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Records of the British Aviation Industry

In the RAF Museum:

A Brief Guide
Introduction 2
Section 1:
Background to the collection 2
Glossary of terms 2
The British aircraft industry: an overview 3
Section 2:
Comany histories and descrition of records !
Inde" to Section 2 1#
The $%& 'useum holds what is ro(a(ly Britain)s most comrehensive collection of
records relating to comanies involved in the manufacture of airframes *i+e+ aircraft
less their engines, aero-engines. comonents and associated e/uiment+ The
entries in this guide are arranged (y comany name and include a history of each
comany. articularly its formation and that of su(sidiaries together with mergers
and take-overs+ Brief details of the records. the relevant accession num(ers and any
limitations on access are given+ 0here the records have (een listed this is
indicated+ % glossary of terms secific to the su(1ect area is also included. together
with an inde"+
Background to the Collection
The 'useum)s archive deartment (egan collecting records in the late 1234s and
targeted a num(er of firms+ %lthough many of the deosits were arranged through
formal aroaches (y the 'useum to comanies. a significant num(er were offered
(y comany staff: a significant e"amle is the Suermarine archive *%C #456,
including some !4.444 drawings. which would have (een (urnt had an emloyee
not contacted the 'useum+
The collections seem to offer a (ias towards certain tyes of record. nota(ly
drawings and roduction records. rather than financial records and (oard minutes+
This may reflect the circumstances in which the records were ac/uired *i+e+ the fact
that the comanies had no further need for them, rather than a deli(erate decision
not to ac/uire other tyes of records+ The ma1or e"cetion to this situation is the
7andley 8age files *78 series,: after the collase of the comany a consortium
comrising the $%& 'useum. the Imerial 0ar 'useum and 9loyds urchased
documentary and other material from the receiver+ The administrative and (usiness
records were allocated to the $%& 'useum. whilst drawings and hotograhs went
to the I0'+
%nother e"lanation for the redominance of drawings amongst the collections is
that not only do engineering comanies roduce large num(ers of drawings
*ranging from General %rrangements of comlete aircraft or su(-assem(lies down to
detailed drawings of individual comonents, the drawings themselves are fre/uently
coied+ The original draughtsman)s drawing would (e done on aer. then traced
onto linen or film. which would in turn (e used for the roduction of working
(luerints or dyeline coies+ Some firms then ket microfilm coies of their drawings
- many &airey drawings came to the 'useum as large-format microfilm negatives.
and the modern standard is 3!mm aerture cards+ There is thus the otential for
several coies of a drawing to (e in circulation. and some coies have (een
donated (y individuals rather than (y the comanies concerned+
'aterial relating to comanies aears among the collections held (y other sections
of the 'useum. nota(ly the 9i(rary and the &ilm Section+ 0here aroriate.
mention of such records is made in this guide+ % variety of accession num(ering
schemes are in evidence. some of which *such as the %C. '8C and 78 series,
relate to grous of records. whilst others - such as the %. B. 9 and '%C series -
indicate individual items+
Glossary of Terms
Drawing Introduction Sheets - 9edgers giving details of all the drawings associated
with a articular aircraft. esecially noting changes resulting from modifications+
Drawing Register - 9ist of drawings roduced. usually in chronological order. often
recording when each drawing was first issued and su(se/uently relaced (y
amended drawings+

Type Record - Comlete record of all decisions made regarding a articular design.
or variant. including all modifications+
Release Note - Certificate stating that the material or comonent to which it relates
comlies with aroriate standards and is therefore suita(le for use+
Service Reports - &eed(ack to the comany from its reresentatives. detailing the
servicea(ility state of aircraft with secific units+ 8resuma(ly analysed to rovide
data on causes of unservicea(ility and show where modifications may (e needed+
Servicing Instructions - Secial instructions for non-routine maintenance. such as
insection of a articular comonent throughout the fleet after a fault has (een

The British Aircraft Industry: an overview
The first aircraft manufactured commercially in the :nited ;ingdom were rimarily
intended for sale to rivate ilots. who flew as a ho((y+ They included the machines
(uilt under licence from the 0right Brothers (y the British and Colonial %erolane
Comany. and the designs of Claude Grahame-0hite+ The &irst 0orld 0ar
roduced a great demand for aircraft. and many comanies) designs - together with
those of the $oyal %ircraft &actory - were (uilt (y su(contractors such as the
furniture manufacturers 0aring < Gillow. or (y the =ational %ircraft &actories+
Several aircraft manufacturers collased after the %rmistice. as orders were
cancelled+ The 1224s and early 1234s were lean years. as the armed services were
forced to make do with ageing aircraft desite the raid advance of technology+ %
num(er of take-overs and mergers took lace as the industry fought for the
relatively few contracts let (y the Government+ >ventually the threat of war (rought
a(out a need for rearmament. and the $oyal %ir &orce em(arked on its >"ansion
Scheme+ =ew aircraft were ordered. and ?shadow factories? owned (y the State and
oerated (y firms with e"ertise in related fields - such as the motor industry - were
(uilt. (oth to meet the demand and to diserse the risk of disrution from enemy
@uring the ost-war years the British aircraft industry shrank once more: aircraft
were growing more comle" and therefore costly to develo and manufacture. and
the ower of nuclear weaons meant that fewer aircraft were needed to attack the
enemy+ The Sandys
reort of 12!# suggested that no new manned aircraft would (e
needed. (ut this was raidly seen as incorrect+ &urther contraction of the industry
took lace in the 1234s. and the ever-increasing cost of aircraft led to colla(oration
1 Cmnd 126A @efence: outline of future olicyA 12!#+
with other countries in ro1ects such as Concorde. Baguar. Tornado. and the
GaCelle. 8uma and 9yn" helicoters+
Two ma1or grouings took lace: the 7awker Siddeley Grou was founded in 1236
when 7awker ac/uired the Gloster %ircraft Comany and the %rmstrong Siddeley
@eveloment Comany+ &urther comanies were added in the 12!4s. including a
num(er in Canada+ The formation of the British %ircraft Cororation in 1234 united
most of the remaining airframe comanies+ The 8lowden Committee reort on the
aircraft industry in 123!
suggested that the Government should ac/uire shares in
B%C and the airframe elements of 7awker Siddeley to make (oth u(lic and rivate
caital availa(le+ The two grous were merged in 12##. together with Scottish
%viation. to form British %erosace *B%e,. effectively nationalising most of the British
aircraft and guided weaons industry+ % change of government in 12#2 led to the
rivatisation of B%e over the years 12D1 to 12D!: it has since undergone several
reorganisations. with su(sidiary comanies (eing sold or merged+ Enly a few other
comanies now roduce aircraft. nota(ly Shorts and Slings(y. whilst $olls-$oyce is
the only British aero-engine manufacturer+ The comonent and service sector of the
industry continues fairly well. with e"ertise in a num(er of areas such as
undercarriages and roellers+
2 Cmnd 2D!3A $eort of the Committee of In/uiry into the aircraft industryA 123!+
ection !
Com"any #istories and descri"tion of records
Changes in the main comany)s name are shown in (old tye: italic tye indicates
comanies whose records are also held (y the 'useum. (ut this does not
necessarily mean that records relating to mergers and take-overs are included+
Some comanies roduced house magaCines. which have (een transferred to the
'useum 9i(rary)s 8eriodicals Collection: these are included in the guide for
Airs"eed $td
The comany was founded as %irseed 9td in Fork in 1231 (y % 7essell Tiltman and
=eville Shute =orway. (ut a take-over (y Swan 7unter in 1233 led to the name
(eing changed to %irseed *1236, 9td and the (usiness moved to 8ortsmouth+ In
Bune 1264 Swan 7unter)s shares were (ought (y the @e 7avilland %ircraft
Comany. and the name of the comany reverted to %irseed 9td in Banuary 1266+
@e 7avilland (ought out the reference shares in 126D and a merger (etween
%irseed and @e 7avilland was announced in Bune 12!1. leading to the formation of
the %irseed @ivision of @e 7avilland+
Before the Second 0orld 0ar the comany (uilt light twin-engined transort
aircraft. one of which - the >nvoy - was develoed as a multi-urose trainer for the
$%& and renamed the E"ford+ %irseed)s other imortant contri(ution to the war
effort was the 7orsa troo-carrying glider+ The ost-war %m(assador airliner was
urchased in small num(ers (y British >uroean %irways *B>%,
8aers of % 7essell Tiltman. including rosectuses for the original %irseed 9td and
the 'emorandum and %rticles of %ssociation of %irseed *1236, 9td 121#-1263 *%C
##523. listed,
@rawings for a range of aircraft. including the >nvoy and the ro1ected %S 16 *'%C
14223 - 11434. listed,
Alvis $td
Eriginally a motor car manufacturer. %lvis entered the aero-engine field in 123!+ The
9eonides air-cooled radial engine was originally designed (efore the Second 0orld
0ar (ut intensive work for the war effort slowed its develoment+ The engine did not
enter roduction until the late 1264s (ut a series of variants was roduced. (eing
used in a num(er of British aerolanes and helicoters+ %lvis did not ursue
aero-engine develoment (eyond the 12!4s. concentrating on military vehicles. (ut
continued to suort the 9eonides and carried out overhaul work on 9ycoming
iston engines+ The comany later (ecame art of the :nited Scientific 7oldings
@rawings for the 9eonides series *'%C !D!44 - !D!#4. listed,
Corresondence from the office of the Chief >ngineer. %ero @ivision *'r % & Garney,
and lists of modifications to 9eonides engines *%C 24514,

ir % G Armstrong %hitworth Aircraft Com"any $td
%rmstrong 0hitworth ac/uired the shares of Siddeley @easy - an aero-engine
manufacturer - in 1212. and the %rmstrong 0hitworth @eveloment Comany 9td
was registered in 'ay of that year+ It was a su(sidiary of %rmstrong 0hitworth. with
its own su(sidiary - %rmstrong Siddeley 'otors 9td+ In %ril 1224 this comany
roosed to the main (oard that a su(sidiary comany should (e formed to continue
work on aircraft. and the Sir 0 G %rmstrong 0hitworth %ircraft Comany 9td came
into (eing shortly afterwards+
The comany made many advances in metal construction and (y 122! the
@eveloment Comany was rosering+ Bohn Siddeley o(1ected to the rofits (eing
used to su(sidise %rmstrong 0hitworth)s other comanies and in @ecem(er 1223
(ought the @eveloment Comany from the arent firm. resulting in a change of
name to the %rmstrong Siddeley @eveloment Comany+ In 123! 7awker urchased
all the shares of this comany. forming the 7awker Siddeley %ircraft Comany 9td
*later the 7awker Siddeley Grou 9td, a holding comany with shares in 7awker
%ircraft 9td and The Gloster %ircraft Comany. together with %vro and %ir Service
In Ecto(er 1231 the merger of the Sir 0 G %rmstrong 0hitworth %ircraft Comany
9td and the Gloster %ircraft Comany (rought the formation of a new concern within
the 7awker Siddeley Grou. known as 0hitworth Gloster %ircraft 9td+ Two years
later. further consolidation led to it (ecoming the %vro 0hitworth @ivision of 7awker
Siddeley %viation+
@rawings for the %0 !2. %l(emarle. %rgosy. >nsign. Siskin and 0hitley *'%C
46D42! - 46DD6#. listed,
@rawings for the %0 2# *'%C 11431 - 11463. listed,
@rawing $egisters *unaccessioned,
7ouse magaCine in the li(rary collection:
A W Affairs 12!4-12!#
Bristol Aero"lane Co&
The comany name was first registered in 1214 (y Sir George 0hite. his (rother
Samuel and his son George. (ut it was not used until 1224 when the assets of the
British and Colonial %erolane Comany 9td *another of the 0hites) comanies,
were transferred to it+ %n engine deartment was also formed in 1224+ Shares in the
Bristol %erolane Comany were offered in 123! (ut it was restructured in Buly 1266
with three divisions: %ircraft. %ero-engines and %rmament+ In 12!3 the first two
(ecame Bristol %ircraft 9td and Bristol %ero->ngines 9td resectively. still owned (y
the Bristol %erolane Comany 9td+ The former (ecame art of the British %ircraft
Cororation in Bune 1234+ Bristol %ero-engines 9td merged with %rmstrong Siddeley
'otors to form Bristol-Siddeley >ngines 9td - owned (y the Bristol %erolane
Comany and the 7awker-Siddeley Grou - in %ril 12!2: it was later (ought (y
@rawings. aers < hotograhs 1212-1233 *%C #253. listed,
@rawing $egisters. 7 series. c+12!4s. relating to the Belvedere helicoter *%C#!522.
@rawings for the Bulldog *'%C 43#!2# - 432222 and 461331 - 46!613. listed,
Blenheim test reorts. 9ecture notes on the Britannia)s airframe and systems.
hotograh al(ums and ress cuttings *%C #3523. listed,
Tye records for several variants of the Britannia and Tye 1#4A drawings for other
Bristol aircraft 1224s-1234s *%C #252,
Secification for the Tye 1!2. tenders for %ir 'inistry Secifications issued in 123!
< 1233. Tye $ecord for the Beaufighter *%C #!56. listed,
&lying log(ooks of C & :wins: Chief Test 8ilot 1212-c+1262 and later 'anaging
@irector of the %ircraft @ivision *B142! - 143!. listed,
7ouse magaCines in the li(rary collection:
Bristol Quarterly 12!3-12!D
Bristol Review Sring 12!D-Sring 12!2
British Aeros"ace
In %ril 12##. as a result of the %ircraft and Shi(uilding Industries %ct. ownershi of
the British %ircraft Cororation. 7awker Siddeley %viation. 7awker Siddeley
@ynamics and Scottish %viation was vested in a cororation called British
%erosace+ The change of government in 12#2 led to a move to denationalise the
comany and shares in British %erosace lc were offered in &e(ruary 12D1. with
the final tranche of shares (eing offered in 12D!+ @uring the 12D4s and 1224s the
comany was restructured several times and a num(er of elements were sold+
@rawings for the conversion of the Gulcan (om(er to a tanker c+12D2 *'%C 43!2#3
- 4334!3. listed,
Cierva Autogiro $td
@on Buan de la Cierva ioneered the autogyro in Sain. (ut an order from the %ir
'inistry led to the formation of a British comany to hold atents and grant licences+
The comany moved to 7anworth *'iddlese", in 1232. where a training school was
formed+ The comany chairman. %ir Commodore B G 0eir. had his own comany
concentrating on helicoters and in 1263 the Cierva comany merged with G < B
0eir to form Cierva $otorcraft 9td+ This comany was still trading in 12D3.
roducing a light helicoter and windmills. (ut seems to have ceased trading+
8aers of $ % C Brie. former chief ilot *%!14 - !11 and B1264 - 13D!. listed,
'e #avilland Aircraft Com"any $td
The comany was formed at Stag 9ane. >dgware. in 1224 (uilding light aircraft.
trainers. racing aircraft and an airliner (efore moving to 7atfield. 7ertfordshire in
1236+ % factory at 7awarden. near Chester. was taken over from Gickers-%rmstrongs
in 126D for aircraft roduction+ Searate comanies were formed to manufacture
engines and roellers. and a arent comany - de 7avilland 7oldings - was formed
in 12!!+ This in turn (ecame the de 7avilland @ivision of the 7awker Siddeley
Grou in Banuary 1234+
@rawings for the @7 2 *'%C 142!1 - 142!3. listed,
&ilm - mainly raw camera footage. (ut including some finished u(licity films.
1234s-12!4s *&C 2!51#4-2D3. listed,
7ouse magaCine in the li(rary collection:
D H a!ette Bune 123#A @ecem(er 123D-'ay 1232A %ril 126D < &e(ruary
1262-%ugust 1231
Fairey Aviation Com"any
The comany was formed in 121! and (uilt aircraft at 7ayes and at 7am(le+ The
slum in the aircraft industry led to the formation of &airey and Charles. roducing
motor-vehicle (odies (ut the main (usiness carried on and a u(lic comany - the
&airey %viation Comany 9td - was registered on ! 'arch 1222+ It develoed the
Great 0est %erodrome at 7armondsworth. 'iddlese". and e"ansion of the aircraft
industry in rearation for. and during the Second 0orld 0ar led to the comany
oerating factories at 7ayes. Stockort. and >rrwood 8ark. together with lants at
9ong(ridge. 7am(le. 0ey(ridge. $ingway and Burtonwood+ The develoment of
7eathrow %irort led to a move from the Great 0est %erodrome to 0hite 0altham
near 'aidenhead+
In 'arch 12!2 a new arent comany. the &airey Comany 9td. was formed as a
holding comany with a num(er of su(sidiaries including &airey %viation 9td+
8ressure from the government led to the latter (eing (ought (y 0estland in 'ay
'inutes of Board 'eetings of the &airey %viation Co+ 9td+ and the &airey Comany
9td+ 'arch 1222-&e(ruary 126# and Banuary 1262-@ecem(er 12#4
@rawings. hotograhs. tye records. @rawing Introduction Sheets. ress cuttings
*%C #3534. listed,
'icrofilm coies of annual reorts < (alance sheets. 1222. 1234. 123D. 12!D. <
1231 *'14.1#3. listed,
'icrofilm coies of reorts on the 8rince aero engine. and the comany)s resonses
to %ir 'inistry secifications for a variety of aircraft. c+122!-12!4s *'14.1## -
14.1#2 < '14.122 - 14.2D# listed,
&ilm - largely raw camera footage. 12!4s. including the &ireflash missile. the
$otodyne. Gyrodyne and &airey @elta *unaccessioned,
7ouse magaCine in the li(rary collection:
"airey Affairs Bune 126!-Christmas 12!6
Fane Aircraft Com"any
Catain Gerard &ane set u the &ane %ircraft Comany at =or(ury. 9ondon+ Enly
one aircraft was roduced - an %ir E(servation 8ost *i+e+ artillery sotting, design. to
%ir 'inistry secification &+1564 - which first flew in 1261 (ut did not enter
@rawings of the &ane &+1564. corresondence with engine manufacturers *%C #35#,
Flight Refuelling $td
%lan *later Sir %lan, Co(ham was a ioneer aviator whose comany %lan Co(ham
%viation 9td heled to oularise aviation and also conducted trials on the refuelling
of aircraft in flight+ In 1236 the name of the comany was changed to &light
$efuelling 9td+ &light $efuelling *7oldings, 9td was formed in 'ay 12!! and
ac/uired a num(er of other su(sidiary comanies in diverse fields+ It (ecame the
&light $efuelling Grou lc in 12D! (ut to reflect the grou)s widesread interests
the name was changed in 1226 to Co(ham lc+
&iles relating to the develoment of flight refuelling e/uiment for various aircraft.
12!4s - 12#4s *:naccessioned,
8u(licity film on the history of refuelling in flight *&C #D56!,
7ouse magaCine in the li(rary collection:
"R Summer 1233-Sring 123D
Gloster Aircraft Com"any
Eriginally registered as the Gloucestershire %ircraft Comany on ! Bune 121#. the
comany was owned 1ointly (y George 7olt Thomas)s %irco and 7 ' 'artyn+ The
%rmistice (rought the cancellation of large num(ers of contracts and the G%C
ac/uired the design rights of the =ieuort =ighthawk fighter+ =ieuort)s designer
7arry &olland (ecame the chief engineer in 1221 and over the ne"t 16 years
develoed a series of (ilane fighters+
In 1223 the comany name was changed to the Gloster %ircraft Comany.
aarently to hel overseas customers and in 122# it ac/uired the Steel 0ing
Comany+ In 'ay 1236 Gloster was taken over (y 7awker. (ecoming art of what
would (ecome the 7awker Siddeley Grou+ It (uilt many of its arent comany)s
designs (ut won contracts for Britain)s first 1ets : the >+2D532 which tested Sir &rank
0hittle)s engine. and the 'eteor which was the first %llied to 1et to see service+ 9ater
marks of 'eteor were (uilt (y %rmstrong 0hitworth. whilst Gloster concentrated on
the Bavelin fighter+ It was a(sor(ed into the 0hitworth Gloster division of 7awker
Siddeley in 1231+
@rawings for the Gamecock *'%C 4136!3 - 4136#1. listed,
@rawings for the Gauntlet and Gladiator *'%C 4334!# - 4334#6. listed,
8hotograhs. glass negatives and reorts *%C #151!,
Service reorts. servicing instructions and other aers of 'r & C Cook. former
technical reresentative. c+1261-1234s *%C #D526,
8roduction data. 'eteor and Bavelin *%C #652D,
'icrofilm coies of 'eteor and Bavelin drawings *%C 22511,
7ouse magaCine in the li(rary collection:
The loster 122!-1222
Grahame(%hite Aviation Com"any
Claude Grahame-0hite founded a flying school at 8au in &rance (efore urchasing
land at 7endon and develoing the 9ondon %erodrome in 1214+ In addition to
training service and civilian ilots the comany (uilt aerolanes of its own design
and. during the &irst 0orld 0ar. other designs under licence+ %nother victim of
cancelled contracts after the %rmistice. the comany (ranched out (riefly into motor
vehicles and furniture manufacture (ut went into receivershi in &e(ruary 1226+
8hotograh al(ums of the factory and the 7endon aerodrome. al(ums of ress
cuttings. fragmentary corresondence and other aers re the comany and the
7endon aerodrome+ *%341 - %313 and B#44 - BD42. listed,
#andley )age $td
The world)s first u(lic comany solely for the construction of aerolanes. it was
founded (y &rederick *later Sir &rederick, 7andley 8age in 1242+ In addition to
manufacturing aircraft. the comany also had interests in airlines. forming 7andley
8age Transort 9td in Bune 1212 and (ought the %ircraft @isosal Comany in 1224+
% factory and aerodrome were (uilt at Cricklewood during the &irst 0orld 0ar (ut
the encroachment of housing onto the site forced flying activities to (e moved to
$adlett. 7ertfordshire in 1222+
In Bune 126D 7andley 8age *$eading, 9td was formed to take over the former 'iles
factory and that comany)s ro1ects. (ut roduction was slowly transferred to
Cricklewood and the $eading site closed on 31 'arch 1233+ Sir &rederick was
fiercely indeendent. refusing government ressure to merge+ %fter his death in
1232 the firm had financial trou(le and 7andley 8age 9td went into voluntary
li/uidation in %ugust 1232+ % rescue (id was mounted. with the aim of forming
7andley 8age %ircraft 9td to (uild the Betstream. (ut this failed and on 2# &e(ruary
12#4 a winding u order was issued+
8aers from Sir &rederick 7andley 8age)s rivate office *%C #4514. listed,
Comany files 1242-12#4 *78 series. art listed,
8aers of G C @ $ussell. Chairman and 'anaging @irector. 1232-123! *%C #1521.
7alifa" drawings *'%C 11262 - 112#D,
#awker Aircraft $td
The Sowith %viation Comany went into receivershi in Setem(er 1224 (ut the
directors /uickly formed a new comany to urchase the Sowith atents+ This was
registered in =ovem(er 1224 as the 7 G 7awker >ngineering Comany 9td - named
after Sowith)s test ilot+ By 1233 the comany had grown. artly due to the
roduction of its 7art (om(er under licence. and it was decided to float a new
comany. 7awker %ircraft 9td+ 0ithin a year it had urchased the Gloster %ircraft
Comany and announced lans to form a trust to ac/uire the %rmstrong Siddeley
@eveloment Comany: this would lead to the formation of a u(lic holding
comany. the 7awker-Siddeley %ircraft Comany 9td+
The holding comany (ought out the remaining shares in 7awker %ircraft 9td in
123# and was renamed 7awker Siddeley %viation 9td in 123!: 7S% was a(sor(ed
into British %erosace in 12##+
@rawings and hotograhs 1224s-12#4s *%C 22511,
@rawings for the 7awker 8112# *'%C 112#2 - 11644,
'icrofilm coies of &light Test $egister and test reorts 1231-12!6 *'&144235D,
Irvin Great Britain
9eslie Irvin founded the Irving *sic, %ir Chute Comany in the :nited States in 1212.
and oened a factory in 9etchworth in 1223+ The British comany is now art of the
7unting Grou and. in addition to arachutes. (uilds inflata(le structures+
@ocuments relating to the manufacture of the arachute used (y 7$7 the 8rince of
0ales on 2D Buly 12#1. rimarily $elease =otes and a list of staff involved *%C
8arachute drawings *%C ##56,
Miles Aircraft $imited
& G 'iles and his (rother George (uilt their first aircraft. the Gnat. in 1223 and
founded the Gnat %erolane Comany at that time+ They also set u the Southern
%ero Clu( 9td and Southern %ircraft 9td. the latter)s (usiness (eing rimarily the
re(uilding and reair of light aircraft. although another 'iles design - the Southern
'artlet - was (uilt (y the comany+ In 1232 the (rothers aroached 8hillis <
8owis. a $eading-(ased motor dealer which also ran a flying clu( and aircraft reair
(usiness. to (uild his 7awk design+ This roved successful: 8owis (ought out
8hillis) share of the (usiness. and & G 'iles 1oined the staff of the comany+
In 1233 8hillis < 8owis was floated. 12!.444 shares (eing urchased (y
$olls-$oyce: & G 'iles (ecame 'anaging @irector+ &ive years later $olls-$oyce
sold its shares to & G 'iles. his wife and George 'iles and the comany name was
changed to 'iles %ircraft 9td in 1263+
%lthough the comany had (een successful in the eriod u to 126!. winning large
orders for training aircraft. severe financial difficulties were e"erienced in 1263 and
126#+ % receiver was aointed in =ovem(er 126#+ %n agreement with 7andley
8age to take over the comany)s aircraft (usiness was reached in 126D. resulting in
the formation of 7andley 8age *$eading, 9td+ Ether roducts in which 'iles had
interests. including hotocoiers. (ook(inding machinery and Biro ens. were taken
over (y the 0estern 'anufacturing >state 9td. which later merged with the %damant
>ngineering Comany 9td+ %damant 0estern (ecame the %dwest Grou 9td on 31
Ecto(er 1233+
7ouse magaCines in the li(rary collection:
#iles #aga!ine 123D < 1263-126#
#ilestones 1263
The following records are coies of material held (y the %dwest Grou. from whom
ermission must (e o(tained (efore coies are sulied to researchers+
@rawings for 'iles aircraft of the inter-war eriod *'%C 4!34!2 - 4!6612. listed,
Gideo coies of film shot (y the comany)s film unit. 1264s - mainly raw footage of
aircraft trial. (ut including some factory scenes and newsreels *unaccessioned,
Morris Motors $td
Es(erton $adiators. founded in 1212. was urchased in 1223 (y 'orris 'otors+ It
was sold to a holding comany. 'orris 'otors *1223, 9td three years later and
(ecame 'orris) $adiator Branch+ The comany was aroached (y $olls-$oyce in
%ugust 1232 to make radiators for its 'erlin aero-engine and later develoed a
range of heat e"change e/uiment for aircraft and military vehicles+ The arent
comany was a(sor(ed into the British 'otor Cororation in 12!2+
$adiator drawings *'%C 413#!D - 416361. listed,
=oel 8em(erton-Billing decided in 1213 to (uild flying (oats: his comany roduced
several designs - including landlanes - (ut when he stood for 8arliament in 1213
8em(erton-Billing sold his interest in the firm. which (ecame the Suermarine
%viation 0orks 9td+
@rawings for the 8B 2!. 2!>. 22> and 31 *'%C 46!3D! - 463!D6. listed,
Brochure. c+1216 *B3!41,
Redifon Flight imulation $td
The electronics grou $ediffusion had a &light Simulation @ivision (y 12#1. together
with a searate firm $edifon %ir Trainers 9td+ The two seem to have merged and (y
12#6 $edifon 9td - a holding comany - owned $ediffusion &light Simulation 9td+
The name of this comany changed fre/uently. (ecoming $edifon Simulation 9td (y
12#2 and - (y 12D3 - $ediffusion Simulation 9td+ % link with the %merican firm
7ughes led to its current incarnation as 7ughes $ediffusion Simulation+
@rawings for Britannia < Comet flight simulators *unaccessioned,
Rose Brothers +Gains*orough, $td
0illiam $ose develoed a (om(sight during the &irst 0orld 0ar. (ut it was not ut
into roduction+ @uring the Second 0orld 0ar the comany designed and
develoed a rear gun turret for the 9ancaster. armed with +!? Browning machine
guns. which relaced the earlier &raCer =ash turret+ The comany is now $ose
&orgrove 9td. and mainly manufactures wraing machines. although some
secialised work is undertaken for the aviation industry+
8atent secifications and related drawings for the $ose Bom(sight. c+121#
*%C #35!,
8ictorial record of the develoment of the $ose gun turret *G411346,
hort Brothers $td
>ustace. Eswald and 7orace Short took u (allooning in the 1D24s and (egan
manufacturing (alloons in 1242+ The comany was formed in 124D in Battersea. and
aerolanes were first (uilt in 1242+ % factory at $ochester. ;ent was oened in late
1216 over the ne"t 2! years the comany grew steadily. roducing a long
succession of flying (oats including the >mire (oat for Imerial %irways and the
$%&)s $angoon. Singaore and Sunderland+ 9andlanes included the Stirling heavy
In 1236 the comany took a ma1ority holding in 8o(1oy. an engine manufacturer.
forming 8o(1oy %ircraft and %irmotors which (uilt the Short Scion light transort
under licence+ %nother su(sidiary. Short < 7arland 9td - owned e/ually (y Short
Brothers and 7arland < 0olff - was esta(lished in 1233 with a factory in Belfast+
'anagement of the firm was taken over (y the Government in 1263. Short Brothers
(eing merged with Short < 7arland in =ovem(er 126# to form Short Bros+ <
7arland+ 8roduction was then concentrated on the Belfast site. with $ochester
closing in 126D+ In the 12!4s the firm (uilt a num(er of rototyes for ro1ects which
were not develoed. (uilding other comanies) designs under licence+ % series of
transort aircraft were (uilt in the 1234s and 12#4s and the comany also
develoed e"ertise in the design and roduction of anti -aircraft missiles and
remotely iloted vehicles+
$enamed Short Brothers 9td in 12##. the comany (ecame a u(lic limited
comany in 12D6+ It was urchased (y the Canadian firm Bom(ardier in Bune 12D2+
Tye records for the Sunderland. C-class flying (oat and Stirling *%C 2352. listed,
@rawing schedules for the Serrin. hotograh al(ums c+1242-12D4s *%C 26564.
Corresondence regarding the urchase of atent rights in 7 $ Busteed)s
emergency flotation gear for aircraft 121D-1232 *B1633,
7ouse magaCines in the li(rary collection:
Short Story 1263-1232 < 12#2-12D3
The Short Story News$ a!ette Banuary-'ay. 126#
Shorts Quarterly Review 12!1-123!
o"with Aviation Com"any
T E ' *later Sir Thomas, Sowith was one of Britain)s ioneer ilots and formed the
comany in 1212+ Its designs were roduced in large num(ers during the &irst
0orld 0ar (ut. ironically. a large claim from the Treasury for >"cess 0ar 8rofits
@uty led to the firm going into voluntary li/uidation in 1224+ It was re-formed later
that year as the 7 G 7awker >ngineering Comany 9td+ See also entry for 7awker
%ircraft 9td+
@rawings and hotograhs. c+1216-c+121D *%C 22511,
Coies of Sowith Trilane drawings *'8C #1512. listed,
Coies of Sowith Ba(y drawings *'8C #6533. listed,
u"ermarine Aviation %orks +-ickers, $td
?Suermarine? was the telegrahic address of 8em(erton-Billing 9td: when =oel
8em(erton-Billing sold his interest in the comany in 1213 it was renamed the
Suermarine %viation 0orks 9td+ 'ost of the comany)s roducts rior to 1233 were
flying (oats or sealanes. (ut the series of sealanes designed for the Schneider
Trohy contests of 122#. 1222 and 1231 aved the way for the famous Sitfire
fighter+ In 122D Gickers ac/uired Suermarine)s e/uity. resulting in the name
Suermarine %viation 0orks *Gickers, 9td: this was taken over (y Gickers-
%rmstrongs in Ecto(er 123D. when the comany (ecame Gickers-%rmstrongs 9td
*%ircraft Section, *Suermarine @ivision,+ The e"ansion of the
aircraft industry in readiness for the Second 0orld 0ar (rought new factories at
9ong 'arston. near Swindon and at Castle Bromwich near Birmingham. whilst
design work and administration was disersed to a num(er of sites to reduce the
threat from enemy attack+
@rawings. secifications. @rawing Introduction Sheets. technical manuals and series
of reorts issued (y the %erolane and %rmament >"erimental >sta(lishment and
the 'arine %ircraft >"erimental >sta(lishment+ *%C #456. listed,
8aers collected (y > B @avies. whilst a designer with the comany *%C 2351. listed,

Inde"es to Technical Effice reorts 122!-1263 *B2!# - 2!D. listed,
8lans of works and schedules relating to re/uisitioned roerty. 1232-12!1 *B2!D -
236 < B233. listed,
Charts illustrating monthly roduction of Sitfire and Seafire aircraft. 123D-1263
*93!. listed,
8aers of $ B 'itchell. former Chief @esigner - mainly commemorative: include
hotograhs of Schneider Trohy aircraft and teams+ *%C #2526. listed,
7ouse magaCine in the li(rary collection:
%ic&ers ' Super(arine Aviation Bulletin =o 3 *1231, only+
-ickers $td
The armament firm Gickers. Son and 'a"im 9td received a contract from the
%dmiralty in 124D for the construction of an airshi+ This led to the formation of
Gickers) aviation deartment at Brooklands in 1211. a factory (eing oened at >rith
in ;ent+ % further factory was oened at 0ey(ridge in 121! and the (usiness grew
during the &irst 0orld 0ar+ In 122! a su(sidiary comany was formed to e"loit the
rights Gickers had in atents granted to 'ichel 0i(ault+
Gickers merged with %rmstrong 0hitworth in 122D *although the Sir 0 G %rmstrong
0hitworth %ircraft Comany 9td was not art of the merger, to form
Gickers-%rmstrongs 9td+ This new comany then ac/uired Suermarine+ In 12!6
Gickers-%rmstrong formed a su(sidiary. Gickers-%rmstrong *%ircraft, 9td to handle its
aircraft (usiness. and this (ecame art of the British %ircraft Cororation when that
comany was formed in 1234+ Gickers retained a 64H share of B%C+
8hotograhic negatives of illustrations from technical manuals for aircraft roduced
(y the comany *%C ##5! < %C ##511,
8aers of Sir Barnes 0allis *%123! - 126D < B3263 - 32!#. listed,
@rawings for ro1ects associated with Sir Barnes 0allis. 1264s-12!4s *%C #1523,

&ilm - raw footage of trials of ?(ouncing (om(s? and the Swallow and 0ild Goose
varia(le-geometry aircraft *unaccessioned,
%rch file containing corresondence regarding wind tunnels. 21 %ugust 12!3-13
@ecem(er 12!D *%C #3533,
8hotograhic negatives of illustrations from technical manuals for aircraft roduced
(y the comany *%C ##5!,
%estland Aircraft $td
8etters 9td received a contract from the %dmiralty to (uild aircraft and oened the
0estland %ircraft 0orks at Feovil in 121!. initially (uilding other comanies) designs
(ut later (eing given design tasks such as the develoment of the @72% from the
@72+ In Buly 123! the aircraft deartment (ecame a searate comany. 0estland
%ircraft 9imited and in Buly 123D the Bohn Brown shi(uilding grou urchased most
of the shares. the remainder (eing (ought (y the electrical grou %>I+ 'uch of
0estland)s work revolved around the roduction and modification of other
comanies) designs. (ut a num(er of the comany)s own aircraft were roduced
such as the 9ysander and 0hirlwind+ 'any. such as the 8terodactyl. failed to
rogress (eyond the rototye stage+
In %ril 1263 a wholly-owned su(sidiary - =ormalair - was formed to roduce air
control e/uiment. and an imortant ste was taken in 1263 with the negotiation of a
licence to (uild helicoters designed (y the %merican comany Sikorsky+ This led to
0estland (ecoming Britain)s rime helicoter comany and. in addition to the
Sikorsky designs. 0estland articiated in a num(er of international helicoter
ro1ects+ In 12!2 the comany (ought Saunders-$oe and in the following year (oth
Bristol 7elicoters 9td and &airey %viation 9td. resulting in a four-division structure
reflecting the original firm *the Feovil @ivision, and the three ac/uisitions+ 0estland
had a 3!H stake in the British 7overcraft Cororation. formed in Ecto(er 1233+
0estland 7elicoters 9td was also formed in 1233 as a wholly-owned su(sidiary of
the arent firm. to handle the helicoter (usiness of the grou+
In the early 12D4s 0estland (ought the :S firm %irsur 7elicoters Inc. renaming it
034 7el Inc+ % financial reconstruction in 12D3 (rought a(out the sale of significant
num(ers of shares to :nited Technologies and &iat. the latter selling its shares to
G;= in 12DD+
@rawings. largely for the 0aiti *'%C 414232 - 414!D4. listed,
8aers *mostly letter (ooks, of 7 > T Saint. 0estland reresentative at the
%erolane and %rmament >"erimental >sta(lishment. Boscom(e @own. 1232 -
1266 *B216 - B233. listed,
$eferences are to age num(ers
%0 2# see %rmstrong 0hitworth %0 2#
%0 !2 see %rmstrong 0hitworth %0 !2
%damant 0estern see %dwest Grou 9td
%dwest Grou 9td. 12
%erolane < %rmament >"erimental >sta(lishment reorts. 1!
%ircraft < Shi(uilding Industries %ct. #
%irseed 9td see %irseed *1236, 9td
%irseed *1236, 9td. !
%ircraft tyes:
%S 16. !
>nvoy. !
%irsur 7elicoters Inc see 0estland %ircraft 9td
%lan Co(ham %viation 9td see &light $efuelling 9td
%l(emarle see %rmstrong 0hitworth %l(emarle
%lvis 9td. !
>ngines: 9eonides. !
%nnual $eorts. 2
%rmstrong Siddeley @eveloment Comany 9td see %rmstrong 0hitworth
@eveloment Comany 9td
%rmstrong Siddeley 'otors 9td. !. 3
%rmstrong 0hitworth. 3+ 14
%ircraft tyes:
%0 2#. 3
%0 !2. 3
%l(emarle. 3
%rgosy. 3
>nsign. 3
'eteor see Gloster 'eteor
Siskin. 3
0hitley. 3
%rmstrong 0hitworth @eveloment Comany 9td. 3. 11
%utogyros. #
%vro Gulcan. #
Ba(y see Sowith Ba(y
Balance Sheets. 2
Beaufighter see Bristol Beaufighter
Belvedere see Bristol Belvedere
Blenheim see Bristol Blenheim
Board 'inutes see 'inutes
Bom(sights. 13
Brie. $ % C. D
Bristol %erolane Comany. 3-#
%ircraft tyes:
Beaufighter. #
Belvedere. #
Blenheim. #
Britannia. #. 13
Bulldog. #
&reighter see Tye 1#4
Tye 1!2. #
Tye 1#4. #
Bristol %ircraft 9td see Bristol %erolane Comany
Bristol &reighter see Bristol Tye 1#4
Britannia see Bristol Britannia
British %erosace. #
British %ircraft Cororation. 3. 1!
see also searate entries for constituent comanies. e+g+
Bristol %erolane Comany
Gickers-%rmstrong *%ircraft, 9td
British and Colonial %erolane Comany 9td see Bristol %erolane Comany
British 7overcraft Cororation. 13
British 'otor Cororation. 12
Brochures. 11
Bulldog see Bristol Bulldog
Busteed. 7 $. 16
C-Class flying (oat see Short C-Class
Cierva %utogiro 9td. #
Cierva $otorcraft 9td see Cierva %utogiro 9td
Co(ham. Sir %lan. 2
Co(ham lc see &light $efuelling 9td
Cook. & C. 14
Corresondence see &iles
@avies. > B. 1!
@7 2 see de 7avilland @72
de 7avilland. !. D
%ircraft tyes:
Comet. 13
@7 2. D
de 7avilland %ircraft Comany see de 7avilland
@rawing Introduction Sheets. D. 1!
@rawing $egisters. #
%irseed. !
%lvis. !
%rmstrong 0hitworth. 3
Bristol. 3-#
British %erosace. #
de 7avilland. D
&airey. D
&ane. 2
Gloster. 14
7andley 8age. 11
7awker. 11
Irvin. 11
'iles. 12
'orris $adiators. 12
8arachutes. 11
8em(erton-Billing. 13
$ose Bom(sight. 13
Simulators. 13
Sowith. 16
Suermarine. 1!
Gulcan tanker. #
0allis ro1ects. 1!
>ngines. !. 2
>nsign see %rmstrong 0hitworth >nsign
Burtonwood. D
Castle Bromwich. 1!
Cricklewood. 14
>rith. 1!
>rrwood 8ark. D
7am(le. D
7anworth. #
7atfield. D
7awarden. D
7ayes. D
7endon. 14
9ong 'arston. 1!
9ong(ridge. D
8ortsmouth. !
$adlett. 11
$eading see 0oodley
$ingway. D
Southamton area. 16
Stag 9ane. D
Stockort. D
0ey(ridge. D. 1!
0oodley. 12
0hite 0altham. D
Feovil. 13
Fork. !
&airey %viation Comany. D
%ircraft tyes:
@elta. 2
&ireflash *missile,. 2
Gyrodyne. 2
$otodyne. 2
8rince. 2
&airey %viation 9td see &airey %viation Comany
&airey Comany 9td see &airey %viation Comany
&ane %ircraft Comany. 2
&iles. 3. 2. 14. 11
&ilm. D. 2
&light $efuelling Grou lc see &light $efuelling 9td
&light $efuelling 9td. 2
&light Test $eorts see Test $eorts
Gamecock see Gloster Gamecock
Gauntlet see Gloster Gauntlet
Gladiator see Gloster Gladiator
Gloster %ircraft Comany. 3. 2. 14
%ircraft tyes:
Gamecock. 2
Gauntlet. 2
Gladiator. 2
Bavelin. 2
'eteor. 3. 2
Gloucester %ircraft Comany see Gloster %ircraft Comany
Gnat %erolane Comany see 'iles %ircraft 9td
Grahame-0hite %viation Comany. 14
Great 0est %erodrome. D
Gun Turrets see Turrets
7andley 8age. Sir &. 14-11
7andley 8age %ircraft 9td see 7andley 8age 9td
7andley 8age 9td. 14-11
%ircraft tyes:
7alifa". 14
7andley 8age *$eading, 9td. 11-12
see also 'iles %ircraft 9td
7arland < 0olff. 13
7 G 7awker >ngineering Comany 9td. 11. 16
7awker %ircraft 9td. 3. 11
%ircraft tyes:
8112#. 11
7awker Siddeley %viation see 7awker Siddeley Grou
7awker Siddeley @ynamics see 7awker Siddeley Grou
7awker Siddeley Grou. 3. #. 14. 11
see also searate entries for su(sidiary comanies. e+g+
%rmstrong 0hitworth
de 7avilland
0hitworth Gloster %ircraft 9td
7elicoters. 13
7ouse 'agaCines. 3. #. 2. 14. 12. 16. 1!
7ughes $ediffusion Simulation see $edifon &light Simulation 9td
7unting Grou. 11
In-flight $efuelling. #. 2
Irvin Great Britain. 11
Irving %ir Chute Comany see Irvin Great Britain
Bavelin see Gloster Bavelin
9eonides engines see %lvis 9eonides
9ycoming engines. !
'arine %ircraft >"erimental >sta(lishment reorts. 1!
'emorandum < %rticles of %ssociation. !
'eteor see Gloster 'eteor
'iles %ircraft 9td. 12
see also 7andley 8age *$eading, 9td
'inutes. D
'itchell. $ B. 1!
'orris 'otors 9td. 12
=egatives see 8hotograhs
8arachutes. 11
8atents. 13. 16
8em(erton-Billing. =. 13. 16
8em(erton-Billing 9td. 13. 16
see also Suermarine %viation 0orks *Gickers, 9td
8etters 9td see 0estland %ircraft 9td
8hilis < 8owis see 'iles %ircraft 9td
8hotograh al(ums see 8hotograhs
8hotograhs. D. 14. 11. 12. 16
8o(1oy see Short Brothers 9td
8ress Cuttings. #. D. 14
8rince see &airey 8rince
8roduction $ecords. 1!
8roerty $ecords. 1!
8rosectuses. !
$adiators. 12
$ediffusion see $edifon &light Simulation 9td
$edifon %ir Trainers see $edifon &light Simulation 9td
$edifon &light Simulation 9td. 13
$efuelling e/uiment see In-flight $efuelling
$elease =otes. 11
$ose Bom(sight. 13
$ose Brothers *Gains(orough, 9td. 13
$ose &orgrove 9td see $ose Brothers *Gains(orough, 9td
$ose Turret. 13
Saunders-$oe. 13
Scottish %viation. #
Seafire see Suermarine Seafire
Service $eorts. 14
Servicing Instructions. 14
Short < 7arland see Short Brothers 9td
Short Brothers < 7arland see Short Brothers 9td
Short Brothers 9td. 13-16
%ircraft tyes:
C-class flying (oat. 16
Serrin. 16
Stirling. 16
Sunderland. 16
Siddeley-@easy. 3
Simulators. 13
Sir 0 G %rmstrong 0hitworth %ircraft Comany see %rmstrong 0hitworth
Siskin see %rmstrong 0hitworth Siskin
Sowith. Sir T E '. 16
Sowith %viation Comany. 16
%ircraft Tyes:
Ba(y. 16
Trilane. 16
Secifications. #. 2. 1!
Serrin see Short Serrin
Sitfire see Suermarine Sitfire
Stirling see Short Stirling
Sunderland see Short Sunderland
Suermarine %viation 0orks 9td see Suermarine %viation 0orks *Gickers, 9td
Suermarine %viation 0orks *Gickers, 9td. 13. 16-1!
%ircraft Tyes:
Seafire. 1!
Sitfire. 1!
Swan 7unter. !
Tenders. #
Test $eorts. #. 11
Tiltman. % 7. !
Turrets. 13
Tye $ecords. #. 16
:wins. C &. #
Garney. % &. 3
Gickers 9td. 13-13
%ircraft Tyes:
Swallow. 13
0ild Goose. 13
Gickers-%rmstrong *%ircraft, 9td see Gickers 9td
Gickers-%rmstrongs 9td see Gickers 9td
Gulcan see %vro Gulcan
034 7el Inc see 0estland %ircraft 9td
0allis. Sir B =. 1!
0estern 'anufacturing >state 9td see %dwest Grou 9td
0estland %ircraft 9td. 13
%ircraft tyes:
0aiti. 13
0estland 7elicoters 9td see 0estland %ircraft 9td
0hirlwind see 0estland 0hirlwind
0hitley see %rmstrong 0hitworth 0hitley
0hitworth Gloster %ircraft 9td. 3
0i(ault. '. 1!
0ind Tunnels. 13

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