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Assessment task - Learner guide

CUS30109 Certifcate III in Music

Assessment task name: Use Techn!g" in
T#& Task cde: M#AS11'
Student &ame:
(me Sch!:
)ate Su*mitted: + + ,013
Task Description
A s$t-are" is designing an n!ine game ca!!ed The /u.iter 0ars% -hich
re1uires smene t create t- sundtracks and enhance it -ith techn!g" t
cntri*ute t the md and .ssi*!" the str"!ine2
The *rie$ re1uires "u t create the $!!-ing:
An instrumenta! cm.nent using MI)I instruments and a se1uence $
!.s t *e used as the .rmtina! sundtrack -hen the user 3isits the
-e*site4 and
A sundsca.e using 3arius 56 t create a md and intrduce a character2
In the .rcess $ creating this musica! scre4 "u are t *ecme $ami!iar -ith the
re!e3ant techn!g" "u ha3e a3ai!a*!e in "ur sch!4 .ractice using the $eatures
and 7cm.se8 music $r the *rie$2
9ur teacher -i!! *ser3e the de3e!.ment $ "ur ski!!s and "u -i!! need t
.er$rm "ur -rk t the c!ass2
Unit(s) of Competency addressed:
CUSM#5,0,A : Incr.rate music techn!g" int .er$rmance
T#& ;<=SI>& 1321 M>)I5I<) 09-01-13 ? #@9 Media #t" Ltd
CUSM#5,0,A +01 : <A.!re the .tentia! $ techn!g"-*ased e1ui.ment
CUSM#5,0,A +0, : Maintain and care $r e1ui.ment
CUSM#5,0,A +03 : Use music techn!g" t enhance .er$rmance
Assessment Overview
9u -i!! *e re1uired t:
12 #artici.ate in c!assrm acti3ities
,2 Cm.!ete t- T#& eAercises : T#6,BA and ,BC
32 #er$rm at !east ne -rk t the c!ass
Assessment Detail
>*ser3atin *" the teacher in a c!assrm setting:
12 9u -i!! ha3e:
)iscussed the a..r.riate .ersnne! engaged in recrding at a studi
r using digita! e1ui.ment t enhance a musica! .er$rmance2
#ractised using techn!g"-*ased e1ui.ment in the c!assrm and
tested -a"s $ creating sund $r cnsistent resu!ts
=es.nded .siti3e!" t $eed*ack $rm the teacher that has enhanced
"ur ski!!s
Cared $r4 m3ed4 used and stred re!e3ant e1ui.ment secure!" and
Ad3ised the teacher r the trainer i$ there -ere .r*!ems -ith
Ceen in3!3ed in maintaining and c!eaning e1ui.ment as re1uired
,2 Acti3it"
Students are t cm.!ete 3 acti3ities that in3!3e using techn!g" in a
music-making r recrding en3irnment
Cm.!ete T#6,BA : Using L.s and Sam.!es
Add , MI)I .arts t the utcme $ T#6,BA
Cm.!ete T#6,BC : Musica! Sundsca.e
32 #er$rmance
9u are re1uired t .u*!ish their creatins as a digita! f!e r n C) and
.er$rm at !east ne t the c!ass2
T#& ;<=SI>& 1321 M>)I5I<) 09-01-13 ? #@9 Media #t" Ltd

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