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Objective: you will be expected to understand how the carrying capacity of a
community determines population structures.
LS.7 The student will investigate and understand that organisms within an
ecosystem are dependent on one another
Condct B!c"#$ond
The topic sentence introduces the topic.
There are four sentences that answer the questions in the
background research
(o$)*!tin# !
Before making a hypothesis we read and understood the
direction for the procedure.
I used the If/Then structure to write our hypothesis.
I performed the lab before determining the variables.
The full definition for each variable is copied form the Study
I used the structure of the data table to support me when
identifying the variables.
%eco$d Ob&e$v!tion
I used the data table to record the detailed observations in metric
/$!,'ic!* Di&,*!+
I used the correct graph !circle/bar/line graph"
I labeled the graph with a tile# axis names# and units of measure.
D!t! An!*+&i&
I was able to find several trends by looking at the graph.
I wrote down that some numbers were increasing or decreasing
I identified the carrying capacity of the oysters.
I wrote down why I believe some groups of data are
increasing/decreasing or higher/lower in amounts.
I made unique inferences by connecting the background
research with the trend in the data.
(Inference - to use what you know when it is not clearly stated)
P$,o&e$ The purpose of the lab is to investigate_________________________
__________%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!type of data collected"
to show%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!main idea from background research"
B!c"#$ond In-o$)!tion$ Without coping from the book:
)!"plain the difference between mutualism, commensalism and parasitism
(T# p$ %&')(W# p$ ((&-()*)$
*) +ow do these relationships help to create stable populations within a
community, (T# p$ -*%--*&) (W# p$ (.(-(..)$
() +ow do limiting factors help to create a stable carrying capacity (T# p$ %&)/
p$ %''-%&(),
)) 0escribe the characteristics of the kingdom and phylum where you would
find oysters and mussels$
#e sure to focus on your writing style and not simply answering the 1uestions$
(Must be 2 paragraphs 5 sentences each).
H+,ot'e&i&$ !If the _______________________________ (I2) then the______
______________________________(02) will %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Set 0, 1P!$t I2 3 M!te$i!*&:
Set 0, 1P!$t II2: Worth 15 points
De-ine and Identify the Independent &ariable$
De-ine and Identify the 'ontrol$
De-ine and Identify the (ependent &ariable$
De-ine and Identify the 'onstants$
). Begin by writing the prompt for your title$ *The purpose of the lab is to
investigate+, -ou may come back to this after completing the data
.. /ext# completing the Background 0esearch.
1. Then# read through ALL the 2rocedures to understand the purpose of the
lab before completing the hypothesis. Then attempt to create a
3. 4fter that# write the definitions for your I&/(&/'onstant/'ontrol.
o 5eave room to come back and indentify the variable.
o 6se the definitions for the Scientific 7ethod Study uide
8. Begin by graphing the *Stable 9yster 'arrying 'apacity 2opulation.,
o :hat type of graph would best show change over time;
<. (etermine the carrying capacity of the stable oyster population.
o (raw a line through the middle of the *S=curve, created at the end of
the line graph. !>ollow the example of the graph of page !<?3".
@. /ext# graph the data in the second data set# *2opulation affected by the
introduction of Aebra 7ussels.,
B. 4nalyCe the trends. !See (ata 4nalysis Section".conclusions on how you
believe other invasive species affect stable community populations.
o The carrying capacity is the healthy population of an organism that is
determined by limiting factors !TB p. <?D".
o Aebra 7ussels were accidentally introduced in the waters of the 6nited
States from southeast 0ussia. In 0ussia Aebra 7ussel populations
are stabiliCed because of predatory crabs that eat them. In the 6nited
States this crab does not exist and therefore the mussel population is
able to grow uncontrolled.
?. Inferences$ 9ysters help to clean the bay of pollutants and toxic material.
o 9ysters suck water into there bodies and filter the water by trapping
harmful contaminant. 9ysters then release the newly filtered water
back into the bay.
D!t! T!b*e$
St!b*e O+&te$ C!$$+in# C!,!cit+ Po,*!tion
)?8? )?<D )?<. )?<B )?@. )?@. )?@3 )?@<
)D38 )138 )<8B )?@8 )?.1 )?B) )?)? )?@3
Po,*!tion !--ected b+ t'e Int$odction o- 4eb$! M&&e*&
)?@B )?BD )?B. )?B3 )?B< )?BB )??D )??.
)?13 )?B? )?.3 )B38 )<8) )D@< B<@ 831
38 .?B 8@< B.3 )3.1 )B1< ..D@ 138<
D!t! An!*+&i&:
)" 0ewrite the 2urpose
." Is your hypothesis correct;
1" (escribe the data in the data table.
Example: (from Onion Root) The data shows that Interphase had the greatest
number of cells with 2 out of !" total cells#
Example: (from $attling $ea%) $ased on the data& the '(tined for%bird increased in
3" (escribe what the trend you see# what differences you noticed and anything
standing out on the graph.
Example: (from Onion Root) )fter examining the graph& the data shows that o*er
half of the cells were in Interphase#
Example: (from $attling $ea%) If the data is extrapolated the '(tined for% will
continue increasing in population while the + and 2(tined will continue decreasing in
8" -ou must clearly state your inference as a unique conclusions about why this
occurred by revisiting the B0 !background research".
Example: (from Onion Root) ,-) must be copied during Interphase causing it to
be the longest stage# Therefore more cells were found in Interphase which is
supported b. information written in the bac%ground research#
Example: (from $attling $ea%) The '(tined for%bird shows how birds with traits
that are better suited for en*ironment become a large percentage of the population#
)ccording to the bac%ground research this pro*es ,arwin/s Theor. of natural
selection which states that species better suited to their en*ironment sur*i*e and
(Must be at least 2 paragraphs 5 sentences eac'"
Describe the type of
data you collected
(use the data table for
Describe 3 thing that
stand our in the data
Describe the trends
(patterns) that formed
in the data
Main Idea #1 from the
Background Research
Main Idea # from the
Background Research
Inference! "onnect
the #rends in the data
to the Background to
create a $uni%ue
conclusion& (see

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