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Policy Area: HR / Benefits Subject: Paternity Leave

Title of Policy: Paternity & Non Primary

Caregivers Leave
Effective Date: January 1, 2014 Page Number:
Approved Date:
Revision Date: April 1, 2014
Approved by: J DiBianca ____________

New Dads and Non Primary Caregiver Adoptive Parents at GTM, who have been at GTM for at
least 1 year prior to the event, will receive 1 week of Paid Leave with the birth or adoption of
their new child.

Purpose of this document:
To provide guidance to employees to follow policy; including communication of intent, how to
complete time sheet, and frequently asked questions.

All GTM employees who are either new dads, or adoptive parents with Non primary caregiver
status, and are eligible by virtue of the fact that they are scheduled for a minimum of 30 hours
per week at time of birth. For those scheduled at less than 40 hours per week, benefit time will
be prorated.

MPA The term MPA specifically refers to the Time & Expense code that you will use to
complete your timesheet. MPA is short for NCH Maternity/Paternity/Adoption, and can be
found under GTM Non-Chargeable Time on T&E.


A note from HR:

Congratulations on your soon to arrive child!

There are some people who will need, ultimately to know about your impending arrival. Ensure
that your Director, Scheduling Manager and HR are aware. Once the baby is born, let HR know
and please send a picture to share within your work community.

Paid Leave:

If you qualify, your 1 week of Paid leave may be used any time within the first 3 months after
the birth/adoption of your child. To record your time, use MPA on your T&E (may also be listed
as NCH Maternity/Paternity/Adoption).

PTO may be used in addition to MPA.



How does FMLA fit into all of this?

FMLA stands for the Family Medical Leave Act which is a federally mandated program
applicable to Employers with 50 or more employees within a 75 mile radius. GTM Malvern,
Radnor & Bridgewater are all covered under the FMLA guidelines due to their size and
proximate locations combined. The designation will protect the employees job for up to 12
weeks of time in a 1 year period from being eliminated due to their FMLA related absence.

For an employee to be covered under the FMLA, they must have worked for their employer for
at least 1 year and 1250 hours.

FMLA time is designated by the employer, and may be requested by the employee to meet
specific situations. Paternity and Adoption Leave are covered by FMLA. It is important to note
that this designation does not mean an automatic 12 weeks of protection after the birth or
adoption of a child. It does mean that you may opt to take 12 weeks of protected time per
year, which may happen to be the 12 weeks after the child is born/adopted. There is also no
requirement that the FMLA be 12 consecutive weeks the time may be taken intermittently, as
needed for example it may be used to cover doctors visits and subsequent illnesses as they

FMLA runs concurrently with PTO and MPA. MPA is automatically an FMLA event. PTO is
considered FMLA if it is being utilized as part of your Paternity/Adoption leave or for illness.
PTO is not FMLA if it is used as vacation time.

If both parents are GTM employees, what happens with FMLA?

If both parents are GTM employees, their FMLA for the birth/adoption event is split between
them. For example, the Mom may take 9 FMLA weeks and the Dad may take 3 FMLA weeks, so
that for the event, they have a total of 12 weeks. That being said, because they are each
individually allotted 12 weeks per year of protected time, the Mom would then have an
additional 3 weeks to use during the year, and the Dad would still have 9 weeks. This time
could be paid or unpaid time.

What happens with my benefits?

First and foremost, if the babys insurance will be under your plan, make sure you complete
the enrollment form and get it to HR ASAP! While the insurance company will say that the
baby is technically covered by the Moms insurance plan for the first 30 days, numerous people
will immediately be asking you for proof of coverage. Sometimes, they will add the baby to
your plan for you, for record keeping purposes but the Insurance company will only accept
enrollment submitted by your employer. Obtain the enrollment form ahead of time, complete
it within the babys first week and submit it to HR.

Can I change my FSA amounts with the birth of the baby?

Yes. This is one of the very few times you can make changes to FSA without having to wait for
Open Enrollment. With the birth of the baby, and/or adoption, you can increase your Medical
FSA and add Dependent Care FSA. Contact HR for more information.

Revision Date Description of Changes Requested By:
Initial 1/1/14

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