character. b) Secondary Sources : The secondary data are t
hose which have already been collected by someone and which have already been pa
ssed through the statistical process.
Collection Of Data For Research:
PRIMARY SOURCE Personal Interviews, Questionnaires, Observation
SECONDARY SOURCE Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspaper, Reports, Internet. In ord
er to collect the information for the research study I used the questionnaire wh
ich had both open-ended and close-ended questions. The questionnaire was filled
by the researcher herself because most of the workers were not able to go throug
h the questionnaire. The questions were explained to them in Hindi and the repli
es were sought. So filling-up of the questionnaire was followed with the brief i
nterview with the worker. Personal observations are also obtained by visiting wo
rk place, canteen, workmen shelters and various department of the industries.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


After the data collection, various parameters have been used for the purpose of
data analysis & the information collected has been presented in different tables
& on the basis of these tables analysis & interpretation has been made & the sa
me has been presented in the form of Bar Diagrams, graphs & Pie-Diagrams.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Inspites of the hurdles was a good time for learning experience and exposure to
atmosphere and culture but there are certain limitations that every researcher h
ave to face during the research period. I had find 1. The study has been complet
ed during a short span while carrying my own studies. So it was not possible to
study the problems well in details. 2. 3. Respondents were not serious about fil
ling the questionnaire. Respondents were lacking in education about questionnair
e because of which they took time 4. 5. It is also very hard to pursue an employ
ee to share his feelings about their company. To contact senior officers was als
o difficult as they were always busy. So we had to wait for them.
Some respondents did not responded and some did not filled the questionnaire com
pletely but, finally I should say that I thoroughly enjoyed the project work.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011


Do you read newspaper ?
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 100% 0
Reading of Newspaper
0% Yes No 100%
Interpretation : From above Graph it is clear that all the respondent which are
surveyed are reading newspaper.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Which newspaper do you read ?
Option Times of India Hindustan times The economic times The Indian express The
Respondents (%) 45% 25% 10% 15% 5%
Which newspaper do you read ?
50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 45%
25% 15% 10% 5%
Times of India
Hindustan times
The economic times
The Indian express
The Tribune
Interpretation : The above graph shows that 45% of the respondents read Times of
India, 25% of them read Hindustan times, 10% read the Economics Times, 15% read
The Indian express and rest of 5% read the tribune.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

From how long you are reading this newspaper ?
Time period TOI 6 months 6 mths 2 yrs 2 yrs Above 5 yrs.
*TIO : Times Of India
Newspaper (%) HT 20 50 25 5
TIE : The Indian Express
TIE 25 45 20 10
Others 20 50 25 5
15 65 10 10
HT : Hindustan Times
70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% TOI HT TIE Others 6 months 6 mths 2 yrs 2 yrs Abo
ve 5 yrs.
Interpretation : The above graph depicts that maximum number of respondents who
read Times of India i.e. from last 6 months to 2 years, maximum number of respon
dents who read Hindustan times i.e. from last 6 months to 2 years, maximum numbe
r of respondents who read The Indian Express i.e. from last 6 months to 2 years
and maximum number of respondents read other newspapers i.e. from last 6 months
to 2 years, so we can conclude that maximum number of readers are reading their
newspaper from last 6 months to 2 years.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

How do you come to know about the newspaper ?
Knowledge of newspaper TOI Teacher Advertisement Magazines Neighbour Family Frie
nds Internet
*TIO : Times Of India
Newspaper (%) HT 10 15 5 10 25 25 15 Others 20 10 10 10 10 20 20
10 10 10 5 25 30 10
HT : Hindustan Times
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 TOI HT Others Teacher Advertisement Magazines Neighbour Fa
mily Friends Internet
Interpretation : The above graph shows that maximum number of respondents who re
ad Times of India come to know from Teachers, maximum number of respondents who
read Hindustan times come to know from advertisement and friends, maximum number
of respondents who read The Indian Express comes to know from friends, internet
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Reasons for shift from one paper to another ?
Reasons for shift TOI Content Promotion Price Emotional Believe
*TIO : Times Of India
Newspaper (%) HT 50 30 10 05 15 Others 50 30 10 0
50 30 10 10 10
HT : Hindustan Times
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 TOI HT Others Content Promotion Price Emotional Believe
Interpretation : The above graph reveals that maximum number of respondents who
read Times of India jump to another due to its contents, maximum number of respo
ndents who read Hindustan times jumps to other due to contents and maximum numbe
r of respondents who read other newspaper jump to any other due to contents. Of
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Do you want to switch to another paper in future ?
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 10 90
Switch to another paper in future
Yes No
Interpretation : From above Graph it is clear that 10% of respondents want to sh
ift to another paper in future and rest 90%dont want to do so.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Why you are purchasing this newspaper ?
Reasons for purchasing the newspaper TOI 45 10 15 10 5 15
HT : Hindustan Times
Newspaper (%) HT 50 15 10 5 5 15 Others 45 15 10 5 10 15
promotion schemes Other influenced Contents Availability Language learn Knowledg
*TIO : Times Of India
Reason for purchasing newspaper
60 50
promotion schemes Other influenced Contents Availability Language learn Knowledg
40 30 20 10 0 TOI HT Others
Interpretation : The above graph shows that maximum number of respondents are pe
rtaining the particular newspaper due to its sales promotional schemes.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

From where you getting this newspaper ?
From where you get this newspaper TOI 25 30 20 25
HT : Hindustan Times
Newspaper (%) HT 30 30 15 25 Others 35 25 30 10
Self purchase School/ College Borrow Family
*TIO : Times Of India
From where you get the newspaper
40 35
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 TOI HT Others
Self purchase School/ College Borrow Family
Interpretation : The above graph shows that maximum number of respondents are ge
tting their newspaper TOI and HT from their self purchase and minimum of the res
pondents get other newspaper from family members.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Are you aware about promotional schemes ?
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 85 15
Are you aware about promotional schemes
Yes No
Interpretation : The above graph reveals that 85% of respondents are have knowle
dge about the promotional schemes launched by the newspaper and 15% of the respo
ndents did not have knowledge about it.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

How do you come to know about promotional scheme ?
From where you get this newspaper TOI 30 30 10 20 10 HT : Hindustan Times
Newspaper (%) HT 35 25 10 15 15 Others 30 30 10 20 10 Magazines Internet Hoardings Friends Pamphlets Any other
*TIO : Times Of India
How do you come to know about promotional scheme ?
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 TOI HT Others
Magazines Internet Hoardings Friends Pamphlets Any other
Interpretation :
The above graph shows that maximum number of respondents are who read TOI, HT, o
thers comes to know from Magazines, and minimum from the Pamphlets.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

11. The absence of sales promotional schemes will you continues with this newspa
per ?
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 90 10
10% Yes No 90%
Interpretation : The above graph shows that if there are no sales promotions sch
emes on the newspaper then no more persons are going to continue with these pape
rs in future.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Promotional schemes are encourage you to buy this paper or hardly matter
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 90 10
Encouragement of buy a newspaper
10% Yes No 90%
Interpretation : The above graph reveals that very less times promotional scheme
s encourages them to purchase a newspaper.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Do you get promotional scheme by newspaper
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 50 50
Getting promotional scheme by newspaper
Yes 50% 50% No
Interpretation : According to above graph it is clear that 50% of respondents ar
e in favour that they get promotional schemes by newspaper and 50% of respondent
s are not in favour of this.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Which promotional tools put more impact in case of newspaper ?
Promotional tool Gifts Advertisement Broachers Pamphlets
Respondents (%) 50% 15% 25% 10%
Which promotional tools put more impact in case of newspaper ?
60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
50% 25% 15% 10%
en t
Ad ve rti se m
oa ch er
Interpretation : The above graph shows that 50% of respondents get the impact du
e to gifts, 15% of respondents get the impact due to advertisement in paper, 25%
of respondents get the impact due to broachers and 10% of respondents get the i
mpact due to pamphlets.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011
Pa m
ph le ts
ift s

Have you get anything extra by using this newspaper ?
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 0 100
Have you get anything extra by using this newspaper
0% Yes No 100%
Interpretation : According to above graph it is clear that 100% of respondents a
re did not getting anything extra by using this newspaper ?
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Have you get participated any program by newspaper ?
Promotional tool Movie Quiz Trip
Respondents (%) 45 10 45
Have you get participated any program by newspaper ?
40 30 20 10 0 Movie Quiz Trip
Interpretation : The above graph reveals that 45% of respondents get participate
d in Movie and trip pgrogrammes run by newspaper and only 10% of them participat
ed in quiz competitions.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Do you got any gift from promotional program ?
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 80 20
Do you got any gift from promotional program
20% Yes No 80%
Interpretation : According to above graph it is clear that 80% of respondents ge
t any gift from promotional program but 20% of respondents did not get any gift
from promotional program.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Do you participated in any contest organized by newspaper ?
Option Yes No
Respondents (%) 15 85
Do you participated in any contest organized by newspaper
15% Yes No 85%
Interpretation : The above graph shows that 15% of respondents participated in a
ny contest organized by newspaper but 85% of respondents did not participated in
any contest organized by newspaper.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Newspaper companies have to do proper segmentations of students before sale prom
otions. To hand le the queries very carefully Proper analysis of the behaviour o
f students must be done. Students are the most potential market for TOI, so TOI Shou
ld give1. 2.
Promotional schemes to organization, classes or schools so new
generation become habitual to TOI Only. More career news on regular basis (twice o
r thrice a week) on TOI
newspaper or start two supplements on career per week. Give presentation on impo
rtance of TOI over other newspaper to these readers(specially students) because
63% educated respondents (students 66%) are reading Punjabi
newspaper. 32% respondents have neutral attitude. Approx 50% respondents think e
xtra cost of TOI, over being
subscribed newspaper, is important for them. To penetrate into the market for va
rious reasons (based on finding and inferences.)
Make it compulsory for Vendorwala to put banner outside their
home with toll free phone number and vendorwalas mobile number and one lead line
Give toll free number on every copy of Times of India one specific
location. Give some copies (fix 100, 200) to persons are coming in big clubs to
make habituate to TOI.
4. 5.
Start SMS alert on mobile of short news. For register mobile number
make some arrangement in TOI website. Improve distribution channel in interior are
as of Chandigarh.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

As new generation like to take information from internet so improve e-paper, mak
e reader friendly, and make it easy to assess. Tell disadvantage of going online
like-eye problem, Cost of electricity, Computer, Internet. Tell cost calculation
of going online and start subscriptions. Do not use abbreviation like SC (Supre
me Court) Reduce semi-nude images of models. Improve Grammar mistakes in TOI. Star
t giving more news on stock market. Avoid repetition of news. During survey we f
ound some strengths of TOI like1. 2. 3. 4. Non-TOI have good attitude towards TO
I. They think TOI provide quality of information. TOI will add value to their life
. Provide information effectively They rely on information given by TOI.
TOI should high light these strengths in market to make them regular TOI reader.
TOI should survey like the Divya Bhaskar is doing they should give the questionnai
re in
their paper .Divya Bhaskar is doing this survey every six months and find out th
e results of it and they will make the changes according to the consumers prefer
ences. We had attached that questionnaire.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Today is competitive environment information came from every place. Media play a
very privation role to print media which seems the money maker industry. Newspa
per are compete each other to increase their circulation and circulation is caus
e to generate money. Now they are targeting the profitable system which is stude
nts if students us edited to by a
newspaper then he become the lay of that very paper. And industry got his life t
ime customer and for targeting these segments they are trying to use promotional
schemes, which are laurel students to buy that very paper. They use magazines,
journals free samples, gifts etc. to reach the consumer or to aware the customer
. About the paper separate department for running these promotional schemes all
schemes are running under one department. Non-TOI reader has a problem with unde
rstanding language. New generation like to take news from T.V, RADIO and INTERNE
T or any electronic media. Educated people like to read Punjabi newspaper. In Pu
njabi peoples mind, money is very important for them. During survey we found some
strengths of TOI like1. 2. 3. 4. Non-TOI have good attitude towards TOI. They t
hink TOI provide quality of information. TOI will add value to their life. Provide
information effectively
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Books : Kothari C.R., Business Research Methodology ; New Age International Publis
hers, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi. Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindle
r, Business Research Methodology ; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, Ne
w Delhi. Balagopal T.A.S. Export Management ; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi. Desia Vasant, Development banks & Financial intermediaries.
Websites : www.indiane
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011



Q1.Do you read newspaper? Yes No Q2.Which newspaper u read? Times of India.. Hindu
stan Times.. The Indian express. Any other (please specified) Q3.From how long you
ading this newspaper? 6month or less 2 to 5 years 6 to 2 years Above 5 years

Q4.How do you come to know about this paper? Teacher. Advertisement Magazines Nab
ends.. Internet.. Family.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011
90 are regular reader of this newspaper? If regular user Contents Promotion
Price Emotional Believe If shift from other contents Promotion Price Emotional B
Q6.You wants to shift in near future? Yes Q7.why you are purchasing this newspap
er? Due to sales promotions schemes Influenced by other Contents. Availability.
Language learn Knowledge Q8.From where you are getting newspaper? Self purchase.
School\college library Borrow from other Family No
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Q9Are you aware about promotion schemes launch by newspaper? Yes. No. If yes nam
me Q10.How do you come to know about the promotion schemes? Magazine Internet Hood
ends Pamphlets Any other please specified Q11.The absence of sales promotion scheme
s will you continue with this paper? Yes No.. Q12.Promotion schemes are encourage you
to buy this paper or hardly matter? Encourage Hardly matter Q8.Your level of awa
reness regarding promotion? See.. Remember Recall.. Any part of it
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Q9.Do you get any promotional schemes by newspaper? Yes.(what..) No. Q10.Wh
put more impact in case of newspaper? Gifts.. Advertisement. Broachers.. Pamphlet
getting any thing extra by using this newspaper? Yes No Q12.Have you get participat
ed any program by newspaper ? Movie .. Trip Q13.Do you got any gift from promot
? Yes. No. Q14Do you participate any contest organized by newspaper? Yes No
encourage you to buy paper or it hardly matter? Encourage. Hardly matter. Quiz
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

Websites 1. 2. 3. http:// 4. 5. http://www.ptine 6. 7. 8
. 9.
dia60/stories/2011081550100300.htm 10.
tory1.htm 11. 12. 13. http:
// 14.
econd-largest-newspaper-marketarter-china/318261/ 15.
16. 17.
Poonam, MBA-III, 2011

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