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The Man who Could Control Time

Copyright 2014 by Chawnaw Hershel Kahn

Also known as Jerey H! Kahn
All rights reser"ed
#len $hillips %ussman sat in a prison bus &hained to the prisoner seated ne't to him!
('&ept or the "arious eatures o the stone silent a&es o the tra"elling inmates e"eryone looked
the same dressed in their drab green uniorms! )ou &ould smell the ear emanating rom him as
he tried to a"oid the stares o the elons* thie"es* rapists* e'tortionists and murderers who had
heard a poli&eman remark as #len entered the bus that he had killed twenty+two &hildren and
buried them on his property* a small house in the ba&k woods o the suburbs o %eattle! ,(n-oy
your trip./ The poli&eman said sar&asti&ally winking at the other &on"i&ts ater he inally sat
down! %itting ne't to him was a large mus&ular white man de"oted to brutality with a ragged
beard and tattoos up and down his body as a sign o his independen&e rom so&iety! His
appearan&e made him look like the guardian o hell! This prisoner kept elbowing him hard e"ery
&han&e he got &reating terrible bruises on his let arm! He whispered o"er and o"er again to #len
en-oying the sound o his words* ,)ou0re gonna die./ He snarled a &ruel sound* almost like a
laugh o someone who knew he &ould predi&t the uture with absolute &ertainty! Then he spit
right on top o #len0s let shoe! #len $hillips %ussman did e"erything he &ould not to &ry* trying
desperately to remember any happy thought at all! His ear kept multiplying1 his imagination
pi&tured all kinds o horrible abuses that he would ha"e to undergo! He stared at the loor o the
bus eeling the "ibration o the tires on the road* e"ery bump* e"ery whir as they sped down the
highway praying or an une'pe&ted a&&ident that might o&&ur gi"ing him a &han&e to es&ape!
The trip was une"entul as they pulled into the 2ort 3i' $rison a&ility in 4ew Jersey* the largest
2ederal prison in the system! The bus stopped! The doors opened! A guard in a blue -a&ket*
white shirt and blue tie* &lothing that ga"e him an air o superiority ordered e"eryone o! All the
prisoners &omplied! They were taken to a pro&essing room titled 5e&ei"ing and 3is&harge where
an authority looked o"er his paperwork making sure the prison had a legal obligation to hold
him! 4e't he was shuled o to a pri"ate room where #len was ordered to take o all o his
&lothes demeaning him e"en more! A "isual sear&h was gi"en to make sure he did not ha"e any
&ontraband on him! He was itted with a newly &leaned bright orange uniorm* white gym so'
and a pair o sneakers that were one si6e too big! He dared not &omplain or ear that he would
be gi"en some sort o punishment or put on a list that would ae&t his stay there! A medi&al
do&tor ga"e him a 7ui&k e'amination and asked him many 7uestions to determine i he had any
&ommuni&able diseases! A psy&hiatrist asked him many 7uestions as well! 8ithout being
prompted #len "olunteered that he was greatly araid that he would be killed! To this the
psy&hiatrist answered* ,That is normal! )ou will get used to the pla&e and the routines in perhaps
one year!/ As a &on"i&ted murderer he was gi"en a bed assignment in a ma'imum se&urity
holding &ell that had a stainless steel sil"er toilet and washbasin in the open or e"eryone to see!
His inmate was a s&rawny teenage youth whose glassy eyes bulged* a symptom that many
inmates got rom being e'posed to &ontinuous ear! He didn0t say anything to #len* -ust stared at
him as he &owered in a etal position on the top bunk ne't to a &old &inderblo&k wall! As he
walked into the small room he heard the bars &langing shut! #len did all he &ould not to listen to
the other inmates dis&ussing him and his notorious deed! How e"eryone knew s&ared him! As
he learned on the bus he sat on the bottom bunk and stared at the ground unable to all asleep*
imagining all kinds o horrible things that were going to happen to him!
The ne't morning he was ordered to go to an imma&ulate mess hall that had rows and
rows o tables and ben&hes! Here the inmates 7uietly and routinely waited on line where there
was doled out on a metal trays that &ontained "arious po&kets or ood* s&rambled eggs* toast
with butter* home ried potatoes and a metal mug that &ontained the inmates &hoi&e o milk*
&oee or water! He heard "oi&es surrounding him dis&ussing his ate and the wonderul things
they were planning to do to him! #len stared down at his tray unable to eat or drink! Just as he
entered* he returned to his new home* silent* tired* hungry and rightened out o his mind! As he
and his ellow inmate were about to enter their &ell a guard put his hand tightly on #len0s
shoulder and ordered him to stop! He motioned to the other prisoner to &ontinue!
,8hy &an0t 9 go in:/ #len meekly asked!
,)ou0"e been reassigned to a mu&h riendlier &on!/ The guard said with a smile and
&ontinued* ,He0s waiting to meet you! )ou both ha"e mu&h in &ommon! He likes to kill as
,8hy:/ #len asked ner"ously!
The guard sho"ed #len orward and stated loudly! ,Keep your big mouth shut and
3utiully he walked unsure o what was in store or him! They arri"ed at their destination
and the guard me&hani&ally said* ,;pen <13!/ As the &ell door opened #len saw a =la&k man
who had eagerly taken ad"antage o working out in the gym! His mus&les spoke loudly o a man
who put his trust in his ists! 8hat bothered #len the most was the parti&ularly bad odor o this
man who hadn0t showered in days!
Ater the &ell was shut tight and the guard had let* his new roommate stared at #len and
said as i he were the master o his entire domain with a deiniti"e Australian a&&ent* ,)ou will
not sit* stand or sleep unless 9 tell you to./ Then with a ugly smile he urther said* ,Tonight* we
are gonna ha"e some un* beore 9 kill you./ He paused and &ontinued* ,8hat: )ou thought the
guards here &are about you ater what you done! )ou know what the report is going to say* you
had a heart atta&k! A heart atta&k with your a&e smashed through the bars./ Then he laughed
long and hard!
#len desperately began to speak* ,90m inno&ent!/ =eore he had a &han&e to &ontinue the
=la&k man slapped him hard in the a&e sending #len to the loor now unable pre"ent the tears
rom alling prousely rom his eyes! The =la&k man pi&ked him up holding #len in the air
growling at him and ordered him to stop or he would be killed then and there! The ear was so
great that #len0s mind ra&ed trying to think o a way to pre"ent him rom being urther hurt!
Then something "ery strange happened to #len* a meek small balding man who was unable to
deend himsel! His thoughts &ame aster and aster* e"erything seemed to slow down! The
words o this "i&ious &on did not seem to make any sense! He was able to raise his hands
wat&hing them mysteriously pass through the body o his atta&ker! 2rightened rom this new
e'perien&e* almost as the ear o death* #len elt himsel all* irst through the &ement loor then
passing through three le"els o prison &ells until somehow he landed on the bottom o the ground
loor! How he stopped he did not know! All he &ould think about was es&ape! All around him no
one was mo"ing! #len %ussman elt as i he were a ghost as he ra&ed or the door passing
through it and out into the open area where he walked through the wall and &ontinued until he
ound a &ar parked in the "isitor0s lot with the motor running as he saw rom the ro6en e'haust
as it &ame out o the tailpipe! #len stopped in ront o the "ehi&le and thought or a se&ond that
this would pro"ide him the pere&t means to es&ape! How* he didn0t know* but through his mind
he was able to let the &ar be&ome part o his physi&al reality!
The =la&k inmate suddenly reali6ed that #len had disappeared and ner"ously &alled the
guard o"er! The guard did not belie"e him and es&orted him to be interrogated in a pri"ate room!
A thorough sear&h was &ondu&ted and #len $hillips %ussman was nowhere to be ound! Ater
putting out a massi"e nationwide sear&h or him a street &amera o"er i"e hundred miles away
spotted #len in the stolen "ehi&le! The time that was registered on the &amera was appro'imately
ele"en se&onds ater the guard had put him in into his new &ell as logged in the guard0s daily
%pe&ial Agent Henry 8aters was an e'perien&ed 2=9 Agent who worked on a spe&ial task
or&e prote&ting Ameri&an &iti6ens rom emotionally disturbed people! He sat in his &hair in the
2=9 4ewark* 4J ield oi&e reading the report on #len $hillips %ussman shaking his head in
disbelie! Agent %ally 2let&her was assigned to this &ase along with Henry! %he wat&hed
Henry0s a&e &areully knowing ull well o his e'pertise with the &riminally insane and asked*
,3o you think this was some sort o a magi&ian0s stunt: How else &an you e'plain it:/
Henry stopped looking at the report and said* ,2rom the inormation 90"e been able to
glean on #len %ussman* he has had no interest in magi&* or with the o&&ult! He was a physi&s
tea&her in a high s&hool who lo"ed to tea&h! He turned down a high le"el position with the
2ederal #o"ernment to work on top se&ret pro-e&ts! 9 ha"e an appointment with a leading
psy&hiatrist spe&iali6ing in psy&ho phenomena who may be able to shed some light on this
strange e"ent! 8ould you like to tag along:/
,%ure!/ %ally said bewildered!
3r! %mith looked o"er the &onidential report that was handed to him rom %pe&ial Agent
Henry 8aters!
,8hat %ussman did is impossible./ 3r! %mith stated and &ontinued* ,;r at least 9
thought it was! There is so little we know about the brain and it ne"er &eases to ama6e me!
Many times 9 ha"e ound ater inter"iewing poli&e who ha"e gone through e'tremely stressul
situations* su&h as gun battles with dangerous &riminals that 7uite a ew o them reported to me
that during the e"ent e"erything seemed to go in slow motion! 9 always thought that the body
released some sort o psy&hotropi& hormone that stimulated this rea&tion! Ater reading this
report* 9 -ust don0t know!/
,8hat are you saying:/ %ally asked her &uriosity awakened!
,8hat 90m saying* Agent 2let&her*/ 3r! %mith answered* ,is that either %ussman
implanted a de"i&e in his brain that enabled him to &ontrol time* whi&h 9 eel is highly
improbable due to the te&hni&al &omple'ities and la&k o s&ientii& knowledge a"ailable or else
tremendous ear or his lie &reated a time ield so powerul that he was able to es&ape!/ 3r!
%mith paused letting his words sink in and &ontinued* ,;riginally it was theori6ed that the brain
sent messages through ele&tri&al impulses and the reality o su&h a pro&ess* it was thought* would
not allow the brain to think that ast! 5e&ently 9 read an arti&le about a new &on&ept o how the
brain transmits data! 9t was theori6ed that messages are relayed through audio wa"es* whi&h
would allow the brain to send inormation in&redibly ast! 4ow 90m not a physi&ist* but i 9 may
&on-e&ture rom the &ourses 9 took in undergraduate s&hool1 i he &ould sub&ons&iously speed up
time around him that would in ee&t put him into a "astly di"ergent time 6one* then perhaps you
&ould say he was li"ing in a parallel uni"erse* with the ability to see what was going on around
him* a &ompletely dierent reality that enabled %ussman to walk through walls! The whole thing
doesn0t make sense to me! 9 you are able to &apture him* please allow me to 7uestion him!/
Henry added some important details to 3r! %mith0s thoughts* ,The report stated that
%ussman was transerred to the &ell o inmate 3ingo Manbraw intentionally! 4o one knows who
ordered it and the prison sta is now under in"estigation! Manbraw is a "i&ious psy&hopathi&
killer! 9 know* 9 put him behind bars./ Changing the sub-e&t Henry asked* ,#len %ussman has
always maintained his inno&en&e! 9s it possible that he may ha"e killed all these students rom
his high s&hool and surrounding area without knowing that he did it:/
9nter-e&ting %ally said* ,Maybe while he slept he &reated this time &hange:/
3r! %mith &onidently stated* ,9t is e'tremely doubtul that he &arried out so many
heinous &rimes through his dreams or being unaware and nobody saw him. 9 the ear o going
to -ail did not &ause this phenomenon then it must ha"e been only the e'treme ear o dying that
awakened this new reality! To answer your ne't 7uestion* 9 don0t know i he has the ability to do
this again* but 9 would ad"ise you not to get him agitated and to shoot him with a tran7uili6er
dart or slip some sedati"e into his drink beore you e"en attempt to &apture him* then keep him
The John Adams %enior High %&hool in the suburbs o %eattle looked like any modern
high s&hool* a long one story bri&k edii&e lined with a multitude o windows! %pe&ial Agent
8aters and Agent 2let&her walked through the main doors and up to a woman sitting at a desk
nearby! Her -ob was to &he&k in "isitors! Henry pulled out his wallet with his 2=9 identii&ation
and showed it to her! Ater the ormalities o showing him where the oi&e was Henry asked the
re&eptionist i he &ould speak with "arious tea&hers and students in the high s&hool! %he
personally es&orted Henry to the head o the physi&s department who was in the midst o
tea&hing! Ater lightly kno&king on the door the re&eptionist introdu&ed Mr! #ruber to Henry*
who asked*
,9 am sorry or this intrusion* would you mind answering a ew 7uestions:/
,8hat is this about:/ Mr! #ruber answered!
,3on0t be alarmed* but #len %ussman has es&aped rom prison and 9 need to know as
mu&h inormation as possible about him in order to re&apture him! 8hat do you know about him
as a person:/
3r! #ruber began e'&itedly* ,He0s a super genius with an 9> o"er 2<0. His entire world
re"ol"es around physi&s! He li"es* eats and breathes physi&s and lo"ed to tea&h! 90"e known him
or years! 9 still &an0t belie"e he molested and killed all those students./ An'iously 3r! #ruber
asked* ,Are we in any danger:/
,4o!/ Henry said and &ontinued* ,=ut -ust to be on the sae side the poli&e will be
wat&hing &areully! 9 am sorry or bothering you! 9 you ha"e any additional inormation please
&onta&t me at this number!/ Henry pulled a &ard out o his wallet and handed it to 3r! #ruber!
Henry got the same response rom e"eryone he talked to at the high s&hool! The ne't day
during breakast at the motel* %ally e'&itedly showed Henry the daily newspaper! The headline
read? $%)CH;$ATH9C %(59A@ MA53(5(5 M)%T(59;A%@) %AB(% %A9C93( B9CT9M.
The story read that 8illy 5andolph ater a prolonged attempt by the %eattle $oli&e to talk him
down rom a ledge* -umped rom the roo o a twentieth story building in an attempt to &ommit
sui&ide! 8hat ollowed was "ery bi6arre as he ound himsel alling into a makeshit net that
appeared out o nowhere sa"ing his lie! A note was magi&ally ound in 8illy0s hand that read*
,My name is #len $hillips %ussman! 9 sa"ed your lie! $lease tell the poli&e that 9 am inno&ent
o all &harges./ 9t was signed* #len $hillips %ussman!
,Bery interesting* "ery interesting!/ Henry said thinking deeply into the matter! Then he
looked dire&tly at %ally and stated emphati&ally* ,That was absolutely brilliant* %ussman. %erial
killers do not sa"e li"es. They don0t ha"e the mental a&umen to do so. %o who killed those
students and how do we let #len %ussman know we belie"e him:/
%ally eagerly asked* ,)ou really belie"e %ussman isn0t a killer: 8hat i he is show
boating in order to thwart any suspi&ions against him:/
,2or iteen years 90"e been in"estigating &rimes &ommitted by the emotionally disturbed!
8hat he did doesn0t it the proile o a serial killer./
;"er the ne't ew weeks* in and around the %eattle area* there were many more reports
o people being mysteriously sa"ed by #len $hillips %ussman all o them inding in their
possession the same note!
9t was an early Tuesday morning around C?<0 when Henry re&ei"ed a surprise kno&k his
door! A man in his mid thirties with an imposing D0< igure stood ere&t in the door rame attired
in a proessional bla&k suit and white shirt! The only thing that made him look non&halant was
his open &ollar without a tie! Henry looked him up and down and suspi&iously asked him*
,How &an 9 help you:/
The man smiled and pulled out his wallet out stating* ,90m %pe&ial Agent 5eading! 90"e
been assigned to work on this &ase! The 2=9 in 8ashington has a parti&ular interest in #len
%ussman! 8hat do you know so ar:/
,8hy don0t you meet with me and agent 2let&her or breakast at the motel restaurant and
9 will ill you in! ;k:/ Henry said wat&hing this man0s rea&tion &areully!
,;k!/ Came a 7ui&k response and broad smile on Agent 5eading0s a&e!
8hen Henry was alone he immediately &alled his superior and asked him about the new
agent! The response intrigued Henry!
,9 know nothing about it a new agent rom 8ashington being assigned to help you out!
@et me see what 9 &an ind out!/
Henry walked to %ally0s room and lightly kno&ked on the door! 8hen she opened it he
said* ,There is a new agent assigned to work with us out o 8ashington! The boss knows
nothing about it! @et0s tell him only what we ha"e to until 90"e had a &han&e to &he&k him out!/
,Are you always this suspi&ious:/ %ally asked!
,90"e learned the hard way to be suspi&ious o e"eryone and e"erything and 9 suggest you
do to i you want to sur"i"e!/
As they were walking to the restaurant %ally remarked* ,3id anyone e"er tell you that
you look almost e'a&tly like 3en6el 8ashington:/ Ater Henry ga"e her a look she responded*
,4o* really* you look -ust like him./
At breakast Henry let %ally ill in Agent 5eading with the details that they knew while
he wat&hed 5eading0s a&e &losely! 8hat he noti&ed was that Agent 5eading was "ery
proessional and did not &are to dis&uss small talk! He was a man who knew what his goal was
how to a&hie"e it and he was rigorously o&used on what he was doing!
,8ho do you work or:/ Henry politely asked!
,9 work with a spe&ial bran&h o the 2=9 and that inormation is &onidential! All 9 &an
tell you is that we ha"e a great interest in people like %am %ussman!/ Agent 5eading said and
politely asked* ,9 would like to &onta&t %ussman! How do you suppose we do that:/
,That0s a great 7uestion:/ Henry answered!
%ally 2let&her wat&hed &losely and silently &areul not to interere in the &on"ersation!
,8hy don0t 9 put an ad in all o the lo&al newspapers and the internet seeking to &onta&t
%ussman with inormation that may be helpul in pro"ing that he is inno&ent:/
,That is an e'&ellent idea! 8hy don0t you do it and let me know i you get any bites!,
Turning to Agent 2let&her he said* ,3oes that sound good to you:/
Agent 2let&her knew that Henry had already done that and kept silent nodding her head
The meeting was ad-ourned and 5eading went his separate way ater gi"ing Henry a &ard
with his &onta&t inormation on it!
About a week later Henry got a &all on his &ell phone rom a man identiying himsel as
Tom #orney a reporter with The %eattle Tribune! He said he was interested in knowing what
e"iden&e Henry had in pro"ing that #len %ussman was inno&ent! Henry set up an early
aternoon appointment in the park near the motel where a large array o people spent their time*
&hildren playing on the swings and adults walking around! Henry sat at a park ben&h with Agent
2let&her sitting at a nearby table sipping &asually on a soda with a straw while pretending to read
a newspaper! As prearranged Henry had a white en"elope in his right hand to identiy himsel!
A stranger walked up in ront o Henry &areul to stand at least eight eet away and introdu&ed
,90m Tom #orney! Are you the man that ad"ertised he had inormation that &ould pro"e
#len %ussman inno&ent:/
Henry looked at him and &areully said* ,)es! $lease hear me out* 9 want to help #len
%ussman! 9 work or the 2=9 and my partner is Agent %ally 2let&her who is sitting o"er at the
ne't table!/ Apon hearing her name %ally briely wa"ed at Tom! 9 strongly belie"e that #len
%ussman is inno&ent and 9 belie"e 9 may ha"e a way o pro"ing it! 9 am not here on tri&kery or
mean to do #len %ussman any harm! May 9 e'plain why 9 belie"e he is inno&ent:/
,#o on!/ Tom #orney said &autiously looking around!
Continuing Henry said* ,90"e been with the 2=9 or a long time now and spe&iali6e in
&at&hing psy&hoti& killers! #len %ussman does not it the proile! 9 was &on"in&ed o that when
he began sa"ing the li"es o people! 9 want to help him!/
,8hy are you telling me this:/ Tom #orney asked!
,$lease don0t lea"e ater 9 tell you why!/ Henry said and &ontinued* ,=e&ause you are
#len %ussman* 9 re&ogni6e you rom your pi&ture! 8ill you allow me to &ontinue:/ Henry
waited or the response and ater a slight nod o #len0s head he said* ,9 know that you don0t trust
me and 9 don0t blame you* but 9 am the only person that is able to help you! Here is my thought
on the matter! ;"er an eighteen year period high s&hool student boys rom the surrounding area
ha"e been molested and killed! There is a high probability that the man who did this had aids!
8hat 9 need are medi&al re&ords o anyone in the surrounding %eattle area who was treated or
this disease!/ Henry paused and said emphati&ally* He pointed to his &hest poking himsel
se"eral times as he spoke* ,9* 9 CA40T 3; 9T. 9t would take a long time or me to speak to all
the do&tors and nurses and hospital administrators and i the do&tors didn0t want to release the
inormation to me as it is &onidential* 9 would ha"e to get a &ourt order or those re&ords! The
-udge is going to want to know i there is reasonable doubt in order or him to gi"e me the
authority ne&essary to subpoena the momentous amount o medi&al re&ords! 2urthermore* 9
don0t ha"e reasonable doubt./ Again pointing to himsel Henry said* ,9* 9 CA40T 3; 9T! 9
CA40T 3; 9T! 92 ;4@) TH(5( 8(5( %;M( ;TH(5 8A):./
#len said* ,#i"e me about thirty se&onds and 9 will see what 9 &an do!/
=eore #len let Henry added! ,;ne more thing i you don0t mind: There is another
agent that was assigned to this &ase! He is walking o"er here now rom on top o the hill* the
man with the bla&k suit and white shirt! His name is Ale' 5eading rom 8ashington* 3C! My
boss knows nothing about him! 9t would be ni&e i someone &ould get inormation on him and
let me know what they ound out: 3on0t you agree that is a good idea:/ Henry asked!
#len said* ,8ait here! 90ll be right ba&k!/ Then he disappeared beore the startled eyes
o Henry* %ally and Ale' 5eading who was wat&hing &losely as he was walking towards them!
Henry looked at his wat&h and heard %ally say* ,9 think he got the hint./
Almost i"e minutes later #len suddenly appeared with a older and handed it to Henry
who asked*
,8hat took so long:/
#len replied* ,Can we talk pri"ately:/ 4ot wanting to say anything in ront o Agent
5eading who had been 7uestioning Henry about the e"ent!
8hen they were alone in Henry0s motel room #len said* ,9 went to the 4%A building in
Maryland and looked up some inormation on one o the &omputers! 9 am a law abiding &iti6en
and ha"e not done anything like this beore! Am 9 going to get into any trouble:/
,8as the door open when you entered:/
,3id anyone tell you to lea"e:/
,3id anyone tell you not to use the &omputer:/
,9 would ne"er report it that you broke any laws! 8hat did you ind out:/ Henry asked!
,8ell!/ #len began* ,There are thirty i"e men in this "i&inity who ha"e &ontra&ted aids!
Three are dead in&luding a man who li"ed less than a 7uarter o a mile rom me! Coin&identally
he died on the day that 9 was arrested!/ $ointing to the older #len said* ,9n there you will ind
absolutely disgusting pi&tures o unortunate &hildren who were murdered that were taken rom
the &omputer o the man li"ing ne't to me!/ Changing the sub-e&t #len asked Henry* ,%o how
are you going to e'plain how you got hold o this inormation:/
Henry smiled and answered* ,An inormant ga"e me this inormation! =y law 9 don0t
ha"e to re"eal my sour&es!/
,;ne more thing!/ #len said* ,Agent 5eading is not his real name! 9 pi&ked his po&ket!
His real name is John Merry and the 4%A &omputer identiied him as being with the C9A!/
,He wants to re&ruit you!/ Henry said and &ontinued* ,How about -oining the 2=9
instead and working with me! 9magine how many li"es you &ould sa"e* stopping terrorist threats*
gi"ing &hildren an in&enti"e to a&t properly. 8hat do you say: @ook* hear me out! 90m going to
&lear your name* but e"en so e"ery &ountry in the world is going to want your help* they may
e"en want to kill you or their own se&urity! ("en i you don0t want to -oin us 90ll tell you what 9
&an do or you! 8e &an ake your death* gi"e you a new identity* and erase all re&ords o you! 9
&an ind out mu&h easier than you where your re&ords are and take &are o them! 9 would do this
i only you would -ust keep in tou&h with me!/ =e&oming serious Henry &ontinued* ,#len* you
know you &an0t go ba&k to tea&hing anymore without &hanging your identity and besides with an
2=9 badge you0ll ha"e the prote&tion o the A% #o"ernment as well as a good salary* more than
you are making as a tea&her* great beneits* and 9 am sure 9 &an get you set up in a lu'ury
apartment in the &ity o your &hoi&e! All 9 ask is that you think it o"er! 9s that alright with you:/
$ausing or a ew se&onds #len responded* ,9 reused to -oin a spe&ial 2ederal
#o"ernment physi&s resear&h team* be&ause 9 didn0t want the stress! 9 really like tea&hing and
the ae&t that 9 had on the students* inspiring them to be&ome physi&ists!/ Then thinking briely
#len said* ,9 don0t like "iolen&e and lead a solitary lie!/
Henry responded 7ui&kly* ,9 know* 9 know and 9 assure you that you will not ha"e to
&arry a weapon or will be put in any harm0s way!/ =e&oming reassuring Henry loudly stated*
,#len* what are you worried about* you &an &ontrol time. 8hat &an happen to you:/ Then
Henry asked* ,3o you mind telling me -ust how you &ontrol time:
#len began slowly thinking &areully about his unusual git* ,8ell my theory is that my
brain is somehow &reating a powerul ele&tromagneti& ield that surrounds me and any ob-e&t
that 9 &hoose! That would e'plain how my mass is able to de&rease so mu&h that 9 am able to
walk through ob-e&ts as well as e'plaining how 9 am able to &ontrol time! ('periments ha"e
pro"en that ele&tromagneti& energy is not bound by time! 8hat 9 do is similar to the ee&t that
the =ermuda Triangle has had on ships and airplanes* but somehow 9 am able to &ontrol this
ee&t! 9 really don0t know how 9 am able to do it!/ Ater pausing or a ew se&onds and letting
this inormation sink in #len said* ,9 will seriously &onsider your oer! 8hen do 9 ha"e to let
you know:/
Henry said sar&asti&ally* ,Take your time./ He laughed and held out his hand in
riendship to #len $hillip %ussman who took it thankul that his terrible ordeal was o"er with!
The (nd

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