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Final Instructions
Before Test
Set out your test kit the night before (as mentioned in the form).
Get a peaceful adequate sleep so you are well rested, alert and fresh the next day.
Wear comfortable clothes.
ring an accurate watch.
!llow plenty of time for getting to the test site.
"eel relaxed and comfortable in your seat.
#o not be o$er confident or ner$ous about your preparation a night before.
During The Test
%n the test what is important&
'nowledge %.(
)oncepts )onfidence
Speed *er$es
!nalytical !bility
!s competition is at its mount, you should be perfect in all abo$e aspects.
Keep in mind the following Important Points.
+isten to the instructions of examiner with full concentration and act accordingly.
Steps to solve MCQs Single Question.
!ead the "uestion carefully and thoroughly as if you were chewing it concentrating on each and
e$er word.
%dentify the key word
!fter reading a question, think for a few seconds about what is asked.
,ead all options
Sol$e the question is necessary
Select the best answer
#eneral Instructions !egarding Paper $ttempt
"irst answer all the eas% "uestion& then gradually tackle the hard ones.
Final Instructions
Pace %ourself. #on-t work so fast that you start making careless errors. .n the other hand,
don-t get bogged down on any one question.
Do not waste time in an% case.
Pla% the percentages' guess whene$er you can eliminate one or more of the answers.
/ake educated guesses( not random ones. !s a rule, don-t mark down answers when you
ha$en-t e$en looked at the questions.
Watch out for e%e catchers answer choices that are designed to attempt you into guessing
wrong $ery carefully.
Change answers only if you ha$e a reason for doing so0 don-t change them one a last minute hunch
or whim.
)heck you assumptions. /ake sure you are answering the question asked and not the one
you through was going to be asked.
Circle questions you want to return to.
e careful not to make any stra% mar)s on your answer sheet. 1he test is graded by a machine
and a machine cannot tell the difference between an accidental mark and a filled in answer.
)heck frequently to make sure you are answering the questions in the right spot (column or
box or circle or rectangle).
%f there are two choice( answer the one that is better and more logical.
%n case there is some misprinting leading to no choice, inform the authorities immediately
and don-t stay quiet. 1hen answer the question according to order of the da%.
'eep control on %our nerves.
Trust %ourself and your knowledge completely. )onsider yourself to be the most intelligent
student of the hall.
*ever trust an%one e$en your best friend. !$oid cheating.
Be vigilant and not casual in any case.
Do not rela+( as there is no remedy afterwards.
,Do not ta)e the paper eas%. It is a two and a half hour game which will decide the fate
of %our man% %ears struggle and eventuall% %our future.-
Transfer the things well on paper.
1here should be no mistakes due to Surma% )i )ami.
Final Instructions
,emember that you don-t ha$e to answer e$ery question to do well.
!lways pray to God for help.

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