Ultrasonic Tomography Gas Profiles

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Sensors and Actuators B 202 (2014) 4652

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Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
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An investigation on chemical bubble column using ultrasonic
tomography for imaging of gas proles
M.H.F. Rahiman
, R.A. Rahim
, H.A. Rahim
, E.J. Mohamad
, Z. Zakaria
S.Z.M. Muji
Tomography Imaging and Instrumentation Research Group, School of Mechatronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Pauh Putra Campus, 02600
Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
Process Tomography and Instrumentation Research Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTMSkudai, Johor,
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 1 March 2014
Received in revised form1 May 2014
Accepted 12 May 2014
Available online 16 May 2014
Ultrasonic sensor
Bubble column
Gas prole
a b s t r a c t
In this paper, we carried out a tomographic investigation of a chemical bubble column using ultrasonic
sensor. The ultrasonic tomography sensing array was constructed to operate in transceiver-mode and
was clamped on the exterior circumference of the column. The time-of-ight and arrival-time analysis
was studied to obtain the signal information. Some experiments were carried out using known static
proles and were compared with the actual proles. The ndings showed promising results where the
sensing array could detect gas bubble proles down to 3 mm in diameter, and the conclusions were made
at the end of the paper.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Process tomography is a process of obtaining the plane-section
images of a three-dimensional object. The process tomography
technique produces cross-section images of distribution of com-
ponent ow in a process column, and it offers great potential for
the development and verication of process models and also for
process diagnostic [1,2].
Process tomographyhas becomepopular inrecent years. Several
tomography imaging technologies have been rapidly developed
to provide solutions and to improve the system performance in
several industries [35]. For instance, in biotechnology industries,
improvement in the reactor performances, for example, in aerobic
fermentation processes in order to optimize the oxygen released in
the bioreactor is being researched [6]. This is to ensure optimum
growths of the microbes [7].

Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 4 9885166; fax: +60 4 988 5167.

E-mail addresses: haz@unimap.edu.my, hazfr@ieee.org
(M.H.F. Rahiman), ruzairi@fke.utm.my (R.A. Rahim), elmy@uthm.edu.my
(E.J. Mohamad), zulkarnay@unimap.edu.my (Z. Zakaria).
Tel.: +60 4 9885166, fax: +60 4 988 5167.
Tel: +60 7 5537801; fax: +60 7 5566177.
Tel.: +60 7 4537502; fax: +60 7 4536060.
The use of ultrasound is favoured in industries because of its
possibility to perform non-invasive measurement. Besides, ultra-
sound is well established as a popular NDT tool [8,9]. The goal of
ultrasonic tomography is to reconstruct the spatial distribution of
some acoustic parameter of an object using ultrasonic measure-
ments [10,11]. In a tomography process; the rst step is to generate
the integral measurements using a selected sensor [12]. The next
step is to reconstruct the property eld (the cross-sectional distri-
bution of the physical properties of the multiphase media) from
the measured integral values. This process is called tomographic
reconstruction [13].
In this paper, we present an investigation using non-invasive
ultrasonic tomography technique on a chemical bubble column.
The tomography sensor construction will be presented rst, fol-
lowed by ultrasonic mode of operation. Next, arrival-time analysis
is put forward followed by the transceiver sensing method dis-
cussions. The experiments and results are discussed before the
conclusion sections at the end of the paper.
2. Tomography sensor
It is essential to obtain as much information as possible from
each interrogation in order to construct the best possible image
fromthe limited number of interrogations [14]. If more sensors are
0925-4005/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.H.F. Rahiman et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 202 (2014) 4652 47
Fig. 1. Sensor array arrangement.
provided, therefore, more measurements can be obtained, which
in turn produced better image quality [15]. To meet this require-
ment, a fan-shaped beamprojection was used. A fan-shaped beam
projection allows simultaneous interrogation of a large area. This
ensures maximumnumber of sensor views located around the col-
umn circumference, which receive the directly transmitted wave.
On the other hand, to further increase the number of mea-
surements a transceiver operation is proposed in this study. In
transceiver operation, each sensor has the ability to transmit and
receive the ultrasonic wave sequentially. This allows interrogation
tobe made fromeverysensor angle, hence optimizingthe measure-
ment numbers. Besides, it may overcome the problem with low
spatial image resolution due to limited projection data [16]. This
may be compared to transmitter-receiver operation, the transmit-
ting and receiving function is dictated by independent transmitter
and receiver sensors as reported in [1719].
The arrangement of the sensor array as illustrated in Fig. 1
consists of 32-ultrasonic sensor positioned 11.25

equally spaced
around the column circumference. Each sensor has transmit and
receive ultrasonic signal capability. When a sensor acts as a trans-
mitter, it projects ultrasonic waveinafan-shapebeammanner with
a beam angle of 95

and views 17 sensors (act as a receiver) on

the opposite side of the column as shown in Fig. 1. In each scan,
TR1 sensor will start the rst projection, followed by TR2 and until
all sensors complete the projection rounds before the next scan
continues and this process takes 16.75ms to complete.
3. Transmission-mode technique
A transmission-mode technique has been proposed and used
in this research. In transmission-mode ultrasonic tomography, the
measurement concerns the amplitude and/or time-of-ight (TOF)
of the received wave, and the assumption of straight-line propaga-
tion is used [19]. Fig. 2 illustrates a transmission to a receiver in a
liquid medium.
In Fig. 2, the transmitter is modelled as a point source which
propagates an ultrasonic wave within an angle in the image plane
and the receiver is modelled as a circular arc with radius of cur-
vature r. The wavefronts are taken to be circular arcs of uniform
ultrasonic energy. When ultrasound is propagating in the liquid
Receiver Transmitter
Gas bubbles
Liquid medium
Fig. 2. The gas bubbles viewed by an ultrasonic receiver.
Table 1
Comparison of theoretical and measured TOF fromsensor TR1.
Sensor Distance from
source, TR1 (mm)
TOF (s)
TOF (s)
TR9 77.78 51.96 58.30
TR10 85.03 56.80 63.00
TR11 91.46 61.10 67.00
TR12 97.01 64.80 68.32
TR13 101.63 67.89 69.00
TR14 105.26 70.31 70.40
TR15 107.89 72.07 71.28
TR16 109.47 73.13 72.70
TR17 110.00 73.48 72.75
TR18 109.47 73.13 72.30
TR19 107.89 72.07 71.76
TR20 105.26 70.31 70.20
TR21 101.63 67.89 68.80
TR22 97.01 64.80 67.75
TR23 91.46 61.10 67.00
TR24 85.03 56.80 62.70
TR25 77.78 51.96 57.50
medium, areas occupied by the gas bubbles block the transmitted
waves. As a result, an effect analogous to the shadowing of visible
light by an opaque object occurs.
Consider a single projection is excited fromsensor TR1 (Fig. 1);
the active receiving sensors are TR9TR25. As the distance between
the transmitting sensor and the receiving sensor increases, the
ultrasound will have a longer time-of-ight (TOF) to the receiver of
interest. Knowing the speed of sound in the liquid, one can deter-
mine the TOF for each active receiving sensor by measuring its
distance fromthe source sensor. For simplicity, effect of the column
wall is ignored, and the theoretical TOF is compared with the real
measurement. Table 1 tabulates the comparison between the theo-
retical andmeasuredTOF fromsensor TR1andis showngraphically
in Fig. 3.
The TOF obtained from real measurement is slightly elevated
at TR9TR12 and TR22TR25 due to refraction occurred when the
ultrasonic wave penetrates the column wall and liquid medium.
TR9 TR10 TR11 TR12 TR13 TR14 TR15 TR16 TR17 TR18 TR19 TR20 TR21 TR22 TR23 TR24 TR25


Theoretical TOF
Measured TOF
Fig. 3. Theoretical and measured TOF fromsensor TR1.
48 M.H.F. Rahiman et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 202 (2014) 4652
Fig. 4. Simplied possible transmission paths in the column.
However, the overall trend shows good agreement between the
theoretical and real measurement data.
4. Arrival-time analysis
When the component to be imaged is gas bubbles, there may
be no direct transmission path from the transmitting sensor to
the receiving sensor due to the obstacles. The transmitted waves
are reected on the gas bubble surfaces and the column wall. The
receiving sensor may receive the reected waves but at a later time
than expected from direct TOF. A direct transmission during non-
gas existence, however, will take the shortest path, which in turn
attains the shortest time [3]. Fig. 4 shows a simplied diagram of
the column with the possible transmission paths.
It is notice that the receiving signals may come from; direct-
transmission (t
), reected waves by the gas bubble surfaces (t
andreectedwaves onthecolumnwall (t
). UsingFig. 4as anexam-
ple, the shortest transmission path is the direct transmission (t
The reected waves (t
) and (t
), however, will arrive later. The
delays between each receiving signal are illustrated in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 clearly shows that, it is possible to distinguish the direct
transmission signal with the others. The direct transmission sig-
nal contains the information needed to describe the gas bubble
The greater the difference in acoustic impedance at interfaces,
the greater will be the amount of energy reected. For the case
of liquid and gas interface, about 99.89% ultrasonic energy will be
reected [20,21]. Fig. 6 shows a gas bubble with a radius of a.
Asmall gas bubble is denedas a sphere witha radius of a where
the circumference of the sphere, 2a, divided by the wavelength of
Excitation Pulses
Receiving signals
Fig. 5. Received signals fromthree possible transmission paths.
Fig. 6. A gas bubble with radius of a.
the ultrasound, , is muchless than1as inEquation1[22]. Knowing
the speed of sound in the liquid, c =f (Eq. (2)) can be simplied to
Eq. (3) where k is the wave number constant [22].

1 (1)
1 (2)
ka 1 (3)
where k =2f/c is the wave number, f is the frequency (Hz), c is the
speed of sound (m/s).
When ka 1, the scattering is strongly dependent on the parti-
cle size for a given wavelength and in this region, the scattering is
approximately omni-directional, and it is known as Rayleigh scat-
tering [23]. If ultrasonic waves propagate ina bubbly air/water with
a wavelength much shorter than the gas bubble radius a, i.e. ka 1,
the diffraction can be ignored, and these gas bubbles will act as
acoustic opacities [17]. This is because when ka 1, the surface
of the sphere appears as a at surface with respect to the wave-
length and the scattering becomes the same as reection from a
at surface.
Based on this approximation, the value of ka =2 can be used as
the minimum value to ignore the diffraction effects in this study.
Knowing the speed of sound in water is 1497m/s [24] and resonant
frequency of the sensor is 335kHz, when ka =2;
= 2 (4)
a =
a =
2 1497
2 3, 35, 000
a = 1.42mm (7)
Fromthe calculation, the theoretical resolutionof the gas bubble
is a minimum radius of 1.42mm or 2.84mm in diameter. There-
fore, when the gas bubble diameter is less than 2.84mm, the sensor
could not sense the prole in the column.
If a gas bubble exists between the transmission paths, the direct
transmission signal will be attenuated. When a gas bubble with a
diameter of d
passes within the transmission path, a voltage loss
will occur at R
. The voltage loss is due to the reected ultrasonic
wave at the gas bubble boundary. Fig. 7 illustrates the transmitted
and reected wave when a gas bubble exists in the transmission
In transmission-mode ultrasonic tomography, assumption of a
linear relationship between the gas bubble dimension and the sen-
sor loss voltage is used [19] where the gas bubble dimension is
proportional to the voltage loss measured at the receiving sensor
[20]. Thus, the gas bubble relationship in this case can be estimated
by mathematical expression depicted in Eq. (8).
= V
where V
is the maximumreceiver voltage (V), V
is the sensor out-
put voltage (V), V
is the sensor loss voltage due tothe d
gas opacity
Fig. 7. A simplied ultrasonic transmission model with a gas bubble.
M.H.F. Rahiman et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 202 (2014) 4652 49
5. The sensing technique
A usual practice in ultrasonic tomography uses a dedicated
transmitterreceiver pair for sensing the measurement area. Gen-
erally, the spatial resolution of a system depends on the number
of measurement collected. The more measurements taken, the
higher accuracy can be achieved, which in turn improves the image
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In order to increase the number of
measurements, a transceiver sensing technique is proposed. In
an ultrasonic tomography system, the sensor array is designed
to ensure optimum coverage of the projection views. Some
researchers use alternate dedicated transmitterreceiver pairs
arranged on the circumference of the column [3,18]. While oth-
ers use fewer projections just enough to cover the measurement
area in order to reduce the processing time [25,26].
Inthis research32sensors areusedtoconstruct thetomographic
images. Each transmitting sensor interrogates with 17 receiving
sensors. Usingthetransceiver sensingtechnique, theinterrogations
were increased to 544 measurements per scan (32 sensors 17
measurements). The projectionis rotatedfromsensor TR1tosensor
TR32 whose transmission is received by 17 active receiving sensors
on the opposite side of the column. This continues until all sensors
have acted as transmitters and the projection is completed. Fig. 8
shows the transceivers projection paths.
Thedual functions givethetransceiver techniqueanaddedvalue
since similar numbers of sensors are used to generate a higher
image quality compared to the separate transmitterreceiver
arrangement. In the transceiver technique, when a sensor is set
to be a transmitter, it will be switched to the transmitter circuit.
The same procedure takes place when it is to be set as a receiver; it
will be switchedto the receiver circuit. The timing for the switching
sequence is very important since incorrect switching timing leads
to false synchronization data.
6. Experiments and results
The experimental arrangement and its physical realization are
showninFigs. 9and10, respectively. Thesensor arraywas mounted
andclamped-onexternallyonthecolumn. Theconnectionbetween
the sensor array and the electronic circuits uses coaxial cables in
order to ensure lownoise connections. The electronic circuit com-
prises a mix of analogue and digital processing circuits. The data
from the electronic circuits is conveyed to a personal computer
(PC) using a high-speed RS-232 serial link.
Fig. 8. Transceivers projection paths.
Electronic circuits
Personal Computer
serial link
Fig. 9. The experimental tomography arrangement.
A number of test proles were used to simulate gas bubbles and
were placed in the experimental column. The test prole consists
of a hollow capillary made from thin plastic material with both
ends sealed to create air gaps (gas bubble model). Fig. 11 shows
Fig. 10. Photograph of tomography system.
50 M.H.F. Rahiman et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 202 (2014) 4652
Fig. 11. Test prole dimensions and their positions in the experimental column.
the test prole dimensions and its position in experimental col-
umn. The data was collected, and the tomographic images were
reconstructed using a linear back-projection (LBP) technique. The
reconstructed tomograms in 2D and 3D views are shown in Fig. 12.
All the test proles could be identied by the tomography
system. The smearing artefacts are quite common due to the back-
projection reconstruction algorithmtechnique. However, the main
concern in this research is the ability to imaging small gas bub-
bles, which are widely found in chemical columns. The theoretical
detectable gas bubble size as computed previously was 2.8mm in
diameter. To test this limit, a test prole of 3.0mm diameter was
put in the test (PhantomA), and the results show that the 3.0mm
diameter prole could be detected by the sensor array. Some
other gas proles were also used to evaluate the sensor array for
M.H.F. Rahiman et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 202 (2014) 4652 51
Fig. 12. Reconstructed test proles in 2D and 3D views.
imaging sparse gas bubbles, and the results obtained are similar
with the phantoms. The gas bubbles boundaries are clearly seen,
and the position and location in the column are similar with the
test phantoms.
7. Conclusions
Ultrasonic tomography was used to investigate a chemical
bubble column. The sensor array was constructed in transceiver
operating mode to improve the spatial resolution. Some theoretical
calculation was carried out to determine the minimum resolu-
tion of the measurement area. The detectable gas bubble size as
suggested by the theoretical calculation must be 2.84mm in
diameter, though it should be much smaller due to the approxi-
mation used for Eq. (3). A number of 10 test proles have been
tested on the ultrasonic tomography system with the smallest
test prole of 3.0mm diameter. The results obtained were rea-
sonable where all the reconstructed proles matched the test
52 M.H.F. Rahiman et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 202 (2014) 4652
proles. The ultrasonic tomography had shown promising results
andtherefore, provides animagingtool for chemical bubblecolumn
The authors wish to thank Malaysian Government for provid-
ing nancial supports under RACE Grant 2013 (9017-00016), RACE
Matching Grant (Q.J130000.3013.00M17), and UTM GUP Grant
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M.H.F. Rahimanreceived B.Eng. (Hons) degree in electrical (control and instrumen-
tation), M. Eng. and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering fromUniversiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia, in 2003, 2005, and 2013 respectively. In 2006, he
joinedUniversiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Perlis, Malaysia, as a teaching staff mem-
ber and at present he holds senior lecturer position. His research interests include
process tomography, sensors and instrumentations.
R.A. Rahimreceived B.Eng. degree with Honours in Electronic Systemand Control
Engineering in 1992 from Shefeld City Polytechnic, UK. He received his Ph.D. in
Instrumentation & Electronics Engineering fromShefeld HallamUniversity, UK in
1996. At present he is a Professor and a Director of Research Management Centre,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His current research interests are process tomogra-
phy and sensor technology.
H.A. Rahimreceiveda B.Eng inElectrical Engineering (Control andInstrumentation)
and M.Eng in Electrical Engineering fromUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1998 and
2000, respectively. She received her Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Universiti
Teknologi MARA, in 2009. At present she is an Associate Professor at Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Her current research interests
are sensor technology and articial intelligent system. She is a senior member of
the IEEE, a Professional Engineer, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), a corporate
member of the Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and Chartered Engineer of the
Institute of Engineering and Technology.
E.J. Mohamad received her B.Eng. degree with honours in instrumentation and con-
trol in 2000 from Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia, MEng and Ph.D. degree
in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2005 and 2012
respectively. She is currently a teaching staff member at Universiti Tun Hussien
Onn Malaysia. Her research interests include process tomography, sensors, process
control and instrumentations.
Z. Zakaria received his Master of Engineering in Electrical-Electronics & Telecom-
munication Engineering in 2007 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is
currently a Ph.D. student at the same university under Faculty of Electrical Engi-
neering. His main research area is in tomography which is focusing in Magnetic
Induction Tomography application in lowconductivity material imaging.
S.Z.M. Muji received her M.Sc. degree in Electric and Electronic Engineering from
Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2004 and his PhD degree in Electronic Instrumentation
at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in2012. She is currently a senior lecturer at the Fac-
ulty of Electric and Electronic Engineering at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
focusing on Optical Tomography and embedded systemapplication.

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