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HIS list gives brief explanations of words in the Authorised Version describing unfamiliar
objects, animals and plants, weights, measures and money, and words no longer in every- day
use, or now used with a different meaning. If the English word is used in more than one sense, or
stands for more than one Hebrew or Greek word, the list refers to passages where the word is
used with each meaning. In most cases the list gives all the places where the word is found. An
asterisk * means that the word is used in other passages with its normal meaning, or with one of
the meanings given. This is not a complete list of unfamiliar or archaic words. We would
recommend that the reader use a good English language dictionary to aid in under- standing
words which this list does not define. The names of the Books of the Bible with their
abbreviations are listed at the end of this booklet.
abase* humble, humiliate, cast down: Job
40.11; Phi. 4.12
abjects the lowest, outcasts: Ps. 35.15
abroad* away from the house: 1Sa. 9.26
over a wide area: Mar. 1.28
adamant a sharp, hard stone, diamond:
Eze. 3.9; Zec. 7.12
adjure* command or charge solemnly:
Jos. 6.26; Ac. 19.13
admiration wonder, astonishment: Jude
16; Re. 17.6
admire marvel at: 2Th. 1.10
Adria the Adriatic Sea: Ac. 27.27
adventure venture, risk: De. 28.56; Ju.
9.17; Ac. 19.31
adversary* opponent in law-suit: Mat.
5.25; Lu. 12.58
advertise tell, inform: Nu. 24.14; Ru. 4.4
advisement consideration, taking advice:
1Ch. 12.19
affect cause pain: La. 3.51
embitter: Ac. 14.2
desire, seek: Ga. 4.17,18
affinity relationship by marriage: 1Ki. 3.1;
2Ch. 18.1; Ezr. 9.14
affording furnishing, providing: Ps.
affrighted* frightened: Mar. 16.5
afore* before: Ro. 1.2 agone ago: 1Sa.
30.13 ague a fever, usually malarial: Le.
26.16 algum almug, sandalwood: 2Ch. 2.8,
9.10,11 alleging bringing evidence: Ac.
17.3 alleluia praise the LORD: Re.
19.1,3,4,6 allow* approve of: Lu. 11.48;
Ro. 7.15 all to utterly: Ju. 9.53 almug
algum, sandalwood: 1Ki. 10.11,12 amazed*
terrified, fearful: Mar. 9.15, 14.33
amazement terror: Ac. 3.10; 1Pe. 3.6
ambassage ambassadors, a deputation:
Lu. 14.32 amerce fine, impose a penalty:
De. 22.19 amiable lovely: Ps.
84.1 anathema under a curse: 1Co. 16.22
ancients* elders: Is. 3.14 anon
immediately: Mat. 13.20; Mar. 1.30
apothecary* perfume and spice dealer:
Ex. 30.25 apparel* clothing, garments:
Ju. 17.10; Ja. 2.2 apparently openly,
manifestly: Nu. 12.8 apple of the eye
pupil of the eye: De. 32.10;
Ps. 17.8; Pr. 7.2; La. 2.18; Zec. 2.8
apprehend* lay hold of, seize: Phi.
3.12,13 artificer* skilled craftsman,
Ge. 4.22; Is. 3.3
artillery weapon, equipment: 1Sa. 20.40
assay* try, attempt: De. 4.34; Ac. 9.26
assuage/asswage restrain: Ge. 8.1; Job
16.5,6 astonied* astonished: Is.
52.14 asunder* apart, into pieces/parts:
Le. 1.17;
He. 4.12 attent attentive: 2Ch. 6.40,
7.15 aul pointed tool for making holes:
Ex. 21.6;
De. 15.17 avoided departed, escaped:
1Sa. 18.11 avouched declared: De.
26.17,18 away with endure, tolerate: Is.
take away: Lu. 23.18; Jn. 19.15 axletrees
bars connecting wheels:
1Ki. 7.32,33
bade* invited, asked, told: Ge. 43.17; Ac.
bakemeats cooked food: Ge. 40.17
baken* baked: Le. 2.4 bank* mound
for besieging a city:
2Sa. 20.15; 2Ki. 19.32; Is. 37.33 barbarian*
foreigner: 1Co. 14.11 barbarous
foreign: Ac. 28.2 barked stripped of
bark: Joel 1.7 base* lowly, humble: 1Co.
1.28; 2Co. 10.1 bath* OT liquid measure:
6 hins; about
9 gallons or 34 litres: 1Ki. 7.26,38; Is. 5.10
beeves* cattle, oxen, bulls, cows:
Le. 22.19 beggarly worthless: Ga. 4.9
behemoth large animal: Job 40.15
behoved was necessary for: Lu. 24.46;
He. 2.17 bekah OT dry weight: 0.5
0.22 ounces or 6.2 grams: Ex. 38.26 besom
broom: Is. 14.23 bestead beset with
difficulties: Is. 8.21 betimes* early: Ge.
bewrayeth betrays, reveals: Pr. 27.16,
29.24; Is. 16.3; Mat. 26.73
bier portable framework supporting a
coffin: 2Sa. 3.31; Lu. 7.14
bishop* overseer: Phi. 1.1; 1Pe. 2.25
bishoprick oversight, office, charge:
Ac. 1.20 blains boils: Ex. 9.9,10
blasting* a plant disease which causes
foliage death: De. 28.22; Hag. 2.17
bolled full of seed pods: Ex. 9.31 boss
knob at centre of shield: Job 15.26 botch
ulcer or boil: De. 28.27,35 bottom* valley:
Zec. 1.8 bowels* affections: 2Co. 6.12
tender mercies: Phi. 1.8, 2.1
heart: Phile. 12 bray* to pound in a
mortar: Pr. 27.22 bridechamber bridal
children of the bridechamber: wedding
guests: Mat. 9.15; Mar. 2.19; Lu. 5.34
brigandine coat of mail, breastplate: Je.
46.4, 51.3
brimstone* sulphur: Ge. 19.24 broided
braided, plaited: 1Ti. 2.9 broidered*
embroidered: Eze. 16.10 bruit rumour,
report: Je. 10.22; Na. 3.19 buckler* small
shield: 2Sa. 22.31 bulwarks* defensive
walls, earthworks:
De. 20.20; Is. 26.1 bunches* humps: Is.
30.6 burnished polished: Eze.
1.7 bushel* NT dry measure (Gr.
2 dry gallons or 8.8 litres: Mat. 5.15 butler*
cup-bearer: Ge. 40.21 butlership office
of cup-bearer: Ge. 40.21 by* with
reference to, against: 1Co. 4.4 byword*
object of scorn or derision:
De. 28.37; Ps. 44.14
cab OT dry measure: 4 logs; 3.5 pints or 2
litres: 2Ki. 6.25
camphire henna, Egyptian privet: Ca.
1.14, 4.13
canker cancer, ulcerous disease: 2Ti. 2.17
cankered eaten away with rust: Ja. 5.3
cankerworm* hopping locust: Joel 1.4
carbuncle* a deep red gem: Ex. 28.17;
Eze. 28.13 careful* full of care or
anxiety: Je. 17.8;
Phi. 4.6 carefulness* anxiety: 1Co. 7.32
careless* free from care, secure: Ju. 18.7
carriage(s) baggage, goods, burdens: Ju.
18.21; 1Sa. 17.22; Is. 10.28, 46.1; Ac. 21.15
cast about turn round, turn back: Je. 41.14
cast a mount build a raised fortification:
Je. 6.6; Eze. 4.2, 21.22, 26.8
cast angle to fish with a hook and line: Is.
castaway rejected: 1Co. 9.27 caul*
fatty membrane around an organ:
Ex. 29.13; Ho. 13.8 cauls hair nets: Is.
3.18 causeway paved road: 1Ch.
26.16,18 chalkstones pieces of chalk: Is.
27.9 chambering sensual, wanton living:
Ro. 13.13 chamberlain* manager of
Ac. 12.20 champaign plain, flat
De. 11.30 chancellor chief counsellor,
Ezr. 4.8,9,17 changeable that can be
changed, changes
of dress being a sign of wealth: Is. 3.22
chapiter* capital of a column: 1Ki. 7.16
chapmen merchants: 2Ch. 9.14 chapt
cracked: Je. 14.4
charger* dish, large plate: Mat. 14.8
charity* love: 1Co. 13 chasten*
correct by punishing: De. 8.5;
He. 12.11 check rebuke: Job
20.3 chesnut chestnut, or plane tree: Ge.
Eze. 31.8 chide emphatically express
anger or
disappointment; complain: Ex. 17.2; Ju. 8.1;
Ps. 103.9 chimney window (as in Ec.
12.3): Ho. 13.3 chode complained: Ge.
31.36; Nu. 20.3 choler anger: Da. 8.7,
11.11 churl mean, miserly person: Is.
32.5,7 churlish harsh, ill-tempered: 1Sa.
25.3 cieled panelled, overlaid: 2Ch. 3.5;
Je. 22.14;
Eze. 41.16; Hag. 1.4 clave* split: Ge. 22.3
clung: Ru. 1.14 clift cleft, hollow: Ex.
33.22; Is. 57.5
closet private room: Joel 2.16; Mat. 6.6;
Lu. 2.3
clouted patched: Jos. 9.5 clouts rags:
Je. 38.11,12 cloven split or divided: hoof
De. 14.7;
tongues Ac. 2.3 clovenfooted split or
divided foot or hoof:
Le. 11.3,7,26 coasts* borders, region,
country: Ex. 10.14;
Mat. 2.16 cockatrice adder, cobra: Is.
11.8, 14.29, 59.5;
Je. 8.17 cockle weeds: Job 31.40 coffer
box: 1Sa. 6.8,11,15 collops lumps: Job
15.27 comeliness* beauty: Is. 53.2
commotions civil uprisings: Lu. 21.9
companied accompanied: Ac. 1.21
compass* (fetch a) go round, turn round:
Ac. 28.13 compass* circumference: Ex.
make a circuit, surround: Jos. 6.3; Ju. 16.2
conceit* opinion, conception: Pr. 18.11
concision mutilation (circumcision):
Phi. 3.2 concluded* included: Ro. 11.32;
Ga. 3.22 concourse assembly of people,
gathering: Pr. 1.21; Ac. 19.40
concupiscence strong desire or appetite,
especially of a sexual nature: Ro. 7.8;
Col. 3.5; 1Th. 4.5 conduit pipe or
channel for carrying
fluid: 2Ki. 18.17, 20.20; Is. 7.3, 36.2 coney
hyrax, rock-badger, like a rabbit:
Le. 11.5; De. 14.7; Ps. 104.18; Pr. 30.26
confectionaries ointment-makers: 1Sa.
8.13 consumption* a disease causing
away of the body: Le. 26.16; De. 28.22
contemn* despise, scorn: Ps. 10.13
convenient* suitable: Pr. 30.8; Ep. 5.4
conversant dwelling with: Jos. 8.35;
1Sa. 25.15 conversation* behaviour: Ep.
4.22; 2Pe. 2.7
citizenship: Phi. 1.27, 3.20 convince*
convict (as in Jn. 8.9): Jn. 8.46 convocation*
assembly: Nu. 28.18 coping top layer of
masonry wall: 1Ki. 7.9
coriander plant with small round white
spicy seeds: Ex. 16.31; Nu. 11.7
cotes small shelters for birds, sheep, etc.:
2Ch. 32.28
couchingplace place to lie down: Eze.
25.5 coulter blade, part of a plough: 1Sa.
13.20,21 countervail counterbalance,
compensate for: Es. 7.4 cousin kinsman,
kinswoman: Lu. 1.36,58 covert* cover,
shelter, hiding place: 1Sa. 25.20 creature*
created thing: Ro. 1.25; 1Ti. 4.4 crisping
pins curling pins for the hair:
Is. 3.22 crookbackt hump-backed,
Le. 21.20 cruse* small jar: 1Ki.
14.3 cubit* of a man (ordinary cubit): OT
length (Heb. ammah): from elbow to
fingertip; 2 spans; 17.5 inches or 445
millimetres: Ge. 6.15; Eze. 41.1 (the cubit
mentioned in Ju. 3.16 is gomed, a different
Hebrew word, and is probably shorter than
an ordinary cubit)
royal cubit: ordinary cubit plus a hand-
breadth; 20.5 inches or 521 millimetres:
2Ch. 3.3; Eze. 40.5 NT length (Gr.
pechus): 2 spans;
18 inches or 450 millimetres: Mat. 6.27;
Lk. 12.25 cuckow gull: Le. 11.16; De.
14.15 cumbered distracted, worried: Lu.
10.40 cumbereth waste, make worthless:
Lu. 13.7 cumbrance trouble,
responsibility: De. 1.12 cummin a plant
like fennel with hot seeds
used as a spice: Is. 28.25,27; Mat. 23.23
cunning* skill, art, skillful: 1Sa. 16.16;
1Ki. 7.14 curious* embroidered: Ex. 28.8
curious arts magic, sorcery: Ac. 19.19
custom* tribute, tax, toll: Mat. 9.9;
Mar. 2.14; Lu. 5.27
dam mother-animal or bird: Ex. 22.30; Le.
22.27; De. 22.6,7
damsel* young woman, girl, servant: Ge.
24.14; Mar. 5.39; Jn. 18.17
daysman mediator: Job 9.33 4
declare* explain: Ge. 41.24; Ju. 14.13
decline* turn aside: Ps. 119.157; Pr. 4.5
delicately daintily: 1Sa. 15.32; La. 4.5
delicates luxurious food: Je. 51.34
deliciously luxuriously: Re. 18.7,9
describe* divide, mark out: Jos. 18.4,6,8
descry spy out, make search: Ju. 1.23
desired* regretted, mourned: 2Ch. 21.20
despite contempt: Eze. 25.6; He. 10.29
devotions objects of worship: Ac. 17.23
diadem head-dress: Job 29.14; Is. 28.5,
Eze. 21.26 diet daily allowance: Je. 52.34
discomfited* defeated, confused, routed:
Ju. 4.15; Ps. 18.14 discover* uncover,
disclose: Pr. 25.9; La. 4.22 discovered*
come in view of: Ac. 21.3, 27.39
dispensation administration, stewardship,
distribution: 1Co. 9.17; Ep. 1.10, 3.2; Col.
1.25 disposition ordinance, appointment:
Ac. 7.53 distaff rod to hold wool for
Pr. 31.19 divers* diverse, various,
De. 22.11; Mat. 4.24 divination*
prediction by magic or
supernatural means: Nu. 22.7; De. 18:10
diviner* predictor using magic, etc.:
De. 18.14; Zec. 10.2 doctor teacher: Lu.
2.46, 5.17; Ac. 5.34 dote* say, think, or do
foolishly: Je. 50.36 dragon* jackal: Job
30.29; Is. 13.22
sea monster, crocodile, serpent:
Ps. 74.13, 148.7; Re. 20.2 drams* OT
weight (Heb. adarkon):
0.31 ounce or 8.8 grams, often in coin form
(darics, drachmae): 1Ch. 29.7; Ezr. 2.69,
8.27; Ne. 7.7072
draught drain, sewer: 2Ki. 10.27; Mat.
15.17; Mar. 7.19
net full of fish: Lu. 5.4,9 drave* drove:
Ac. 7.45, 18.16 dress* prepare for use:
Ge. 2.15; Ex. 30.7;
1Ki. 17.12 remove an animals inward
parts in preparation for eating: Ge. 18.7,8;
1Ki. 18.25,26
duke* chief: Ex. 15.15; Jos.
13.21 dulcimer stringed instrument: Da.
3.5,10,15 dureth endures, goes on: Mat.
earing, eared ploughing, ploughed: Ge.
45.6, Ex. 34.21; De. 21.4
earnest* pledge, security, deposit: 2Co.
1.22, 5.5; Ep. 1.14
Easter passover: Ac. 12.4 emerods*
swellings, hemorrhoids:
De. 28.27; 1Sa. 5.6 endamage damage,
cause or suffer loss:
Ezr. 4.13 endue* endow: Ge. 30.20; Ja.
3.13 engines machines: 2Ch. 26.15
battering rams: Eze. 26.9 engrafted
implanted, firmly established:
Ja. 1.21 enlargement freedom, relief: Es.
4.14 ensample example, model from
within a
defined group or type: 1Co. 10.11; Phi. 3.17;
1Th. 1.7; 2Th. 3.9; 1Pe. 5.3; 2Pe. 2.6
ensign* flag, banner, esp. a military one:
Nu. 2.2; Zec. 9.16 ensue follow after:
1Pe. 3.11 enterprise purpose: Job 5.12
entreated* treated: Ge. 12.16; Lu. 20.11
environ surround, encompass: Jos. 7.9
ephah* dry: ten omers, 0.95 bushel or
34 litres: Ex. 16.36; Le. 5.11, 6.20; Nu. 5.15;
Ru. 2.17 ephod* embroidered cape worn
by priest:
Ex. 39.2,5 eschew avoid, shun: Job 1.1,8,
2.3; 1Pe. 3.11 espousals time of betrothal:
Je. 2.2
wedding: Ca. 3.11 espy see, perceive:
Jos. 14.7; Je. 48.19 estate(s)* chief estates:
great men:
Mar. 6.21 estate of the elders: holding
office as elders: Ac. 22.5
eunuch* (castrated) male employed as a
high officer, usually by an oriental ruler:
2Ki. 20.18; Is. 56.3,4; Ac. 8.27
evidently plainly, clearly: Ac. 10.3; Ga.
3.1 evilfavouredness ugliness, deformity:
exchanger money-changer or banker: Mat.
execration curse: Je. 42.18, 44.12
expecting* waiting: He. 10.13 experiment
proving: 2Co. 9.13
fain gladly: Job 27.22; Lu.
15.16 familiars intimate friends: Je.
20.10 familiar spirit* demon supposed to
be in
a person or under the power of a person:
Le. 20.27; 1Sa. 28.7 fan* fork-like
instrument used for
winnowing: Mat. 3.12; Lu. 3.17 fanners
winnowers: Je. 51.2 farthing (Gr.
kodrantes) a small coin: 2 of
the mites in Mar. 12.42; about 1/4th of $0.01
or 1/6th of 0.01: Mat. 5.26; Mar. 12.42
(Gr. assarion) 8 mites; about $0.01 or 2/3rd
of 0.01: Mat. 10.29; Lu. 12.6
fathom (Gr. orguia) 6 feet or 1.83 metres:
Ac. 27.28
fatling* young animal fattened for
slaughter: 1Sa. 15.9; Is. 11.6; Mat. 22.4
fell* chop down: 2Ki. 3.19,25 feller
lumberjack, tree surgeon: Is. 14.8 felloes
curved sections of wheel rim:
1Ki. 7.33 fens swamps, marshes: Job
40.21 fetters* shackles, metal bands: Ps.
105.18 filleted* ornamented with
bands: Ex. 27.17 fillets* ornamental
bands: Ex. 27.10 finer refiner: Pr.
25.4 fining refining: Pr. 17.3, 27.21
firkin (Gr. metretes) 1 bath; about
9 gallons or 34 litres: Jn. 2.6 firmament*
sky; the vault or expanse of
the heavens: Ge. 1.6; Ps. 150.1 firstling*
first offspring: Ge. 4.4, Ex. 13.12 fitches
fennel: Is. 28.25,27
a cereal like wheat: Eze. 4.9 flag*
marshland plant, such as reed or
rush: Ex. 2.3,5; Job 8.11; Is. 19.6 flakes
folds: Job 41.23 flay* remove the skin:
Le. 1.6; Mi. 3.3 fleshhook* fork used to
retrieve meat
De. 17.1
from a cooking pot: Ex. 27.3; 1Sa. 2.13
floats rafts: 1Ki. 5.9; 2Ch. 2.16 flux
flow of blood: Ac. 28.8 forasmuch* as,
since, because, seeing that:
1Ki. 13.21, 14.7; Ezr. 7.14; Lu. 1.1; Ac.
15.24 forecast plan, scheme, arrange: Da.
11.24,25 foreship bow or front of a ship:
Ac. 27.30 forum market place: Ac. 28.15
founder a person who casts metal or glass
in a mould: Ju. 17.4; Je. 6.29, 10.9,14, 51.17
fowler bird-hunter: Ps. 91.3, 124.7; Pr. 6.5;
Ho. 9.8 frame(d)* manage: Ju. 12.6
form: Ps. 103.14 make: Ho. 5.4
fitted together: Ep. 2.21 completed: He.
frankincense* aromatic gum resin burned
as a fragrant incense: Ex. 30.34; Mat. 2.11
frankly freely: Lu. 7.42 fray frighten:
De. 28.26; Je. 7.33; Zec. 1.21 fret* grieve,
be angry: Ps. 37.1,8 frontlets headbands:
Ex. 13.16; De. 6.8, 11.18 froward*
perverse, contrary, self-willed:
De. 32.20; Ps. 18.26; 1Pe. 2.18 fuller*
bleacher or cleaner of cloth:
Mal. 3.2; Mar. 9.3 furbish* polish,
sharpen: Je. 46.4 furlong (Gr. stadion) 660
feet or
200 metres: Lu. 24.13; Jn. 6.19 furniture*
equipment, harness: Ge. 31.34
gainsay* contradict: Lu. 21.15 garner*
barn, grain store: Ps. 144.13;
Mat. 3.12; Lu. 3.17 gat* got: Ps.
116.3 gazingstock something to stare at
wonder: Na. 3.6; He. 10.33 gender(eth)
produce: Le. 19.19; Job 38.29;
2Ti. 2.23
bear young: Job 21.10; Ga. 4.24 gerah*
1/20th of a shekel; 0.022 ounce or
0.62 gram: Ex. 30.13; Eze. 45.12 Ghost*
Holy Ghost: Holy Spirit: Jn. 14.26
gave up the ghost: expired, died:
Lu. 23.46; Ac. 5.5 gier eagle vulture: Le.
11.18; De. 14.17 gin* snare, trap: Job 18.9;
Is. 8.14
gird* secure with a belt or band, encircle:
Ex. 12.11; Jn. 13.5; 1Pe. 1.13
give place* make room for: Lu. 14.9
give way, yield: Ga. 2.5; Ep. 4.27 glass*
mirror: Job 37.18; 1Co. 13.12
glean* collect what the reapers drop at
harvest time: Le. 19.9; Ru. 2.2
glede kite, vulture: De. 14.13 glistering
shining: 1Ch. 29.2; Lu. 9.29 goeth about,
going about*
endeavour(ing), try(ing): Jn. 7.20; Ro. 10.3
gold* in NT currency, $5.00 or 3.33:
Mat. 10.9, 23.16,17; Ac. 3.6; Ja. 5.3; 1Pe.
1.18 good* property: 1Ch.
29.3 goodman* master of the house: Pr.
Mat. 20.11 gopher wood possibly
cypress wood:
Ge. 6.14 go to* come now!: Ge. 11.3; Ju.
7.3 gotten* got, obtained: Ge. 4.1; Is. 15.7
graff, graffed graft, grafted: Ro. 11.17,24
graving* engraving: Ex. 32.4; Zec. 3.9
greaves armour for the legs: 1Sa. 17.6
Grecians* Greek-speaking Jews:
Ac. 6.1, 9.29, 11.20 grisled grey: Ge.
31.10,12; Zec. 6.3,6 guilty of* worthy of:
Mat. 26.66 gutter* channel, shaft, tunnel:
2Sa. 5.8
habergeon* linen undergarment: Ex.
28.32, 39.23 coat of mail: 2Ch. 26.14;
Job 41.26
haft handle: Ju. 3.22 hale haul, drag:
Lu. 12.58 haling* hauling, pulling with
force or
violence: Ac. 8.3 halt* lame, crippled:
Mat. 18.8; Mar. 9.45 handbreadth (Heb.
tophach) the distance
across 4 fingers; 3 inches or 76 millimetres:
Ex. 37.12; 2Ch. 4.5; Ps. 39.5 handstaves
staffs used as weapons: Eze. 39.9 hap (her
hap was) it happened that she:
Ru. 2.3 haply* perhaps, lest it should
Mar. 11.13; Lu. 14.29 hardly* with
difficulty: Mat. 19.23;
Mar. 10.23
harrow (noun) implement used for
breaking up and levelling ploughed ground:
2Sa. 12.31; 1Ch. 20.3 (verb) break up and
level the ground: Job 39.10
hart* deer: De. 12.15; Ps. 42.1 heady
headstrong: 2Ti. 3.4 helve axe-handle:
De. 19.5 heretick heretic, one who
chooses a wrong
belief: Tit. 3.10 heretofore* before,
Ex. 5.7; 2Co. 13.2 hew* shape by cutting
or chopping:
Ex. 34.4; Lu. 23.53 hewers* choppers,
cutters: De. 29.11;
2Ch. 2.18 highminded puffed up with
Ro. 11.20; 1Ti. 6.17; 2Ti. 3.4 hin* 12
logs; about 1.5 gallons or 5.7 litres:
Ex. 30.24; Eze. 46.5 hither* here, to this
place: Jos. 3.9; Jn. 4.15 hitherto* until
now, before: Jn. 5.17; 1Co. 3.2 hoar* grey
or white with age: Le. 19.32;
Is. 46.4 grey or white in colour: Ex.
16.14; Job 38.29
hoised hoisted: Ac. 27.40 holden*
held: Ps. 18.35; Lu. 24.16 hold to* cleave
to, cling to: Mat. 6.24;
Lu. 16.13 holpen* helped: Ps. 86.17; Lu.
1.54 homer* liquid: 10 baths; about
90 gallons or 340 litres: Eze. 45.11 dry:
10 ephahs; about 9.5 bushels or 340 litres:
Le. 27.16; Ho. 3.2
honest* honourable, good: Ro. 12.17;
2Co. 13.7
horn* symbol of strength and power: 1Sa.
2.1; Ps. 18.2
hosanna* save, we pray; a shout of praise:
Mat. 21.9; Mar. 11.10; Jn. 12.13
hosen trousers, stockings: Da. 3.21 hough
cut the hamstring or hock:
Jos. 11.6,9; 2Sa. 8.4; 1Ch. 18.4 hungred
(an)* hungry: Mat. 12.1; Mar. 2.25
husbandman* one who works on the
land: Ge. 9.20; Ja. 5.7
imagery painted or carved images: Eze.
implead accuse, plead against: Ac. 19.38
impotent without strength, invalid:
Jn. 5.3,7; Ac. 4.9, 14.8 inclose* enclose,
surround, set: Ex. 39.6;
Ju. 20.43; Ps. 17.10 incontinency lack of
self control: 1Co. 7.5 incontinent
uncontrolled, unrestrained:
2Ti. 3.3 inditing overflowing: Ps.
45.1 infolding flashing here and there:
Eze. 1.4 inkhorn inkpot: Eze.
9.2,3,11 inquisition search, investigation:
De. 19.18;
Es. 2.23; Ps. 9.12 instant* urgent,
importunate: Lu. 23.23;
Ro. 12.12; instantly earnestly: Lu. 7.4;
Ac. 26.7
jacinth reddish-orange gemstone: Re.
9.17, 21.20
jangling foolish talking: 1Ti. 1.6 jasper*
precious stone of various colours:
Ex. 28.20; Re. 21.11 jeoparded risked:
Ju. 5.18 Jewry Judaea: Da. 5.13; Lu.
23.5; Jn. 7.1 joinings clamps, fittings:
1Ch. 22.3 jot yod, the smallest Hebrew
Mat. 5.18 jubile, jubilee* year of release,
begun with
the sound of the trumpet or horn: Le. 25.9
kerchief cloth, veil, head-scarf: Eze.
13.18,21 kine* cows: Ge. 41.2 knop*
knob, model of flower bud: Ex. 25.33
laded, laden* loaded, burdened: Ge.
42.26; Mat. 11.28
lance spear, javelin: Je. 50.42
lasciviousness* lustfulness, sexual
wantonness, indecency: Mar. 7.22; Jude 1.4
latchet* strap, lace: Mar. 1.7; Lu. 3.16;
Jn. 1.27 laud praise: Ro. 15.11 laver*
basin, bath: Ex. 38.8; 1Ki. 7.38 layeth at
strike at: Job 41.26 leasing lying,
falsehood: Ps. 4.2, 5.6
leaven* yeast, fermented dough: Ex.
12.15; Ga. 5.9
lees dregs, sediment (separated or refined
by pouring from bottle to bottle): Is. 25.6;
Je. 48.11; Zep. 1.12
legion Roman legion comprising 3,000 to
6,000 soldiers: Mat. 26.53; Mar. 5.9,15; Lu.
let* hinder, prevent: Ro. 1.13; 2Th. 2.7
leviathan* river or sea monster:
Job 41.1; Ps. 104.26 lewd* vicious,
ignorant: Eze. 16.27; Ac. 17.5 libertines
freed slaves: Ac. 6.9 lien lain: Ge. 26.10;
Ps. 68.13; Je. 3.2 lieutenants provincial
rulers: Ezr. 8.36;
Es. 3.12, 8.9, 9.3 lign-aloes aromatic
wood: Nu. 24.6 ligure a precious stone:
Ex. 28.19; 39.12 liking good liking: good
Job 39.4
worse liking: worse condition: Da. 1.10
listeth chooses, pleases; listed, chose,
pleased: Mat. 17.12; Mar. 9.13; Jn. 3.8; Ja.
3.4 litters covered wagons: Is.
66.20 lively* living: Ac. 7.38; 1Pe.
1.3 loft upper storey: 1Ki. 17.19; Ac.
log* about one pint or half-litre: Le.
look to* look upon: 1Sa. 16.12 lowring
gloomy: Mat. 16.3 lucre* ill-gotten or
unlawful gain or
advantage: 1Sa. 8.3; 1Ti. 3.3 lusty
vigorous, strong: Ju. 3.29
magnifical magnificent: 1Ch. 22.5
malefactor criminal, a person who does
wrong: Lu. 23.32,33,39; Jn. 18.30 malignity
deep-rooted hatred, great
malice: Ro. 1.29 mallows salt-wort, an
inedible plant:
Job 30.4 mammon riches, money
Mat. 6.24; Lu. 16.9,11,13 mandrakes
plants with narcotic roots:
Ge. 30.1416; Ca. 7.13 manner* kind,
sort: Re. 18.12
custom, habit: Jn. 19.40
mansions resting places, abiding places:
Jn. 14.2
mantle* sleeveless cloak or cape: Ju. 4.18;
1Ki. 19.19
maran-atha our Lord is come (Aramaic):
1Co. 16.22
marishes marshes, swamps: Eze. 47.11
mart market place: Is. 23.3 maschil*
instruction: Ps. 32 title matrix womb: Ex.
13.12,15, 34.19;
Nu. 3.12, 18.15 matter timber, forest,
fuel: Ja. 3.5 mattock* pick axe: 1Sa.
13.20; 2Ch. 34.6 maul hammer, mallet: Pr.
25.18 maw animals stomach: De.
18.3 mean men* obscure, low, inferior
Pr. 22.29; Is. 2.9 measure OT dry
volume (Heb. seah):
1.25 pecks or 11 litres: 2Ki. 7.1,16,18 meat*
food of any kind: Ge. 1.29,30;
Jn. 4.34 meet* suitable, fit: Mat. 3.8; Col.
1.12 mess dish of food: Ge. 43.34; 2Sa.
11.8 Messiah, Messias Heb. the Anointed
Da. 9.25,26; Jn. 1.41, 4.25 mete* to
measure: Mat. 7.2; Mar. 4.24 meteyard
measuring rod: Le. 19.35 milch giving
milk: Ge. 32.15; 1Sa. 6.7,10 mile (Gr.
milion) Roman mile: 4,986 feet or
1,520 metres: Mat. 5.41 mincing with
little steps: Is. 3.16 miserable* to be
pitied: 1Co. 15.19 mite (Gr. lepton) about
1/8th of $0.01 or
1/12th of 0.01: Mar. 12.42; Lu. 12.59, 21.2
mitre* head-dress, turban: Ex. 28.4;
Zec. 3.5 morrow* morning: Jos. 5.11
mortify destroy the vitality of, kill:
Ro. 8.13; Col. 3.5 mote speck of dust:
Mat. 7.3,5; Lu. 6.41,42 motions impulses:
Ro. 7.5 mount mound, bank of earth: Je.
6.6; Eze. 4.2 muffler scarf covering the
lower part of
the face: Is. 3.19 munition fortress,
Is. 29.7, 33.16; Na. 2.1 murrain cattle
plague: Ex. 9.3
napkin cloth, handkerchief: Lu. 19.20; Jn.
11.44, 20.7
naught, naughty worthless, bad: 2Ki.
2.19; Pr. 6.12, 17.4, 20.14; Je. 24.2
naughtiness* badness, wickedness:
Pr. 11.6; Ja. 1.21 naves hubs: 1Ki.
7.33 neesings sneezing: Job
41.18 nephew grandson: Ju. 12.14; Job
Is. 14.22; 1Ti. 5.4 nether* lower,
beneath: Ex. 19.17 nethermost lowest:
1Ki. 6.6 nitre carbonate of soda: Pr.
25.20; Je. 2.22 noised abroad* widely
Lu. 1.65; Ac. 2.6 noisome hurtful,
deadly: Ps. 91.3;
Eze. 14.15,21; Re. 16.2
obeisance* expression of submission,
often a bow: Ge. 37.7; 1Ki. 1.16
oblation* offering, sacrifice: Le. 2.4; Da.
9.21 occupy* trade, do business: Lu. 19.13
occurrent happening, taking place: 1Ki.
5.4 offend* cause to stumble or sin:
Mat. 18.6,8,9 omer OT dry measure: 7
logs, 1/10th of an
ephah; about 6.5 pints or 3.6 litres:
Ex. 16.16,36 onycha shell used in
perfume: Ex. 30.34 ossifrage vulture
which breaks the bones
of its prey: Le. 11.13; Deut. 14.12 ouches
sockets, settings:
Ex. 28.11,25; 39.6,18 outgoings* limits
or boundaries:
Jos. 17.9; Ps. 65.8 outlandish foreign:
Ne. 13.26 overcharged* overburdened:
Lu. 21.34 overlive outlive, survive: Jos.
24.31 overran outran: 2Sa. 18.23
overrunning overflowing: Na. 1.8
paddle small spade or trowel: De. 23.13
painful laborious, difficult: Ps. 73.16
painfulness toil, labour: 2Co. 11.27
palmerworm destructive locust:
Joel 1.4, 2.25; Am. 4.9 palsy* paralysis:
Mat. 4.24
paper (reed) papyrus: Is. 19.7; 2Jn. 12
paps* breasts: Lu. 11.27 paramours
forbidden lovers: Eze. 23.20 parcel* piece,
portion: Ge. 33.19; Jn. 4.5 parchments
scrolls made of animal skins:
2Ti. 4.13 parlour upper room: Ju.
room: 1Sa. 9.22; 1Ch. 28.11 passage*
mountain pass: 1Sa. 13.23; Is. 10.29
ford: Ju. 12.6; Je. 51.32 pate head: Ps.
7.16 pavilion* large tent: 2Sa. 22.12; Je.
43.10 peculiar* ones own property: Ex.
De. 14.2 peep chirp, as a bird: Is. 8.19,
10.14 penny, pence* (Gr. denarion) a
days wage
(16 of the farthings in Mat. 10.29); $0.20 or
0.13: Mat. 18.28, 20.2; Jn. 12.5 pentecost
fiftieth day after passover:
Ac. 2.1, 20.16; 1Co. 16.8 peradventure*
perhaps: 1Ki. 18.27; Ro. 5.7 phylacteries
strips of parchment
inscribed with texts in a small leather case
bound on the forehead or left arm: Mat. 23.5
pictures images carved in relief: Nu.
33.52; Pr. 25.11; Is. 2.16
piece of money (Heb. qshitah; Gr. stater)
4 days wages; $0.64 or 0.43: Ge. 33.19;
Job 42.11; Mat. 17.27 (qshitah is rendered
pieces of silver in Jos. 24.32)
piece of silver* (Heb. keseph; Gr.
argurion) $0.16 or 0.11: Ge. 20.16; Mat.
27.3 (a different Hebrew word used in Jos.
24.32; different Greek word in Lu. 15.8)
pilled peeled, stripped off bark: Ge.
30.37,38 pitiful* full of pity,
compassionate: Ja. 5.11;
1Pe. 3.8 plat plot of ground: 2Ki.
9.26 platter dish: Mat. 23.25,26; Lu.
11.39 play* fence, fight with swords: 2Sa.
2.14 plowshares cutting blades of a
Is. 2.4; Joel 3.10; Mi. 4.3 plummet a
measuring line having a weight
at the end: 2Ki. 21.13; Is. 28.17; Zec. 4.10
polled cut hair: 2Sa. 14.26 polls*
heads: 1Ch. 23.3
pommels bowl-shaped ornament on a
pillar: 2Ch. 4.12,13 (the golden bowl in Ec.
port gate: Ne. 2.13 post* messenger
carrying letters:
2Ch. 30.6; Job 9.25 potentate a person
with great power; king,
ruler, sovereign: 1Ti. 6.15 potsherd* piece
of broken pottery:
Ps. 22.15; Is. 45.9 pottage* soup, stew:
Ge. 25.29; 2Ki. 4.38 pound* NT currency
(Gr. mnah): 100 of
the pennies in Mat. 20.2; $20.00 or 13.00:
Lu. 19.13,25 OT weight (Heb. maneh):
300 shekels; 6.6 pounds or 3 kilograms: 1Ki.
10.17; Ezr. 2.69; Ne. 7.7172
NT weight (Gr. litra): 12 ounces or
340 grams: Jn. 12.3, 19.39 pourtray
draw, carve: Eze. 4.1, 8.10, 23.14 prating
chattering, babbling: Pr. 10.8,10;
3Jn. 10 presently* immediately: Pr.
12.16; Mat. 26.53 press* crowd: Mar. 2.4,
5.27; Lu. 8.19, 19.3 pressfat vat of a
winepress: Hag. 2.16 prevent* go before,
anticipate: Am. 9.10;
1Th. 4.15 prey* booty, spoil: Nu.
31.12,26 pricks goads for driving cattle:
Nu. 33.55;
Ac. 9.5, 26.14 printed inscribed: Job
19.23 prised priced, value: Zec. 11.13
privily* secretly: Ju. 9.31; Mat. 1.19
privy* secret, private: Eze. 21.14
knowing a secret: Ac. 5.2 profane*
common, unholy: Eze. 42.20
to dishonour: Mal. 2.11 prognosticators
forecasters: Is. 47.13 proper personal:
1Ch. 29.3
ones own: Ac. 1.19; 1Co. 7.7
handsome, beautiful: He. 11.23
propitiation the wrath-ending sacrifice by
which the Lord Jesus Christ secured His
peoples pardon: Ro. 3.25; 1Jn. 2.2, 4.10
proselyte a convert to Judaism:
Mat. 23.15; Ac. 2.10, 6.5, 13.43 prove*
test, try: Ex. 16.4; 1Ti. 3.10
provender* food, fodder: Ge. 24.25; Is.
30.24 provide* consider beforehand, take
thought for: Ro. 12.17 providence
forethought: Ac. 24.2 provocation*
defiance: 1Ki 15.30; He. 3.8,15 psaltery*
stringed instrument:
Ne. 12.27; Ps. 33.2 publican* tax
collector: Mat. 5.46; Lu. 5.27 pulse
vegetables, beans: 2Sa. 17.28;
Da. 1.12,16 purchase* obtain: 1Ti.
3.13 purtenance internal organs, inward
Ex. 12.9 put to* apply, use: Ezr. 6.12;
Ec. 10.10 pygarg antelope: De. 14.5
quaternions guard-parties of four men:
Ac. 12.4
quick* alive, living: Nu. 16.30; 1Pe. 4.5
quickened* brought to life: Ep. 2.1; Col.
2.13 quit behave: 1Sa. 4.9; 1Co. 16.13
acquitted, free: Ex. 21.19,28; Jos. 2.20
rail* insult, blaspheme: 1Sa. 25.14; Mar.
railer abusive person: 1Co. 5.11 railing*
abusive, reviling: 1Pe. 3.9; 2Pe. 2.11
raiment* clothing, attire: Ge. 24.53; Re.
3.5 rampart raised bank of earth around a
fort as a defence: La. 2.8; Na. 3.8 ranges
pot-racks: Le. 11.35
ranks of soldiers: 2Ki. 11.8,15; 2Ch. 23.14
ranging roving: Pr. 28.15 rank* full-
grown, ripe, healthy: Ge. 41.5,7 rase
demolish: Ps. 137.7
ravening* plundering: Lu. 11.39 tearing
in pieces: Eze. 22.25
ravin tear in pieces, seize prey: Ge. 49.27;
Na. 2.12
receipt of custom tax office, place of toll:
Mat. 9.9; Mar. 2.14; Lu. 5.27
redound overflow, surge up: 2Co. 4.15
reed* (Heb. qaneh) 6 cubits; 105 inches or
2.67 metres: Eze. 40.38, 41.8, 42.1619
rehearse* report, declare: Ex. 17.14; Ac.
14.27 reins* mind, inmost being (literally,
kidneys): Ps. 7.9; Re. 2.23
remission/remit* forgiveness, pardon:
Mat. 26.28; Jn. 20.23; Ro. 3.25
reprobate* refuse, disapproved, unfit: Je.
6.30; 2Co. 13.5; Tit. 1.16
require* ask: 2Sa. 12.20 rereward* rear
ward, rearguard:
Jos. 6.9; Is. 52.12 ribband cord, twisted
thread: Nu. 15.38 rid* clear away, remove:
Le. 26.6 rie rye, spelt, a cereal like
Ex. 9.32; Is. 28.25 rifled plundered: Zec.
14.2 ringstraked streaked, striped:
Ge. 30.35,40, 31.8,12 riot* reckless, self-
indulgent behaviour:
Tit. 1.6 riotous* reckless, self-indulgent:
Lu. 15.13 rising* swelling, tumour, boil:
Le. 13.2,10,19,28,43, 14.56 road raid:
1Sa. 27.10 roll* scroll: Ezr. 6.1,2; Is. 8.1;
Je. 36.2 room* space: Ps. 31.8
place at table: Mat. 23.6; Lu. 14.7 rude
inexpert, untrained: 2Co. 11.6 rue a garden
herb: Lu. 11.42
sackbut pipe or lyre of elderwood: Da.
sardine a red stone from Sardius: Re. 4.3
sardius a red stone, carnelian:
Ex. 28.17, 39.10; Eze. 28.13; Re. 21.20
satyr a goat-like creature: Is. 13.21, 34.14
save* excepting: Jn. 6.22,46 savour*
taste: Ex. 5.21; Mat. 5.13
think, understand: Mat. 16.23; Mar. 8.33
scall skin disease, sore: Le. 13.30,37,
14.54 scant skimped, meagre: Mi. 6.10
scourge* whip (noun): Job. 9.23; Jn. 2.15
whip (verb): Le. 19.20; Mat. 27.26 scrip*
bag: 1Sa. 17.40; Mat. 10.10 seared
scorched (literally, cauterised):
1Ti. 4.2 seatward toward the mercy seat:
Ex. 37.9 secure, securely* free from
Ju. 8.11; Pr. 3.29; Mi. 2.8; Mat. 28.14
seethe* boil: Ex. 23.19; Zec. 14.21 see to*
look upon: Jos. 22.10
selvedge specially woven fabric edge
which does not fray: Ex. 26.4, 36.11
serjeant officer carrying a staff as symbol
of office: Ac. 16.35,38
servitor serving man, attendant: 2 Ki. 4.43
set forward* oversee: 1Ch. 23.4; 2Ch.
34.12 set light by dishonour, treat with
or shame: De. 27.16; Eze. 22.7 set on*
attack: Ac. 18.10 settle* base, pedestal,
ledge: Eze. 43.14, 45.19 set to his seal*
affixed his seal: Jn. 3.33 severally
separately, individually: 1Co. 12.11
shambles meat-market: 1Co. 10.25
shamefacedness a sense of shame: 1Ti.
2.9 sheepcote pasturage, sheep pens: 1Sa.
2Sa. 7.8; 1Ch. 17.7 shekel* weight,
standard: about 0.44 ounce
or 12.4 grams: Ge. 23.15; Am. 8.5 of the
sanctuary:* 0.5 ounce or 14.2 grams: Ex.
30.13, 38.24; Nu. 18.16 after the kings
weight: the exact weight is unknown; if
standard, the entire weight would be about 6
pounds or 2.7 kilograms: 2Sa. 14.26 OT
currency: currently, 1 shekel = $0.26 or
0.17: Ex. 30.15; Le. 5.15
sherd fragment: Is. 30.14; Eze. 23.34
shipping (took shipping) they got into the
boats: Jn. 6.24 shittim, shittah* thorny
acacia tree:
Ex. 25.5; Is. 41.19 shock stack of
sheaves: Ju. 15.5; Job 5.26 shroud cover,
shelter: Eze. 31.3 silly simple, foolish:
Ho. 7.11; 2Ti. 3.6 silverlings silver coins:
Is. 7.23 simple* ignorant, without guile,
Pr. 9.4; Ro. 16.19 sincere* pure: 1Pe.
2.2 single healthy: Mat. 6.22; Lu.
11.34 sith since: Eze. 35.6 sixscore
120: 1Ki. 9.14; Jonah 4.11 skill* (verb) to
know how, to be skilled:
1Ki. 5.6; 2Ch. 2.8 sleight deceitfulness,
slyness: Ep. 4.14 slime mud, bitumen: Ge.
11.3, 14.10; Ex. 2.3 slips stems or roots cut
from a plant and
used for grafting or planting: Is. 17.10
slow bellies
slow bellies idle gluttons: Tit. 1.12
sluggard* habitually idle or lazy person:
Pr. 6.6,9, 10.26, 13.4 sluices water
channel controlled at the head
by a gate: Is. 19.10 snuffdishes* pans for
Ex. 25.38 sod boiled: Ge. 25.29; 2Ch.
35.13 sodden* boiled: Ex.
12.9 sodering soldering: Is.
41.7 sojourn* dwell for a time: Ge. 12.10
sometime(s)* formerly, at one time, once:
Col. 1.21; 1Pe. 3.20 soothsayer/ing* one
who professes to
foretell the future: Jos. 13.22; Is. 2.6;
Ac. 16.16 sore* very great or severe;
Ge. 19.9; Lu. 2.9 sort* manner: 2Co.
7.11; 3Jn. 6 sottish foolish: Je.
4.22 span* (Heb. zereth) distance from
little finger to thumb, 3 handbreadths; 9
inches or 229 millimetres: Ex. 28.16, 39.9;
Is. 40.12
spoken for asked in marriage: Ca. 8.8
spring* dawn: Ju. 19.25; 1Sa. 9.26 stacte
aromatic gum from a tree: Ex. 30.34
standard* flag, banner: Nu. 1.52; Je.
51.27 stand upon* attack: 2Sa. 1.9,10
staves* poles, staffs: Ex. 25.1315; Mat.
stay* support: Ps. 18.18; Is. 3.1 stop,
hold back: Le. 13.5; 2Sa. 24.16
stead* place: Ge. 30.2; 2Co. 5.20 stock*
wooden block or log:
Job 13.27, 33.11; Pr. 7.22; Is. 44.19
stomacher richly ornamented triangular
piece of cloth, worn as a covering for the
chest or abdomen: Is. 3.24 stout(ness)*
hard(ness), bold(ness):
Is. 9.9, 10.12 strait* narrow: Mat. 7.13;
Lu. 13.24
strict: Ac. 26.5 straitened* limited,
Job 18.7; 2Co. 6.12 straitly* strictly,
closely: Ge. 43.7; Mar. 1.43 straitness*
distress: De. 28.53
strakes streaks: Ge. 30.37; Le.
14.37 strake sail lowered sail: Ac. 27.17
strange* foreign: Ge. 35.2; Ex. 18.3; He.
11.9 strawed* strewed, scattered:
Ex. 32.20; Mat. 21.8 stricken in age
(years)* aged: Ge. 18.11;
Lu. 1.7 strike hands clasp hands
concluding an
agreement: Job 17.3; Pr. 17.18, 22.26
suborned bribed: Ac. 6.11 subtil,
subtilty* cunning: Ge. 3.1; Mat. 26.4
insight, perception: Pr. 1.4 sunder*
pieces, parts: Job 41.17; Ps. 46.9;
Lu. 12.46 suppliant one praying or
pleading: Zep. 3.10 surfeiting sickness
from overeating or
drinking: Lu. 21.34 sycamine mulberry:
Lu. 17.6
tabering beating, as on a tabor or drum:
Na. 2.7
tabernacle* tent, dwelling: Ex. 39.32;
Mat. 17.4
table* writing-tablet: Lu. 1.63; 2Co. 3.3
tablet necklace ornament:
Ex. 35.22; Nu. 31.50; Is. 3.20 tabret*
small drum: Ge. 31.27; Is. 5.12 taches*
clasps, fastenings: Ex. 26.6 take* trap,
catch: Pr. 6.2,25 take up* obtain on
credit: Ne. 5.2 tale* number: Ex. 5.8;
1Sa. 18.27 talent* in the Old Testament,
generally a
disk of a precious metal (gold, silver, etc.)
weighing one talent OT weight, standard
(Heb. kikar): 3,000 shekels, 66 pounds or
30 kilograms: Ex. 38.24,25; Ezr. 7.22 NT
currency (Gr. talanton): 60 of the pounds in
Lu. 19.13; $1,200 or 800: Mat. 18.24,
25.15 NT weight (Gr. talanton): 75
pounds or 34 kilograms: Re. 16.21
tares weeds, darnel: Mat.
13.25,40 target* shield: 1Ki.
10.16 taxation compulsory payment:
2Ki. 23.35 taxing registration, census: Lu.
2.2; Ac. 5.37 teil tree oak tree (as in Ge.
35.4): Isa 6.13
tell* count: Ge. 15.5; Ps. 22.17 temper
mix: Ex. 29.2, 30.35; Eze. 46.14;
1Co. 12.24 tempt* try, test: Ge. 22.1;
Mat. 4.7 tenons projections on a piece of
which fit into corresponding holes to
make a joint: Ex. 26.17,19, 36.22,24
teraphim* images: Ju. 17.5; Ho. 3.4
tetrarch* ruler over a fourth part of a
country: Mat. 14.1; Lu. 3.1 Thee-ward
toward Thee: 1Sa. 19.4 thongs leather
straps: Ac. 22.25 thought* anxiety: Mat.
6.25 thyine sweet-smelling wood: Re.
18.12 till, tillage* cultivate, cultivation:
Ge. 2.5;
Pr. 13.23 timbrel* type of tambourine or
Ex. 15.20; Ps. 150.4 tire* (noun) head-
dress: Is. 3.18; Eze. 24.17,23
(verb) put on head-dress: 2Ki. 9.30 tithe*
give a tenth: De. 14.22; Lu. 11.42 tittle
small projection of some Hebrew
letters, hence anything very small:
Mat. 5.18; Lu. 16.17 told* counted: 2Ki.
12.10 tormentor torturer: Mat.
18.34 tow coarse fibres of flax or hemp
used for
spinning: Ju. 16.9; Is. 1.31, 43.17 traffick*
trade: Ge. 42.34; 1Ki. 10.15 translate
transfer, take up to heaven:
2Sa. 3.10; Col. 1.13; He. 11.5 travail*
manual labour: Is. 53.11
childbirth: Ge. 38.27 trespass* sin,
transgress: Ge. 50.17; Mat. 18.15 tribute
money (Gr. didrachmon) 2 days
wages; $0.32 or 0.21: Mat. 17.24, 22.19
trim* arrange carefully: Je. 2.33 trow
think, suppose: Lu. 17.9 trump trumpet:
1Co. 15.52; 1Th. 4.16 turtle* turtle-dove:
Le. 12.8; Ca. 2.12; Je. 8.7 tutor guardian:
Ga. 4.2
twain* two: Is. 6.2; Mat. 5.41; Ep. 2.15
unawares (at)* unexpectedly: Jos. 20.9;
Ps. 35.8
uncomely unbecoming, unpresentable:
1Co. 7.36, 12.23
undergirding passing ropes under a ship
to strengthen it: Ac. 27.17
undersetters supports, bases: 1Ki. 7.30,34
undertake be surety for: Is. 38.14
unicorn* wild bull: Nu. 23.22; Job 39.10
unperfect imperfect, unformed: Ps. 139.16
untoward stubborn, unruly: Ac. 2.40
upbraid reproach: Ju. 8.15; Mat. 11.20;
Mar. 16.14; Ja. 1.5 usury* interest on
money lent: Ex. 22.25 us-ward toward us:
Ps. 40.5; Ep. 1.19; 2Pe. 3.9 utmost*
outermost: Nu. 22.36,41 utter* outer:
Eze. 42.1 uttermost* outermost: Ex. 26.4
last: Mat. 5.26
vagabond* fugitive, wandering: Ge. 4.12;
Ac. 19.13
vail, veil* curtain: Ex. 26.31; Mat. 27.51
vainglory extreme self-pride and
boastfulness: Phi. 2.3 vanities (lying)*
falsehoods: Ps. 31.6 vaunt boast: Ju. 7.2;
1Co. 13.4 vein lengthy and regularly
occurrence of ore: Job 28.1 venture (at a)*
at random: 1Ki. 22.34;
2Ch. 18.33 verily* surely, indeed, truly:
Mat. 5.18; Ac. 19.4 vermilion mercuric
sulphide used as a
bright red pigment: Je. 22.14; Eze. 23.14
vestments garments, robes: 2Ki. 10.22
vestry store-room for robes: 2Ki. 10.22
vex* trouble: Le. 19.33
crush: Is. 7.6
harm: Ac. 12.1 vexation* trouble,
distress, affliction:
De. 28.20; Ec. 4.6 vial* flask: 1Sa. 10.1
shallow bowl or dish: Re. 5.8, 16.2
victuals* food: Jos. 1.11; Mat. 14.15; Lu.
9.12 vile* wicked: Ro. 1.26
lowly: Phi. 3.21
filthy: Ja. 2.2 vintage* time of grape
gathering: Le. 26.5;
Is. 24.13 viol* lyre, stringed instrument:
Is. 5.12;
Am. 6.5
virtue* power: Mar. 5.30; Lu. 6.19
goodness: Phi. 4.8; 2Pe. 1.5
visage face, expression: Is. 52.14; La. 4.8;
Da. 3.19
volume roll, scroll: Ps. 40.7; He. 10.7
ward (in)* under guard: Ge. 40.3 on
guard, on watch: Is. 21.8 ware*
merchandise: Ne. 10.31
wore: Lu. 8.27 warp* the threads
running lengthwise in a
loom: Le. 13.48,49 watch*
first 6.00pm to 9.00pm (not mentioned);
second 9.00pm to midnight: Lu. 12.38;
third midnight to 3.00am: Lu. 12.38; fourth
3.00am to 6.00am: Mat. 14.25; middle
10.00pm to 2.00am: Ju. 7.19; morning
2.00am to 6.00am Ex. 14.24. (In pre-Roman
times the Jews had three watches of four
waymarks guideposts: Je. 31.21 what*
why: Lu. 22.71 whelp* cub: Ge. 49.9; Pr.
17.12 when as* when: Mat.
1.18 whether* which of two: Mat. 21.31
which* who: Mat. 6.9; Lu. 11.2; Ro. 3.30
whit* every whit: everything: 1Sa. 3.18
completely: Jn. 7.23
(not a) whit: not in anything: 2Co. 11.5
whither, no whither* where, nowhere:
2Ki. 5.25 will* wish, desire: Mat. 11.27;
Tit. 3.8
wimples shawls, cloaks: Is. 3.22 winefat
wine-vat, wine press: Is. 63.2;
Mar. 12.1 winked at* overlooked: Ac.
17.30 wist* knew: Ex. 16.15; Mar. 9.6; Lu.
2.49 wit* (to) to know: Ge. 24.21; Ex. 2.4
that is to say: Ro. 8.23 I do you to wit, I
am letting you know: 2Co. 8.1
withal*also,with: Job2.8;Ac.25.27
without* outside: Mat. 12.46; Mar. 11.4
withs cords: Ju. 16.7,8,9 witty clever,
skilful: Pr. 8.12
woe worth the day alas for the day: Eze.
wont* accustomed: Ex. 21.29; Mat. 27.15;
Ac. 16.13
woof* yarns carried back and forth across
the loom in weaving: Le. 13.48,49
wormwood* bitter, oil-yielding plant: De.
29.18; Re. 8.11
worship (have worship)* have respect,
honour: Lu. 14.10
wot, wotteth* know, knoweth: Ge. 39.8;
Ex. 32.1; Ac. 3.17; Ro. 11.2
would (to) God* oh that!: Nu. 11.29; 2Ki.
5.3; Ac. 26.29
wreathen* twisted, like cord: Ex. 28.14
wrest* twist, distort: Ps. 56.5; 2Pe. 3.16
wringed wrung: Ju. 6.38 wroth* angry:
Mat. 18.34
yesternight last night: Ge. 19.34, 31.29,42
you-ward toward you: 2Co. 1.12, 13.3;
Ep. 3.2

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