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BSE Limited Registered Ofice : Floor 15, P J Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai 4 1 !

T: #$1 %% %%&% 1%'' ( '4 F: #$1 %% %%&% ')&& www* b s e i " di a * c om
T+is i"de, co"sists o- t+e com.a"ies classi/ed as FM01 i" t+e 2S3 5 i"de, w+ic+ are good i"
terms o- Tradi"g Fre4ue"c5 a"d Free6Float Mar7et 0a.itali8atio"*
Historical Performance Graph
Top 10 Constituents b
#ei"ht !T0 9td
5'*'&: ;i"dusta" <"ile=er 9td
$nde% Performance
Period &eturns
1 >r 4)*)1:
% >r )*5$:
' >r 111*$':
4 >r 1$&*)$:
5 >r 155*%:
@estle !"dia 9td
)*5: <"ited S.irits 9td
5*?&: 0olgate6Palmoli=e A!"diaB 9td
'*): 1odreC 0o"sumer Products 9td
%*$: Dabur !"dia 9td
%*)5: <"ited 2reweries 9td
Tata 1lobal 2e=erages 9td %*1&:
Jubila"t Foodwor7s 9td 1*%?:
Eas facts
Base (ate 16Feb6$$
Base )alue 1
Launch (ate $6Dug6$$
Calculation method Free
Float Constituent count
Eariable Calculation fre*uenc Real
inde%+ser) ic e s , b s ei n di a +c om
(ata as on (ecember 415 0010
BSE Limited Registered Ofice : Floor 15, P J Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai 4 1 !"dia
T: #$1 %% %%&% 1%'' ( '4 F: #$1 %% %%&% ')&& www* b s e i " di a * c om
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(ata as on (ecember 415 0010

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