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8th Sept, 2014

Jayena Shrestha
1. What does HDD mean? What is the fastest HDD right now?
-HDD mean Hard Drive and the fastest hard drive right now is SSD.
2. What is the fastest type of RAM availale right now?
-!he fastest RAM that availale right now is DDr" #t it is not availale in the
shop yet$ the only way
to p#r%hese it is to pre-order.

&. 'n general$ what is the p#rpose of %omp#ter ports?
-!he general p#rpose of %omp#ter ports is to %onne%tion point or interfa%e
etween a %omp#ter and
an e(ternal or internal devi%e. 'nternal ports may %onne%t s#%h devi%es as
hard drives and )D R*M
or D+D drives. ,(ternal ports may %onne%t modems$ printers$ mi%e and other
". Who invented -S.$ and why was it so revol#tionary?
-!he %ompany that invented -S. is 'ntel$ and A/ay .hatt is the %o-inventor of
the -S.. .e%a#se -S.
is a #niversal port$ it easy to 0nd and #se with any %omp#ter.
1. Who invented 2irewire$ and why did it 0nally die?
-!he %ompany that invented 2irewire is Apple and Sony$ 0rewire die e%a#se
-S. 3illed it with more
#sef#l reason.
4. Why is HDM' etter than D+' or +5A ports?
-HDM' is etter than D+' or +5A e%a#se HDM' provide so#nd and video #t
with D+' and +5A it
doesn6t provide so#nd.
7. Why did Apple ta3e so long to s#pport HDM'? -S. &.8?
-.e%a#se Apple thin3 di9erent from the other %ompany$ they try to invented
their own ports #t it %an
only #se with Apple prod#%t whi%h is most of the %ompany that prod#%e
%omp#ter and laptop is
prod#%e it with #niversal ports.
:. Who invented l#-Ray? What was the other standard that l#-Ray 3illed
even tho#gh many people said
it was etter?
-!he 0rst .l#-Ray was invented y S*;< in *%toer 2888. !he other standard
that .l#-Ray 3illed was HD+D whi%h was %onsidered for etter.
=. What %o#ntry is Sams#ng from? >5? *ppo? As#s? A%er? H?? 'ntel? Sony?
Apple? 5oogle?
2a%eoo3? !witter?
- As#s and A%er are from !aiwan$ >5 and Sams#ng are from @orea$ *ppo is from
)hina$ Sony is from Aapan
H?$ 'ntel$ Apple$ 5oogle$ 2a%eoo3 and twitter are from -nited State

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