Time Expense Scheduling Procedures

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SOP # Revision: Prepared by: R.

Effective Date: July 1 !""# $pproved by: J. Di%ianca
Policy: All time and/or expenses incurred on behalf of the company must be entered in the
GTM Time & Expense Web-based System. Expenses are to be ithin established
company !uidelines and in accordance ith the Tra"el# Entertainment and $usiness
Expense %olicy.
Purpose: To pro"ide !uidelines for enterin! time and expenses as it actually occurs# to
account for "arious state and city tax re!ulations as it pertains to payroll# to insure
the reimbursement of expenses and to pro"ide !uidelines to aid in the assistance of
the prompt and accurate creation of monthly client billin!.
Scope: This procedure applies to all departments and indi"iduals ho incur time or
expenses on behalf of the company.
Employee is responsible for enterin! time on a daily basis and for submittin! time
and expenses on a monthly basis ithin the timeframe allotted.
Accountin! &epartment ill recei"e and re"ie timesheets and expense reports for
promptness and accuracy and for submission to payroll and reimbursement of
Overvie&: The Time# Expense and Schedulin! System is a eb-based system. The eb
address is https'//taxdata.!lobaltaxm!mt.com/tem hich can be set up as a fa"orite
site in (nternet Explorer or can be accessed throu!h the home pa!e in Share%oint
under (mportant )in*s.
The Time# Expense and Schedulin! System is desi!ned to interact ith the
Accountin! softare system Microsoft &ynamics G% +Great %lains,. Microsoft
&ynamics G% trac*s billable and nonbillable time and expenses by usin! pro-ect
codes and cost cate!ory codes. Each pro-ect corresponds to an en!a!ement letter
and each cost cate!ory corresponds to the type of or* bein! performed.
$ecause en!a!ement letters are re.uired before a pro-ect can be added# only
&irectors can re.uest a ne pro-ect to be added to the system.
A list of /ost /ate!ory /odes for Timesheets and Expenses is a"ailable on
0ser 1ame' 2our user name is your first initial and your last name +apostrophes
are included, and are not case sensiti"e# i.e. -doe or 3&4E.
%assord' 2our initial passord is 5678. 0pon your first lo!in# you ill be
prompted to chan!e your passord. %assords must be at least 9 characters in
len!th and must contain three of the four folloin! types of characters'
a number
Time# Expense & Schedulin! System %rocedures pa!e 5 of :
a symbol
a loer case letter
an upper case letter
%assords ill expire after ;< days at hich time you ill be prompted to select a
ne one. 2ou can also chan!e your passord at any time by usin! the /han!e My
%assord lin* under the Admin tab. (f you ha"e trouble lo!!in! into the system or
cannot remember your passord# you ill need to contact a Systems Administrator
to reset it.
)o!!in! 4n' 0se the lo!in box in the banner to enter your lo!in credentials.
When successfully authenticated# the status ill indicate Lo''ed On in the loer
left hand corner of the lo!in dialo!. 4nce lo!!ed in# you=ll be able to na"i!ate to
the "arious pa!es of the system by usin! the tabs belo the banner.
After 6< minutes of inacti"ity# the system ill automatically time out. 0se the
lo!in dialo! in the banner to reestablish your lo!in credentials and then use your
broser=s bac* button to return to the pre"ious pa!e.
/oo*ies and %op-0ps' The system uses a coo*ie to maintain your lo!in
information and authenticate you as a user of the system. 2ou=ll need to enable
coo*ies in your broser to use the system. The system also uses pop-up indos
for some features of the reportin! and for some ad"anced features. 2ou ill need
to enable pop-ups for this ebsite if you ant to use all of the features.
>or payroll tax and billin! purposes# Time must be entered on a daily basis. /ompleted
monthly Timesheets must be submitted by 5<'<< am on the first business day of the
folloin! month.
5.5 Addin! a %ro-ect to 2our Timesheet' After lo!!in! onto the system# clic* on the Time
Tab. (n the dropdon menu belo your name# choose the pro-ect that you are currently
or*in! on.
(n the second dropdon menu# choose the cost cate!ory or type of or* that you are
performin! for that pro-ect. Each uni.ue combination of pro-ect and cost cate!ory
re.uires a ne line on the timesheet.
$elo the cost cate!ory dropdon menu is another dropdon that lists the state/city
here you are or*in!. /hoose the location here you are physically or*in!.
Example' (f you are or*in! at a client site in the city of %hiladelphia# choose %? @
%hiladelphia. (f you are or*in! on the same client but in the Aadnor office# choose %A @
%ennsyl"ania. The location you choose determines the taxes that are deducted from your
Time# Expense & Schedulin! System %rocedures pa!e 6 of :
paychec*. >or auditin! and tax re!ulation purposes# the employee is responsible for
choosin! the correct location.
A memo can also be added to each line of the timesheet in the box to the ri!ht of the
pro-ect name. Beep in mind that the description in the memo box appears on the client=s
in"oice. A maximum of 6C< characters can be exported into the Microsoft &ynamics G%
After choosin! the pro-ect# cost cate!ory# location and enterin! a memo# clic* on DAdd
ne pro-ectE belo the memo box.
5.6 Enterin! Time by %ro-ect' After you ha"e added a pro-ect to your timesheet# you can
enter time for that pro-ect by clic*in! on the edit lin* to the left of the pro-ect name. After
clic*in! on edit# use the text boxes to enter the number of hours or*ed on that pro-ect
for each day. 2ou can also chan!e the selected pro-ect# cost cate!ory and memo hen you
are in the edit mode. /lic* on update to accept your chan!es.
5.7 Enterin! Time by &ay' After addin! se"eral pro-ects to your timesheet# you ha"e the
option of enterin! your time by day. $y clic*in! on the underlined day of the month in the
!rid header# a popup indo ill open that allos you to enter time for that day in all of
the pro-ects that you ha"e listed on your timesheet. After you ha"e completed enterin!
your time for that day# clic* on the sa"e chan!es lin* in the upper ri!ht corner of the
popup indo. /lic* on the refresh lin* to see your chan!es in the main timesheet pa!e.
5.8 /opyin! %ro-ects' (f you ha"e a re!ular reportin! profile that you consistently use each
month# you can clic* on Dcopy pro-ects from a pre"ious periodE hich ill copy the
pre"ious month=s %ro-ect//ost /ate!ory combinations. $y selectin! the D(nclude MemosE
chec*box# each line of the pre"ious period=s timesheet ill appear e"en if the same
pro-ect/cost cate!ory combination is listed more than once. $y lea"in! the D(nclude
MemosE chec*box unchec*ed# each uni.ue combination of pro-ect/cost cate!ory ill be
copied only once.
5.C Submittin! Timesheets' Althou!h your time must be entered on a daily basis# your
timesheet must be sub(itted no later t)an 1":"" a( on t)e first business day of t)e
(ont) for the pre"ious month. To submit your completed monthly timesheet# clic* on
Dclic* here to submit this timesheetE abo"e your name in the Time Tab. 4nce you ha"e
submitted your timesheet# you cannot chan!e the data. (f you realiFe that you="e made an
error after submittin! and before the deadline for processin!# contact a systems
administrator in the Accountin! &epartment to Dun-submitE your timesheet.
5.G %rintin! Timesheets' To print your timesheet# clic* on the Aeports Tab and then Time
Aeported Summary. Enter the date ran!e for hich you ant a report. The date must be
in the folloin! format' mm/dd/yyyy. /lic* on Go. After the report is displayed on your
screen# clic* on the export icon in the left hand corner. >rom the drop don menu#
choose Acrobat >ormat and clic* o*. After the report is displayed on your screen# clic*
the print icon.
All hourly employees# interns and pro-ect consultants are re.uired to print their timesheets
on a bi-ee*ly basis# ha"e a &irector or Mana!er appro"e their timesheet and submit it to
the Accountin! &epartment for payroll processin!.
Time# Expense & Schedulin! System %rocedures pa!e 7 of :

The policy and !uidelines re!ardin! tra"el# entertainment and business expenditures
incurred by employees of the /ompany are discussed in the Tra"el# Entertainment and
$usiness Expenses %olicy hich can be found in Share%oint.
The Expense Tab is split into to cate!ories @ Expenses and Milea!e )o!. The expense
cate!ories appear in the upper half of the screen and the milea!e lo! appears on the loer
half of the screen. Total expenses for the selected period appear next to the user name
combo box on the upper half of the screen.
6.5 Enterin! Expenses - After lo!!in! onto the system# clic* on the Expense Tab. /lic* on
Dsho/hide expense formE. Similar to enterin! time# choose the appropriate pro-ect and
cost cate!ory from the drop don menus. Enter the date the expense as incurred +usin!
the format# mm/dd/yyyy,# the amount of the expense# a detailed explanation in the memo
box and then clic* on Dadd ne expenseE. Aepeat this procedure to add all expenses
incurred. +Aefer to the Tra"el# Entertainment and $usiness Expenses %olicy for details on
alloable expenses and proper documentation,.
(f you need to ma*e a chan!e to a pro-ect# cost cate!ory# date# amount or memo# use the
edit lin* on the left side of the pro-ect name. /lic* on the update lin* to sa"e your
6.6 Enterin! Milea!e - After lo!!in! onto the system# clic* on the Expense Tab. /lic* on
Dsho/hide milea!e formE. /hoose the appropriate pro-ect and cost cate!ory from the
drop don menus. Enter the date the milea!e as incurred +usin! the format#
mm/dd/yyyy,# the number of total miles round trip to the client# an explanation in the
memo box if appropriate and then clic* on Dadd ne tripE. 2our round trip milea!e to and
from your home office ill automatically be deducted from your milea!e to a client. (f
your total round trip miles to and from your home to your home office is more than 6<
miles# please notify the Accountin! &epartment. +Aefer to the Tra"el# Entertainment and
$usiness Expenses %olicy for details on alloable milea!e,. Aepeat this procedure to add
all milea!e incurred.
The milea!e rate is the pre"ailin! (AS rate per tax !uidelines for per-mile deductions.
(f you need to ma*e a chan!e to a pro-ect# cost cate!ory# date# amount or memo# use the
edit lin* on the left side of the pro-ect name. /lic* on the update lin* to sa"e your
6.7 Submittin! Expenses - 2our expenses must be sub(itted no later t)an 1":"" a( on t)e
first business day of t)e (ont) for the pre"ious month. To submit your completed
monthly expense report# clic* on Dclic* here to submit this expense reportE abo"e the
month in the Expense Tab. 4nce you ha"e submitted your expense report# you cannot
chan!e the data. (f you realiFe that you="e made an error after submittin! and before the
deadline for processin!# contact a systems administrator in the Accountin! &epartment to
Dun-submitE your timesheet.
Time# Expense & Schedulin! System %rocedures pa!e 8 of :
6.8 %rintin! Expense Aeports - To print your expense report# clic* on the Aeports Tab and
then Expense Aeport. The current month should appear in the period box. /lic* on Go.
After the report is displayed on your screen# clic* on the print icon in the left hand corner.
Expense report forms must be printed out# si!ned and forarded to the Accountin!
&epartment. Scanned or emailed copies are unacceptable. Ae.uired receipts for items
char!ed must be attached to the report. Any .uestions re!ardin! completion of the report
should be directed to the employeeHs Mana!er/&irector or the Accountin! &epartment.
6.C %ayment for Expenses - (n order to expedite reimbursement# the employee should ensure
that the report is completed properly# re.uired documentation is attached# proper
authoriFation is obtained# and any unusual items properly explained and documented.
Expense reports ill be reimbursed by a company chec*# normally by the first business day
of the folloin! month after all expense reports are submitted. The employee=s expense
chec* ill not be released until all proper documentation and a si!ned ori!inal are recei"ed
by the Accountin! &epartment.
The Schedulin! Module is used to schedule upcomin! en!a!ements# determine capacity
and to fill upcomin! staffin! needs.
The Schedulin! Mana!ers for the re!ional offices are responsible for updatin! employee=s
schedules for their re!ion. ?oe"er each employee is responsible for chec*in! their
schedule for accuracy.
7.5 Enterin! Scheduled Time * There are multiple ays to add time to your +or to another
employee=s, schedule.
Schedule by Employee @ /lic* on DSchedule %ro-ects and EmployeesE. The
default "ie is Schedule by Employee. Select the employee name# pro-ect name
and date from the drop don menus. Add the hours scheduled and clic* on
Schedule by %ro-ect - /lic* on DSchedule %ro-ects and EmployeesE and clic* on
Dsitch to pro-ect "ieE. Select the pro-ect name# employee name and date from
the drop don menus. Add the hours scheduled and clic* on DAddE.
$ul* Schedulin! @ To add a !roup of employees to a specific pro-ect clic* on
D$ul* Schedulin!E. /hoose the criteria from the drop don menu or choose the
specific employees by clic*in! on the box next to their name. /hoose the date and
the pro-ect from the drop don menus# enter the number of hours and clic* on
Dadd time to scheduleE.
%ersonal %ro-ect Schedule @ 0se this form to schedule time by pro-ect for an
indi"idual employee. This "ie shos C6 ee*s at a time. /hoose the employee
name and pro-ect name from the drop don menus. /lic* on D!et scheduleE and
enter the amount of hours per ee* to be or*ed on this pro-ect.
Time# Expense & Schedulin! System %rocedures pa!e C of :
7.6 Transferrin! %ro-ects @ 0se this indo to transfer all scheduled time from one pro-ect to
another. /hoose the pro-ects and the date from the drop don menus and clic* on
Dtransfer timeE.
7.7 Transferrin! %eople @ 0se this indo to transfer all scheduled time from one person to
another. /hoose the employees and the date from the drop don menus and clic* on
Dtransfer timeE.
7.8 %rintin! Schedule Aeports @There are "arious reports that can be printed for schedulin!.
>rom the Schedule Tab# clic* on Schedule Aeports. /hoose the report criteria and clic*
on the report that you ant to print.
More information is available from the following resources:
Tra"el# Entertainment and $usiness Expenses %olicy
/ost /ate!ory /odes for Timesheets
/ost /ate!ory /odes for Expense Aeports
Revision +istory:
Revision Date Description of c)an'es Re,uested %y
(nitial Aelease
Time# Expense & Schedulin! System %rocedures pa!e G of :
pa!e : of :

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