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1. What types of pension insurance there, that makes the pension system in
Retirement insurance system in the Republic of Croatia is
1) compulsory pension insurance based on pay obvezno mirovinsko osiguranje na temelju
generacijske solidarnosti
2) compulsory pension insurance based on individual capitalized savings obvezno mirovinsko
osiguranje na temelju individualne kapitalizirane tednje.
3) voluntary pension insurance based on individual capitalized savings.- dobrovoljno mirovinsko
osiguranje na temelju individualne kapitalizirane tednje.

2. Which law provides retirement insurance and which shall ensure the rights?
Ensuring the protection of old age persons and decreased working capacity with residual work
capacity, partial or complete loss of ability to work, and members of their family rights in the event
of death.
Entitlements provided to:
1) old-age retirement (more than 65)
2) early retirement
3) disability retirement
4) a temporary disability retirement
5) a familys retirement
6) The minimum retirement
7) basic retirement
8) Vocational Rehabilitation
9) Compensation for physical damage
10) Reimbursement of travel expenses in connection with the exercise of entitlements.

3. How are the rights of the retirement insurance?

- Inalienable personal material rights cannot be transferred or inherited (except for family
pensions - cash earnings not paid out until death may be inherited, and if no successor then
belong to the Republic of Croatia and goes to the state budget)
- Cannot become obsolete
- May be canceled only in cases prescribed by this Act
- May be subject to enforcement and security in accordance with the law
- Their use may be restricted only in accordance with this Act
Everything that was not paid to the person who died can be trasfered to the family via family
4. What does the generacija solidarnost?
The mirovinsko osiguranje is based on generational solidarity in which the insured based on the
principles of reciprocity and solidarity provide rights in case of occurrence (present people): age,
decreased working capacity, partial or complete loss of working ability and physical disability, and
their family members rights in the event of the death of the insured.
5. Who implements the mirovinsko osiguranje?
Exercise of the rights of the insured based on pay by the Hrvasti zavod za mirovinsko osiguranje
6. Who provides funding for the mirovinsko osiguranje?
Funds for mirovinsko osiguranje are provided by insured employers, employers and others stated in
this law and the Republic of Croatia.
7. Who is insured? osiguranik
Insured is an individual on the basis of work activities required to receive retirement insurance
based on solidarity and reciprocity.
8. Who is the insured person? Osigurana osoba
The insured person is a natural person insured on mirovinsko osiguranje generacijske solidarnosti
with certain circumstances for risk reduction of working capacity, partial or complete loss of work
ability and physical damage caused by injury or occupational disease.
9. What is the mirovinski sta?
Mirovinski sta is a collective term for the period of obvezna mirovinska osiguranje and extended
insurance (insurance period) and the period spent outside the insurance under certain conditions
may be included in the qualifying period (special internship).
10. What is the osiguranje sta?
The insurance period with increased duration of the period of obvezna mironvinska osiguranja
which is calculated with increased duration. Special regulations are certain jobs and professions to
which the insurance period with increased duration and insured persons with disabilities that
internship. It depends on place of work, work itself, invalidne osobe which have longer duration of
retirement bills.
11. What is pridodani sta?
This internship is a period that is added when determining the amount of the disability pension and
family's pension after the death of the insured (but certainly not in the family pension after the
death of the user), if I'm insured on the date of disability - for a disability retirement, or on the
day of death - in the family pensions, not 60 years of age.
12. What is a mirovina?
Retirement (old age, premature old age, disability, temporary disability and family) is financially
income from pension insurance.
13. What is the minimum pension?
The minimum pension is the lowest cash benefit from the pension scheme, which is determined on
the basis of pension service and the actual value of the insured retirement. Insured who earns a
pension only under the provisions of this Act, and whose pension is determined by the afore
mentioned formula is less than the minimum pension will be determined by the minimum pension.
14. What is the basic pension?
The basic pension is a cash benefit from a pension scheme which, under certain conditions, acquire
by people who are from January 1, 2002 insured in obvezna mirovinska osiguranja based on
individual savings.
15. Who is the one that has the retired?
A pensioner is insured which is granted the right to a pension.
16. What are the main types of retirements?
Starosna, Prijevremena Starosna, Invalidska, privremena invalidska i obiteljska

17. Who is all according to the law on the obvezna mirovinska osiguranja?
Mandatory insurance:

- Employees in the territory of the Republic of Croatia
- Officials in public authorities, local government units and regional (Regional) self-
government, if such work receive salary
- Persons upon completion of schooling are on compulsory vocational training for work
- Person professionally trained to work without an employment contract, under special
- Croatian nationals employed by foreign organizations or employers in Croatia, diplomatic and
consular offices and international organisations or representative office based in Croatia
- Third-country nationals and stateless persons employed in the territory of the Republic of
- Seconded workers for employers based in the Republic of Croatia, perform the tasks in the
second State and people to work in the diplomatic mission or consular office of the Croatian
- Seasonal workers in agriculture
- Unemployed
- Compulsory insured persons who provide support and care Croatian war veterans Homeland
War and that for this work are compensated according to special regulations
- Compulsory insured persons who are employed by an employer domiciled abroad, the which is
in accordance with the legal regulations of the European Union on the coordination of social
security systems applicable legislation of the Republic of Croatian
- Artisans and traders
- Persons performing professional activity (lawyers, private health workers ...)
- Top athletes
- Farmers
- Persons engaged in the performance of which is not provided for approval or registration,
but have characteristic independence, permanence is the intention of creating a source of
income or income arising from the performance of these activities are subject to income
tax or sales tax profits, unless they are secured by second basis and persons engaged in
cottage industry or sideline under the craft, unless they are insured on another basis, or If
users are not pensions, except for disability pension due to partial loss of working ability
- Compulsory insured board members and CEOs of companies and managers cooperative if
they are insured on another basis
- Compulsory insured priests and other clerics religious community that is registered in
records of religious community led by the ministry responsible for the administration, if not
insured on another basis
- At the personal request is compulsory insured parent who perform parental duties in the
first year child's life, and not compulsory insured on another basis, if the child is a Croatian
citizen and if parent and child residing in the Republic of Croatia. Following the birth of a
child, before under one year preceding the child's life, shall lose the right to compulsory
insurance by pre-born child. If both parents carry out their parental duties towards the
child, not insured on another basis, shall be provided by the mother of the child, if the
parents are otherwise agree. Mandatory secured parent or carer to carer regulations
Social Welfare for the duration of that status.
- At the personal request compulsory insurance for persons employed abroad in international
organizations and foreign employers unless they are secured by international regulations
covered by an international social security agreement, or if they are insured according to
the EU regulations on the coordination of social security systems
- On the personal request of compulsory insurance for persons employed in the EU
institutions, unless they are insured under the regulations of the European Union
- Crew members on international voyages whose employer, the shipping company or companies
domestic or foreign legal persons

18. What is the extended insurance?
It is insurance that can provide people who have ceased to compulsory pension insurance and If the
cessation of compulsory insurance is no more than twelve months and if submit an application
insurance within that period.
19. Who can be insured on extended insurance?

A person can be insured on insurance for the duration:
- unpaid leave
- mode of employment until the child turns three years of age
- professional training or specialization after the termination of the employment contract
- unemployment insurance after termination
- seasonal or temporary cessation of activities
- employment abroad and other international organizations on the basis of international social
security agreements, or by a foreign employer, if the time is not mandatory secured in
- Of insured unemployment - crew members of the ship after the termination of the
employment contract for a definite time.
- Person who resides in the territory of the Republic of Croatian dunring which he is
unemployed after the end of compulsory pension insurance in the Member State of the
European Union or in a country with which has concluded an international agreement on
social security, regardless of whether a prior mandatory insurance abroad was secured in
- Person after the termination of the employment contract for a definite period for
permanent seasonal jobs
- Spouse insured contracting a professional diplomat during his stay abroad -> These
contributions must be paid within three months from the date of maturity

21. Which people are insured under certain circumstances.
Persons insured in cases of disability and physical impairment due to an injury at work.
- pupils and students during practical training, practice for an employer, or during work
through employment agencies students and full-time students (applies to foreigners on
education in the Republic of Croatia)
- unemployed during search of training or rehabilitation
- persons who perform certain tasks while serving a prison sentence, application security
measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment and mandatory treatment of addiction, as well
as Educational Measures
- person involved in rescuing or defending against natural disasters
- members of the volunteer fire companies
- While performing the duties of citizens in defense
- person at the request of state authorities assist these bodies and this occasion injury or
III. Pensionable service
22. Which period covers the years of retirement?

1- Period of insurance under the provisions of this Act. The period during which you have
2- Periods to 31 December 2013th which, according to the legal regulations that have applied
by that date, the computer in the qualifying period as years of service, years of service
with increased duration and special internship.
- a spent in securing the regulations on military power of the insured
- purchased period
- appended service
- spent in the war
- spent in employment in Catholic - theological institutes from 1952nd to 1990.god.
- the completed by the end of 1998 that according to the regulations of the computer can be
as internship insurance, the insurance period with increased duration and specific internship

23. The insurance period / sta osiguranja
The insurance period is the period that the insured conducted after the age of 15 years in obvezna
mirovinska osiguranje i produenum osiguranju.
When calculating the total pension service certain periods completed in the months and days are
added up to twelve months makes one year and 30 days makes one month.
a) The sta osiguranja is spent in full-time employment.
b) The period of employment with full-time is considered to be the period in which employment of
part-time spend:
- working parent who works half-time after the expiration of the mandatory maternity leave,
as in the case of part-time because of increased concerns and child care to special
- parent of a child with severe disabilities of development who works half-time
- workers who work part-time under special regulations.
c) The insurance and period of employment with part-time work, a period that corresponds to the
total number of hours of such work realized for some years, calculated on full-time. Work a lot.
d) The period spent in employment in seasonal jobs with the most greater number of hours than
full-time is calculated lasting application rate of full-time work.
e) The insurance period is the period that a person or insured spent:
- using salary compensation for temporary incapacity for work as defined by Compulsory
Health Insurance, upon termination of employment or other work-based which was secured
- On vocational rehabilitation to which was referred to as a disabled worker or as a veteran,
as a blind person, a person with muscular dystrophy and related muscle and neuromuscular
diseases, suffering from paraplegia, cerebral palsy and polio, multiple sclerosis and related
diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, a deaf person or as a civilian war-disabled and people with
existing functional disorders for which you can not move independently without a disability
carts, regardless of whether it was secured before
- Using the fee is paid in connection with the right to vocational rehabilitation.

24. Pridodani sta.
Added to the internship period is added during the determination of disability pensions and family
pension if the insured has not reached 60 years of age. Duration appended seniority is calculated
by dividing the for the period in which the insured has not acquired insurance periods are added to
the period until the age of 55 years life of the insured for a period of two-thirds, and after the
age of 55 to 60 year life of the insured in duration of one half.
Associated internship begins:
- invalidske pensions - the first day of the reduction of working capacity with the remaining
work until the retirement or ability, partial or complete loss of working capacity
- In a family pension - the day of death of the insured
IV. Pension insurance rights
25. What is the old-age pension when a person entitled to a retirement
It is one of the basic types of pensions. The right to a retirement pension in the period from from
January 1 of 2014 to December 31, 2030 has insurance upon reaching 65 years of age and 15
years of service (mirovinska sta). For each year of the 2030th to 2038th a to 65 adds another
3 months (2031 65 and 3, 6 and 65 in 2032, etc.) From 01/01/2038. right there when he reaches
67 years of age and 15 years of service.
26. The early retirement?
The right to early retirement in the period from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2030th has
when the insured reaches 60 years of age and 35 years of service. From 01.01.2030. to
31.01.2037. on each year of life for another 3 months is added. The right to early retirement as of
1 January 2038th An insured reaches 62 years of age and 35 years of service.
27. What is the reduction of working capacity?
The reduction of working capacity exists when the insured, due to permanent changes in health a
state that cannot be eliminated by treatment, working capacity is reduced by more than half
compared to Healthy insured person of the same or similar levels of education.
28. What is the remaining working capacity?
The remaining work capacity exists when the insured resulting reduction in work, but considering on
health status, age, education and the ability to be professional rehabilitation trained to work
full-time at other jobs.
29. What means a partial loss of working ability?
The partial loss of working capacity exists when there is a reduction in the insured worker abilities,
and given the state of health, age, education and ability cannot be professional rehabilitation
trained to work full-time at other jobs, but can work at least 70% of working time on custom jobs
of the same or similar levels of education appropriate to his previous jobs.
30. What means complete loss of working ability?
A complete loss of working capacity exists when the Insured in respect of the same insured person
healthy or similar levels of education, due to changes in health status that can not be eliminated
treatment, resulting permanent loss of working capacity with no remaining work capacity.
31. What are the causes of reduced or loss of working ability?
Illness, injury outside of work, work-related injuries or occupational disease.
32. Who is a disabled worker?
Disabled worker is secure compartment that is based on the reduction with residual work
capacity or partial or complete loss of working ability to qualify for a disability pension or a legal
professional rehabilitation.
33. What is considered an injury at work?

- injury of the insured caused immediate and short-term mechanical, physical or chemical
actions and injuries caused by sudden changes in body position, sudden load or other
changes in physiological state, if such injury causally related toconduct transactions on
which works, or activities on the basis of which the injured person has the insured property
(because of and during work)
- illness of the insured arising directly and solely as a result of an accident or force during
work or while performing activities or in connection with the performance and activities of
the basis that an infected person has the property of the insured (accident on the way to
- Injuries inflicted in a manner specified in section 1 that the insured suffers on a regular
way of residence to place of work and vice versa, and the journeys of entry into the work
that he provided, that the work on the basis of which is secured
- Injuries suffered in a manner specified in section 1 that the insured suffered in connection
with the use rights to health care, according to the regulations on mandatory health
insurance and the right to Rehabilitation (lack of medical protection)

34. As an occupational disease?
These are some diseases caused by long direct influence work processes and working conditions
certain activities on the basis of which the victim has the property of the insured.
35. What is professional rehabilitation and what it covers?
This is a set of activities (practical acquisition and application of knowledge, skills and habits) for
training disabled workers to work while preserving its remaining work capacity. Vocational
rehabilitation includes procedures for re-training (training / education for jobs other than those
that Insured performed) and additional training (additional training for performing according to
remaining work capacity).
36. Who is entitled to vocational rehabilitation?

- insured and insured person who has caused the reduction of working capacity and for which
there is remaining work capacity.
- If the reduction of working capacity with residual work capacity occurred before the age of
53 year of life.
- If the reduction of working capacity with residual work capacity caused by injury outside
work or illness, the insured is entitled to professional rehabilitation if it meets the
requirements qualifying periods for entitlement to disability pension.
- If the reduction of working capacity with residual work capacity caused by injury to the or
occupational disease, the insured is entitled to professional rehabilitation regardless the
length of service for retirement. Professional rehabilitation of the insured which is
recognized to entitled under this Act implements Center for Vocational Rehabilitation.

37. For what qualify as a invalid work?
Invalid work is qualified for the work for which the same level professional, and if there is no such
option, then the lower qualifications.
38. When a invalid work points to review the authorized expert for re-
If not, within 6 months was sent to rehabilitation, when the Institute estimates that cannot be
trained to work the job, if the employer an does not send for re-evaluation.
Zakon will insure the transport of the worker, insure location to stay and food, amount is
determined by the ministry.
39. Does a disabled worker is entitled to compensation? When?
Invalid operation because of an injury outside of work - of disability until early rehabilitation after
completion of rehabilitation to employment (not longer than 12 months, if within 30 days to report
to the Bureau) has the right to compensation in the amount of invalidska pension in case of
occupational disability. During duration of rehabilitation is entitled to compensation in the
amount of disability pension due to general inability to operation. Invalid work because of
occupational injury or illness professor - has at all times entitled to remuneration in the amount of
disability pension due to a general inability to work for 40 years of mirovinsko staa service.
The time between rehabilitation and employment - has that right no longer than 24 months if
within 30 days to report to the Bureau of employment.

40. When a disabled worker loses the right to professional rehabilitation

- when he doesnt go to rehab in the month from the injury
- if interrupts initiated rehabilitation or performs duties in connection with the rehabilitation

41. The invalidska mirovina
Insured has the right to it if the disability caused by illness or injury outside of work before age
65 and if his mirovinski sta covering at least one-third of their working life. Working life is the
number of full years from the date when the insured was 20 years. to the date of disability. For
people with college degrees working life counts of reach 23 years., And people with a university
degree from the age of 26 years. The period of life will be shortened by during which the
insured was on military service or was reported as unemployed.
Extremely insured is entitled as follows:
- if the disability occurred before 35 yrs., And has a higher degree and up to the date of
disability has turned the insurance period of at least two years, and insured that has a high
qualifications to the date of disability turned one years of insurance if invalidity insurance
during or within one year after termination of insurance.
- if the disability occurred before 30 yrs., If you reached the age of at least one year of
service insurance if the disability occurred during or within one year after termination
- If the disability caused by the injury or occupational disease insured is entitled on a
disability pension, regardless of length of service for retirement.
- if the insured intentionally caused his disability does not have rights.
- If the disability was the result of criminal acts the insured is not entitled, and if his Family
members are entitled, the pension will be paid to them.
- If the insured submits a claim within six months of disability, has the right to disability
pension of disability. If you apply later, has the rights for 6 months backwards.
- The rights acquired on the basis of disability lasts until there is a state of disability.
- If you are in a state of disability and the remaining work capacity resulting changes, the
right to change, or acquires a new law from the date of the change in the state of disability.
- If there are such changes to the law loses, then you lose the right from the first day of the
next months after the decision on the termination rights.

42. What is the physical damage?
Loss, damage or significant disability considerable individual organs or body parts which makes it
difficult normal activity of the body and requires greater efforts in carrying necessities of life,
regardless of whether causes disability.
43. When the insured is entitled to compensation for physical damage?
If the injury is minimum of 30% and that is the consequence of an occupational disease or
professor. If Insured is entitled to a number of different benefits, we can use one, according to
their choice. If the insured submits a claim within six months of the occurrence of physical
disability, he is entitled to compensation.
44. When family members of the deceased insured person shall be entitled to a
family's pension?

- if the insured person has completed at least 5 years of insurance or at least 10 years
mirovinsko sta
- if the insured to be eligible length of pensionable service for entitlement to disability
- if the insured was old-age pension, early retirement pension or disability pensions
- if the insured was entitled to occupational rehabilitation.
If the death of the insured or the insured person caused by an injury or occupational disease,
family members are entitled to a family's pension, regardless of the length of service of the
45. When a family member of the deceased is not entitled to a survivor's

- when he intentionally caused the death of the insured or the beneficiary of the pension for
the crime; has been convicted by a final judgment to imprisonment.
- when intentionally disabled to work for the realization of the right to a survivor's pension

46. Which family members are entitled to a survivor's pension?
- widow / widower
- divorced spouse if his court granted them the right to maintenance
- child
- parent whom the insured person

47. When a widow (widower) is entitled to a survivor's pension?
- If the first spouse to death has 50 years of age
- if she is under 50 years of age and if the death of a spouse performed a complete loss
working ability or a complete loss of working capacity created within one year after the
death of a spouse
- if after the death of her spouse one or more children who are entitled to family retirement
by his father, the widow performed parental duties for children
- widow to her spouse's death has not reached 50, but he had reached the age of 45 years of
life, entitled to a survivor's pension when they reach 50 years of age.
- widow is entitled to a survivor's pension when the insured child born after his death and to
her from the day of death of the insured
- widow who is the duration of entitlement to a survivor's pension was 50 years of age,
reserves the right to family pension permanently, and if divested of such right before
turning 50 years of age, but after age 45, can be right again when they reach 50 years of
- widow to her spouse's death or termination of the right to a survivor's pension reached 45
years of age, is entitled to a survivor's pension before age of 50, if the code she suffers a
complete loss of working ability.

48. When a child is entitled to a survivor's pension?

- if the kids dead of the insured under the age of 15 years or younger than 18 years if
registeredthe Department of Employment
- during the regular school, but up to 26 years
- if the statute of general inability to work until the age up to which children enjoy the right
to survivor's pension

49. When a parent whom the insured person is entitled to a survivor's pension?

- if it is the death of the insured person has completed 60 years
- if before 60 years all had an invalidska rada

50. Who is entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses?

- The insured when it instructed the Office or call in another location for opinions or
inferences from by authorized expert or for vocational rehabilitation
- a companion of the insured person

51. Which includes reimbursement of travel expenses?

- reimbursement for transportation costs
- reimbursement for the cost of accommodation and meals in second place

52. How is retirement?
The pension amount is calculated by multiplying bodovi with the mirovinsko factor and current the
value of pensions. To this amount is deducted from the pension supplement.
53. How do you determine the value points bodovi?
1- on the basis of salary, base security and other income on which contributions are paid after
1970.god., So that they each calendar year divided by the average annual salary in Croatia
2- from 2003.. if the insured made a salary, or base greater than the highest annual basis for
the calculation according to regulations on contributions, taken the prescribed maximum
baseline against which the determined value points in proportion to insurance period
3- for the period up to 1970.., For all the years of pensionable service to which they are not
paid or the wages are not known, the period when the status of displaced persons were
entitled to a minimum wages take the average value points. They are calculated so that the
sum of the Securities of these points above divided by the period for which they are
4- if the insured person after the 1970th year. I can not identify any points for one year (no
or data was not provided), then for each year of pensionable service taken one point (One
point = average wage in Croatia)

54. What is the initial factor?
It depends on the age of the insured at the date of acquisition of pension rights. It determines the
extent to which taking value points when determining the amount of pension.
Age of the retirement
55. When taken points value presented to the full extent?
When such is the initial factor of 1.0. It is taken at:
- temporary disability pensions and disability pensions
- family pension
- retirement and temporary old-age pensions

56. How do you define personal score?
Personal Points = personal points x total pensionable service x initial factor
57. What is the current value of pension?
It has been established pension amount for a personal point. It is determined for each half so to
comply rate. The rate is obtained as half the sum of the rate of change in the average consumer
price index in the previous six months and the rate of change of the average gross wage in the
previous six months.
58. How to harmonize pensions?
Pensions are adjusted from 1.1. to 1.7. each calendar year, according to a new current value
pensions. Pensions and other benefits from the pension system are determined by the monthly
amount paid and backwards. Pensions and other benefits from the power generated by 31.12.2013.
will be paid in Croatia or abroad through banks or by mail to the address of users in Croatia. They
realized after 01/01/2014. only through banks. (Between the same madness ...). If an insured person
becomes entitled to more pension, can be used only one pension which he chooses. To a pensioner
who employ or begins doing business on the basis that there is no obligation on insurance payments
are suspended. Etc ........
59. Who are the Social Insurance Fund is registered for?

- Insured
- contribution payers
- the users of the law mirovinsko

60. What body of water alone records for your employees?
1- Ministry of Defence
2- Ministry of Interior
3- Ministry of Justice

61. What information is entered into the system records?
Data are entered on:
- insured persons who are not insured, and which is qualifying period specified in the
- persons in the time spent in insurance until the accession of the EU entered into work
- persons who have acquired the right of pension insurance (beneficiaries - are they whichit
started to pay off)
- taxpayers pension contributions

62. What are the data records in the system?
Used for the realization of pension entitlement. These data are public and people can look for
themselves certificate of entered data.
They are used to protect the people and give them rights.
63. What information is provided in which the term?
Information about the start and termination of work, and changes in the work - all within 24 hours
Information about the start and termination of insurance, and changes in insurance - all within 24
Data on disabled workers with the right to Professor rehabilitation - the day when the decision on
the grant, ie termination of the rights made
64. How much time are kept records of the matine evidencije?
Minimum 30g , min 10 years for the dead people, or termination of, or loss of these rights.
At least 40 years for those who have not acquired the right to the pension scheme.

65. Whoever solves the pension insurance rights?
in the first instance - the regional unit of the Institute where the insured person / jedinica
in the second stage - the central unit of the Institute
66. How is the right to security?
The right to pension insurance is determined by the recognition properties of the insured
establishes that the Department based application security. The application submitted by the
taxpayer to pay contributions or insured. Insured termination of the insured property ceases
circumstances under which it was acquired property of the insured.
67. How to determine the right insurance?
Right to pension insurance realized in the Zavod. The process for achieving them brings competent
units Institute at the request of the insured person. In exercising the rights are taken into
account data from the Register (qualifying period, salary, insurance bases, etc.). Selected physician
prime zdr protection may make a proposal to institute proceedings for the exercise of rights under
disability. When a doctor considered to have completed treatment and rehabilitation and the
disability occurred shall prepare complete documentation medical.
68. What is the process of acceptance the rights of invalidity?

- certified experts Institute (them determines Government) determines whether there is a
- their findings and opinion is subject to revision performed by an expert committee
(appointed by the Government), and at what can be done and a check of the insured
- findings and opinions of the disability must be carried out within 30 days
- final decision on the Rights of the Department can execute (for Prof. rehabilitation
competent regional Unit of the Institute)
If the insured has lost rights on the basis of invalidity, then it is required to perform a check no
later than three years.
69. As established ZAVOD?
The central organizational unit in Zagreb and regional organizational units.
70. Who is the Administrative Council of the Institute?
Nine members appointed by the Government and that four members on the proposal of the
ministry responsible for the pension system, 2 members choosen by government, one member on
the proposal of the Economic and Social Council from among unions, one member of the Staff
Council a proposal from the ranks of employers, one member representative of employees of the
71. Who is the director of the Institute?
Ravnatelj appointed by the Government on the proposal of the ministry.
72. What are all the body of the Institute?
The Institute may have supervisory, professional and advisory bodies. / nadzorna, struna,
savjetodavna tijela.
73. What services does the Zavod?

- tasks related to the exercise of the rights of insured persons from pension insurance based
on generacijske solidarnosti
- ensures the implementation of European Union regulations on the coordination of social
security systems and international social security agreements
- ensures the legality of the exercise of rights of insured persons, and providing technical
assistance exercising rights
- implemented a policy of development and improvement of pension insurance based on
generacialska solidarnosti
- perform other tasks related to the implementation and realization of the rights of pension
insurance based on intergenerational solidarity.
74. What are the income mirovinsko osiguranje?

- contributions for compulsory pension insurance based on solidarity, whose private payers,
employers, Croatia and other payers according to the regulations governing contributions
- capitalized contributions for mandatory pension funds who are entitled to pension
exclusively in the compulsory pension insurance based on pay
- revenues from the state budget
- own income
- other income and receipts.

75. What are the expenses of mirovinsko osiguranje?

- pensions, unemployment benefit and other payments from the pension insurance system
based on the acquired rights
- costs of vocational rehabilitation
- costs associated with evaluating total loss of working ability, partial loss working capacity,
decreased working capacity and remaining work capacity
- expenses in connection with the payment of pensions and other benefits from the pension
- compensation for travel expenses in connection with the exercise of rights
- implementation costs and insurance costs are the governing body of the Institute
- contributions for certain categories of insured persons for which the taxpayer Republic of
- other costs.

76. Reporting on the business of the Institute for Pension Insurance
The Zavod shall submit to the Parliament a report on annual performance to 30 June of the
previous year. The annual report must contain information about the insured persons and
beneficiaries rights, financial operations for the period from 1 January to 31 December of the
previous calendar year.
77. What are the revenues from the state budget?
The Republic of Croatia provides funding in the state budget to cover part of the pension
obligations insurance arising recognition and determining pensions under favorable conditions to
special regulations, namely:
- Defenders of the Homeland War
- members of the Croatian National Army
- participants in the National Liberation War
- former political prisoners
- member of the HAZU
- MPs in Parliament
- employees Interior equality and justice
- members of the former JNA who realized early retirement
RH provides funding for:
- farmers
- parent of a child in the first year performing parental duties
- users disability without professional work

78. Financial operations of the Institute
Financial operations of the Institute shall be calculated over the Croatian budget. Institute can be
used to pay pensions and other benefits from the pension insurance customers abroad use account
in a commercial bank in the Republic of Croatia opened with the approval of the Ministry of
79. What makes the assets of the Pension Insurance?
The assets of the Institute are real estate, stocks, business interests, securities, accounts
receivable, money and other assets in which the government funds the pension and disability
insurance and their legal predecessors had the right to dispose of, or the right of ownership.
80. What are the rights of the Department in legal matters?
Department in legal matters has unlimited legal and business acumen as well as in legal Traffic
acquire rights and obligations. For commitments in legal suits Department all its assets. To increase
asset Institute has the right to establish companies, fund management companies or investment
firms, credit and financial institutions and institutions. Cash (gain) realized by the legal persons
referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article can be used to improve the material situation of
X. damages and unjust enrichment

81. What does the compensation of actual damages?
The fee covers the cost of actual damages and the amount of benefits payable from power, as
- cash benefits paid on the basis of recognized pension rights in a proportionate amount
- professor of rehabilitation costs as well as monetary compensation in connection with the
use of the right

82. What is capitalized damage? What is individual giving?
Capitalised damage - the total amount of damages
Individual giving - the amount of actual damages
83. From whom the Institute has the right to claim compensation?

- from the person who caused the disability or death of the insured person
- if the employee is at work caused the death or disability of the insured person, suit
employer and employee jointly (unless they are implemented safety measures, then
corresponds to the employer)
- of the insurance company in which the owners of the motor vehicle insurance (if the owner
is not provided, then directly from him)
- HR Insurance Office if the damage caused is unknown vehicle or vehicle registration by
- of the insured if he received a cash benefit can not due to him (the obligation of returning
benefits), and if: law made in contravention of the Act, if he is giving paid the greater of
the corresponding
84 Penalties
An employer or payer of contributions shall be fined in the amount of 5,000.00 to 50,000.00 kuna:
- if it fails to report the commencement or termination of, or changes in business or do so
after the prescribed deadline
- to determine if the accuracy of the facts on which the right to the pension insurance the
insured is disabled checking business records, financial documents and other records
- if you fail to report or check-out insurance or insurance change or do so after the
prescribed deadline
- if you enter incorrect information in the documents submitted to the system records
For procedures in point 1 shall be imposed on the responsible person shall be fined in the amount of
1,000.00 to 10,000.00 kuna.
The commercial bank or other person who performs payment in Croatia and mail shall be for foul
penalty in the amount of HRK 10,000.00 to 100,000.00 if the request does not return the
Department paid resources.
84. The pillars of the pension insurance
Forms of pension insurance
- First Level Obvezna mirovinsko osiguranje na temelju generacilsko solidarnosti
- II level Obvezna mirovinsko osiguranje na temelju individualne kapitalizirane tednje
- III pillar dobrovoljno mirovinsko osiguranje na temelju individualne kapitalizirane tednje
First LEVEL Obvezna mirovinska osiguranja na temelju generacijske solidarnosti
Mandatory pension insurance based on generational solidarity. All employees are allocated
15% of gross salary, which goes to the pension fund Pension Fund. These funds are used to pay
current pensions
The second pillar obvezna mirovinska osiguranja na temelju individualne kapitalizirane tednje.
Compulsory pension insurance based on an individual's capital savings. Mandatory for
all under 40 years old. From gross wages, pay 5% via FINA OR REGOS to pension funds that
insured their choice (Over the counter REGOS at FINA). When the conditions are met for a
pension, the insured chooses retirement insurance company in which transfer the capital from
pension fund.
The third pillar MO dobrovoljna mirovinska osiguranje na temelju individualne kapitalizirane
Voluntary pension insurance based on an individual's capital savings. Certain Month deposit is to be
paid into a special account in voluntary pension fund (he is invested in the market and eligible for a
tax that is added to the amount saved). The state encourages this column MO, it amounts to 25% of
annual savings of up to kn5000 (kn 1250 incentive highest)
85. Categories of Insured
- obvezna osiguranja
- Insured persons in certain situations
- The family members of the insured
87 Invalidnost
Conditions permanent reduction or loss of ability to work. On this basis, are eligible for the
disability retirement or vocational rehabilitation. It may occur due to illness, injury outside of work,
injuries at work and occupational diseases. Determined in separate proceedings.

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