Past Passive Marathon

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Nake 2 copies of this list (foi two teams). Nake an auuitional copy foi each
auuitional team.

Invite Bill & Kaien Puichase plates & cups Becoiate the hall
Aiiange music Senu invitation Set a uate foi the paity
Buy batteiies foi cameia Rent chaiis Plan menu

Bo homewoik Fix computei Reau book
Feeu the cat Senu email Besign my uieam house
Wash cai Take gianuma to uoctoi Finu my iPhone

Buy peais Shaie the giapes Taste stiawbeiiy ice-cieam
0se mangoes Eat the apple Cut the wateimelon
Biing the peaches Senu oianges Nake banana punch

Play volleyball uive piize to the winneis See the skateboaius
Awaiu the playeis Fill the stauium Foice oui team to play
Win the game Steal volleyball tiophies Announce the matches

!"" $"%&' (&) )*%"!

This game can be playeu with between two to foui teams. Befoie staiting the game,
stuuents shoulu uiscuss how they'u like to ueteimine which gioup plays fiist.
Nake two copies of the lists above. Then cut out the tables anu uistiibute them, one
to each siue.

Biviue stuuents in teams.

EXANPLE (Categoiy - B0 TBINuS)

0ne stuuent fiom one team says: !"# %#&'(#)*+, Any othei stuuent fiom any of
the othei teams who also has: !"# %#&'(#)*, woulu say it out louuly. The fiist
stuuent woulu then ask that stuuent a question in the past passive using the woius
he has just useu. Foi example: -./ 0#1) %#&'(#)* 2#3'4 0i, (%')' (./ 0#1)
%#&'(#)* 2#3'4 Anu the seconu stuuent woulu ieply, using the passive; foi
example: 56'/7 &0 %#&'(#)* (./ 2#3'8; oi, 53#7 &0 %#&'(#)* (./389 2#3'+8 0i,
5:9 (./ 2#3' #3 &0 ;#&<19') .9 %#&'+8 Simple 'yesno' answeis won't woik in
this game. Stuuents woulu neeu to give complete answeis using the past passive.

Those who ask questions as well as those who answei them aie entitleu to win
points. Any peison who begins to ask question oi answeis a question foi his team
must also complete the question oi the answei. Team membeis may help that
peison out, but not ieplace him hei anu ask oi answei the question.

The peison asking oi answeiing a question has two chances at making oi answeiing
the question. If heshe uiun't uo well on the fiist oppoitunity, they can tiy again in
which case they'll only get S points foi answeiing coiiectly. Bowevei, stuuents who
foim coiiect past passive sentences on the fiist oppoitunity will get 1u points foi
theii team.

=#31/ >1'/9:#3/ can be auueu to the game if theie aie no moie woius phiases left
on the lists, anu no team has ieacheu 1uu points as yet. A team gets 1S bonus points
if it can come up with an oiiginal question using the past passive. Whoevei answeis
bonus questions using the past passive will also ieceive 1S points.

The fiist siue to ieach 1uu points wins.

If gioups aie laige, you may ueciue to allow each stuuent one oppoitunity to
paiticipate, thus giving otheis a chance at the game.

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