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Constructal Law & Second Law Conference 2015

CLC 2015, Parma (Italy), 18 - 1 !ay

Paper title here, only first letter is capital, 17 pt
First Author
, Second Author
, Third Author
Affiliation, Address, City and Post/Zipcode, Country,email address (only corresponding author)
Affiliation, Address, City and Post/Zipcode, Country
Insert your abstract here, 11 pt, Times New Roman
$eywords !eyword one, !eyword two, """, !eyword fi#e"
1% !a&n
Introduce here the paper, sin$le column" Insert A%% pa$e numbers &e#en no" 1' in
bottom ri$ht position" (anuscripts must be submitted as e&t'er )"doc) &N* "doc+,
please,' or )"odt) files and as )"pdf)" They must be in print-ready settin$ as the
.onference will not pro#ide editorial assistance" The te+t should be typed in Times
New Roman 1/ pt fonts, e+cept Tables and Fi$ures captions &see below'" Pa$e
dimensions should be li!e in this template" Pa$e
mar$ins to be set left, ri$ht, top /,0 cm1 bottom 2,3 cm"
%ists can be included and should loo! li!e this
o First point
o Second point
o 4
5o N*T indent para$raphs" %ea#e a blan! before and after each section title, li!e
in this template is done
1.1. Euations
Allow one line of space abo#e and below" 6nclose e7uations numbers in round
parentheses and place them ri$ht 8ustified"

b b "ac

%ea#e a blan! before and after each e7uation"
2% (a#les and )&*ures
Fi$ures and tables should be embedded in the te+t and not supplied separately" All
tables should be numbered" 9eadin$s &13 pt' should be placed abo#e tables, left
8ustified" *nly hori:ontal lines should be used within a table, in order to
distin$uish the column headin$s from the body of the table, and immediately at
the top and at the bottom of the table" ;se an e+ternal frame but N*T internal
ones" %ea#e a blan! before each table caption
Table 1" An e+ample of a table
Record < .olumn A &m' .olumn = &$' .olumn . &%'
6ntry A 1 / 2
6ntry = > 0 ?
4" 4 4 4
All fi$ures should be numbered and included into the te+t" %i!e Tables, the fi$ure
number and caption should be typed abo#e the illustration in 13 pt and left
8ustified" %ea#e a blan! before each fi$ure caption
Fi$" 1" 5esi$n in nature from @i!ipedia
@rite here any ac!nowled$ements, if present"
References should be listed in order of appearance in the te+t1 indicate references
by Arabic numbers in the te+t &A1B, A>-?B'" All parts should be separated by
commas" *nly the name of the boo!C8ournal should be typed in italic1 the year of
publication ends the reference" An e+ample of how references should be listed is
$i#en below
A1B Ran:,@"6", (arshall,@"R", 6#aporation from drops Part I, Chemical
Engineering Progress >D &2', 1>1-1>?, 1E0/"
A/B Frit:, F", %oren:, F"G", System performance e#aluation, Engineering &ournal
1! &2', 11?/-1171, /31>"

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