Empirical and Molecular Formula Worksheet

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name ________________________________________ d ____ uaLe _____________________
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1. WhaL's Lhe emplrlcal formula of a molecule conLalnlng 63.3 carbon, 3.3 hydrogen, and 29.0 oxygen?
2. lf Lhe molar mass of Lhe compound ln problem 1 ls 110 grams/mole, whaL's Lhe molecular formula?
3. WhaL's Lhe emplrlcal formula of a molecule conLalnlng 18.7 llLhlum, 16.3 carbon, and 63.0 oxygen?
4. lf Lhe molar mass of Lhe compound ln problem 3 ls 73.8 grams/mole, whaL's Lhe molecular formula?
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3. A compound wlLh an emplrlcal formula of C
and a molar mass of 88 grams per mole.
6. A compound wlLh an emplrlcal formula of C
C and a molar mass of 136 grams per mole.
For chemistry help, visit http://www.chemfiesta.com 2000 Cavalcade Publishing All Rights Reserved
7. A compound wlLh an emplrlcal formula of Cl8rC and a molar mass of 234.7 grams per mole.
8. A compound wlLh an emplrlcal formula of C
n and a molar mass of 46 grams per mole.
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9. 1he percenLage composlLlon of aceLlc acld ls found Lo be 39.9 C, 6.7 P, and 33.4 C. ueLermlne Lhe
emplrlcal formula of aceLlc acld.
10. 1he molar mass for quesLlon #9 was deLermlned by experlmenL Lo be 60.0 g/mol. WhaL ls Lhe molecular
11. Anlllne, a sLarLlng maLerlal for ureLhane plasLlc foams, conslsLs of C, P, and n. CombusLlon of such compounds
ylelds CC
, P
C, and n
as producLs. lf Lhe combusLlon of 9.71 g of anlllne ylelds 6.63 g P
C and 1.46 g n
whaL ls lLs emplrlcal formula?
12. 1he molar mass of anlllne ls 93 g/mol. WhaL ls lLs molecular formula?
For chemistry help, visit http://www.chemfiesta.com 2000 Cavalcade Publishing All Rights Reserved
13. CalculaLe Lhe mass percenL of carbon, nlLrogen and oxygen ln aceLamlde, C
14. A 30.31 g sample of a compound made from phosphorus and chlorlne ls decomposed. Analysls of Lhe
producLs showed LhaL 11.39 g of phosphorus aLoms were produced. WhaL ls Lhe emplrlcal formula of Lhe
13. When 2.3000 g of an oxlde of mercury, (Pg
) ls decomposed lnLo Lhe elemenLs by heaLlng, 2.403 g of
mercury are produced. CalculaLe Lhe emplrlcal formula.
16. 1he compound benzamlde has Lhe followlng percenL composlLlon. WhaL ls Lhe emplrlcal formula?
C = 69.40 P= 3.823 C = 13.21 n= 11.37
17. A componenL of proLeln called serlne has an approxlmaLe molar mass of 100.0 g/mole. lf Lhe percenL
composlLlon ls as follows, whaL ls Lhe emplrlcal and molecular formula of serlne?
C = 34.93 P= 6.844 C = 46.36 n= 13.39

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